ESTABLISHED 1890 It ujan ,43aitI MEMBER. ASSOCITATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 170 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1930 EIGHT PAGS PRICE FIVE CENTS ICHIG s 1~ TE TRi c TITLE MICHIGAN VARSITY~ FARL CLSESI R N WINS 1 TO 4 GAM TEAMSLIBL FROM WISCONSIN' LGIi Y9. CNT RUNR (RN telY_1OUSTERSOFIMAYO LINCOLN, Neb. May 24-Judges GIS SG AUE of the Big Six conference track and RL ield meet announced tdathey would ask official recognition for a NITI 'new mark in the 100 vard dasih bhv_ MILE RELAY WIN DECIDES MEET 'AS CAMPBELLR BROOKS 6ET FIRSTS; III Ikinl I I IWIT v 0oI_9 DnlflhcT Tumble Winning Streak of Eight New Three Year Ruling Will Go H. Meier of Iowa State, who was Workers Show 12,300 Total of Games to Halt Badger's Into Effect in 1931, clocked at 9.4-10 by three timers Signers of Non-Partizan' Marc to ennat. Cache at 9.3 by a fourth. i geso NnPriaD fat March to Pennant. Coaches Decide. The feat was performed with I Street Petitions. Simpson Defeats Eddie Tola - , _ -starting blocks, the present official TOMPKINS HITS HOMER ARMY WILL BE AFFECTED record for the century, 9.5, made BOWLES CALLS IT A BLUFF 220 But Fails to Break without starting blocks, is held by Comptoa Silences Badger Bats Committee Fails to Reinstate Eddie Tolan, Michigan dash star. Movement Is Attributed to Die by Wolverine Spri Fs 'sMeiEight Ineligible Iowa er ran against a slight head- Hards' Defeated in Last Out 14 Safe Hits. Athletic Stars. City Elections. (I\'vtfwrd l .War City(Electi . C( 1 'I DI , l1 ston--Mi (Special 'Ie il (B%, Associated Press) (BY Associated Press) near rengn as Western C on ference outdoOr1 Michigan's baseball team proved Steve Farreli CHICAGO, May 24- Western DETROIT, May 24.-"The recall byhleating O1t the Indians i points toa "jinx" o Coach Stephen J. Farrell's career Conference today severed athletic I of Bowles" announced today that year career of Coach Stephen I. 'arrell to a to be Wiscons in onceas a track coach in Western Con- relations with all teams without a 1i 12,00 signtures had been secured Michigan's first major sport title of the vea when the Wolverines pounded out ference circles came to a glorious three year eligibility rule, notably hMRI L;us far on petition seeking the a well-balanced team.lacininiiofthe a 10 to 4 victory over the Bad- close here today when his Michigan the Army, and regretted the plea Iremoval of Mayor Bowles. Leon F. The g eet was close thriughout, finally gers handing the Cards their first trackmen annexed the champion- for reinstatement by eight Univer- Topolewski, temporary chairman Michigan and the Illini. Coach Farrell's h Conference loss of the season. ship in the 30th annual outdoor sity of Iowa athletes. Dean Announces Summer Term of the "Recall Bowles" organiza- last two events when they won the hammer Conference losmeeshel atfDcheetadim.sWen.IThe action to break off athletic ls w vnswe hmwntehatre By virtue of this defeat the Bad- the Wolverines beat Illinois out of relations will not be effective until Rules Will be Similar to tion reported at voluner wor ichia's strength was hiefl in weight gers must win the second game of the title by six and one-half points, 1931, giving all conference teams Those of Last Year. es e iting ae to o20 0 while Illinois added many points to its tot this series when they invade Ann it was Coach Farrell's sixth title- an opportunity to fulfill schedules lignatutos whres fsrt 120,00 Arbor next week. Illinois won from winning team since he came to already made. PROFESSIONALS EXEMPT signatures. Workers asserted to- \\ iiscoml tk thid llace m the meet Ohio State by a. 12-6 count, mak- Michigan in 1912. It was also Mich- BtRuling Is Explained, ___day that probably more than 12,000State w ing themselves possibilities for the igan's eleventh victory in confer- .By the three year eligibility rulegs'names have been secured on turned owa, d title unless Wisconsin tames the ence outdoor track, and tied the is meant that no athletes can com-I Regulations on student opera- tions which have not been turnedNdo no Wolverines in their next game. Wolverines with Illinois at 11 wins p sPete more than three years in thc tion of motor vehicles.ill not be in to headquarters. dUD EbSLN 0U NEL donts. victory this