PTipE r1Cm ITEMICHTICAN D~AILY % TUTSDAY, MAY 27, 1930. . . . ....... . . DAIL'Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL. XL. TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1930 No. 171 NOTICES Notice to Seniors: Only today and tomorrow remain for paymentl of diploma and certificate fees. There will be absolutely no extension beyond 4 p. m., Wednesday, May 28, at which hour the Treasurer sf Office closes for the day. Shirley W. Smith, Secrtary ....if...i4-.,'b.l.,TTT .0 L~n Dn~n +elN~t ' Margaret Anglin in the "Antigone": There will be a matinee per- IOWA SENATOR FINDS 'PROPAGANDA' Great White a ' formance of the "Antigone" at 3:15 p. m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn I theatre, but no performance this evening. The production will be IN UNIVERSIT Y ENGLISH EXAMINATION Will Be Establishe presented all the remaining nights of this week, with other matineesWBb on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Patrons are urgently requested (Bv Associated Press) test used by 20,000 high school pa! M1N w Yrk Harbor to be in their seats before the curtain rises. DES MOINES. Ia., May 26. - Ad- plsitesabye2iteligenceexap- iNe pils in the state intelligence exam- Senior Mechanical, Aeronautical and Electrical Engineers: Mr. N. D. dison M. Parker, manager of Rep. ination. According to Parker, it Huff, now associated with the Kellogg Company of Battle Creek, Michi- L. J. Dickinson's Republican sena- read: "I believe that CongressmanI WASHINGTON, May 26.--A m be in Room 221 West Eafter 1030 a m torial campaign, in a statement to- Dickinson's campaign with its , wihl rr Engminerg iding eday took exception to the inclusion many meetings and speeches are rine great white way is to be for the purpose of interviewing men interested in safety engineering Isetbihdi e okhro with this company. H. C. Anderson in a high school English test sent not pleasing the people whom he established in New York harbor out by the University of Iowa of a represents." this year by the lighthouse service The annual All-Pharmic banquet sponsored by the Presscott Club sentence wheich he termed "anti- University officials said inclusion in an attempt to stop the collisions will be held in the Michigan League Building at 6:30 p. n. The annual Dickinson propaganda." of the sentence was purely acci- and fog-tieups which have marked awards to honor students of the College of Pharmacy will be presented The sentence was in a grammar dental. the port's activities duringrecent at this banquet. Prof. John Muyskens of the Speech Dept. of thehsd n University will give the address of the evening. examinations will be given anopportunity to make this work un fonl winters. Library Books: Attention iscalled to Rule III of the Regents regu- lations governing the loan of books from the Library: "All books bor- Glider Section: Last regular meeting of the year at 7:^0 p. nl. 3481 rowed by members of the Faculty shall be returned ... on ,or before West Engineering Bldg. Plans for the summer and f l next fall will be the Thursday preceding the annual Commencement in Jure."# discussed. It will greatly facilitate the handling of outstanding charges if _ members of the Faculty, having books in their possession, will return Comedy Club meets in room 203 University Iall at 4:15 p. m. In them or make the necessary adjustments during the weeks preceding discuss plans for the spring party. the date set by the Regents' rules. !dicsplnfothsrngaty Vm. W. Bishop, Librarian Summer Employment: Mr. V. C. Seger, of the Times Sales Co., of Chicago, will be in Room 306 Michigan Union, on Tuesday, Wednesday, School of Education: Registration for Summer Session: Students and Thursday, May 27, 28, and 29, from 2 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. and from, now in the School of Education who plan to register for work this 7 p. m. to 9:30 p. in., to interview men who are interested in summer summer session may do so on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 27 and 28. eployment. Registration will take place in the office of the School of Education, _ _____me.t Room 105 Tappan Hall. Hours: 9-12, 2-5-. Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting at 6:15 int n i-' im - - - -~-.. .g. at .:1. ... ..he Un Is. Thursday, May 29, at 5 o'clock, in Room 3055 N. S. A line of 12-ton buoys, each dis- E. N. Goddard pbAVing a flashing light and heavyv Geology 2 and 31: Students in these courses who wish to take the optional excursion to Put-in-Bay on Sunday, June 1, should sign up in Room 2051 N. S., before Thursday at 5 o'clock. The trip will be con- ducted by Prof. Wm. H. Hobbs. I. D. Scott Shop 4 Students: Arrangements have been made to visit the plant of the Cadillac Motor Car Company on Wednesday, May 28. Cars will leave the steps of the East Engineering Building Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. Will all students intending to go please sign up in myI office on Tuesday? We will start through the plant at 9:15 a. m. The (;rip will last until 4 p. m. 0. W. Boston deep-toned bells will be installed to lead the shipping past the Statue of Liberty and into Ambrose chan- nel, the famous New York harbor. entrance. I~~ rsi i Elizabeth I. Clark, Recorder Commencement honor Guar[(: Seniors who have been appointed' to act as Honor Guard and Color Bearers for Commencement are re- quested to meet Dr. May at Waterman Gymnasium at 7 p. m. on Wed- nesday, May 28. All appointees are urged to be present at this meeting. L. M. Gram, Chief Marshal Tutor in French: Wanted for two young men in a private home, during the summer. Preference given to one who has had experience with and can take charge of a schooner rigged sail boat. For further information see Employment Bureau, Roon 2, University Hall. J. A. Bursley . Conflicts in Final Examinations, Colleges of Engineering and Arch- itecture: All students having conflicts in fial examinations must report to my office, room 3223 East Engineering Building, not later than Wed- nesday, June 2. On the bulletin, board adjacent thereto will be found blank cards for reporting conflicts. These are to be filed as indicated by the notice on my bulletin board. J. C. Brier Freshman Pageant: In case of rain, the Pageant will take place Wednesday at the same time. Campaign for Good Citizenship: Due to outside activities Mr. Don- ald Fuller will be at Alumni Memorial Hall from 3-4 p. m. only. EVENTS TODAY University Lecture: Professor Lother Nordheim of the University of Gottingen will give a lecture in Room 1041, East Physics Building, at 4:15 on "The Mechanism of Electrical Resistance." Industrial Motion Pictures: The School of Business Administration will present the Irallowing film in Natural Science Auditoriuru at 4:05 1 p. m.: Magic of the Mountains (a travelogue through coffee-producing regions of South America); Short Cuts to' Quantity (showing achieve- ments in mass production of telephones); Building New York's Newest Subway; and, A Money Making Industry (showing how Canada mints its coinage). Combined R. 0. T. C. Exercises: All members of the R. O. T. C., including the Varsity-R. 0. T. C. Band, will attend exercises of the I R. O. T. C. from 3 to 5 p. m. today. This period is substituted for the regular drill period of this week. The Deans of all Colleges and Schoolsj involved have authorized absence from other classes during the period indicated. Students in the Law School and the School of Business Administration are required to report in advance to the offices of theirl respective Deans. Absence from this period of the R. O. T. C. exer- cises will be excused only upon application to the P. M. S. & T. in advance. _ _ - - - - - .. - - - - -- - - - . - The New Testament Oratorical Contest for 1930-1931: Mr. Hollister Sigma Delta Psi banquet tonight at 6:30 Michigan Union. will be in room 302 Mason Hall on Wednesday at 5 p. m., to meet students interested in the New Testament Oratorical Contest established Gargoyle Business Staff tnd Tryouts: There will be a meeting of by Mr. Thomas E. H. Black. All students who wish to enter this con- the entire staff and tryouts at the Press Building, at 4:30 p. m. Tryouts test next year are invited to attend this meeting. should be up at 3 p. m. for the mailing out of the June issue which goes on sale on the campus on Wednesday, May 28. Charms will be the Engineering Council will meet Thursday, May 29, 1930, in Room distributed at the meeting for work done by the members of the entire 302, Michigan Union, for the purpose of electing officers for next year. staff for the past year. Each man connected with the staff this