-PAGE FOUR IIHE MTCHICAN flATLY W=Nt SnAok. MAT 19. I'M ' ' YY L' Ll 1V .L:LlJ J..J L]..:. i LYlLl1 4V 1~VV _. ,,, n Published every morning except Monday awring tae University year by thes Board In, Control of Student Publication. Member of Westers Conference Editorial Association. The .Associated Press is exclusively entitled to th.e use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper. and the local news published herein. Entered at the postollice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clans matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscriptiou by carrier, $4.0; by mall, 4-ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- hard Street. Photies: Editorial, 492; Business, 35214. EDITORIAL STAFWr Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman..........Genrge C. Tilley City Editor...... ........Pierce Rosenxberg Nes Eaditor......... ...Donald J.,Kline Sports Editor.......Edward L..Warner, Jr. Women's Editor ............Marjorita Follmner Telegraph Editor....'....Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drana........ William J. Garman Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor... .Robert J Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank 1. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. W1ld# Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bare Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L..Bebymer 'William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein 111gh Piere S~l. Beach 'Conger Vco axwt ohii D. Toa .Coe en Rbertde Helnmas inCe eannie Roberts Hele Doine Joseph A. Russellu Margaret Eckels J oseph Ruwitch Catljerine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs Carl F,.Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart RuthGeddes S. Cadwel Swansoi Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer ack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson mziltyt Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Ggeovermnan Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine tCul n Kennedy Harold O. Warren, Jr. ean Levy G. .Lionel Willens se . McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimit LEGALIZED LIQUOR. The United States Supreme Court has made an important de-, cision in . the history of prohibi- tion enforcement. This august body yesterday upheld a test case in 'which the purchaser of liquor from bootleggers was found not guilty under the present dry law. In! other words, by the decision of the Supreme Court; United States citi-j ASTED;ROL7 Music and Drama I JI - -4" l $Q - . SPENOUCIALI STUDENT PLAYS.1 ANNOUNCE- MENT..I The final event in the process! - Rolls takes this opportunity to of all-student activity which the L.G. BALFOUR CO. 1121 South University FRATERNITY JEWELERS Badges-Favors-Programs Corkey Stanard, Mgr. Burr Patterson and Au1d Fraternity Jewelers-Stationers announce a continuation of the the competition system of contri- butors. The rules for advancement in the work of contribs go some- zens may purchase liquor without thing like the following:. so much as having guilty conscien- 3 accepted contributions ....Cub' ces, for it is "no crime in the eyes 10 accepted contributions, Reporter of the law under the Volstead act." 20 or more accepted contribu- The importance of this decision tions ............... Asst. Editor is obviously in the difficulty which 3 or more refused contributions, it will arouse in future enforce- well, the less said about what ment. More and more involved this makes you, the better. cases will result wherein the de- Along with these honorary titles cision of the court in stating that come some awards of a practical! the purchaser is innocent will give sort to supplement the more in- defendants something to work on. tangible glory of the position. The Even more significant, however, Cubs will receive a beautiful self- is the fact that the Volstead act , portrait of the Rolls artist with which was supposed to put teeth autograph. (See illustration). The into the prohibition amendment, is Reporters and Asst. Editors will the direct cause of this court de- receive autographed one and two cision. The court held that Con- i cent stamps respectively. gress not only "deliberately and j designedly" exempted purchasers fi ini F one-act play contest last fall starts occurs, tonight when a committee! of three judges will attend the pro- duction of the three one-act plays and 'choose the winner. A small reception will be held after the perforrmance, presided over by Prof. O. J. Campbell at which the 1 announcement will be made. The judges that have been invited to attend are George Quinby, direc-i tor of the Town Theatre, Savan- nah, Ga., Daniel L. Quirk, director of the Ypsilanti Players, and Mrs. 1 Raymond Reilly, prominent little theatre actress and producer. The complete view of the cycle- of dramatic production which the I production of student play affords the interested students of rhetoric and, speech department constitutes Play Production's most important activity. So it is climaxing its sea- son this week and next with pre- MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW EUROPE, ORIENT Ga ANYWHERE 1 TRAVELERS HUS. ETC. E. C.KEBER,Steamship Al . 603 Church Street k TYPEWRITERS RIBBONS SUPPLIESE for all makes of Typewriters.t Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures best quality at a moderate price. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 READ THE DAIL) HAVE THOSE THESES AND REPORTS TYPED NOW Finals Will Soon Be Here Want Ads 1111 South University Ave. " Block East of Campus BUSINESS STAFF e - Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager' ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising............'