afternoon would have apiece over the 30 years of com-- college field. While such a rule has lifted during the Memorial day re- The sponsors of the recall peti- overe:f I cinched the pennant for the home petition. To show the esteem in been on the Western Conference ss W. B. Ra, assistant to tion have asserted that they are 18; Ci team but the surprise defeat, while which they regard Coach Farrell,1 books for many years it has not dean of tudet announced ye- non-partisans and have expressly rLdt Minneso Bi cahste -"been enforced literally. Hereafter, , pointed out that they were in no U IL Ii w it does not knock them from the Big Ten coaches presented therre- be frt f y H terday afternoon. Rea added thatd te Twor running, will make the fight hard- tiring Michigan mentor with a con- asdcuty cone eence committee the auto ban will be lifted at eight way connected with any of the establis i plete set of golf clubs,ha decided that it must be enf or-t mayors former opponents. Rilfur um oRne a er. . _________ ed to the letter. o'clock on Sunday morning, June Bowles Is Confident Reilly, Quirk, Q mby to Render Sam Be Wolves Show Hitting Power. 1 The committee's refusal to rein- 15, until the opening day of the Mayor Bowles, however, has tak- Decision on Productions his sho The Wolves lived upto their rep- state the petitioning athletes to el- summer session. This regulation en a different view of the matter, on Wednesday.thrto utation of having a strong hitting 0P [lNsU Ligibility was a stunning to Hawk- will enable students who wish to indicating that he believed they _Captain club when they peeled off 14 safeIL eye athletic hopes. The eight in- drive home after the first weekpof movement to be inspired by his IS SECOND COMPETITION Mich blows for a total of 10 runs off of eligibes including Mike Fairoh, co- examinations to do so without per-~ enemies. In a speech Friday night Michi two Badger hurlers. Coach Fish- 1Dcaptain elect of the 1930 football mits. he declared that he was not going . places w er's men; who up to date were weak IESI IVIUEILMONllteam, were among the original 14 Concerning the summer session e led a a i Mrs. Raymond Reilly, Dael LIthrowF n themound and errati on de- barre yed by the conference during De nnKraus has stated that regula- ouple of newspapers and a gang Quirk, Jr., and George Quimby will homme tense, proved to be the stumbling Margaret ,Anglin Appear Iowa suspension from the Confer- tions of student driving will f the hardest losers in the politi- be the judges who will chose the mile re block for the Badgers When Cmp- .dence. - practically the same as those in 3al history of Detroit think they winning student-written one-act of the f ton pitched his best game of the in First Indoor Showing Six Men Are Dropped. effect last year. Professional stu- .ye got me bluffed, they've got an- play Wednesday nght in the Uni_ also eac season by silencing the Wisconsin of Old Greek Drama. The other six have passed out of dents, such as members of the >ther think coming." versity hall auditorium, it was an- Georg tguns to the extent of seven hits ompetion, five by completion Of teaching, legal, dental, or medical To make the recall effective the nounced yesterday by Valentine B.sprnter while his team mates flashed a CAST IS PROFESSIONAL theree yeais f a d professionswill be exempt from irculators are required to secure Windt, play pioduction diector. Eddie T real defense behind him. by confession of playing profession- the auto ban, according to Dean ;he signatures of 89,497 qualified Mrs. Reilly is a prominent little both th Michigan Leads Throughout. Margaret Anglin, famous Ameri- al football. As a result Iowa's team, although undergraduates in voters in the last preceding general theatre actress and producer in Sim.pso Michigan took the lead from the can stage star, will open the Dra- wll be weakened and Faroh may the professional schools who were lection Birmingham, Michigan. Quirk is the in the c start never to lose it. Butler first matic Festival at 8:30 o'clock Mon- be forced to resign his co-captain- enrolled here last semester will be idirector of the "Little Theatre" in to the f man up in the first, started the day night in the Lydia Mendelssohn ship of the football team. Because under the regulation. DETROIT, May 24.