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February 25, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-25

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lp Q-r MOB



THE N'II~HIGAN ~DAY, ~T~fl'A~Y 25; #Si



i _ _

I e ,or James F .'.. Dunlap Will give an illustrated talk. on 'V ergil's A'sso-
1 i r nnir Nii1 10i hthe Rty of 'Nuple,
1 faetxlty Women's Club--Book.shelf arnd Stagie Section meets this
afternoon, at the home of Mrs. S. F. Gingerich, 4 HgladRod
Publication In the Bulletin is constructi re notice to all members Mr.WW.Setrilbeastnthts.
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi~- ' ..Setrwl eassathses
detut_ :0pri.(13 a .Studyfiessor Weil.ey Maurer of the Journalisil D.epartaient will speak
VOL. XI. TUESDAY, FEBRUTARY 25 No. 11~1 j oi, fInteriatiot mlisni" a theit llel Foutndliatintoigtht at 7 :30.
NO'TICES (Christian Science soeity meets i the Chapel of the Michigan
Attention New Students: All freshmen enrolling in the University .ILeague building at 7:30 p. mi.
for the first time are required to take three psychological examinations. rsdn ioe sRlgo:Rv .L onwl etr ne
These examinations will be given at 4 o'clock on Tuesday, February 25, Peiet ovrsReiin1ev .L oo illct, ne
and ednsda, Fbrury 6, n Ram 25 MsonHal. Tis oomis the auspices of the Tolstoy League on "President Hoover's R;eligin-
directly above the Office of the Registrar. th ukrFih"aI:5i om21Agl al
Content Examinations in Mathematics and English will be given!
on Tuesday, and a General Psychological Examination on Wednesday. Varsity Band: Special rehearsal this afternoon from 5 to 6 at Morris
The time required will be about an hour and three-quarters the first hall. Attendance is imperative.
day, and an hour and a quarter the second. Formation in U~niform at Yost Field House at 7 :15 p. m. Morris
These examinations will take precedence over All other appoint-! Hall wil be open Yrom 7 to 7:10 and a short time following the game.



mentsinc4i~uULg las~ s ?~wort.~. 1 11LU~u.
Ira I. Smith Panheclleliic mleeting at 4:00 p. mn. in the Cava of the Michigan
/ Lear-ue Building.
College of# Literature, Science, and the Arts--Candidates for thel
Teacher's Certificate: All students in this coliege who expect to betcome:t COMING EVENTS
candidates for the teacher's certificate during' this year, and who havei Univer~sity Loan Committee: The University Loan Comm~ittee willI
not already been admitted to candidacy, are requested to makte appli- meet on WVtednesday, February 26, at 2:00 p. im., in room. 2, University{
cation before March 1. All elections in Education, in order to carry Hall.
tcredit in this college, must be approved by the Committee on the All applicants for loans should call at the office of the Dean of
Teacher's Certificate. Students who discontinue candidacy, and those Studient; for an appointment with the Committee.
who wish to change their major or minor subjects, should also consult ! _______
the ommitee.A. I Critendn To All Students in Rhetoric I: The Placement Examination which{
is compulsory for all students electing Rhetoric I will be given Thurs-
University of Michigan Official Publication:' The Editorial Office,! day, February 27, at 4 o'clock, in room. 3213 Angell Hall.
announces the issue of the Bulletin on the Curriculum in Chemistry C. A. Waiter j
which is No. 45 of Vol. XXXI of the University Official Publication.
Ira lM. Smith f Pyis 288 will meet once a week on Wednesday from 1 :30-2:30.1
---- Thesubject treated will be Quantum-electrodynamics.
University of Michigan Official Publication: The Editorial Office) _______
announces the issue of the Bulletin on the Courses in Education for the Eglh2,CoeesfEniergadAcitcu:Andiinl
Summ~er Session, which is No. 44 Vol. XXXI of the University Official section has been formed. The class will meet Mondays and Wednesdays
Publicatith. at 11 in room 24. It will be in charge of Dr. Dahlstrom.


p .

When the former President Calvin Coolidge and M rs. 6colidge recent y s-upped at Hollywood to see how
the movies are put together, Will Hays, left, czar of t he flicker world, and. Mary Pickford were two of the
celebrities who welcomed them.

