lIf 1.' A VILYj ~U1ThtaU~ThAV IJtAY 2A 14l~O - , -.--- - - , ,.. .. wrrwr+r Now ENTER LC4A9MEE T'Flan, Brooks, Russell, Pottle,, Seymour, Campbell, and- Chiapman Entered. TOL AN DEFENDS TITLE Intramural News j SOGCERCHAMPIONSH-IP 'Cards, RAI=L'ns'~?e, INRiI~m ILH;vI IN HAU" gLTrt[ 9Tigers WnSlugging Match From Browns P, LI i YT J[I FN A1LS ;after winning _ 2 out of their 'last °} : FLYING )CINDERS ~]ANRYNANDGOEGj .DEFEAT TAPIA AND, FEMDEL OF MEXICO (F yAssc td iPrc~s) Frate ernuty Teams "Will Play Final - Game for Title 'Coach. .Steve Farrell, veteran rnefltor.-of -Michi-gan's track .team, announced .yesterday that at least six 4and, possibly seven- members of the Wolverine team would -make the trip to the L. C.-4 A track -meet that -will be held -at Cambridge, Mass.., next ;Friday and -Saturday.f (leading the Wolverine delega- tion,\will -be :Eddie 'Tolan, premier! print man arid holder of the. ,world's record for the 100 yard dash. Tolan will ruin up against, some " good ;competition Ain .this, event and the 220 yardl dash -at theI Harar -meet, ,but, .ang with, Frank Wykoff, he is a favorite to. cop-the two events. Anoth~er Negro athlete, Booker rBrok, will also be a member of the 1 ihgan -squad that will make tetrip. Brooks will take -part in, the discus throw, the event which he-won a~t the Big Ten meet _last weak, *urd the shot pkut. Another Wolverine -weght man to go east With ;the inall :squad will be Holly Campbell, Western -Conference champion iin the haammer throw. Can~pbell -will enter this -event in' the J. -,C_4 A games.1 'Ed Russell andI Dale Seymour, two sterling quarter-milers, will, enter -tat ievent at Harvard. Sey- mour ,-laded first -among the quali- -flers at ,the Big Ten meet last :week, but fell :down to a fifth position in thre finals. Russell's record was re- versed, t-he Wolverine -440 -flash ta-king :second to Walter, of North- western in the finals of the -quar-] ter-mile event. Both of these men were also members of the Confer-.i ence gbanpionship Michigan one- mile -irIay team. The sixth Wolverine to make the -journ-ey east to meet the country's _,~ -track athletes will be Johnny Ptitl, who took a third in the 94e Wt it 'the , Bg Ten meet. Bate. cleared .13 feet in this event, f iig behind MeDermont of bll'lros, who cracked the Big Ten record, :and -Wrne of -orthwest- ern. -Another, possibility to make the trip was Chapman, Varsity }broad- jumper, -who finished second to Gordon of Iowa at Evanston last week:- w.. Spirited and fast team playI marked the first of three gMme .Monday ;Niht. series for -the all campus soccer championship. The South Ameri- ROCKETS ANNEX TITLE can team defeated its Cosmopo--- tan opponent 1 to 0. - Both ,goalies,- Two semithnal baseball -games Guerdia and Axim, displayed their werep-ayed! last night i the =wind-i fprowess by successfully warding ouff u fTeI ,aua poran h a foul penalty imposed upon each fieldof 5te tams huas nrowrambeenu team.elof.5tasha iabencu In the off ensive aspect of the down to two will balanced teamis game Valerde of the South Am r1- which will ineet Monday night "tol can team and Kim of the Cosmo- I decide the chamnpionship. ;Phi 'Sig- politan team were outstanding boths contributing some exceptionally maDa-o hi hryfot-t fine work down field. The play; consecutive -gamne,.defeatinglPi Chif of 'both ,squads is on a high plane 10 to 0. Weiss, Phi:'Sag's pitcher...had and warrants -a large following in the upper hand-all th., tme,tlimit-I their two remaining -games. luig Ph~i Chi'sto four-hits. Final Soccer -Game. I KpaPi oe u et I This; Saturday at3 o'clock a PiKaaPlroe utet team ,composed of p1icked men from Kappa Epsilon 4 to 12 - after -'the; the three campus' teams plays the DKE's had -gone . into t-hc lead' in. Maltese Athletic -Club at South Fer- the seventh. This .was _°a very :well ry Field. This is the final game played ;.gaffe -and the wi-nners and with .Michigan's representative tea inful stengh, ts eamply sh ould give a, very good account of and experience speaking volues th evsintefnlga-e Wl for Coach J ohnstone's work, a " lace, pitching for the winners, r-e- splendidl game should be .in theoffi-j ceived better support than the los- ing.I ers accorded Reynolds. ____ Rockets, independent -basketball 19 games -played, the :first -place St. Louis Cardinals ;fe~l before the timely .hitsOf the -Pittsburgh P1i rates. The fast stepping ProokiVyn -Robins, w whave -won 20 out of their.