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February 18, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-18

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7T~~AY, ~I~7AflY 18,

.. .

Published eve y morning except Mondayt
during the nijversity year by theBoard in
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Night Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS

thus neglected, it is claimed, and
the State Medical society is given
control of the Medical school
through its ability to starve out the
Ann Arbor experts by cutting off
their private consulting practice.
These evils are certainly inherent
to a certain extent in the part-
time method of employing the hos-
pital teaching staff, but Doctor Ca-
bot was not dismissed as dean be-
cause he fought them. Attempts
to drag them into the controversy
to cover up Doctor Cabot's failure
as an administrator only confuse
the issue.
Charles Evans Hughes has taken




Music and. Drama


so the editor


IF '

Jean Paul Slusser
In summing up the life of an American water-colorist who had
shown great promise in her youth, a famous painter in New York once
said to a young artist about to set sail for southern Italy: "-and let
her tragic example be a lesson to you. Southern Italy is too beautiful
an environment for the painter. It leaves nothing to the imagination.
Go there; get what inspiration it has to give you; and then tear yourself
&way before it's too late." I mention this anecdote in that it illustrates
precisely what Jean Paul Slusser has found the strength of purpose
to do.

the seat of Chief Justice of the There is perhaps no. more magnificent a coastline in the world than
United States Supreme court after that which stretches from Sorrento down the- Calabrian coast to Sicily.
a four-day battle over his confirm- That takes something more than the average character and talent to
ation by the Senate. Although the wrest from this landscape its straightforward form and color, returning
fight in the upper house may be home with a cleaner key-board and a rejuvenated spirit, is attested by
irksome to a large share of the cit- scores of Lotus-Eating palette scrapers of all nationalities that linger
izenry of the country, including on there year after year, going steadily from bad to worse. The tempta-
Mr. Hughes himself, it was a quite tion to linger on and to repeat oneself is great; for, as the saying goes,
significant controversy. "no one ever starves in Sicily."
The attack on the appointment To return from the limpid, transparent scenes of the Mediterranean,
of the farmer Secretary of State, where almost every subject is a "composition" and where the crystalline
presidential- candidate a nd Su air and saturated sun-light annihilate distances and exaggerate color,
preme court justice, was perhaps to the rather stark and'stodgy environs of Ann Arbor puts a far greater
the most dignified yet made in the tax upon the imagination and technique of the artist. It is as though
Senate by that band of Insurgents he were suddenly to turn from the writing of Neapolitan madrigals in
-the Progressive Republicans and that language where every word has tonality and rhyming is the com-
their co-allied Democrats. The op- mon gift of senators and fisherfolk, to the difficult idiom of the North
position did not strike Mr. Hughes' where the words at one's disposal are heterogeneous and harsh and the
ability and integrity-that is be- difficulties attendant upon success much greater, but the resultant tri-
yond reproach. The appointee is umph over difficulties, rare though it may be, much grander by contrast.
one of the most capable and exper- Jean Paul Slusser's real triumph lies in the masterful way in which
ienced constitutional lawyers of the he has treated the humble back-yard scenes of his 'home town.' One
present day and his service for his can imagine him dashing off one of his brilliant Lipari scenes between
country has been long and faith- caffe nero and pranzo: one of those dazzling bits of impressionism!
ful The real test of his artistry came, however, when he tackled such a
The attack was directed against difficult subject (the Academicians would term it "unpromising") as
Mr. Hughes' attitude on social and "West Side Ann Arbor,"-or more especially that entitled "Old Ann
economic legislation, which may be Arbor."
brought before the court for re- I offer the following rather fugitive notes for those unfamiliar with
view. The new Chief Justice is a Mr. Slusser's work. The present exhibition in Alumni Hall gives one
confirmed reactionary in his con- an excellent idea of his skill as a water-colorist.
sideration of this class of cases. Launching the Boats:-the animation and color of the fisherman's
The court is now at the crossroads life; note keen observation of water-"the rhythm of the ti A!"
in deciding a policy on the consti- West Side Ann Arbor:-palette simple, autumnal, "Yankee tang!"
tutionality of certain social and Pine Trees and Barn:-blue shadows of fore-ground patterns the
economic legislation-the one road depth, lurking shadows, nice handling of trees.
to favor the property and commer- The Green Cottage:-note delicate arabesque of green shadows on
cial interests and the other the green house, broadside of (Ford?) truck, more "tang."
masses. The HaFbor Palermo:-"grey and mauve day," sirocco sky, Turner-
Quite interesting and significant esque quality in distant masts and houses.
was the attitude of Michigan's October:-fit setting for "L'Apres-Midi D'Une Faune."
Couzens. Couzens was the only Street in Munich:-in which Slusser proves that he can outwash the
Republican Senator in the north- architects when he wishes, the sort of thing that Bailey would do if
east manufacturing and' commer- he could.
cial section, of the country to vote Sicilian Landscape:-apotheosis of the hooked rug!
against the appointment. That he,
w o re iTyrolean Landscape:-the most lyrical piece in the show.
with one or two possible exceptions, Lipari:-low-keyed sky of distance enhances complicated high-keyed
should side with the working class pattern of golden light from buildings in mid-foreground; final resolu-
(might be considered a peculiar co- tion of planes in fore-ground.
incidence if that were not the usu- In A German Village:-they like their wash down in the rough.
al attitude of the Detroiter. ,Mr. An Italian Garden:-dangerously near Pierre Vignal in color, yet
dout conspicuously more left to the imagination in execution, note lovely blue translucency
1Couzens standsoucnsiosl under distant grove.
as the lone champion of the causes
of the masses among the Senators The Beach at Lipari:-not so 'hot'-a contest going on between
of hisaffiliation and rating. background and fore-ground for supremacy.
Though the attack on the Hughes Beer Gardens:-back to Munchen, meditation, and normalcy-green,
appointment may be classed as the enormity of nature.
"dirty politics" by a large percen- Sicilian Afternoon:-a summer idyll-free handling, beautiful tex-
tage of the people of the country, ture, restrained palette but high-key.
it serves as quite a noticeable re- Winter Landscape:-a difficult subject handled quite differently
minder to the now Chief Justice from the prescribed Pennsylvania Academy formula for snowscapes.
Hughes, and to the remainder of Vegetable Marcet:-picturesque juxtaposition of umbrellas, animat-
the nation's highest bench, that red vendors, and light woven into a pattern.
there are at least 26 Senators who New Mexico Landscape:-shades of John Marin in his early days
take the side of the masses in so- and Marston Hartley! A great many of our water-colorists suffering
cial and economic' legislation and from periodic color-blindness would do well to spend six months a
are willing to stand up and say so, year in Santa Fe.
-o - Old Ann Arbor:-the most truly Slusserian-the best water-color in
SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN. the show, and the one which the Ann Arbor Art Association won't buy.
When the prohibition enforce- Still Life I:-vegetables rampant and of richest color plunging into
Sment bureau was moved from the a Mueller-Nolde perspective of deep ochres, browns and blues-a Rubens
Treasury department to the De- in the modern spirit! (oils)
partment of Justice, a wise step Still Life II:-brilliant execution but lacks autographic spirit of No.
was taken. But even this has not I (oils).
brought any degree of stabiliza- Sun-flowers:-Van Gogh has exhausted the very limited possib es.
I tion. The methods employed by of this vegetable for me. (oils)
the new bureau shift almost with Still Life IV:-a rather prim but charming chapter from Slusser's
I the winds: to cover up a period Autobiography-Chapter XVI, My Kitchen Table.
marked by extreme laxity it sud- Man at a Table:- from the studied expression on the young man's
denly launches a campaign of just face he is apparently endeavoring to solve the question of values which
as extreme severity with few or no the artist has left for the most part unsolved. (oils)
carefully preconsidered plans to
guide it. " *