. Hollister Mabley Advertising...... ....Kasper II. ralverson Service................... eorge A. Spater Circulation.. .J......... . Vrnor Davis Accounts........... . . John R. Rose Publications ... ...... ...eorge k. Hamilton - tisiness Secretary-Mary Chase Assistanvs James E. Cargwright Thomas Muir obert Crawford George l. Patterson Thomas MT. Davis Chiarlesu Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton" Norri Johnson Joseph Van' Riper Charles Kline Robert Williamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff.I Marian Atran Mary' Jane Kenan Dorothyv Bootmgarden VirginOi MeConib Laura Codling Alice Aecully Ethel Consta . .Sylvia Miller {osephine Convisser Amn Verner jerniceCGoltser Do-otheaWatermnan Anna Godberger Joan Wiese1 in the Volstead act, but for ten years "has significantly left the law in its original form." Futher than that, the decision stated that "ordinary purchasers of liquor do not come within the purview of the act." In the decision, the Supreme Court stated that the Congress as- sembled which brought the culmin- ation of the prohibition issue to a head with the Volstead act inten- tionally ' omitted anything which would incriminate, the purchaser of liquor under the dry law. "Probably it was thought," the decision stated, "that it was more important to preserve the com- plete freedom of the purchaser to testify against the seller than to1 punish him for making the pur- chase." Thus the high tribunal interprets one of our nation's most frequently arbitrated laws anti by its decision it removes whatever teeth were thoght to have been added by the Volstead act. It not only insures, complete freedom from the purch- aser of rum, but it removes what- ever mental hazard has resulted from the ambiguous dry act. Con- clusively, the decision is a definite blow to thoe who are seeking more rigid dry enforcement and a de- cided victory for the wet followers.I -0- A. Nortense Goodig WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1930 Night Editor: HAROLD O. WARREN UNSMILING CAMPUS POLITICIANS. One aspect of current campus politics hitherto unnoted in thesel columns is the overt seriousness with which many of those engaged in political machinations pursue their antics. Recent campus his- tory, centering around the bicker- ing, ham-stringing and chicaneries of the late election contributes ample testimony as to the purpose- ful, if inane, intentions of some of the participants. It is useless to recount herewith the practices involved in the un- written chapters of that narrative, which may or may not be already. in the way of common property to the, campus at large. By far the more affable view toward the po- litical scene forces one to recog- nize the ludicrous phases of its activity. Serious-minded, heart- bent vote seekers carry on in dead earnest a performance which is farcial to the other 95 per cent of the campus. Seldom if ever would one find such futility arising from their sort of grim determina- tion. A less opaque view, however, would take no cognizance of this child's play, but would regard these political maneuverings as rather vicious than ludicrous. It is easier to become incensed than amused by circumstances which disclosel that Michigan's slight opportuni- ties for student government are in the manipulation of job-seeking, honor-grabbing individuals, who' lose sight of the campus at large, their constituency incidentally, inj attaining their ends.f We are convinced, however, that no amount of Messianic zeal wouldI remove these aggravations, and we d itorial ..omment o o HUMANIZING EDUCATION. (From Yale Daily News) The critics of the American col- cleges fall into two categories: those who know what they are talking about, and those who do not. Un- fortunately, the latter class far outnumber the former, with the result that the general public has anything but an adequate and in- telligent idea of college methods and customs. These uninformed critics would do well to review that part of "Alice in Wonderland" where thie pithy dialogue occurs: "I don't think," said Alice. "Then don't talk," said the doormouse. Dr. Clarence Cook Little, form- erly president of Michigan Univer- sity, and assistant dean of Har- vard, has recently published a book called "The Awakening College" which contains an unusually goodI criticism of collegiate affairs. The main theme of his book is that col- lege authorities do not take into sufficient account the personality and emotional nature of each stu- dent. Dr. Little is particular con- cerned over the inadequacy of the; college board examinations, claim- ing that they do not measure the students habits of thinking, his character, or his emotional make-' up, and stressing the importance of knowing these things before the student is allowed to matriculate.' There is no doubt that Dr. Little' makes a good point. Psychologists. have found that the results of' scholastic aptitude tests, which at- tempt to measure something more than the student's knowledge, are more closely correlated with work done in college, than are the re- sults of college board examinations. To be sure, personality and emo- tionalism are difficult things to measure - even the June-Downey tests for personality traits leaveI I much to be desired. But it seems' only logical that the college auth- orities should have a more definite idea of the individual student's character than can be obtained F,..r.w. -4 ... 4-...a _ .__ 4 _ - _ sentations of three one-act plays and the best long play from com- petition.