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May 27, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-27

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VOL. XL. NO.171




No Decision Made by Tribunal
on Status of Buyer of Stock
Illegally Transported.
Finds Government Deliberately
Omitted Imposition of Guilt
on Liquor Purchaser.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 26. - The
buyer of bootleg liquor was held
by the Supreme Court today not
liable to prosecution as a violator
of the Prohibition laws if the ques-
tion of illegal transportation and
possession be not involved.
The court declined, however, in
another case, to declare whether
purchasers who knowing illegal
transportation will be involved are
guilty of conspiracy to violate the
Prohibition law. It found that the
case in which the government had
sought to raise that issue had been
foreclosed by the plea equivalent to
one of guilty which had been en-
tered when the accused was ar-
Government Defeated.
In a third case, the court held
manufacturers- using liquor andl
alcohol in the preparation of a
non- beverage product were en-
titled to operate until their permits
were cancelled for some violation
and could not be required to an-
nually renew their permits. I
The two cases decided on their
merits were defeats for the gov-
ernment, and all three decisions
were without dissent.
James E. Farrar of Boston was
indicted for purchasing liquor from
a bootlegger. The Federal District
Court for Massachusetts. quashed
the indictment, taking the position
that the prohibition law didnot, as
the government ; had contended,
make :the p rchaser equally guilty
with the seller.
The government appealed direct-
'y to the Supreme Court, which in
an opinion by Justice Sutherland
declared the contention that any
purchase without a permit was il-
legal and could, not be sustained.
The court pointed out that the per-
mit related to that class of per-
sops who are authorized to deal
with Intoxicating liquors for. non-
beverage purposes. . Purchasers
fromn bootleggers, it added, could
not under any circumstances ob-
tain a permit to make such purch-
Justice Sutherland' Speaks.
Justice Sutherland stated that
"since long before the adoption of
the eighteenth amendment, it has
been held with practical unani-
mity that, in the absence of an ex-
press statuory provision to the
contrary, the purchase of intoxi-
eating liquor, the sale of which
was prohibited was guilty of no
Suggesting that Congress may
have considered it more important
to make the purchaser available as
a witness against the bootlegger,
the court added it had failed to
enact any specific legislation mak-
ing the purchase of liquor illegal.
Asserting the government for
many years had not considered the
purchaser guilty, the Justice con-
cluded that Congress in enacting
the Volstead Act had ",deliberately
and designedly omitted to impose
upon the purchaser of liquor for

(Continued on Page 3)
Indian Representative
Will Speak Next Week
An official representative of the
movement for the National Inde-
pendence of India in the United
States, S. N. Ghose will speak at
4:15 o'clock next Tuesday in the
Natural Science auditorium under
the auspices of the International
committee of the Student Chris-
tian association.
Mr. Ghose is one of the few orig-
inal members of the Revolutionist
movement still living, and he
speaks with the authority of one
devoted to the cause of Indian in-
dependence for 22 years. The sub-
ject of Mr. Ghose's lecture will be
"India in World Economics."

Will Continue Policy of Saner 'Chip off the Old Block" of "Ban"
Attitude Toward Lighter at Michigan by Lee Blazer, '31, in I 11 GESTEo
Aspects of College. an editorial cartoon. In additionIr
there is an editorial setting forth[
Continuing its policy of a "saner, theactviiesof"GagHTe"wh
more mature attitude toward thetir
"suggests that if child pyscologyT t
issue of Gargoyle, the last number is to be used on us (the students Emmons Affirms Mayor Ordered Free Performances ThursdayTraditional Ceremony Honoring
of the current year will go on sale at Michigan), that the later meth- Lax Dealing With Gamblers to Honor Championship ujSenior Women to Take
on the campus tomorrow morning. ods of education, reason, and per- for Political Reasons. Track Team. Place Tonight.
