PAGE FOUR :THE M I C--H U CAA N- D .A I L-Y . PAGE FOUIVA a i aM a I IOMfa~ .w s Published every morning except Monday 9 during the TJnersity Year by th Board int Contaol of Studen Publication. Member of Western Conference Editarlal Association. The Associated Press isexclusively entitledt to the use for republication of all news dis- Yatches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published1 herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post. soaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.0s; by mall, $A:%O. 6ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May lard Street. Phoes: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2ts4. 7 EDITORIAL STAF, Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman........George C. Tille City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg News Editor................Donald J. Kline S orts Editor.......Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's 'Editor ....... ...Marjorie, bllmer Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.... Robert J.Feldman Night Editors--Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilda Gurney William Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce JManley Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Barc Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Ni oh Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham ArthurJ. Bernstein h Pierce S. Beah Conger ictor Rabinowta .CoolDJeannie Roberts Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruswitc Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprow Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swao Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer Tack Goldsmith MargaretaThompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Coverima Robert Townsend Mararet Harris Elizabeth Valentine 7. Cu-a Kennedy Harold . Warren, Jr. Le . G. Lionel Willens usel l McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimi BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER ti A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising............T. Hollister Mbley Advertising ............Kasper H. Halverson Service .................. George A. Spater Circulation................eJ. Vernor Davis Accounts...................John R. Rose Publications............. George R. Hamilton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assistans James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir Robert Crawford George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton Norris Johnson Joseph Van Riper Carles Kline Robert Williamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff. Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Laura Codling Alice McCully Lrthel Constas Sylvia Miller Sosephine Convisser Ann Verner ernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese Hortense Goodiig THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 Night Editor-DAVID M. NICHOL POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY. The sad plight of Detroit's mu- nicipal government calls to mind a conviction of some years' stand- ing that popular sovereignty is failing to justify its reputation as the acme of governmental perfec- tion. It is apparent in Detroit as in Chicago, Philadelphia, and doz- ens of other municipalities, that somehow the wrong element in the population has secured the politi- cal hegemony. While thesubstan- tial, respectable citizens are intent on their own business or profes- sional careers, the second-raters, the people who never seem en- tirely above suspician as sharp or shady dealers, seize the reins of municipal authority. Many of our governing bodiesC have become mere caricatures of what the constitution framers in- teinded. Political control seems to have passed from the people into the hands of professional politi- cians who carry elections by weld- ing poolroom loafers and their ilk into compact minorities. These solid blocks of votes are the boss-' rules "machines" made notorious by Tammany Hall in New York, the politics-for-profit outfit of the Philadelphia Vares, the Thompson- Crowe bludgeoners in Chicago, and the promising organization that John Gillespie was whipping' into shape just as the lid blew off in .Detroit. The cruix of this unwholesome situation goes back to a funda- mental error imbedded in the Un- ited States constitution and pious- ly mouthed ever since by us who reside under the star-spangled! banner of freedom. All men are created free and equal, wrote the fathers of our country. Biology, amply surrounded by experience and common sense, has lone since exploded this prime tenet of our political faith. We now know that the man who sweeps streets, hauls garbage, or promotes dens of vice tionately much less. This unwise equality of suffrage gives the dem- agogic professional his opportunity to exploit voters of low intelligence or morality for his own purposes. The solution seems to be a re- turn to the practice of those same fathers of our country who wrote universal freedom and equality in- to the Constitution. In their several states, they placed stringent quali- fications on the right to vote. Re- ligious tests, educational tests, and above all, property ownership were' made perquisites of suffrage. These precautions were taken against the political ascendancy by the moron,, criminal and near-criminal classes.' Today it would require almost a revolution/ to restore such safe- guards to our political machinery,, but the future is not without hope. The respectible citizenry, when thoroughly aroused by extreme po- litical rottenness as in Detroit, can usually assert itself in the name of ethics and justice, and restore good government and order. 