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May 28, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-28

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} 1890







VOL. XL. NO 172


Dean Cooley to Give Women's Golf Team FOUR MEN PEISHCannon Re-elected
I Speech at Initiation Captained by Collett Chairman of Board
American women's team, captained
Eight Hundred Injured as Raids f k Naval Group Resumes Stand a Fenh won's tea led y Sdefeated Three Firemen Injured as Blazev
Spread Rapidly Through As Senate Leaders Decide mone Thion de la Chaume, French Demolishes Auditorium, ,
Indian Towns. . to Postpone Action. title holder and former British Garage Annex.
(______champion, 10 1-2 to 4 1-2. The
Q EAOS OC IW foursomes and took even seven of___
the 10 singles with one-halved
Police Strive to Quell Coolie Admiral Wylie's Remarks Bring After being defeated with Ber- Volunteers Attempting to Save
Outbreak in Besieged Uproarious Laughter nice Wall in the foursome, Mlle dew Automobiles Trapped
g b i la Chaume and Mme. Vaglianeau N F b Td
Burmese Capitol. From Members. b ahe American champion came back y aling Stage.
., j>to win two up in the singles from (P1111111111111[
' ;AsccalddrPs)--)the French champion who holds the
BOMBAY, India, May 27-Riots ! I WASHINGTON, May 27. - Navaldistinction to be the first foreigner OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., May 27.<t
and tumult or their aftermath of officers resumed their attacks upon: to win the British championship. -Trapped by falling walls of the .h
the London Naval treaty before the :_Oklahoma City coliseum, huge au-'fi
chaos and uncertainty, reigned to- Senate foreign relations and naval ditorium in the stock yards district a
Indian possessions. decided to postpone action upon ii. CKi II V ULlives in a fire that destroyed the Bishop James Cannon, Jr. ti
A rough computation of official? it until a special session to be call- building, with an estimated loss of Well known worker in the Meth-
figures showed that in Rangoon, ed probably next month by Pres- $500,000. Three firemen were in- odist Church South, who has been Ito
ident Hoover. 90 [ T 0r A T C ured re-elected chairman of board of d
fiures ow e D hain Rmang, ietovr dI l IiU~ Four bodies have been recovered
Lucknow, Dacca and Bombay, 82 A rugged, retired admiral, A. H Fjurd r temperance and social service to b
persons had been killed, 863 injured, Wylie, who was commander-in- early tonight and firemen and 50 carry on the work that he has beense
and hundreds upon hundreds ar- Mortimer E. Cooley !chief of the United States fleet a South American Newspaper Says city prisoners were digging in the directing for the past year.
rested. Dean Emeritus of the engineering year ago, brought an uproarious Commander Fails to Live still smoking debris for the bodies ._m
Over the week end the riots have college, who will mount the stump laugh in the foreign relations hear- up to Civils Code. of other persons who were reporteddy i a
b e uand deliver a speech at the iitia- ing when he growled that "we will uptowivialsoaet to have been trapped by fallingR
broken out of the bounds of the lion ceremonies of Sigma Rho: Tau, ahhav eysgo lghthatofs esslp
civil disobedience campaign. They honorary speakers' society, tonight o ohavehout of busin ancysnnCBAD MANNERS' CHARGED automobiles stored in the Coliseum
overshadowed the salt raids of Ma- at the Union. ferences annex.
hatma Ghandi's volunteers and Officers Join in Attack. te Two Not Identified. I
made of "non-violent" a mere aca- IeNn wte f'RIO JANEIRO, May 27-A bitter R. A. Mason, fireman, the only M
teBrTDu1N flD i I- Tii Senator Reed, Rep., Pa., one ofI
demic term. Rangoon, the Bur- ;path delet to th Ld rsonal attack on Dr. Hugo Ecke- victim whose identity was positively --- .p
ferencegjoines in the laughter. c n r was published this afternoon established, was identified by the Unit Commended for Efficiency
a, tonight was a beleaguered city One oter another of the navy ite." The paper, though paying Another body tentatively was and Spirit; End Activity d
Soldiers and police were striving Ii s lassailed the treaty for tribute to the science and skill of identified as that of Tommie Smith With Memorial Parade. p
desperately to maintain a hold over 1 cruisers and asseted these are the the Graf Zeppelin's commander, an employee of the adjacent Morrisg
fighting coolies and lawless bands. ssth asserts that his "bad manners" led & Company, packing plant. The RIFLE TEAM HONORED{M