Two distinctly new sections are Isp d
icluded in the June issue in addi- b aiography of SterreliNIE ALL CHARGES FILM TO BE ANNOUNCED aPAGEANTWILL PRECEDE
tion to the more intrinsic changes ApF ,
bougtht abwotiby.thefthene"trainer of track champions, break-SasVcSqdCrteCopnB ksM tbe
hoenew policy.tOe fthese ' erofrecords, member of Barnum Mayor Says Ve Squad Created Athletic Coupon Books Must be Jean Wallace Will Lead Seniors
sections, under the title of "All and Bailey's circus," who, next Without Police Oficials Presented at Door to Followed by Junior and
Honorable Men," contains a few month, finishes his career as track Opposing It. Gain Entrance. Sophomore Women.
short statements by characters coach at Michigan, tells the color- Opoin t.___Sohooeomn
well known on the campus. The fustory ohise life.a Ho a (By Associated Prs) In celebration of the winning the! Lantern Night, the annual cere-
or ne section, a firemen in Maine how he later be- DETROIT, May 26 - Mayor Bi Ten track title with which Gov. Fred W. Green mony conducted by the women of
'morous mistakes oound in the came one of the greatest profes- Charles Bowles today replied to the Coach Steve Farrell's proteges pre- Coming to Ann Arbor today will the University in honor of the sen-
headlines of several college news- sional runners in the World, how charges of Harold H. Emmons, his sented the retiring coach last Sat- review the University unit of the ior women will take place tonight
papers. he raced with a horse in a side former commissioner of police, with urday, a free show for the student Reserve Officers Training corps at Palmer field. The event is
Prohibition is portrayed as a sw r Barnum and Baleys cr a thorough-going denial and the body is being planned by the But- this afternoon on Ferry Field. Gov- sponsored by the Women'seAthletic
are all told in this article by Rich- assertion that he had discharged terfield theatre management for {epbeis of p rentea a Association and the freshman
ard Ll Tobin t'32is the latter "not because of the police Thursday night.mam an
In addition, there is an article gambling raids but in spite of Although not definitely decided oeris following the competitive class. The program will start with
UIIULIIUUVVIU RUI1d under the title of "The Customer them." as yet, Jerry Hoag, manager of the dla picnic supper at 6 o'clock, which
is Always Right," which concerns The Mayor's statement today was Michigan theatre, last night said will be followed by the Freshman
WIsome happenings at Sounders ca- intended as an answer to the that it is expected that the free Pageant at 6:30 o'clock. Women
noe livery, a familiar essay "On ,charges made by Emmons in a show will be a mid-night perform- wion at 7 oclng at the gateeon
Whistling,"a report of some re- I statement issued yesterday. The ance at both the Majestic and the sun at 7:30 o'clock, at the gate an
searches on "The Man Who Ate former police head accused the Michigan starting at 11 o'clock n K r r Observatory street.
uron Farms Manager the First Oyster," a poem on "The Mayor interfering in depart- Thursday night. The Lantern procession, which is
""______Mdaltr wfit hipoltcalefortne' N U1I1!Lu
From Car During Accident "Belles; Rung with Apologies to Ed- ment, particularly in connection Will Precede Holiday. Ithe climax of the program, is con-
on Plymouth Road. gar Allen Poe," and the. traditional with the vice squad; with saying Originally intending to offer the sidered to bethe most beautiful and
"Campus Talk." that if gamblers were too firmly free performance for the students 26 Dead, 700 Hurt in Outbreak impressive tradition of Michigan
INQUEST WILL BE HELD would suffer and passing congrat-tongh, the management, however, Between Coolies, Strike omend d ibthe only event which
tonigt, i attndedby the entire body of
CA ulations to officers for neglecting to d that smany d a Breakers in Rangoon. women students, and usually
'Barton Hills, manager of the1' U I I Bowles Makes Denial. Monday that many would not wish
Bhs sto attend. Therefore, the date was IRWIN ASKS POLICE AID pants. Besides the students how-
Huron Farms Co., died as the re- To all these charges, Mayor changed to Thursday night, Also ever, the entire ceremony is at-
sult of an auto crash at 9 o'clock L Bowles made a deal. He admitted with the view of giving the show (lv Associated PressI tended by members of the faculty
wrtinga sttemet tobe isuedand residents of Ann Arbor and'
