rPO-M THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1930. _-- Published every morning exe.pt Monday Suring the University year by the Board 1in Contol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.' The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatio* of all news dis- natches credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Abor. Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate wiaster General. Subscriptio, by carrier, $4.o; by amail, *4. 50. Offices:eAnn Arbor Press Building My- sard Street. Phoues: F,ditorial, 492;: Business, sas 4. EDITORIAL STAFN" Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Tditorfal Chairman .........George C. Tilley City Editor.............Pier"eRosenberg News Editor...............Donald J. Kline Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr. Women's Editor... .......Marjorie FJolimer Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama....... William J. AGorman Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City .Editor.... Robert J' Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank X_ Cooper Hlenry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. dous Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley Bertram Askwitk Lester itMay Helen Barc Margaret Mix Maxwell B~auer David M. Nickol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur J. Bernstein VictorPrce S. Beach Conger John D. Reindtl Thomas M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin Ralph, R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Ruth Geddes S..Cad well Swanso Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer L ack Goldsmnith MlVargaret Thompson, ily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Groverma Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine .CuU'n Kennedy Harold O. Warren, Jr. tcelan Levy G. Lionel Willens s E. McCracken Barbara Wrigkt Dorothy Magee Vivian Zirii gress toward installing the honor syestem has been dilatory, unnat- ural and forced by those who need- inTh if0 - i an exigency for seeming tobe es anisn-Lusef-enrtig rana .LT ama I leaders, the campus has yet to wit- 4 even combustable interest of the TONIGHT: In Mendelssohn Theatre a reading of King Lear by students on behalf of the honor Henry Southwick. system. Until such a time as seems decidedly more feasible than the present, the few amenities of Antigone the honor system which its pro- A REVIEW BY WILLIAM J. GORMAN ponents are able to comb from its f 3 PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS We have all makes Memington, Royals. C~orona, Underwood Colored duco finishes. Price $60. 0. D. MORRILL 1 14 Suuth State St. Phone 6615 HOME FURNISHINGS of nationally known quality and reputation, such as II : I ow1 wU EBERBACH & SON CO. ESTABLISHED 1843 SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY SUPPLIES DRUGS SUNDRIES 200-202 E. LIBERTY STREET ramifications might better be es- chewed and foregone. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Advertising ............T. Hollister Mabley Advertising.............Kasper 1 3Ialversont Service .. ......... ....George A. S pater Circulation ....... .....J. Vernor Davis Accounts................ ... John R. Rose Publications .. .. . eorge R. Hamilton Business Secretary--Mary Chase Assistants James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir Robert Crawford , George R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton Norris Johnson Joseph Van Riper Charles Kline Robert Williamson Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff.1 Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan Dorothy Boonmgarden Virginia McComb Laura Codling Alice McCully Ethel Constas Sylvia Miller Sosephine Convisser An nVerner ernice Glaser 1Io-othea Waterman Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese Hortense Gooding TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1930. Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE.j Editorial Comment HAMLET BY THE WAY. (From Christian Science Monitor) When R. C. Sheriff, who wrote the notable war play, "Journey's End," found himself in the predic- ament, a few months ago, of never having seen a Shakespeare play, he had a very natural course open to him. He could have taken train, plane or trolley to the nearest Shakespeare troupe, and at the rate of six or eight performances a week proceeded to make good the deficiency without letting the true state of affairs get abroad. In- stead of adopting this procedure, the young playwright made a clean breast of the situation to a jour- nalistic friend (who did not neg- lect his opportunities), and re- cently on his first visit to Hamlet gave a long interview on his im- pressions. The verdict was not entirely in favor of his illustrious predecessor. "I was not impressed by Shake- speare's technique," he confessed. "Hamlet, I felt, would be a better play if the