0 01 Editorial Comment A DUEL STILL POSSIBLE? Reports that the police broke up a recent duel in the town of Mis- koloz, Hungary, has tended to re- call many of the famous fights of the days long past When a male .. lkw o l z d f U I f r 1S t t s t entrant to and" had scars. It that after could still istered as A.....r the "Upper Ten Thous- to show at least three? scarcely seems possible all these years there be a duel, and one reg- the "judgment of God." among the more famous en- counters in the days when dueling was a habit in Budapest is record-! ed the duel between Count Victor! Zichy-Ferraris and Count Stephen Kardyi. The former fought to re- tain his social standing after hav- ing been ruined financially in a bank scandal. The Budapest no-! bility registered the encounter as a "judgment of God," whether or not Count Victor's death was due to his guilt or to his awkwardness with the pistol seems to be aside from the point, at least as far as records are concerned. Victory in duels doesn't always! go to the strong. Sometimes half blind men have shot accurately,' and then again novices have oc- casionally defeated fencing experts. A certain Count Stephen Kezlevich was defeated by a young deputy who had never handled a sword till he waschallenged.j Finally duels became so common' that even the romantic Hungar- ians became worried over the loss of life. In 1834 Baron Nikolaus re- fused to ,settle an affair of honor with ' swords or pistols, and as a result was boycotted socially. His statements that his life belonged not to himself but to his country made a lasting impression, and his revealing more than one thousand deaths as a result of some twenty; thousand duels recorded in the court books, made"many opponents to the ancient custom. Finally duels have given away largely to the "courts of honor," where impartial judges assuage wounded pride. Although the ro- manticism may be gone, it is un-a doubtedly true that one's life is safer in Hungary today as a result ,of the prohibition of duels! -o - I Campus Opinionj Contributors are asked to be brief,! I confining themselves- to less than zoo worfs of possible. Anonymous o.'- munmcations^wi be disregarded. The names of communicants '+ ill, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daqily.7 SYRIA A REPUBLIC. To the Editor: According to late dispatches, France has granted Syria complete! home rule status. The only Arab state that remainsa governed by a foreign parliament is now Palestine. So naturally all! the Arab attention is focused upon it now. This leaves us wondering! what will Great Britain do with those Palestine Arabs who are con- sidered as the most unified and the most advanced of all the Arabs in the other states. An Arab Student.I Inasmuch as several recent 1 communications to The Daily have been received annony.- mously, the occasion seems ripei to call attention to the insis- tance of the editors that articles and letters for the Campus Op- inion must be signed. If the AST RLL Music and Drama ANTIGONE: Throughout the rest' EXP SED! of the week with matinees Thurs- day and Saturday at 3:15: evening Dear Readers: I at 8:15. No one has introduced the new 1 -- Rolls editor to you yet. As one of STUDElT PLAYS. A Review. the old stand-bys, I believe it our Mr. Quinby, speaking for the iuty to review the outstanding facts of his life for you.judges last night, confessed to the He wrote some of Rolls last year same wavering of decision that, under a different name than Dan from talk, seems to have been Baxter. I present. in the minds of the three He is the notorious enemy of the j large audiences that have seen theI Rover Boys. bill of student one-act plays pre- He has proved his capacity for I fun and joking. Once he was al- sented by Play Production. Robert most arrested for throwing large Skidmore's Lassitude and Mrs. spikes down to the sidewalk from Smith's Wives-In-Law, strikingly the top of a ten-story skyscraper. different in character, both seemed More illuminating facts next to deserve the encouragement, Isuch as it is, that first prize af- tie.Eme. fords. The- judges finally chose Mr. ROLLS WEEKLY SUGGESTION. Skidmore's Lassitude. The decis- Go early to the Michigan some ion was interesting because at the day-that is, some day when you're play's reading in Prof. Rowe's class going to the Michigan anyway if and at the time of the preliminary you ever do, and see what a thrill productionI think most of us fa- it is to be allowed by the keeper vored Mrs. Smith's play. A strik- of the sacred portal to choose for ing ingenuity of plot and writing yourself which aisle you are to sit striking enough to sustain the on. I did it the other night, and rythm of revelations which the I wish to state that it's a feeling plot produced made its appeal im- that doesn't come every day. mediate. In the mouth of a delight- .:fully blackguard of a woman Mrs.! Well, Boys, I went to Anti- Smith managed to strike lightly gone as I promised. Anything 'and forcefully at