Fifty four bodies lay in the city Engineering Banquet Sponsored only type adaptable to American to disagreeable incidents during third body was that of an unknown
6rtuary, and many others are be-1 by stump Speakers' Occurs needs' the Zeppelin's brief visit to Rio negro and the fourth was an un- Gov. Fred W. Green reviewed the
leyed tohave been carried away by Tonight at Uion Admiral Wylie, gruffly asserted Janeiro on Sunday. identified person. Reserve Officers Training corps at
friends tor. nsmen. The official that "to compare the six-inch gun "Commander Eckener by his bad Six or seven men were reported Ferry field rand Yost Fild house e
deathj list stands at 60 and the in- 1 cruiser with the eight-inch is like manners everywhere causes dis-by witnesses to have been trappei - esterday. The first part of the re in
lured list at 740, much below the DEAN COOLEY TO SPEAK comparing a rifle to a revolver." agreeable incidents with other peo- in the annex while attempting to view was held in the field house t
unobtainable totals. Reed Conducts Probe. !ple and his own countrymen who push automobiles out, when the where Gov. Green presented medals
NoLuecnow Reports Low.n i Plans are completed for the an-jSen. Reed brought out from each live in foreign countries," it says. stage wall fell back into the annex. to 24 rlen for proficiency in drill,
foaesserious were conditionsh nal Tung Oil banquet to be held of the witnesses after their exam- "When the 'time came for the J. B. Chapman, C. E. Bell and W. pistol firing, and to the members si
aous Luckoow, the great Britishftonght at the Union undderh T ination by Sen. Johnson, Rep., triumph, of the flight to Brazil, he . Bell, firemen, suffered burns and of the rifle team. The second part
stronghold of the Indian mutiny of auspices en ineaRh eTr- Calif., a foe of the pact, that Am- failed to live up to the code of civ-- injuries, but it was believed they Iof the review took place on Ferryf
~iere'repesensaaifsuaty foieg cfllgepaoctwinthhet inm fa- o.
"7-58 ed A roll of four dead and 30 'Stump Speakers" of the engine erica will get 18 eight-inch gun ity an t good manrers not unwe * d er. . - .eldwhere a- o-petition- anong
in redwha represents ae csialty ig college,.on i hih witae cruisers under the -treaty comp r- standig the rich -destinies of his j Trafic Hinders Workers. companies and squads was held..
aiy nthy see olely to be consid tion ceremoes which ill taker ed with 15 for Great Britain. mission but acting as director of a Firemen were hampered through- Company B, under the commandt
alyneased on the receipt of place at the society s stump near n.Jhnsnsdhe phi out the day by crowds of curious of Captain R. D. Gordon '31 won I
uthre the engineering arch. Members of SenJohnsnsa who collected about the building the competition and was presented a
More serious trouble is feared at the faculty of the College of Engi- to conclude calling of naval ex- could have rested on a high plane and blocked the one direct thor- 'with a gold medal by Prof. A. E.c
any moment. Bands of rioters par- neering and several distinguished perts by Thursday. l above the little interests to which oughfare that connects Oklahoma Boak president of the local Army
aded through all quarters of the I!engineers of Detroit will be present. Chairman Borah of the foreign it degenerated. 'ughfrer at ectskaingtown-a Boa y prefb;he membersy of theb
city after having been dispersed in IAmong the neophyths are Dean relations committee is prepared to "He is solely responsible for the ECyg proeue with Prckgtwnr can ay clu;re emeresne ofth t
a hot skirmish with police and sol- Emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley and call an early meeting of the com- restriction imposed on newspapers delayed by traffic and the blaze a bar in university colors. The ti
diers at Amina!ad Park, in the bus- Dean Herbert C. Sadler, who will in mittee to vote on the pact. An and the disgust of Brazilian auth- hdlaed by tr ad theawa bar di u d asit h l rs
had gained uncontrolable headway best drilled squad was the firtt
lest center of the city. The police I their turn be required to mount overwhelming majority for the orities and of the members of the ng
fired 57 shots at close range into I the stump and , deliver speeches. treaty is apparent in the commit- German colony." Approximawhentely 150 new automo-Eachdmember of the winning B squad was i