Ghost had not appear- ed." Then as to the soliloquies: "That sort of thing on the stage seems too unnatural. What I feel is that Shakespeare must be an acquired taste-that one must get used to blank verse as a medium. ... I am wondering what is wrong with me for not being carried away, not only by the beauty and ma- jesty of the words, but by the lead- ing character." Naturally, Shakespeareans were shocked. But it is little use being shocked at the opinions of talented young men and women of today. The best that can be done is to try to account for what is happen- ing. Mr. Sheriff, like so many of the younger theatre goers, clearly took his seat in the auditorium Swith his thoughts running deisive- ly at a ceratin tempo and on a certain plane, and he expected what was going on behind the fot- lights to approximate the samec tempo and the same plane. In keeping with modern habits of so- cial intercourse, he may have ex- pected plenty of action, economy of words, allowing no thought to be expressed that could not be re- duced to a terse sentence or two and certainly prohibiting the waste of valuable time in brooding aloud If the audience presents itself with these ready-made rules for ' the game and finds the players ob- serving an altogether different set of regulations - different tempo . different modes of expression, dif- ferent plane, then the close sym- pathy between the two sides of the footlights on which every play de- pends for its success is not there In pre-war days such a difficulty r seldom arose.tToday it has be: come one of the serious problem of the theatre. Audiences frequent- ly refuse to yield themselves to the mood of the play if it does not hap- pen to be their own, and since th rather doubtful expedient of re viving outdated plays for the sake of the ridicule they can arouse ha become popular, the habit of a de- tached interest in the auditoriun seems to be generally on the in- crease. A long line, splendidly heid, modulated with superb emotion, balanced with due causes and effects, intensified by the pressure of a great conflict-there is the preciseness, the tightness, the classicism of Sophocles' play. It is the greatest merit of Mr. Henderson's production (forced to solve the difficulties of a small, indoor theatre by considerable employment of temporary flexibility h3 stage interpretation) to have kept the play rigorously unified. For all the unauthentic liberties taken (some of them very bold) there seemed to be underlying a genuine feeling for the tone and color of Sophocles' tragedy. The realization in production pf that feeling was certainly sufficiently impressive to make everyone grateful for the experience afforded. The most definitely controversial point was Mr. Henderson's treat- ment of the chorus. In the text they are labelled Theban elders-- essentially a group of old, wise councillors whose age and ranking lent considerable austerity and weight to their utterances. Their age and their masculinity made their complete lack of sympathy with Antigone understandable and served to emphasize her spiritual isolation.o I All this is completely lost in Mr. Henderson's chorus of simple Grecian people. Yet it did solve a difficult problem. Throughout the production there is of necessity no conceding to the statuesque con- vention of the large open-air theatre. Statues were unrealizable in an intimate theatre. So that the rhythmic, (rather than the usual cere- monial, ritualistic) treatment of the chorus became a matter of expedi- ency and proved to me often a thrilling solution. Rhythmic effects were secured that accurately reflected and intensified the passions of the main protagonist. The initial rhythmic translation of the terror of all Thebes at the unburied body and the final static picture of poise and balance were finely realized symbolic . externalizations of the tragic cycle from initial terrible conflict to harmonious resol- tion. The effects thus gained with a chorus were perhaps intelligent enough to justify the newly-created convention-which is undoubtedly all the director could hope for. Miss Anglin's performance was a revelation. She has the courage of the grand style: and she has the fusion of forcefullness and restraint to make it amazingly acceptable. She'boldly sacrifices most of her imitative function to the demands of declamation. She has a sustained power and fluidity of speech. Her intense realization of the tragic magnitude of Antigone is projected larely in the fine, meaningful curves of tonal beauty in her recitation. There was a fine suppressed immobility in her pantomime (a substitute for the Greek mask). Her I pantomime is not one of detail but of synthesis, suggesting rather than making explicit the emotional conflict within her. Her Antigone, then, never becomes feverishly emotional. She is rather splendidly marble in her white, unassailable purpose-broken