-Sponsors of Ypsilanti, and Quimby is the di- of 9.7 s fireworks by singling to center, was htheatre with Sophocles' "Antigone." of their suspension from the con- Concerning undergraduate stu-he movement to recall Charles rector of the "Town Theatre" in two po sacrificed to second and then scor- This production inaugurates the ference Iowa was forced out of next dents, the summer ruling on stu- 3owles as mayor predicted today Savannah, Georgia. He is coming fourth1 ,ed on Hudson's double for the first first week of five of the Festival, fall's football schedule but doubt- dent driving states that "recrea- that the necessary signatures to to Ann Arbor to investigate the victory Wolverine tally. After being retir- and also presents the first indoor less will dispense with Faroh's serv- tional use" of cars is permitted to make their petitions effective dramatic situation. yards s ed in one two three order in the production of theplay. ices in accordance with the con- those of good scholastic standing. would be obtained within a week The three plays which were cho- Tolan a second, the Wolverines scored two Miss Anglin has appeared twice j ference ruling. By the term "recreational" is 89,497 Signatur Needed . sen from 38 others for production Wolveri more runs after two were out in before in the title role, first at Har- j - --meant use of autos to or from , r s . will be presented by students in Chicago the third when Tompkins hit a vard University and recently at the hereal lwtiulte tat8lakes golf links or tennis courts in9- Play Production classes. Perform- Orval home run to deep center field scor- l'University of California in Berkley. 197 signatures, or 25 per cent of ances will be given at 8:30 o'clock his Con ing Superko who had singled ahead Supporting Miss Anglin in the1y wy ' the qualified voters in the last pre- on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- when h of him. Michigan knocked Far- Antigone" the professional cast in any way approaches a social use' eding gubernatorial election, must day nights. Tickets are now avail- nois by of cNewhoYork, wctorstbewill includeht lTicktsfar nowfaail-loisfb ber out of the box in the sixth and of New York pofssiol casde o ars, however, will not be per- be obtained. able for distribution at the Play in his tallied twice more off of his suc- Ainsvorth Arnold as Creon; Lewis Niii Ub 1U teeumitted under the 1930 regulation. Two circulators reported that Production o mces in University record. cessor Sommerfield. The Wolves McMichael, who played the role of LAs during the regular for their petitions had been destroyed hall. There is no charge for ad- sophom 'climaxed their brilliant victory Jimmie Dugan in the New York driving permits will be given for by persons they met on the streets. mission. fourthi (Continued on Page 7) production of "The Trial of Mary Beta Gamma Initiates Ten necessary and approved purposes One circulator said two policemen The three plays and their auth- Anot Dugan," as Haemon, his son; Amy .ie ofce . snatched a petition from his hands ors are: "Three a Day," by Hubert peated Loomis as Ismene, Antigone's sis_ Charter Members on Basis dents. Special permits will be is- and tore off the signatures. Skidmore, '33; "Lassitude," by Ho- western HILLEL WILL GIVE ter; Robert Henderson as the mes- of Past Scholarship. sued occasionally as during the bart Skidmore, '32; and "Wives-in- everal OBJECTIVE DRAMA isenger; and Victor Adams, a Greek _regularsession for week-end fam- Law,"by Elizabeth W. Smith, Spec. Mitchig 'actor who has played the classic Beta Gamma Sigma, national ily use during periods of special This is the second contest of its Wolveri Several hundred students, faculty plays in Athens, as the sentinel. honorary business administration university events. These permits I urni fNNLAL kind. Last year "The Joiners" was of thet imembers and townspeople will wit- iThe chorus is composed of trained; fraternity, through the offices of will be announced in the Daily Of- I the winning play, and all three by W ness the opening of Michigan's first dancers, who interpret the play Prof. Hiram T. Scovill, of Illinois, ficial Bulletin from time to time. .TLplays were printed in book form.