i a r s ' ~ fA, MA 2, 1930 THE MICHTCAN EDATLY P4 4" W'I-wqwWV PAGE FnMV I ', r t 'a ;' i , i { t, y 1 i flflflfl|lA VOCATION MUST BE CONGENIAL, USEFUL, AND PAYING'-SAYS WEAD Head of Library Science Says "Applying this to the library profes- Book Work Fulfills All sion, it can be said that one who I likes the former would be attracted Requiremnets. to the administrative and service' type of work, while those who pre-! " Any vocation or profession, to; fer the latter would be most inter- be satisfying to the individual, must ested in the technical side," Artistic Pageant is Presented fulfill the three requirements of "Librarians have ample oppor-! by Freshmen by Means of being congenial,'being socially use- tunity to be socially useful," she CostmesandDanes. I eanin a airlivng, continued: "Besides the contacts Costumes and Dances. stated Miss Eunice Wead, of the made in the usual type of library: department of library science, while work, there is work with the for-: WOMEN VOTE TO MARCH discussing this field of women. "Li- ieign born, with children, and to a brary work meets these require- limited extent with the blind, hos-j Spirit of Michigan Women Is ments very adequately. It is con- pital inmates, and prisoners." P ,genial if one likes to work with! Salaries paid librarians compare Spwn by Participation books, with people, and if one is fa vorably with those of teachers, in Proceedings. interested in constantly widening and although the vacations are his horizon of knowledge." shorter and hours often longer, "We axe proud of the spirit Miss Wead went on to explain there is ample compensation in shown by the Michigan women in that there are three outstanding the freedom from home work and! going through with the entire types of libraries, namely the pub- problems of discipline. There is lic, the university and college, and more competition in the field now, Lantern Night ceremonies, in spite those libraries devoted to special and as a result, training is abso- of the dinstb im which broke at fields such as art and history. As lutely essential for anyone who en-! the end todf the Pageant," said Miss the aim of a library is to acquire ters it.I Ethel McCormick, of the Physical books, to arrange them so that It is possible in some library Education department~ after the they are accessible, and to get schools to take a year of library Ethem to the right people, there are science after three years of general procession ended last night. The certain types of work which are college work, but the present ten- rain, which had threatened the common to all kinds of libraries. i dency is to require four years of, performance of the Freshman Pa- There is always the administrative such work as the basis of a fifth geant from the start, came down work of the heads of libraries, year of library study after which' branch libraries and departments, a degree of A. B. in library science in showers towards the end, but the service work with the public, is granted. the Women marched through the which involves positions such as "The best foundation for a pros- Lantern procession regardless of that of reference librarian and pective librarian is a general col-I the cold and wet. The crowd of and reader's adviser, and the tech- lege course," concluded Miss Wead.! spectators also remained through- nical work of book buying, cata- "A reading knowledge of French r loguing, and classification. I and German is required, history, out the entire ceremony. j "A writer on vocational topics social science, courses which in- 1 At' the end of the Pageant, Jean has said that in choosing a profes- volve laboratory methods of re- Walace, '30, leader of the Lantern ! sion a person should ask himself 'search, and general survey courses! Ni t procession, spoke through whether he likes to organize per- are strongly recommended. In fact,j thy amplifier, asking the women sons or things," said Miss Wead. j nothing you know comes amiss." whether they wished to march or to postpone the procession until to- Exm TimeLandscape n night. The answer from the .wom- xa e Featured L dsesignng en in the bleachers was decidedly by Social Activities Offers New Honors a ative so the procession took Among Local Groups to Capable Women! rlace as had.lw... be ,en lann. ____ B NUET PLANNED 'RUSSIAN WOMAN POLITICALLY, SOC L TwoClasses Are More Open at Present Than in Days BeforeRevolution. Before the revolution in 1917, Stherewere, roughly speaking, at Informal Evening Scheduled least two different and very distinct i casesof women in Russia," stated{ for June 3, at Palmer Mrs. Lila Pargment, graduate of the Field House. law school at College Raiev, Lenin-, grad and instructor of Russian lit- AWARDS TO BE GIVEN erature here. __"Those two classes were the edu- Gtcated and the uneducated. Women! Anyone Interested May of the nobility and some of those Tickets From Speed- of the middle class went to sec-, ball Managers. I ondary schools and colleges. Those of the lower classes were hardly With the close of the speedball considered worthwhile to educate. season, the spring sports banquet These two groups had absolutely of the Women's Athletic associa- inthinn innm n flected drudgery and inequality. "Since the revolution, everything has been radically changed. Women in all classes have the same rights as men, and actually exercise them," asserted Mrs. Pargment. "Today all the schools are pub- lic