and intensified by compelling mioments of woman, of softness and terror. It is a marvellous style that Miss Anglin has perfected and one thinks it the perfect style for Antigone. Mr. Ainsworth Arnold's style was similar. Possessing as Miss Anglin does a fine voice, .he showed the same confidence in the expressiveness of his speech. There was no striving in his interpretation for a physical translation of the choleric violence of Creon. He tempered it rather to dignity and majesty by his physical restraint and let his words have the force.1 Mr. Henderson's scene in this light seems defintely to strike a false note. He was, I think, obsessed with "acting" his lines. If one grants the correctness of this aim, his performance as the messenger was effective. But I am inclined to think that a restrained vocalization of that fine description of the death of Antigone and Haemon would have I beegn more effective than an "acting" of it. At any rate he was definitely using an entirely different style than Mr. Arnold and Miss Anglin: and the mixture was annoying. Edward Fitzgibbons as Tiresias carried his magnificent scene with Creon very well. Amy Loomis and Lewis McMichael too were quite adequate.j Florence Boycheff A REVIEW BY GLEN D. McGEOGII That Miss Boycheff has a voice of ingratiating quality, rich in its timbre and capable of infinite color, was quite apparent in her graduat- ing recital last night; that she obviously possesses an easy command of the technical resources of various styles of singing was even more evident. There was at all times a satisfying congruity of vocal quality and _ technique, with intelligent interpretations. Her voice answered all the requirements of a program that was exacting in its demands, and carefully selected with a thought for effective contrasts of groups. The proof of Miss Boycheff's versatility lay in her ability to project the _ essential spirit of styles so diametrically opposed as those found in the Italian opera aria, the German lieder, and the group of modern French songs. Miss Boycheff's Brahms was sung with a reserve of forces, .both interpretive and vocal, with a thoughtful restraint which is always the mark of a serious artist. The reflected the various moods of Brahms with subtle distinction. Her aria was sung with fine feeling for dramatic intensity, and the French group was marked by clarity of style, delicacy and exquisite taste. There was a happy selection of English songs which upheld the dignity of the program. The Griffes song, "By a Lonely Forest Pathway," was delivered with poignant feeling. Hageman's "At The Well" did not prove a happy selection, particularly from Miss Boycheff's type of voice. It is obviously not her song. It evidenced a - breathy and uneven tone. Her performance last night marked an improvement over her former appearance. There was a clarity and fluency, an evenness of production, and a freedom of execution which evinced a decided advancement in 1 her art. An attradtive poise and a naturalness of stage presence, a serious attitude, and an adequate vocal equipment mark Miss Boycheff as an artist of distinction and promise. s Student Plays, II a ~A REVIEW BY RUSSELL McCRACKEN j s The first night of the final presentation of the student one-actI plays for this year's competition was very favorably received last night. Of the three plays, Three a Day by Robert Skidmore, Lassitude by Hubert Skidmore, and Wives-in-Law by Mrs. Elizabeth W. Smith, Hubert Skid- more's probably received the best presentation. Florence Tennent gave an excellent interpretation of nostalgia. Freda McMillan was reminis- r cent of Martha of Robinson's play, and just as effective as previously. Leone Dockeray, a new appearance in campus productions, was very fine with her talk of funerals and diseases. The little girl with fits, - Charity Balke, played by Dorothy Miller was wonderfully handled, show-, - ing how very effective a difficult pantomine part can be when played well. - Next best in presentation was Mrs. Smith's Wives-in-Law. Here e Marion Gallaway was as a whole very effective, most effective in the melodramatic displays which were suggestive of her farcical interpreta- - tion of Lelia earlier in the season. The success of this play, however, - was for the most part due to the clever arrangement of lines-come- backs, double-checks-in the composition of the play. SIMMONS BEDS G. E. REFRIGERATORS SANFORD RUGS STANGER FURNITURE CO. West Liberty 11 { rw I I 1 For Sale Restaurant and rooming house business - 6-year For Rent I I I Forest Plaza Apartments 1: w r E Fireproof, two elevators, A COMPLETE I LINE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS We have in stock a com- plete line of artists' ma- terials. Let us supply all your needs of this kind. WENZEULS 207 E. LIBERTY BROWN -C RESS & Company, Inc. IN VESTMENT Orders executed on all ex- changes. Accounts