'yesterday morning when the car ovr Comm stement to bemssued on the night preceding Memorial BOMBAY, India, May 26.-Bloody
which he was drivig collided withv ture regarding gambling and vice day, a holiday in the University. rioting in Rangoon, Bombay and s
Joepithaha''0 Rc i uergadnggabinladvie rIWear Caps, Gowns
ichh a;rvn olddJsehClahn 3,Rcie conditions in the city but insisted Hoag wl go to Detroit in an acIoaybogtBrts u
a vehicle driven by Joseph E. Award in' Oratorical Contest that the statement had been pre- effort to obtain two prints of the Bac'ca today brought British an- In the Lantern procession the
Grammel, Rural Route 1, an the at Methodist Church. pared at Emmons' dictation rather latest Edmund Lowe picture, i. thorities in India face to face with seniors, dressed in caps and gowns,
Plymouth road 12 miles north of than his own. Emmons said that possible, for the showings. z rerious situation in which these carry lighted lanterns which they
Ann Arbor. Underdown's car over- he had refused to make the state- For Students Only. thre big cities of Burma and the pass on to the juniors, symbolic of
TRUEBLOOD PRESIDEShe hefused to h se- or tudenty of mIp sa n the1 their status as seniors and their
ar's hubca and careening ove' S.e.kingdiefor.Theaudited since ,thebeginning of the civila skr'_e t y o o-rr v n fon n l e n o r i . ru
and over for a distance of more fakng ber suden an Mayor took occasion to deny that diffculty which has always arisen pih gn g hev assedry o g thned sohooes, aising
than 100 feet: townspeople at the First tst John Gillespie, commissioner of upon the extension of such crute hdisobedienc campaign. aa de ed shooswhichiag
thouh n ambulance was twnsptBaptistpublic works, had ever interfered sies, a new policy whereby admit- The rioting at Rangoon, the most t o standing. The cone
s u gh U ambuan was e church Sunday night, Joseph C. with the operation of the police tance will be by Athletic associa- serious of the day, had no direct trbutibn of the freshmen to the
ummoned, Unoerdownwasdead Callaghan, '30, won the fourth an- department.n program is the Pageant.
when the car arreiv He a ualBlack ratorical ,ontest; Ger White admitting tt L had or ion coupon books only, will bein connection with the.cvil disobedi The leader of the Lantern Night
3 thoughtato have ben thrown fist,'iGetude B.eCook, '31, an Carl I'a.,Urist, efect. No c0 ouponsWill'be tcor TrnfrliathNit,,
tho auto whiaehe was driving al- ' rude B. Cook,31, and Carl H. Urist, ddered the creation of the vice squad, from the book, but each student ence campaign of the Nationalists. procession this year is Jean Wal-
the sto m Cdhtel adrivingcais -31, recei'ving second and third Mayor Bowles denied that he had must show the book to the door- It broke out between different lace, '30. Each class is headed in the
ostimedhiately fterthe ollison honors, respectively, done so knowing that most of the man in order to gain entrance. bands of coolies when laborers were march by the four women in the
the pavemdbuta bhorteing fistance Prof. Emeritus Thomas C. True- 'high police officials were opposed to It is the hope of the manage-imported to replace striking Bur- cta u who have the most dis-
from the point of the crash. blood, of the speech department, the step. If such was the case, the met that this will insure the stu-tnushed records for service and
The accident, accordig 1 presided at the meeting, and Mayor said, no indication of the at- dents of a show for themselves mese dock workers. The latest re- activities, and directed by eight
Th Acen tn,,mp oee of th Thomas E. H. Black, Detroit attor- titude was carried to him by Com- only and will prevent the seats .port gave 26 dead ana nearly 700 aides, who are selected on the
Thomas Gardner frm, who wit- ney and founder of the contest.,! missioner Emmons. Regarding the from being filled by others. This injured. same basis. The fe ders and aides
nessed the tragdy occurred when awarded the prizes expressing sat- operation of downtown gamblmg innovation will also eliminate the All bazaars were closed, and cal- are dressed in white, the leaders
th Underd r ttemted to isfation that the competition was places, the Mayor said his request necessity of hurrying and rushing vacades of mounted poli'ce clattered wearing the colored jackets which
pass Grammel's auto which was advancing religious thought among ithese establishments brought' forth in order to obtain a place. A total through the streets in large patrols. represent their respective classes.