-1ast 27 games, failed to take advantage of the QCards' defeat and wrem dawned bcy-the mastedfl hurling of 'Bill .Wal-ker of the1 Giants. -The 'St. .Louis . aggregation continuies- to, lead their, secondptwe rivals, Brooklyn by the slim =nr- gi'n .of ofne-half game. {In the American :Lepgue Detrot foutslugged St. L us -In a ,wvid .hit- iug, free scoring orgy by a more ofI6-11. This game marked the parade of -nine pitchers, 27 runs scored, anvd X34 hits were peeled .off loud resounding -bats. Funk, :Har- grave.:,and,-Ri-epounded -out home rins-,for the _Tigers.1 ICleveland twi-ce too? the meas- ure of Chicago's fast slipping -White Sox, -both ties by the 5 margin > of one ruin. The two leading teams, W-tshii-gtoxi and ;'Philadelphia -of the -League mai ntained 'their -pace, when they, defeated New York and Boston, respectively. vvpitchit for any of their tepaliis. Even this 1 vani Ryn, -of New Jersey, and John is somethinag of a rosy dreanm as Doeg, of California, yesterday -cor- other weste-rn ,and -middle v,.estern pleted the conquest of Mexico's ten-k teams arc possessed -of dngerous n Is invaders, in straight set, victor- ies, giving the United States Davis power. Cup teaman unblemished record in Galifrnia wil prest its American .Zone competition. threat to contend Jfor _:. jwi- Storming the net.,at -every oppor- -tunity Van Ryn ;defeated Ricordo ;ih~n ntear the ,top, while -sortiC'Tapia, 20-year-old ace of the Mex- ef the mziddle -wetern gre- l ican contingent, 6-2, 6-3, 6-1. tai:haze to 1) conei n Doeg, the youngest American ;theruning Mw~anappars Davis -cup net man, overwhelmed th e 4ru ieg. pssibility swein Frederick Femdel, 19-year-old Mex- -to~~~~~~~~ :-eth cif1psiiiyi can, 6-1, 6-0, 6-2, requiring but 35 4liis .scction of -the -country minutes for his conquest. r-fter the Maize and Blue ,vie- At the opening of the first match, terry ut the ;Wstern i~onfererrce the _lithe Tapia started off as meet lEst week. dilflnQLS also though he would equal his' feat of ,has :a well-hbalaned Ioam, but last, Thursday, .when he carried Al- Coach Farrells men ;,have ,twice lison, of Austin, Texas,. through a -shown that 'the findians-are U1C five set struggle before finally suec- Isecond-.hest. E'cumbing. With the score at two games ILast wyear the far -west rowon the apiece, however, Van Ryni broke national title for the -eighth time through the Mexican .service, and innine years-whien .Stanford romp-I rushing to the net thereafter rain- ed away ..With -,the :team honors by e hard smashes into 'his oppon-I piling up a score of 45 3-8 points. Ienst's court to run off the set. 'Southern California 'too-k secondt Again in the second set, Tapia Shonors -with 21 points. However ;jumped into a two-game lead. He 'in the meet last year the east was gained frequent applause from the able to . account for .10 of the 15 1small gallery, and proved hzimself individual championships, only the 'almost the- equal of the dark-hairedI -good halance of the western teams Van Ryn at tennis played from the saving :thtm from defeat. back court. t-iJowever this ear east is NEW YORK, May 27-A juy to- -thodacd cla e d W il ia G ib son , fa i- cocddno -more than -three aous boxing ila promoter and former +of the individual titles, the -m anatger of champion Gene Tun- hameoh half mile- and the ney, mentally incompetent to man- two mile run. -r rank -Connor age his affairs. of "Vale iA he ace of -the ham- ________ mer throwers. and should -bring -home afirst forthe Mi. Rus- LIAS SI FIE I sell Chapman of :bates appears I-DVRTSIG to be the dean of the collegiate 1 ,DVRTIIN half , nilers, while Paul Rekers ! j__________________ of Penn State will be favaored. in a NOTICZ the two -mile. -_________________ _____I NOTICE-Canoe in storage. Broke. IAs for the individual -events this Pay half of season's rent and yathe 100 yard dash will prob-' cost of paint ;materials, and use ably be the most spectacular. Frank' thuis paperi.ot. 2x13 Wykoff, Southern California ace, this______p__per._____2 was caught at 9.4 recently without SPECIAL WARM W E A T H ER starting blocks, -and -will reign theI LUNCHEON AT FOREST INN. favorite in this event. 