various types of to please my public. I think I sentiment from adolescent love to will be wisest to be content orange shirts. It was good writ- with saying that I was impres- ing, definitely, better than any- sed by everything but the clas- thing last year. sical dancing. That was a trifle Yet I think production last night over my head I'm afraid. How- probably proved Lassitude a some- ever, as a charter member of what more important achievement. the Hoi Polloi, (that one is to Mr. Skidmore was working on the lend the Greek atmosphere) I naturalistic plane where excellent ought to be privileged to fall writing means not only fine in- down somewhere on my appre- genuity but sound characteriza- ciation. All fooling aside, I tio. The good production his thought the whole thing was play received last night revealed well done and worth seeing. All excellences in his writing-excel- in all, I advise going to see it lences relevant to character-draw- -and if that doesn't wreck the ing-which hadn't appeared in the show nothing could.-DAN. reading or initial production. His AC bold conception of deliberately AMONGST THE CLASSIFIEDS. juxtaposing comedy in the tragic NOTICE - Canoe in storage. setting and mood he opened with Broke. Pay half of season's stor- (a conception that had been quib- age, paint materials, and use until bled about and called superimpos- school is out. mg and disunifying in class dis- No thanks, if there's any one ( cussion) was proved brilliantly thing I think I can't afford to plausible last night by the domin- pay for at present, it's the ating presence of Florence Ten- privilege of using a broke ca- nant. Mr. Skidmore dared work noe. with,, commonplace people and commonplace emotion; the con- AI, A CONTRIBUTION. sistenitSkill of his realization did Dear Dan: A filler on the Wo- not come completely clear until man's page yesterday gives me an last night. idea for improving Ann Arbor. Said All of which proves something the item: "All business was sus- that all three playwrights would pended for a day recently at Mul- agree with me in calling more im- linsville Kas., while the residents portant than the awarding of the improved the cemetery." Anyway prize: the absolute soundness of it must have eased up the work for the project which last night's pro- the census takers. ductiohc doncluded: the project of Jasper. co-opertive effort towards a Dear Jasper: If I am correct sound tradition of all-student dra- in assuming that the idea you ma at Michigan. got from this article was to The productions given the plays plant some Ann Arbor citizens last night were very adequate. Mil- in a cemetery, it sure would be Idred Todd was outstanding in a great improvement. Three A Day as the small-time DAN, actress coming to a decision about making big-time by dangerous I discovered yesterday afternoon methods and then sentimentally quite by accident that an amusing reverting. She gave conviction to form of entertainment for rainy a not too easy part. John O'Neill afternoons is looking up telephone and Ruth McCormick,, playing a numbers of personal friends in last' chorus, horsed their parts obvious- 1 years' Directory and calling them. ly rather than subtly, and proved i The more often you call the same annoying rather than funny. number and insist that the person There were definite flaws in the you're calling does live there, the production of Wives-In-Law that ' more riotous the merriment be- somewhat minimized the appeal of comes until-it is likely to land you ithe play. Mrs. Galloway, I think, in a cell for a week or two -for us- misinterpreted nearly all of Mrs. ing the wrong sort of words over' Smith's temps, taking the frequent the phone. ironic self-dramatizations a bit too nervously and hastily. They ROLL'S POET'S CORONER. weren't as pointed as they should I Hmmm, things are certainly have been to the audience's re- looking up. Here is a chance, to! sponse. An impresion in the wo- print my first contributed limerick.; man of cool, planning reserve (of a, I had about given. up in despair. woman who would point, in fact, This is indeed -a happy day. was pointing herself to an audi- A dumb engineer from Mystem ence) would have done more jus- Thanks God for the swell honor tice to Mrs. Smith's character and;[ system. would have better realized Mrs. Remarks to the donor':- Smith's writing. Lynne Adams in- The profs. have the honor, terpreted the flighty girl's pathetic The students, you know, have path from indignation to pleasant; the system. i excitement at her new hat pleas- [ Jumbo Bunko. ing someone very intelligently. Harry Allen, directing the produc- Dear Dan: It is rumored that the tion of this play, got considerable CC headline "LANTERN NIGHT ALL more movement than did the pre- WET" was to have surmounted the vious director of it. He effectively story concerning Tuesday night's circled the Woman around the girl colorful performance at Palmer in various chairs.IC Field, but fear of prohibition agents Lassitude received a very fine swooping down on subsequent cer- production, directed by Miss Gert- einonies caused a change in the rude Hicks. Florence Tennant, as C wording. I have suggested, unified the play At that the Junior women were in spite of comedy's threatened in- pooping it up. trusion by a consistent projection Oil I t r. I etTritnr 1217crnnc nlc Yt<