a o attackingeone of their out- These men will likewise be among tee. Brazilians complained that th biles were stored in the Annex of presented with a medal by Profes-f
posts. Fourteen policemen were the speakers at the banquet. Those heard by the two commit- Graf Zeppelin remained stationary the building and volunteers rushed sor Boak. b
taken to hospitals Sigma Rho Tau is planning to tees included Rear Admiral W. H. at Campo Affonsos only an hour in to get them out. It was believedmt
14 Dead i Daccal . make the annual banquet one of Standley, assistant chief of naval and a quarter and that Dr. Eckener that the danger was not great as squad, J. J. Jiminez, '33E, of com-
AtDacca, ancient Bengal city the chief functions of the year in operation; M. M. Taylor, director' did not even get out of the gon- the fire at that time was confined pany B won single honors yester-
150 miles from Calcutta, rioting and the engineering college. Its name, of war plans for the Navy; George dola. to the main auditorium Several day. He won two medals and a bar; l
fighting between: Hindus and MOs-Rccifothbueuoco--tthmanadtru.Svrl(dyHewnwoeasadabr;e
Jightlef teteet desernd and "Tung Oil," is that applied to a Rock, chief of the bureau of con workers who escaped reported that he was a member of the best drilledi
lems left the streets deserted and rare plant of great value to engi- struction, and Ridle McLean, bud- NOVEL FEATURES two groups of men were called squad, the best drilled companyf
peaceful inhabitants within their neers. A specimen of the plant will get officer of the Navy; andtCapt. M ARK GARGOYLE when the stage fell, and was one of the ten best drilled
houses. Business was at a stand-1 be furnished the society by the K. J. Tausig, commander of the U adasonofth__entwodrlld__l
yilTngbasics. Jiminez also won two medals
Looting and stabbing continued n i coporation from their S. S. Maryland. Foolish Quotations of Famous ADDISON HIBBARD last semester. b
todayas sequels to communal riot Reservations for the banquet may Noted JTalks o included. SUCCEEDS YOAKUM Yesterday's review was the last t
whic bean n Thrsdy. heyNotd JristTals !of this school year. Gvernor t
have so far caused the death of 14 -il be made until late m the aft- Green, Professor Boak and the re- e
persons and the injury of 40, de- 'ernoon by calling Prof Robert D on Hague Assembly Two distinctly new sections are . aserve officers from Toledo who were g
tailed in hospitals as well as pro Brackett's office at 31 East Hall. included in the June issue of the EVANSTON, Ill., May 27-Prof. I guests at the review all gave com--
tieinhsiasawelapob-The affair is informal. !AdsnHbadda fteCl
bly many more outside them. at Adelphi Banquet Gargoyle, the last number of the Addison Hibbard, dean of the Col- mendation to the unit for its mark- a
Bombay itself was quiet tonight ..lege of Liberal Arts at the Uni- ed spirit, cooperation and drill ef- b
but still tense. Rioting was renew- GARGOYLE EDITOR' current year, which will go on sale versity of North Carolina, today ficiency. The Memorial day parade ! O
ed in the Mohammedan quarter r Speaking on the subjeca "High- on the campus today. In addition was appointed dean of the College Friday will be the last event in ,
around Bhendi bazaar this morn- NOUNCES STAFF' lights of The Hague", Prof. Jesse there are other more intrinsic which the R. 0. T. C. will partici-
ing and the shock of yesterday's. S. Reeves, of the political science changes brought about in the fur-- ivrsity Asucei DheCreern un-____a
events still broods over the city. Department Heads, Upper Staff department and widely known in- therance of Gargoyle's recently an- HeYoak succeedinil leave July 1
juired Members Selected. ternational jurist, addressed the nounced policy of a "saner,-more to become vice-president of the UNDERDOWN RITES
Junior and senior appointments members of Adelphi at their annual mature attitude toward the lighter University of Michigan. TO BE HELD TODA Y .
-- unir nd enor ppintent apecs f cllge. iProfessor Hibbard has served at 1___
AMERICANS LOSE bnutls ih nteUin
A BRITIS MATE on the editorial sta e of the Gar- bA n g at P eo ; Reeves One of thelnew sections under Miami university, Oxford, Ohio, and Funeral services for the late Wil-S
IN BRITISH MATCHgtoyle were announced yesterday by According to Professor Reeves the title of "All Honorable Men," at Imperial College of Commerce, Ptam E. Underdownc47,ssfNBarnwnr
Paul C. Showers, '31, recently ap- the main benefit which he receiv contains several short statements agasaki, Japan. rt