538 FOREST 24! U1 PIANO TUNING,-- ' Phone 6776. Victor Allmendinger. The Stein- way concert artist tuner. Office -at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. 2340 THE STUDENT INN is serving special 35c noon-day luncheon, 1.1:00 to 2:30. 712 Hill St. -Eugene IBetts, Mgr. 2C' -~NOTICE WE .BUY USED CLOTHING 'H. BENJAIN 215 E- Washington Phone 4310 2460 HEMSTITCHING, Altering and Re- pairing neatly done. Miss Lyn- don, 210 S. Ingalls. C FINAL EXAM TUTORING MACK TUTORING AGENCY 310 S. STATE PHONE 79x27 - 1230 TYPING-Theses ,a specialty. Pair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. SAND-Washed and screened sand and. gravel; a11* sizes. Immediate delivery. S KILLIN'S GRAVEL CO. f Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. 0 FOR RUNT NATIONA X,,LEA(QTJ. New York .. ..100:200 000--3 -9 :.1 I ~ ARCHERYI The Detroit Archery Club -will be1 in Ann Arbor this Sunday at 2:301 p.' m. to ,compete with the Univer- -xsity archery club. Dr. Lyman asks tht .'his -en report =for practice this week at the. Field House. 1Tennis Tea m-Clash in Conference__Title Tilt (CWontinued.From Page 6f) probably 'break into the scoring{ column, in the ;person of Captain Rexinger, one of the outstanding jnet men in ,the-'Big 'Ten. ;Purdue will be well .represented by CaptainI Whit a, a consistent and brilliant courtman. Iowa and Indiana will{ not send tea-ms to the titular affair. INDIANAPOLIS, ,May 27-Promo- tion of amateur and semi-profes- sional baseball and the sponsorship of an annual tournament are the purposes of the Municipal Baseball SAssociation of the United States, organized here yesterday. UNIVERWITY, OF HAWAI--- Confident of their ability, the co-eds rifle team after winning on their first public appearance, have issued 'a challenge to 'the members of the male rifle squad for -a match in the near future. champions, came through :and ,an- nexed another major title, -winning the baseball championship 'froml the Buckeyes. It was m1erely a -slug-l ging; match for the Rockets who] wo a'23 to 10. The score by innings: R 1lE Phi, KapPsi 010 000 030-4 7 3. Delta Kap _Ep 001 000 100-2 5 4 'Batteries: Phi Kappa Psi-"Wal- l ace and Phillips. Delta =Kappa Ep-- Reynolds :and Foster. --Il. EJ Phi Chi......000 000 -000-0 --4 3 Phi 'Sig .Delta 02-6.100 100-10 12 31 I ,Batteries: Phi Sigma Delta - Weiss. and Fried. Phi Chi-Albers .and Blanchard. -ElHi:E Pockets -. ...477 020 030-23 20 3 Buckeyes ... 000 320 320-10 15 5 Batteries : Rockets : Abromiwitz and Kanter. Buckeyes: Vale andBlack. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY -"Twin W's" and about 150 .num- e rals for :participation in baseball, hockey, and basketball were award-, ed to Wesleyan co-eds last Tuesday; at the annual Women's athletic. as- sociation *banquet. The "Twin W" is the highest athletic honor- f or Wes- leyan women. Brooklyn CWalker .000 000 :o -1 2 5and O 'F rrell; Elliot. Moss -and Lopez. St. Louit .....'010 A.03 100-5 13 1 Pitttburgh ... 040 -020 20*- 4 8 3 Grab-ws-ki, Haili and - Wison; 'French and .Uarg caves. Cincinnati-Chicago anxd Philadel- :phia-Boston, no game, rain. AMMERiCAN 3: AGUE. First;- game : Chicago.....000 '000 020--2 Cleveland ,. ...10001-001 20*-,3 Henry and' Riddle; Harder Sewell. :9 -l -9 1 anda Second game: Chicago .....000D Cleveland ...:.200 -100 "21-4-- 815 100-402--D1-2 31 1i McKa n, Walsh, Weiland,. Lyons, and .Autry, °Riddle; -JAblonowski,. Holloway, ?Shoffner, Ferrell -and Myatt. Boston .......100 1031 020-'- 10 1 Philadelphia ..000 202 3V-7 10 1 MacFayden, Smith and Berry; Earnshaw, Quinn aand '0ochrante. Washington . .101 -000 230-4 14 z3 New York ....,000 .100, 010-2 -4 1. Jones -and.Spencer; ;Hoyt ,and' Dickey. Detroit....:002:241 :5016.21 --2 St. Louis....000 155 0-11 '13 .0 Uhle, Sullivan. Carroll, -Sorrel]. and Hargrave; :-Kinmsey,, -Cuff