and co-educational. Women are in all the soviet's offices, and organ- izations. They can choose any pro- fession and work along with men, For example, Madame Kolontai has been the ambassador both to Nor- way and Mexico. It is remarkable with what speed Russian women have realized the full consciousness of their newt rights and have become able to] perform them," Mrs. Pargment IS EMANCIPATED IALL Y'-PARGMEN T fior to men and were ill-treated, un- til their whole mental outlook re- LEVY, SITTON HEA( Plan Meeting for All Wishing to Write Book or Music for 1932 Play. ALL JUNIORS MAY TRY. At a recent meeting of the cen- tral committee members for the 1932 Junior Girls' play, two chair- men were added to the personnel of the committee. Katherine Sit- ton was chosen as chairman of mu- sic, while Jean Levy will act as chairman of publicity- for the play. According to Emily Bates, '32, general chairman, the remaining members of the committee will not be selected until next semester as work in the other departments will not have to be started until that time. A meeting will be held some time next week for those people who are interested in writing the book for the play, or in writing music and lyrics. Directions for the writing of both will be given at these meet- ings, so it is essential that every one who is interested attends. BETA KAPPA RHO' IS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Byrl Basher, Advisor of Music School Women, Gives Picnic Supper. 11k no ngn common. istated. tion will take place Tuesday, June "The legal rights of women were I "Women who had never left their 3, at Palmer Field house. Contrary limited. They could not vote, and f home village before, today travel to custom, the banquet will not be , the only liberal professions taken miles to attend conventions for formal this year, as the annual ; up by them were teaching, medi- their own sake or as delegates.I installation of officers was conduct- cine, and dentistry. Women often They actually take an active part ed at a meeting of the old and studied law, but it was for their own in the discussions and show a be- new executive W. A. A. boards. interest and not for practicing. wildering amount of information rather. than at the banquet, as in '"Although these legal rights were), and practical common sense. the past. restricted, women of the upper "It is amazing how men of the Everyone who has taken any part class were respected and honored. lower class who never considered in intramural inter-class athletics Indirectly they had a great influ- women as human beings have rap- this year, or who is in any way i ence on the social thought of Rus- idly changed their attitude and look interested in W. A. A. is invited to sia," she explained. upon them as mates and equals. attend the banquet. Awards will j "The status of the uneducated "As far as can be foreseen," con- be given for speedball, there will woman was not only that of a cluded Mrs. Pargment, "within a be point awards made, including slave, but that of an animal. Their short time, women in Russia will the honorary 1000 point "M", and role was to work and to obey at all be as completely emancipated so- the intramural cup will be pre- times. They were considered infer- cially as they are politically." sented to the sorority or dormitory, which has earned the most points Senior Women Asked Argentinian to Make . in intramural athletics. Tickets may be obtained from the to Wear Caps, Gowns Survey of Megaz' nes class managers of speedball who S are Lily Schmidt, '30, for the up-I Today and next Wednesday are Senora Victoria Ocampo, o Ar.- areras team, Dorothy Brzell for Ithelast days on which senior gentina, 'a leader of a group of in- peclsstemDoohyBidzllfo tetellectuals in Buenos Aires, arrived the sophomores, and Jane Fech- women will observe the tradition relentul in thenie, Sarsved eimer, freshmen. Marion Geib. W' of wearing caps and gowns. Thus mae a nysurvey of magazines Senora A. A. manager, will also havea.rThy s ! far this year, as in previous years, ?2cmpo is the authoress of several tickets. . Members of Beta Kappa R were entertained Sunday at a p nic supper given at the summ , cottage of Mrs. Byrl Bacher, adv or of women of the School of M After the -supper a short busin Zho ic- ner vis- [u- ess fo-. esi- ce- znd The freshman class presented one of the most artistic Pageantsj that" has ever been performed, by' means of colorful costumes, ex- pressive 'and well-trained dances,! and 'the ;expert groupings of dan- eers' on the .field. Miss Sylvia Ad- ams, of the Physical Education de- In spite of the approaching ex- "Women are being welcomed in aminations and graduation, varied the field of Landscape Designing," activities have occupied the social says Prof. Aubrey Tealdi. "Every interests of campus sororities. day more women are receiving hon- Sunday morning, members of ors, and achieving success in this Alpha Chi Omega gave a breakfast profession. It is work that never SHAKES Accordin reading o1 similar to Mendelssol Dr. Henryl partment was director of the Pa- j for their seniors with the lower becomes monotonous or tiresome. experience geant, and Helen DeWitt, '33, was I classmen serving. 