s d a h a the students, Detachments of the Cameron high- At the picnic supper, the patri
slowing down preparatory to turn- Judges for the contest were Dean the objection that it would be bet- of more than 3,500 seats will b nders and the Punjab regiment andatronesses of Lantern Niht
in a e n Both Edward H. Kraus, of the School of ter tochave them downtown where available at the two theatres. were on the alert and ready andaare the guests of various sororities
rection Underdown swung to the teedtPharmacy; Ira M. Smith, regis-1 dth rohout the city presented and other arrangements ready to intervene if necessary. and dormitories, according to tra-
let f rame'sca to at ttrar; Prof. Clifford Woody, of the Ou bnsDicag Rin.'.l emd ooroHa ad The rioters were brought under, dition. The pageant this year in
left of Grammes's car too late to ' Outlines Discharge Reasons. will be made tomorrow, Hoag said,oto yavgru ipa fiette TeCmn fSrn,
avoid hitting the hubcap which School of Education; Prof. J The Mayor went at some length ntrol by a vigorous display of entitled The Coming of Spring,
turned his vehicle upswde down and Raleigh Nelson, of the engineering to outline for the first time the rea- force late in the day, but none of and contrary to custom. fs not bas-
tcollege, and Prof. James K. Pollock, HENRY SOUTH'ICK the officials 'could guarantee how ed on any specific plot. It is, rather,
sent its driver to his death on the Jr., of the political science depart-sons for his discharge of Comm ~RTH long the relative calm would last. through the medium of the dance,
pvmn.ir sioner Emimons. Summarizedd TO READ TONIGHT;ln h eaiecl ol at.truhtemdu ftedne
An inquest will be held later in Tep. shortened these reasons were: (1) In Bacca an important city of the expression of the various in-
the week Dr Edwin Ganzhorn sI Disapointment in Emmons' judg- of Emerson Bengal, 150 miles northeast of Cal- terpretations which the countries
the week Dr. Edwin Ganzhorn cor- and ideals of Christ in their various ment in giving out interviews prais-Psl cutta, Hindus and Moslems fought of the world place upon the coming
oner stated yesterday afternoon. DrI and significant phases, including a ing the police department in view Will Give Recital. each other during the day. Six of the spring. Included in the
dat the scene ofvivid description of the evening be- of Bowles' campaign pledges for a deaths were reported and many in- Pageant will be the crowning of the
theac nt rohortl ft t ore the crucifixion when Christ reorganization; (2) Emmons' bad Prof. Henry Lawrence South juries. Scores of arrests were made May Queen, and the winding of the
the accident sry afer itoc "great in his humility" washed the taste in attending a dinner to sev- wick, president of Emerson College throughout the city by the au-IMaypole, which will conclude the
Cunderdown was born in New feet of his disciples showing the eral of the dismissed officers and of Oratory, Boston, will complete thorities.presentation.
k d aduat f Cor cleansing power of humble service. eulogizing them there; (3) Emmons' the series of dramatic readings The situation was still so serious Band to Play
York and was a graduaHeofCr-statement after his return home with a recital of Shakespeare's tonight that the chairman of the Immediately following' the Pag-
nell Univers in 1912 as manmae o f r. Schwartzto Speak from the West in which he said he;"King Lear" tonight at the Lydia district board telegraphed the: eant, the leaders and aides will go
the Hrtmwas too busy to talk about gamb- Mendelssohn theatre. Vice-roy of India, Lord Irwin, for through the audience, gathering
the Horan Farms othe Efarmn i Lane Hall T onigt ling. Mr. Southwick is distinguished adequate police help "in order that the women for the procesison. The
~property on the Detroit Edison ___ I Varsybnwlle
npty isdisric.HwasThe Mayor said he had taken no as a classic teacher, orator, and the people may feel they are still rity band will be present to play
company i this district. He was a Dr. Louis A. Schwartz, director of I action against the gamblers during artist; being well-known for his living under the British govern- for the procession. The signal for
member of several clubs here, in- the clinic for juvenile research, a Emmons two weeks absence because intepretations of Shakespeare. His ment." the start will be "The Victors," and
cluding the Ann Arbor Rotary, Golf unit of the Yale Institute of Hu- he had not wished to embarass the reading of the various roles in' Communication with Bacca was the line of march will be a serpin-
and Outing club, and the Lambda man Relations, will speak on "Men- Commissioner. He said he had been' "King Lear" will be backed up by extremely difficult, and has been so tine down the hill and onto the