- is w ne e a5 ococ tas
Willing Moe.Defeated Yesterday pointed editor, led from his trip as delegate to the of -pertinent value by characters t.
b Spark, Hartley. Charles S. Monroe '30, was re- conference for the codification of that are well-known on the Mich- SIGMA DELTA PSI I afternoon from the residence. Rev.b
appointed review editor. Whitfield internationallaw was "the getting igan campus. The other addition HOLDS INITIATION Allison Ray Heaps will officiate and
(Vy associated Press) down beneath the diplomatic "Types and Typos, is a collec the body will be taken toTrumans-
ST. ANDREWS Scotland May 27. D. Hiilyer, 31, who was feature cdi- policies of the many states and of mistakes found te headlines ineteeninitiates were formally burg, New York, the residence ofI
-Dr. O F Willing and Don Moe, tor for the past year, was appointed seeing the common feeling which several college newspapers. welomed into Sigma Delta Psi, na- David Underdown, father of the de-
exchange editor. Four other men exists between all the countries."I An editorial sets forth the ac- tional honorary physical education David nownuathe
represenng were chosen for upper staff posi- There never was a conference tive s of he dmy n fraternity, at the annual initiation ce dor b ay
west and also representing the ex- tions but due to a reorganization of like it" he said delegates from 47 several questions of the day and banquet held last night in the Un- I Underdown was killed shortly C
perience of middle age and the bril- the editorial staff, they have not different countries all divergent in notices "thenclse resemblance be-Iion. In addition, Coach Fielding H. after 7 o'clock on Tuesday morning
liance of outh among the invading yet been assigned to definite de- their points of view. But the fine' tween the national policy of law Yost, director of intercollegiate ath- 12 miles north of Ann Arbor on the.
partments. These men are: Rob- thing in that conference that sat anocletics was presented with a key as Pl mouth road when the car which
golfers from the United Staues ert L. Sloss, '31, John S. Marshall, j for months arguing on one ques- of ban and rule," and that "prohi- 'an honorary member. ,
were blown out of the British ama- '32, Lester Ornsteen, '32, and Jack I tion one didn't hear a single dis- bition has from its start treated The new members - who have he was driving attempted to' pass
teur championship play today. Cutting, '32. cussion that would hurt or wound the citizenry like naughty chil- passed the tests and were qualified an auto driven by Joseph E. Gram- I
The defeat of the two Oregon- I !the feelings of any delegate." dren." for admittance into the society mel, rural route one while drivingP
ans svrprised the Walker Cup G ras I comparing it to the recent na- Prohibition is portrayed as "A Chip were: Tharel Kanitz, '30Ed., James in an easterly direction. Under-
team compatriots and British gal- val co rn hich heen off the Old Block of "Ban at Orwig, '3Ed.; John Brozovick, '30 down's car hit the Grammel hub-
leries Which saw Willing fall before1 to Attend Conference cneeneweatdd Michigan in an editorial cartoon by Ed; John Humphrey, '32E; Samuel dons a htth ram tu-
Willii Spark, a Scotch bank as an oficial advisor, Professor Lee Blazer, '31, who also designed Hanauer, '30; Tifterist Kampmann, cap and turned over several times
clerk, 2 and 1, and Moe vanquished Prof. P. E. James, R. B. Hall, and Reeves remarked that "peace could the cover for this issue. '32; Thomas Prouse, '3Ed; William hurling the driver, to his death on1
by Rex Hartley, British Walker cup S. D. Dodge, of the geography de- better be brought about by inter- _- Pococh, '32A; Frederick Woodward, the pavement. Underdown was dead 1
player, 4 and 2. partment will leave Ann Arbor to- national conferences than by naval '30; Sidney Raike, '32; Sidney Kron- when the Plymouth ambulance ar- i
George Voight, George Von Elm morrow to attend a field conference parity. There can be parity in feld, '33; Harold Hickman, '31E; rived.
and Francis Ouimet won their on urban geography at Minneapo- ships, parity in guns but still no Andrew Ryan, Grad; Leo Draveling, Announcement was made yes-
--i w m n m nar of otherlls this week end. na-,," ( n " 1 Pii uiks: '31E: Keith t+r tnavrtennrn by T rinin fl