man,! Hoishouser, - GrAy, Crowder .and Ferrell.' The . '3 .. * in the box iti' +ONTROL - i- Anniversary Sale Continues With great numbers -tking advantage of these special -prices. Only -the - backwardness of the season has neces- -statedthis .sale to reduce our stocks. In all our 25 years -of -business we 'have never offered such low prices so early in -he meason. It .is your ;opportunity! ~5O.Suits No $ 39.9 FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for summer months. Call Uni- versity extension 631 between 8 and 10 a. m. 23461 FOR RENT-Furnished apartment occupying entire second floor, two rooms, bath, frig daire, com- plete kitchen, cool and quiet. Call 8904. 23 FOR RENT- - Next year-large room with kitchenette $9.00. Doubles and singles $3.00 up. Graduates-b u s1i n e s s women. Phone 7485. 1234 FOR RENT- Furnished house for the summer on Forest, near Hill. Calli-'3204. 6fi12 FOR SALN FOR SALE -- Chevrolet touring. Low mileage. A bargain to drive home in. Dial 21348 or call °1236 Prospect. 12 -FO0R S A L E-Drug business at Pinckney, Mich. Will sell stock and fixtures and rent store. This store has been a drug store for over 50 years and i-s only drug store in 10. miles. 25 lakes with- Iin 5 miles. Mrs. C. W. Barry, 'Pinckney, Mich, 234612' .FOR SALE ON WA HTENAW- Sorority exceptionally .well -fur- nished including rugs, beautiful pictures, silverware, drapes, ex- c e 11 e-n t -bedding, wonderfully Iequipped kitchen with electric I mixer large dormitory, new water softener, steam heat,. seven fire .places, will accommodate 25 girls. Beautifully wooded lot 73x300. -Priced very low. For further, information call Mrs. McHenry with THEYF. A. SERGEANT -CO. !'Office 23259 Evenings =900 2340 WArtED POSITION WANTED-Young man, Iwhite, -want-s porter job in 'Ira- ternity for fall. Willing worker. #Call - 6-374. 234 WANTED-Canoe, 17 or 18 foot,Y 1must -be in .:good condition, cash. Call phone 7265. 234 WANTED -- Companion to tour YellowStOne, Yosemite, 'Los An- gles, etc. Travel cheaply in brand new roadster. Write -Papp, 9303 .Martindale, Detroit. 2346:12 I WANTED- Summer employment. R epresentative -of :Fuller Brush Co., Room -302 'Union today, 9 :to 11 °a m. and 3to 5p. m. 2 I WANTED-Position as hrandy manl around :house and yard, janitor = work. Able and willing. P-hone 6346, 234 WANTED--Opening for .ten .Michi- gan men for -summer work. Michigan .men averaged last year over $60 weekly. Call. D. R. Tobey :6746, 12;30 to 2:00 sand 5 ' to 6 for interview. -61-2 $45 $4O $35 '4 $3595 a cigarette i' DO ONE TilNG, and dolit well." In making carettes, choose the -one thing that counts - good taste-and give-full measure! From start tto finish, that's the Chesterfield story. Good 4tobaccos, skilfiffy blended and crass-blended, e standard Chesterfield method -ppetizing $avor, ich fragrance, wholesome 4sat sfy'ing character. TASTE /. ' .o All with two trousers, in the famuous rKuppe~iheinier .and -Devonshire styles. All wcaves, all colors, all styles, all sizes. Specal-Shrts Onc group of fine quality $2.50 and $3.00 Wilson, shirts, 1-n2Prce The size range is complete. All are in good .colors anid ~patterns. They have simply become soiled from handling. -A wash will fit that. Examples of the savings that await ,you! $1 Ties . . . 89c $6 Straw Hats $5. $1.50 B.V..s1 99c $6.50 Trousers $&5IS WANTED-LMen to 1a11 several -posi- tions with Wear--Ever Aluminum Company. m~at appearance and good ° personality required. Pay at -Fate of $34 per week. Call D?. F. Stoner, 7758. 345612 KELVINATOR We -will -add to -our -organization sever-al -University Men who will be "trained and advanced -as rapidly as they, can qualify. Seven men have just -been ad- -vanced to .the :Kelvinator factory sales promotion department. We handle the local retail sales. If you are energetic and conscien- tious andl want to -place your self in'line for a position paying $300 per month or more, write or see in person Mr. Ehlers, 515 Har- rison "Street, .Flint, Michigan. 345612 - LOST LOST-,Pair of white gold rimed - glasses. Call 21634. Reward. 2. ,,"TASTe - above everything t1 MILD.,.sa-nd 'yet THEY $ATY S~- I 1: ". I