- Northw experimental theatre Tuesday eve- more in terms of rhythms rather: Head of the Department of Business Graduate students taking courses __911 ENNIS TITIEII--'--Wiscon cling when they attend the Hillel than conventional dancing. The Organization and Operation, and in library science, athletic coaches, AMERICAN WOMEN ed in fi Players performance of "Adam" by jnembers list Claire St. Claire, Lil- past president of the organization, nurses, ministers, health officersWI Ludwig Lewissohn at Sarah Cas- Tian Brosnon, James Trent, Edward installed its thirtieth chapter, at social service workers, practising Hammer, Ryan, Clark Conquer WIN TENNIS TITLE'Two well Angell hall. ' Powell, who recently appeared as Michigan, Friday evening in, the engineers and pharmacists are ex- in Singles; Ryan, Clark ' shot p In augurating this project, the I Fag' with Mrs. Fiske in "The Riv- Union. empt from the summer auto regu- i.Moody-Ryan Net Team Wins to Beh: Hillel Players are offering an outlet als," Sylvia Adams, Edward Fitz- Five faculty members and five lation. Further information may Decide Match. as French Beat Tilden-Coen. fourth. for newly created plays which have gibbons, Editha Bartel and Marjory fsenmors were intiated together. The be obtained from the office of the points not attained distinction in the pro- ,Field. faculty members were: Dean Clare assistant dean of students in room t( Assia d Press) throw, Eessi'onal world but which show { The curtain for the "Antigone" is E. Griffin, Professors William A. ! 2, University hall. CHICAGO, Ill., May 24-Michigan AUTEAU, France, May 24 - A heave c promise of greatness. Adam, their (scheduled to rise at 8:15 o'clock to- Paton, Robert G. Rodkey, Earnest won the dual meet championship smashing -victory over Simone derson first selection, is the first objective 1xnorrow night, and the manage- M. Fisher, and Olin WBlacktts all TAKES If the Western Conference here Mathieu and Mmse. Yzette Barbier Badger ,drama ever presented in this coun- ment requests the audience to be of the School of Business Adminis FRESH ANhis afternoon by defeating a sur- of France by the redoubtable Helen place try and is even more unusual for its in their seats by that time. The ac- tration bThe stude in30B tiated PRIZE IN GERMAN prisingly strong Maroon tennis 'Wills Moody and her veteran part- Johnny structure. tion of the play is continuous with- w , , 3..: os- squad by a score of 5-4. In win- ner, Elizabeth Ryan, captured the cleared out intermission, so that late-com- eph E. Castener, 30B.A.; Milton J. Mathias Francis Matzek, '33, has ning this meet the Wolves broke French women's doubles champion- second ers can only be placed with diffi- Drake, '30BA.; Lemuel L. Laing 30 been awarded the Bronson-Thomas -even the singles matches but won i ship for the United States today.: Dick LAST OF READINGS1 lt.BAanKentG.Sur,30s Thscrofteoesddialws ihs culty. It is understood that the .A. and enne . uart, prize in German for 1930, it was two of the three doubles matches. The score of the one sided final was with s TO BE GIVEN SOON premier performance will be for-B.A Scovill as rincipal announced yesterday. Matzek was Rexinger of Chicago defeated 6-3, 6-1. jump. mal. Pkr of theevig, outlined the fawarded the prize after it was Beal 6-1, 9-7 to take the first point The French forces struck a blow don, lI Henry Lawrence Southwick, pres- The"Antigone" will play every history of the organization and ex-n he ranked highest in the of the day, but Captain Hammer in return when Jean Borotra, "the 24 feet ident of the Emerson School of Or- night except Tuesday, May 27, pan its oeces, award test held Thursday after- came back in the second match to Bounding Basque," of Davis Cup eight p atory, Boston, will deliver the when Mr. Henry Southwick will!eta Gamma Sigma, the only fro- noon. win from Human in three hard sets fame, and his youthful partner, elin th fourth and last of a series of dra- give a dramatic recital. There will eta Gamma S igma the n - The prize consists of the interest 6-8, 8-6, 6-0. Stagg, son of A. A. Rene Debuselet, eliminated the con to matic recitals at 8:15 o'clock Tues- be four matinees at 3:15 o'clock tere endorsement of the American on an endowment of $1,000 given Stagg, former national boys chain- American men's doubles combina- ; baker1 day night in the Lydia Men- on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Association of Collegiate Schools of to the university by the late Prof. pion, took the second victory for tion of Bill Tilden and Wilbur Coen point v delssohn theatre. Iand Saturday afternoons. Business is similar to other honor- Bronson, a Michigan graduate. ItChicago when he won from Brace in a serious quarter final round The Mr. Southwick will read "King rv fraternitie is awarded annually to the second Iin another three set match 6-3 struggle, 6-2, 8-10, 5-7, 6-3, 7-5. 