National Forest


Gong, Dimmer System(
f^%. L,11 Aw4,Al~+^.um

ri 0 Tgryolt

Llriverstyof ichgan Oficil iialPubicaion Th Edtoral ffie Geo logical Journal C"11b: There will be a meeting in Room 4065 N. S.
Univrisy o Mihign Ofical ubliatin: he ditria Oficeon Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 8 o'clock. prof. E. C. Case will present "A Dis-
announces the issue of the Bulletin on Courses in Library Science for the cUiissll iof the Shinarum~p Conglomerate."
summer Session, which is No. 41 of ,VotL XX f of the University Official ___
SIra M. Smt The Clogging Class wil not meet on Truesdjay of this week on ac-
Glider Section: All membiers who have not yet handed in, schedules count cf the Chicago Basketball game but wil meet Thuirsday night
showing the' days and. evenings of the week preferred for flying and as usual.
working groups please notify Frank Munger, 1000 Hill St., as soon as
pos.5ible, since we are going to organize regular sections this week. Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. R. L. Lamnkin 'of the Union Car-
________bide & Carbon Corporation of New York will be in Room 221 West
EVENTS TODAY Engineering Building on "Wednesday, February 26, for the purpose of
Alpha Nu: There will be an important business meeting of Alpha interviewing seniors interested in employment .with this company.
Nu tonight at 7:45. Committees will be announced and plans for the ' H. C. Anderson
coming year will be discussed.
Senior Mechanical Engineers: Representatives of the Goodyear
Professor F. Scboenemann,,Head of the American Division of Eng-% Tire and Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio, will be in Room 221 West
lish Seminars at the University of Berlin: "The German UniversityI Engineering Building on Wednesday and Thursday, February 26 and
Problems of Today," at 4:15 p.,in., Room 2225 Angell hall.j 27, for the purpose of interv iewing men interested in employment with
* this company.
Industrial Motion Pictures: The School of Business Administration I11. C. Anderson
will present the following films ini Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05
P. m.:Athena, tryouts will be postponed until Wednesday night.
The Re-Awakening of Rip Van Winkle.
The Storer of Leather. I A. -S. C. E:: Meeting for the election of new officers on Wednesday
February 26, in the Engineering Society Room in the West Engineering
IExhibis are being, held in the Galleries if Alumni Memorial 132ll i Buildi ng at 5p.mi.
as follows:



Suprisr Will "
Deliver Lectures Fulfilling a long felt need, a sys-;
tem of dimmers and gongs is to be
Jo- .Talo,°lF installed in Hill auditorium, it wasI
of the Deerlodge National Forest, is ianune ysedaiy,.C.Pr
in Ann Arbor for the first part of idon, superintendent of the Build-
this week to deliver a series of lec- ings and Grounds department. n
tures on Forestry. Mr. Taylor's The dimmer system will make it t
headuartrs re i Bute, on-possible to gradually dim all of the 'el
tana, where he is employed by the Ilihsi h uioimecp h
Unit eSarteFrt Service.eds a uspendled' lamps on the stageI
Eac yer te ervce end aproper. The installation will be }h
Supervisor from some NationalI made as the result of numerous re- cc
Forest District to Forestry schoolsI quests of patrons of the uditorium 1i
that are not closely located to Na- who degire jutst enough. light to st
tional Forest Regions. Mr., Taylor read programs between numbers ,)
has been to the Forestry schools ofC and want the auditorium with thew
th~e University of Maine, University exception of the stage dark duringit
Iof Pennsylvania, University of New erracs.Ti arngm tC
Hampshire, Yale University, Cor- has not been hitherto, put into ef-2Itc
nell University, Connecticut Agri- fect, because of the great expense b
cultural College, -and the Univer- entailed in such installation, espe-
sity of Mvinnesota on his tour so cially since Hill auditorium wasj
far. lie leaves Ann ,Arbor for designed primarily as an orchestralw
Michigan State Wednesday. FromC hall, not as a theater. pr
i Michigan State he will go to Pur- I-------
due and the University of Iowa. I #1##llI##li##lII##llI !#lI #il#lI#lII#li# lilL,
In an interview Mr. Taylor gave
three subjects for his visits to the' f O
Forestry schools. These objects are
to afford a contact between theI, 14S i
Forestry schools and the National I IV;
i Fres Sevic; o otai Foesty
ForstSeric; t otai Fresry5I
students by interesting them in c I'
the Service; and to bring /the = 'J O
schools information about the ac- W xy' ~
tivities of the National Forestry ~tfleyrC .:.
Mr. Taylor stated that Michigan'~=
i men are found everywhere in theE e I
Forestry Stations throughout the 4
country. He accounted fort this by = ?I:
the fact that Michigan and Yale -Irm oist'l
I were the first schools to teach For-\ 7 te/
jestry as a profession-T R
Tryouts for the Michigan Union Telephone Jackson 5590' E
will meet at 4 o'clock Wednesday RUTH JORGENSEN UNITS
in the student offices.#i#!1!#II !!t#!##lI !!#1!#!!!N###!##!##!##iiiii ''