1 A designer may be called upon to passing th general chairman. Kappa Kappa Gamma gave an travel from place to place, and i Mr. South gav an!trvelfro plce o pace an isLear, gave informal spring dance last Satur- ! constantly making new social con- would be DEPARTMENT OF day night. Large baskets of fleur- I tacts and finding new interests. since that MENTAL H YGIENE de-lis furnished the decorations The opportunities for men and duced, and M N A HYGE Ewomen are about equal. -panies. Fo) HELPS STUDEN TS Ifor the occasion. "T e imot 'of reliabilit proves mu At a breakfast given for the sen- .h motac o rlaiiy proves mu ______ t abreafas gien fr te sn-a cannot be emphasized too much, an artist One of the 'most important de- iors Sunday, Dorothy Touff, '30, It is a characteristic that is neces- gn altt partments of the University Health was awarded the medal given each sary in both men and women. In requires. Sericeis he enal ygine e-year by Alpha Epsilon Phi to thej addition to this quality and herf Service is the Mental Hygiene de- member who has been thetmost technical training, a woman must partment," according to Dr. Helen outstanding on campus during. the have an attractive personality. In Pratt. ' "Contrary to most opinions year. carrying out her work she is ob- it does not mean that a person is Miss Kathryn Clark, of Hastings, liged to live in the homes of very mentally deficient when he is sent , was a guest at the Pi Beta Phi cultured people, and must be able to this department. house last week-end. Tonight Miss to associate with those who are "There'are many problems that Grace Richards and Miss Mary Ju- not necessarily wealthy but de- arise in a student's every day life lian White, '29, of New York City cidedly refined and educated." which he is unable to solve, and will be guests at dinner. Professor Tealdi explained that this department gives the student . Delta Zeta is initiating four; there were few women in his clas- an opportunity to discuss his probe pledges tonight. They are Gale ses now but that the number has lems with someone who can advise Sounders, '31, of Grand Rapids, been increasing, and that it is not him about them." After a student Mildred Drinkhaus, '31, of Detroit, a question of man or woman. It is' has once overcome; his fear of the Betty Sawall, '32, of Grand Rap- ability that really counts. Mental Hygiene department he ids, and Laverne Weigel, '32, ofI often returns of his own accord to Cleveland. i -. seek help in solving his difficulties. Tonight the husbands of Delta For Wednesday and "The Health Service proper is Gamma alliance members will be consistently used by both men and the guests of the house. Thursday women," she continued. Michigan Alpha Delta Pi had as a house women are becoming more con- guest Mrs. H. A. Rider, of Spring- a special group scious of the good of a physical field, Ohio, the sorority's national examination, and are going to the inspector, during the last week. On of Health Service of their own willI Thursday night they entertained A practica to receive these examinations, her with a dinner. H A T Surse will ()o ft0t6.:.Ym 7t)?toto.:>tG .t) t 'Begin at s .,,Sh at"asses;n Dewey Smith's Barber Sh op 0$ ' 00 Free place Special Scalp Treatment for Dandruff' and Unhealthy HairH FACE MASSAGES SOFT WATER SHAMPOO DANA Courteous Service to Ladies and Children -T UAT_ 1110 SOUTH UNIVERSITY lICHTAflDSC1N 1C7 NICKELS ARCADE Sta .: ilit11 [NI f11111111Ullil ill lllltllillilllillllfllllliltlillilll -illllltlllllll Special Selling DRESSES-HATS h te -~ tI 0 A timely event of seasonable apparel c -aa- for S Dresses $10 Printed crepes, chiffon, flat crepe, A sig Shantung-for dress or sport wear. heel Hats $200 ° SPEARE PLAY READ ng to many critics a f Shakespearian drama that given at the Lydia n theatre last night by Laurence Southwick is an equaling if not sur- e production of the play. wick, in reading King an impression which eotherwise impossible, play is very seldom pro- d then only by poor com- r such a play, a reading ich more satisfactory, as like Mr. Southwick can ie power which the play this custom has met with great Itiooks. mmeeting was held at which the f It is my intention, she stated, lowing officers were elected: pre favor.-C "to establish in Buenos Aires a dent, Amelia Perkavitch, '31; vic Many more seniors were seen to'magazine which will be namd president, Dorothy Davis, '33, a wear the graduation garb a week Our America." secretary, Jean Brodbury, '31. ago than the preceding week. As graduation is almost upon us and 111 lI tllllIt1 1111lf11 ll1l1111ttfff|t1lEIIIIIII1 l all its attending activities so near J their conclusion, it is hoped and expected that the graduation class will take part in these final ac-(I tivities. Senior women are urged I . BEAUTY SHOP by Margaret Bush, '30, to appear in caps and gowns today and next1 Permanent $6, and Wednesday. W ve.8.1 With Six Months' Service, or $2 less without service All businets was suspended) i Also 25% discount every Monday and Tuesday on other work day recently at Mullinsville, Kans., = i 1110 S. t"U".Phn 6 while residents improved the ceme- Phone 7561 tery. .il{I lilillil lill{ 1t 111i 11U1111 11{ 11 I AFTER VIVERSIT Y WHAT? l secretarial or accounting 11 prepare you for definite n t. once or with the summer June. ment service. AMILTON 3USINESS COLLEGE e and William Sts. Decoration Day "11 Specials at Special good values for your Decoration Day wardrobe 11 Suits 11 Tailored suits in two three models and I. Coats 16 $2S° $1 75 $25°° $5950 Frocks $167 $2500 $3500 imner $35° le strap in white Louis kid & lII Extra scz Special 0 II