-_______ ur ~HENRY LAWRENCE SOUTIIWICK.E " p A Review. Professor Southwick closed the LONG DISTANCE RATES series of dramatic readings lastSI night with such amazing maturity i ARE SURPRISINGLY LOW and perfection as to make those wo preceded him appear only in- The representative rates listed below are A Station-to-Station call is one made to Professor Southwick, from years for day Station-to-Station calls and are a telephone number, as on a local call, of acquaintance with its activity effective between 4:30 a. in. and 7:00 p. m. rather than to a particular person. knows his firm, sonorous, flexible You may reverse the charges to your voice so well as to be able to dis- guise the immense calculation that home telephone f you wsh. > went into his interpretation of Frem Day From Day Lean' last night. There was no Ann Arbor A station-to-station Ann Arbor Stationte-Station modesty in his conception of theTo reader's task: he employed all the ALBION----------------$0.50 MILWAUKEE, WIS $1.10 s vocal methods from intoning to B MONRO*-- I oratory, he loaded his phrasing BENTON -ARBOR .95 N with emphasis, forcing meaning iNILES.-90 ROLLS ARTIST- an. erotion to the light and not Ca0 Self Portrait relyin on the force of cumulation, CHARLEVOIX 1.30 OLIVET_.... -I .50 he used at time a very elaborate CHICAGO---. ---.. ..---1.05 P I see that the editorial staff has pantomime and always an expres-CPETOSKEY .... confused the desiie with the ful- sivebody. Yet because of his fine 0PHILADELPHIA PA0 filment thereof again and stated: maturity as an artist he fused this F PIAE H ,R.," TECHNIC TO MAKE highly detailed technique into the FT. WAYNE, IND. .. 70 ROYAL OAK_ .30 h LAST APPEARANCE illusion of spontaneity. It wasGS Much as it pains me, I have to be narvelOus artistry and one would G SALINE the one to put an end to the popu- hope to have an annual Shake- G.SANDUSKY MICH.--- -.70 Iar misconception as to the true speare reading from him as so state of affairs in this matter. The many universities in the country IONIA . ._ .65 TRAVERSECIT 14. promised cessation is of a strictly do. temporary sort. Professor Southwick's intellec-?-___w___--1.10 UTICA,MU ftual gasp of the part of Lear is LUDINGTON ICH40 AMONG THE CLASSIFIEDS. probably not surpassed by any WANTED-Young man of good I actor in the country. He managesri appearance and attractive young the simultaneous process of disin- Yourpcalee well be speded f you giv woman wanted. Can make $40 to tegration and growing majesty of the operator the number of the dis- $60 a week. Part or whole time., understanding and emotion, that' anttelephone. If you do not know Must be willing to work, makes Lear simultaneosly a pa-" ,. Gee! That one certainly { thetic dnd tragic 'figure, with fine the nUmber, 05k '"Information sounded good for a minute, I clarit: ''he very first scene - / but somebody would have to definity a controversial scene in come along and spoil it with a .Shakepearean c r i t i c i s m -- he last line like that. makes completely understandable: *I he plays affection and so engrossedJr ROLLS POET'S CORONER. in its success that Cordelia's re- Say, Amsny, I'm real sorry but Ifusal to take part becomes a shock honest I couldn't print that last i to him; his violence follows and poem of yours. By the way, though, the forces of evil are loose. He pro- if you know any more like that I'll jected the tremendous scene on the be up here in the office around 4 heath with fine feeling for the I o'clock any afternoon. magnificance of the speech and the sublety of Shakespeare's ab- I guess this is the proper place to normal psychology.-W. J. G. make my next announcement. It o isn't exactly poetry, but I think ADAM. -Dri any of the allied arts have a right s A Review. to a little space here. I don't want Whatever the objective drama; to hurt anyone's feelings, however, may be, the Hillel Players present- - so write me if you don't like it, ed such a creation in the dramatic! Delicious and Refreshin, : I won't you, now Fellows? Now for history, "Adam," last night in Sa- the announcement.-Rolls is going; rah Caswell Angell Hall. Interest. to review Antigone at the first pos- in the presentation was doubled I sible opportunity. I probably won't as it both inaugurated the Hillel Your ood a ed be able to say much for fear of Players as experimentalists in the 1 U ' '-' ' ' ' " Antigonizing the column on my theatre with wholly amateurish right, but it will be an absolutely aims and also the first campus pro- -- unbiased review and probably duction of Ludwig Lewissohn's first about as ignorant as most of the I play. sfL others you'll see. Credit must be given for the ;.-,..-4' ambition to experiment, though There was a young girl from the results Were not wholly as sat- :-r:;:; Detroit I isfactory as might have been ex- -":" +; Who at dancing in crowds was pected considering the Player's -Y} adroit. earlier production of "The Pigeon." To the Union she went The fault lies partly with common- Where she got her neck placeness of most of the lines and - bent to a great extent with the Players i 'Till it greatly resembled a for not attempting a greater co- quoit. hesion in the scenes. The episodic Come on now, Fellows, cut out treatment of a play demands more the rough stuff. It's a free country than the mere cohesion which is isn't it? I was just trying to fill the given to it by the author in cen- column. , tralizing interest throughout in one .k **person, and that one person an un- FRONT PAGE NIFTIES. seen one. Real beauty and power,h The front page announces: however, appeared in the sixth MOTOR BAN VALID sense in the really beautiful and ON MEMORIAL DAY. comptent handling of a denoue- I wonder whether the gent ment by Paul and Rosalie Gold-t al that wrote that one ever tried stick. The scene explains, along No matter how busy you are-how hard you to so much as push a motor with the epilogue, the objectivism I work or play-don't forget you owe your- i I i ; a