Colby Will Head
Alumni Group for
Triennial Meeting
As a step in bringing to a conclu-
,ion the plans for the third trien-
zial meeting of the University of
N'ichig'an Clubs of the entire coun-
ry, Clyde WV. Colby, '11 E, has been
?lected general chairman of the as-
The triennial meetings, which
:ave been held twice before the
orcsning one, in 1925 in Detroit and
1928 in Chicago, have been out-
tA,.ndin ly successful in their pur-
.),so of br-inging together alumni
vho rih otherwises get gout of
"ouch witUh the University. It is ex-
iceted that the next one' which is
o be held in Cleveland in 1931 will
Je the largest yet brought together.
Walnut trees over 150 feet high
4ere not uncommon in the forest
>rimenval, in the basin of. the Ohio

. #
! t

Oil Paiutliigs by Allied Artists of America
Oil Paintings by Ernest H. Barnes
Oils and Watercolors by Jean Paul Slusser
An exhibit of Contemporary American Sculpture is on view i,' the
School of Architecture.
A nthropology 2: The section scheduled for 2 o'clock wil not meet
today. Those enrolled in this section please see me after the lecture
on Wednesday.
Physical Education for Women: There will be a practical and writ-
ten examination covering the work on posture given today in all
Fundamentals classes. Come in costume and bring; materials for
The Psych ological Journal Club nmeets in room 3126, natural Sci-
ence Building, at 7:30 p. m. Professor Shepard wil review recent books
by Lashley and H~errick.
Physics Colloquium: Professor Charles F. Meyer will talk .on "The
Infra-red: Achievemnents and Plans" and on "An Introductory Treat-I
ment of Diffraction," at 4:15 in room 1041.
Sentior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. McClelland of the Bailey Meter
Comp~any of Cleveland,- Ohio, will be in Robin 231 West Engineering
Building for the purpose of intervi-wing any men who may be interest-
ed in emnployment with this company.1
J. E. Emswiler;
Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr. W. E. East, of the Fuller Lehigh
Comupany of Fullerton, Pennsylvania, will be in Room 221 West Engi-,
neering Building, for the purpose of interviewing seniors interested in
emiploymient with these companies.-w"
11. C. Anderson
Tryouts for the French P:.ay: Tryouts for the French Play, Tues-
day, Wednesday, February 25, 26, from 4:00 to 6:00, room 408, Romance
Languages Building. Open to all students interested in French.
Ifene Talamion'

' Pi Lambda Theta vwill meet Wednesday, February 26, at the Women's
League at 4:00. The room for the 'meeting will be posted on the bullie-
tin board.
Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven will be the guest at a luncheon spon-
sored by the Hillel Foundation at the Woman's League, Thursday, Feb-
ruary 27, 12:05-2:00. He will give a shore talk on "The Relationships of
a Jewish Student on a University Campus." Discussion wil followv.
Reservations must be made at once through either Milton Sorock, 6581,
or Morton Frank, 3540.
Engineers-Sophomores and second-semester freshmen: Call for
Tryouts for the Michigan Technic. First meeting Wednesday, at 8:00
p. m. 3036 E. Engineering Bldg.
To all Men, Especially Freshmen : Because of the Basketball game,
the Adelphi Smoker scheduled for tonight will be held Wednesday.
Everyone invited.
Michigan Union Executive Council will meet at 4:30 o'clock Wednes-
Iday in the student offices of the Union.

NeW Yo rk Listed
Conservative margi
accounts solicited

Investment Securities
Ann Arbor Trust Bldg.
1st Floor


I ___________________________its_______________________


Just Rieady and Now On 'Sale -


Michigan Technic: Staff meeting at 8:00 p. m.
Tau Beta Pi: Dinner meeting at 6:15 in the Union. Dr. Forsythej
will speak. Please bring any shingles yout wish framed.
Tryouts for Portia Literary So- ____________
ciety will be held in the Portia
rooms at 8:00 o'clock. An impor-
tant business meeting will be held 1
at 7:0. dai.





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Please the people.
Be exceedingly nice
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Box Office. AleI
I o'clock to S o'clock
This Afternoon for
By George Kelly
Lydia Mendelssohn

And many other
things that are neces-,
sary for success.
4 1-.* . ,.

Il I


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