ducators Anticipate Ben
of Radio Lectures to
Vocational Work.


Recognizing the value of radio in
e field of education, the Regents
ave approved the broadcasting of
ve half-hour programs each week,
ad a one hour programuponone
ight of the week for 25 weeks of
ie 1930-31 college year, according
an announcement made yester-
ay afternoon by Prof. Waldo Ab-
t, director of the broadcasting
rvice of the University. Arrange-
ents and hours for broadcasting
re now being made with station
'JR, the Detroit good will station,
arking the sixth year of Univer-
ty radio programs.
The weekly evening programs will
onsist of three short talks of ap-
roximately six minutes each sim-
ar to those that have been made
uring the past six years. These
rograms will feature musical pro-
rams sponsored by the School of
[usic, faculty, and students.
Speeches to be Published.
The speeches given during the
vening programs will be printed
i a bulletin as has been the cus-
em in the past.
During the programs the Univer-
ty does not propose to offer cours-
s of instruction with examinations
or its listeners, as is being done by
)f-e' odher uni ersties, according
o Professor Abbot. The programs
'ill aim to invite their audiences to
wider exploration in varied edu-
ational fields.
The lectures, said Professor Ab-
ot, will introduce various voca-
ions and professions with the pro-
ions and professions with the pur-
ose of guiding young people in
heir choice and training. The med-
cal faculty will spread reliable in-
ormation which will be of real
enefit to the public. Cultural top-
cs, pointed out Professor Abbot,
ill contribute to the wise use of
eisure. The professional man may
earn of the most recent research
n his field by the scholars of the
Will Assist Campaign.
Four afternoon programs will be
roadcast during the week and a
unday program will be addressed
'o the 75,000 members of the Par-
nt-Teachers Association of Michi-
The time of broadcast cannot be
announced at present as this must
e arranged to fit into the schedule
f the broadcasting station which
donates its broadcasting facilities.
A monthly bulletin containing the
advance programs will be mailed
to all requesting copies from Pro-
fessorAbbot. The series will be in-
augurated about September 29.
A nation wide campaign is be-
ing made by PresidentnHoover and
Secretary Wilbur to increase th6
eductional programs over the radio.
A convention for those interested in
the movement will be held at Co-
lumbus, Ohio, June 21, i
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the
College of Pharmacy and of the
Summer Session presented'the
yearly awards tohonor studentstin
the Pharmacy school at the annual
All-Pharmic banquet held at 6:30
o'clock last " night at the Women's
League building. Prof. John H.
Muyskens of the speech department
gave the main address of the eve-
ning speaking on "Personality and
Communication." The Prescott club
sponsored the banquet.
John E. Webster '30P acted as
toastmaster at the dinner, calling
upon a representative of each class
for a short speech. Victor J. Mid-

dleton responded for the seniors,
E T,,lra WRinipfr t fhe+ ininrg

Music School, Medical Faculty
to Contribute Numbers to
Next Year's Programs.

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