year All newly elected men are urged to be present, as well as those who are will receive one if he will be present at this meeting. meiembers this year. Varsity Band: Formation at 2:40 p. m. at Ferry Field in full unl- form for ROTC Review. Michigan Dames Annual Picnic Formation tonight at 7 o'clock at Morris Hall in uniform for La1n- will be lield Wednesday, May 28. tern Night. IAll members and their husbands Ciiare invited. All those attending. Christian Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Mielhigaln Iplease meet in front of Hill Audi- League Building at 8 p. m. ioritm between 5:15 and 5:45 p. m. r Hillel Foundation: Stucdcuts interested in positions ao musicians, waiters, and counsellors at small salaries, at a Jewish adult camp in Portia Lambda Chapter of Zeta northern Michigan this summer, may be interviewed by a representative Phi Eta will not meet tonight due of the camp at 8:30 p. m. at the Foundation. to Lantern Night activities. The chapter will meet on Tuesday, June COMING EVENTS ! 3, for a business meeting and in- Geology 31: Any student who has missed any of the laboratory stallation of officers for next year. INO W ADAYS Portraits are made with- out fuss or frills with thought only for char- acter and expression. The most modern equip- ment and methods have made it a pleasure. Give us fifteen minutes of your time and we will make a portrait that friends will say is YOU. Any picture looks better fra"med, our airtight method keeps them new. ENGRAVING TIME'S FLYING-Ol VISIT"ING Special Price to Univer Invitations and ?{4 T"""'"" 7CC r (T tftTi i i A i f u+ufl niIII iil lliiiillfill i i iIII III t;I111E1III il4f m'll1 111"11 111111iini F n u ILIU.W,-=j a RDER THEM NOW ~CAI SI) sity Girls on Wedding Announcements S R f I MIitfif; STUDIO 334 SOUTH STATE STREET PHONE 5031 pHoTlo QPHS , UNIVERSITY B OK STORE M IMI 111111111111111111. 1,11; 1. it, MM ,n M1.11 I i i 1 11 -~l 1 - i, -} a- """" __._.._. _. __ _ __..._.. __._._._..____ ._._..._.a ..__ _.._. _._.. _ _ .... ___ ..._.__ : t i I i r t , , :; i . . f a z ;, T; Lower Rates For Groups of 5 or More Persons Accounting Astronomy Botany Business Adm'n. Chemistry Economics Engineering English Fine Arts Forestry Frenoh Genl. Linguistics Geography Geology German Greek Heredity History Hygiene Italian Journalism Latin Mathematics Medicine Mineralogy Philosophy Physics Polish k'ol. Science Psychology Rhetoric Sociology Spanish Speech Zoology INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP LESSONS IN ALL SUBJECTS. The Tutors are Professors, Instructors, Assistants, and Honor Students in the University of Michigan. Itillliillil{II lfI111 11E1111t 11111111II11 E1111fli li illlllllfIIII1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 111111111IR IIIliIIIII 111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111If I111i lI I IIIII I I III11III I I1111111IIlII IIililI IIlli1 1Ulllillill l li i ll i l l i l l i l l i li l l i ll i i ll l il l l i l lif l l Mr.TnW eFak l uorPrsoa ' fr FA In Geology -Geography - and English History - Group or Individual W EXAMPLES OF MATERIAL TO BE DISCUSSED:- GEOLOGY 2 GEOLOGY 31 ENG. HISTORY 6 GEOGRAPHY 1 GEOGRAPHY 33 GEOGRAPHY 112 HISTORY 42 The courses just disc Eatqaes Ground Water Colonies (maps and discussion but theinsame ' As er oed pronaey b Mr arthquakesGundngWateriCllestasl).ddsGroups I thru IV in James Answers to All Review Ques- Review on European Geog- Colonization of North Amer- tEVER th proce VocaoenWnngcaten in fl eti)gb VRYttrof th Volcanoes \i At Irish Question text tions on Each Product raphy for Exam. ica: ing Agency. Rocks -Weathering Reform Bills A t 12 ABSOLUTELY EVE oFolds, Faults Glaciation Corn Laws and Tariff GEOGRAPHY 2 GEOGRAPHY 110 GEOGRAPHY 120 TAUGHT AT THE U Diastrophism Volcanoes Labor Party and Unions questions for exam. GAN IS TUTORE Glaciers arthquakes Gladstone v. Disraeli Groups V to end of semester Full review of North Amer. Complete answersoto e 7 Re- 150 COMPETENT A Unconformities RoaksecSttseAsECinex course view Quesions for final exam. ENCED TUTORS. - Un n I t1eLakes, etc. Statesmen, Acts, ETC. in text cours Dltll l l l ttll als ork: ssed are tutor- r Tommnie Mack, Lre is followed e Mack Tutor-, RY SUBJECT J. OF MICHI- ) HERE BY ND EXPERI- : I llllitlllltlll MACK JTORINGMGENC"MIED RMACK, -_ N