'the ba f..L. rUIII n in Both 100 and Record Set nt Star. higan ended Illinois' three track championsh here today 44!/2, thus hringing the I8 fitting cliniax In winnin r. the Volverines displayed () events. 'esolving into a duel letween )ovs cinched victory in the throw and one mile relay. events and in the lashes, al in the hurdles and high with 33 points, while Ohio as a close fourth with 31. lespite its inany (lualifiers, better than fifth with 24 Totals of the other teams ndiana, 20; Northwestern, cago, 7; Purdue, 7; and )ta 4. new Conference marks were hed in the field events, with ehr of Wisconsin retaining t put title with a record f 49 feet 1 1-2 inches, while Poorman iigan Wins Three Firsts. gan annexed three first when Brooks won the discus H1. Campbell was first in the r throw, .and the Wolverine lay quartet finished a ead .eld. Illinois and Ohio State h took three firsts. e Simpson, fleet Buckeye , twice took the measure of olan of Michigan, winning e 100 and 220 yard dashes. n reversed last year's result entury when he beat Tolan finsh by a yard in the- time econds. Smyth picked up ints for Michigan with a place. In the 220 Simpson's was more decisive, three eparating the Buckeye from t the tape. Campbell of the nes just beat out Root of for fourth place. Martin of Purdue retained ference title in the mile run e defeated Makeever of Illi- r eight yards, but he failed attempt to break the meet Harmon Wolf, Michigan ore, ran a nice race, placing behind Clapham of Indiana. her Big Ten champion re- when Rut Walter of North- won the 440 yard dash by yards over Ed Russell of an. Dale Seymour of the ines led over the first part distance, but he was passed Lter, Russell, McAuliffe of estern, and Davidson of sin in the stretch. He finish- fth place. .wo Men Place in Shot. Wolverines placed in the t when Brooks took second r and Captain Poorman was Eight more Michigan were registered in the discus Brooks winning with a )f 142 feet 6 inches, and San- taking third. Behr, the giant, placed second. Third in the pole vault went to Pottle of Michigan when he 1 13 feet. Tom Warne was in this event. Chapman took four =points econd place i'n the broad This event was won by Gor- anky Hawkeye, who leaped 8 1-4 inches. Iowa added oints to its total in the jav- row when Weldon and Nel- ok first and second. Bru- picked up another Wolverine with fifth place. team championship hug in lance between Michigan and a y YarY i Lear" by William Shakespeare. }Comedy Club Selects year German student who ranks 4-6, 6-0. Clarke of Michigan de- Illinois Tickets for the program will be - - highest i a test i German liter- feated Calahan 8-6, 6-0. Chicago Headwinds Force Graf markf fifty and seventy-five cents. They j Next Year s O'cers 1931 AlumniM eeting ature given for that purpose. again forged into the lead by vir- . ton S will be on sale at Slater's bookstore Awarded to Matzek, who comes from Toledo,I tue of Kaplan's victory tver Clark ange Destinaton' with t and room 3211, the office of the j. Elections for next year's officers is enrolled in the College of Engi- 0-6, 9-7, 6-2, but Colby Ryan again 'first la speech department, in Angell hall. were held yesterday by Comedy ; qlj J,'s,) neering. During his first year onI evened the count when he handed ( ,a Press) verine T'Pneton Timnes a sof hi Club. one of the four student dra- nA'V( r-TIPV - o v the campus he has shown himself iSchmidt a straight set beating 6-31 RIO JANEIRO, May 24-Dr. stretch as the relay teams toed the for the one mile race. Dal- ymour kept on even terms he rest of the field for the ip, and Mueller of the Wol- held the lead until the . when Illinois. Wisconsin #