carried on conservative margin Telephone 23271 ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG. lst FLOOR lease, rooms pay rent. 14 rooms fully furnished and fully equipped restaurant doing a good business on campus. Call Mr. Grenier 58 apartments, furnished or unfurnished, electric re- frigeration, completely car- peted, heat, gas, light and soft water furnished. for appointment and see the place. Priced $60 to $200 t BROOKS-NEWTON, Inc. H Phone 22571 Evening 22927" NN ,. THE HONOR SYSTEM'S 'SUPPORT.' Despite the headway which the honor system project seems to have made toward installation in the, Literary college, surprisingly few merits stand out to recommend either the idea itself or the course of its progress to date. During the past four years, the, project has been under actual con- sideration of academic societies, campus honor societies, faculty and student leaders, and in each case save the last the flare of in- terest fizzled out because of the meagreness of genuine plausibility in the rplan. In the present in- stance, however, the idea, after having been mulled about and fin- ally rejected by several honor groups despite the pressure of a few members in the clubs concern- ed, was greeted impassively at first and then rejected. In the mean- time, nevertheless, those same per- sons who tried to elicit this con- certed support for the honor sys- tem abritrarily made the matter an issue in the All-Campus regis- tration. In fact, it may reason- ably be inferred that the chief purpose that persons had in push- ing the point to a vote was to pro- vide largely, out of thing air, some- thing for themselves to act upon as campus "leaders." The progress thus far, therefore, has been achieved in spite of student indif- ference, rejection or ignorance of its purport simply in the absence of any other apparent activities or reforms which as outstanding men on 'the campus they could intro- duce. 9 The trick is to find your pipe and tobacco Y OU will discover the full pleasure of pipe-smoking when you hit on the tobacco that really suits you in the pipe that really fits you. Then you can light up and lean back and cross your feet on the mantel or wherever, and purr and smoke-how you can smoke! The trick is to find your pipe and your tobacco. Nobody can find them for you, and until you find them you must go on groping in outer darkness -but have you tried Edgeworth? Edgeworth may be just the tobacco you're looking for. It has a certain distinctive flavor that men like; it is slow-burning, cool-it will not bite your tongue; and it is rich with the savor, fragrant with the aroma, of fine old burley blended exactly right. Check us up-try Edgeworth in a good pipe. We'll send you some help- ful hints on pipes, and we'll even send you some Edgeworth, 'a generous free packet of it to try, for nothing but the coupon. That's meeting you more than halfway, isn't it? We know our Edgeworth l - - have You Something to Sell? Whether you wish to sell, buy or rent, whether you have lost something or found something, the classified columns of the DAILY are sure to be an aid to you in attaining your purpose. IT 17 Give Them Presents that They Want GIFT problemis at wedding and com- mencement time will find ready solu- tions at our Kodak counter. Everyone wants a new camera, particu- larly one of the fashionable models,mi colors. We have just the right one for any gift re- quirement, at the price you wish to pay. Come in today -See our complete line of Kodaks, Brownies and Cin-Kodaks in stylish sbades f ; x . ,: . . 5 1 .. s i I I Clearly this state of affairs is temporary, and every effort should be made to supply the remedy A generation that can listen only to plays set in quick, jerky rhythm is liable to deprive itself of much indispensible thought that requires a longer and slower unfolding. WHAT IS EDUCATION? The company which runs pas- senger buses for tourists in Glacier National park asserts that young college men are by far the best drivers. The statement directs crit- ical attention to our own State uni- versity. Students there not only do not receive instruction in bus driv- ing but are forbidden to operate their own cars for recreation and pleasure. No wonder we hear com- plaints that college courses are im- practical, and that graduates are SLICE Edgeworth is a careful blend of good tobaccos -selected especially for, pipe-smnoking. Its quality and flavor neverchange. Buy Edgeworth any- where in two forms- "Ready-Rubbed" and "Plug Slice"-150 pock- et package to pound hu- midor in.-Larus & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va. The slight vote on the honor sys- tem deserves small credence in weighing the evidence in support of the plan. While the vote show- ed that the ratio of those willing to support the honor system was three to one as against those whoI EDGEWVORTH C-M a 1 1%; t_ 7 aU'E~ 1 ' d' iN