Chi Alpha fraternity. He, is sur- tal Cbnflicts in Childhood and ~convinced that he must dismiss onsiderabl ex erence as a stu- for the past few days, but every- field. After the lanterns and hoops

Ivived by Mrs. Underdown, formerly Adolescence" at 7:30 o'clock tonight---------------------- .., ,... ,have changed hands, the "tMf, wll
He Dougls New Yor, ad atsLane" atoium. Emmons before he (The Mayor) dent and teacher of dramatics. thing indicates that feeling among habe f
Hele Doulasof Nw -Yrkand t Lae Hll aditoium i ,~ befor edhordere ,wtthe "" Ian
ersnsDouglasMiltorkDad L Htleft for the Derby at Louisville, and "Professor Southwick," a New York Hindus and Mohammadens is very te which the rs will be car-
four sons, Douglas, Milton, David, Dr. Schwartz is a graduate of the that he was not going to be di- newspaper states, "lacks none of intense. rns The enies will cos
and Billy, Jr. His father, David University medical school, and has verted from his course by "a much ry
'Underdown, who resides at Tmu- trvldetnieybtintiveedfo hscusey"amc the essential qualities of lecturery Bombay did not escape unscath-wt the singing of the "Maize and
UnerwN., aso rives h outraveled extensively both inthis belated spectacular raid." or reader, as viewed from the ed. Two persons were killed and 19 Blue."
mansburg, N. Y., also survives him- country and abroad in the inter- Meanwhile the movement to bring highest standard. He is an artist injured, including a Mohammedan There will be bleachers at Palmer
Fer rrg n rm tabout the Mayor's recall continued, always, whether he recites an am- woman, during suppression of a riot field for the audience, and it is
d His address will be given in non- Persons circulating recall petitions using skit to create a ripple of in the heart of the Moslem quar- planned that the Pageant costum-
technical terms, and will include today were reported to have turn- merriment or rises to the highest ter. A mob of 5,000 Moslems stoned es, the decorated bandstand and
Gov. Fred W.. Green practical illustrations of the effects 1 ed in a total of 49,200 names or eloquence in the inerpretation of European policemen. the flags on the field for the Lan-
of early unpleasant environment more than half the number re- Shakespeare." tern procession, will create a color-
to Present Awards ,upon later mental life.h h quired for recall. "Professor S.outhwick," says the Prof. Lorch Addresses ful and carefree atmosphere in
Prof. E. V. Jotter of the School of Boston Courier, "is a man of deli- . keeping with "The Coming of
in Military Review Forestry and Conservation will pre- Prof. Reeves to Speak cate true and sure intellectual Architectural Groups Spring.
side as chairman, having been thets In case of rain the entire pro-
first to propose such a course of on Recent Hague Work ception, a scholar as well as apr Prof. Emil Lorch head of the gram will be postponed until Wed-
Gov. Fred W. Green will review training for those interested in the stude, a njdo ag College of Architecture, has re- esday, when it will be conducted in
the Reserve Officers Training corps problems of adolescence. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the po- su rs a a turned from Washington, D. C.. the same manner.
'at 3:10 o'clock this afternoon in litical science department will be teacher. He has a convincing where he spoke last week before
the southwest corner of Ferry French Engineers Tour the principal speaker at the annual 'earnestness, a telling directness two national societies of architects. HONORARY GROUP
field. Gov. Green will present . . Li banquet of the Adelphi House of 'lProf. Lorch presented, as committee
medals to the members of the rifle University Laboratories Representatives tomorrow night at chairman, a study on architectural HOLDS INITIATION
team, students who made the high- the Union. Professor Reeves will Purchasers Have Week 'engineering at a meeting of the
est scores with the service pisto , On an inspection tour of the discuss the recent Hague confer-A to Trade 'Ensian Stubs ssociation of Collegiate Schools of Druids, senior honorary society of
and to the ten best drilled first United States, sponsored by the ence, which he attended as a mem- Architecture. the Literary college, held its an-
year basics. Society of Automotive Engineers, ber of the American 'delegation. All Michiganensian stubs must be |nual initiation last night in the
Competitive drill between the 28 French automobile engieers The banquet will be the last meet- , Aviatrix Breaks Record Union tower for 24 new members.
five comnanies will take nlace be- stopped at the University Sunday in of the house this semester. dI . . _ I The initiates are Harry Eastman.

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