The Busi
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By the personal friends of Doctor
abot, by.his students, and by his
atients, his demotion from the
eanship of the Medical school has
een received with feelings of re-
ret and resentment. As a friend
nd teacher Doctor Cabot is a man
f singular charm, and as 1a sur-
eon he is possessed of more than
full measure of skill.
As an administrators however,
Is shortcomings have proved so
etrimental to the harmony and
iternal cooperation of the Medi-
al school that his continuance as
s head became an impossibility.
'he Daily, after sifting the rumors
hat other personal and political
onsiderations entered into the
reach between Doctor Cabot and
is faculty, has found them based
n false supposition. We believe
resident Ruthven and the Regents
'ere amply justified in dismissing
octor Cabot as dean on the




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i ne r'assion of inan nt Ape

statement of three-fourths of the In Washington every person old ~-~~~ " iX""
Medical department heads that enought to be a potential producer A Review by William J. Gorman
they had lost confidence in his or consumer of liquor is an object Theo. Dreyer, director of this great picture, avoids all historical im-
ability to administrate the school of suspicion. In Chicago profes- plications, all sentiment, all fanaticism, all suggestion of mysticism for
y. sional snoopers follow cases of his penetrating psychological study of Joan of Arc. He is not a his-
That was the only ground upon yeast to their destination to ascer-, torian perpetrating a legend in his own interpretation but a creative
which the dismissal was based. tam whether or not it is to be used artist struggling for and achieving comprehension of a great passion,
Doctor Cabot's views on the desir- for making beer or other nefarious! inventing and mastering a medium to help him realize it.
ability of placing the entire clinical purposes, and cases have been The entire drama is built around the last few hours of Joan's life-
staff of the hospital on full time prosecuted in which the "criminal" the inquisition, the trial and the burning. It is a Joan already crushed,
were already accepted as sound at had been indicted for carrying a tortured and supplicating that he studies. Mme. Falconetti with the
the time of his dismissal, but the l hip flask full of demoralizing and most marvellously mobile face that I have ever seen on the screen, gives
financial practicability of the plan unconstitutional spirits. mobeautif u sya mesie rpetatio h a n, ave , n o mpreen ig ge ;
was open to serious question. A If this same sort of investigation aibeautifl flawles tretatin Joan, naid uncomprehedi
full-time staff represents the ulti- is continued, it cannot help but without the slightest trace of intellectuality, guided only by her firm
faith. The grotesque faces of her cunning accusers close on her with
mate desideratum in a teaching further the cause of the anti-pro- ate ine i toturing her with leersercng ft answers
hospital, but the University's budg- 1 hibitionists. If the officers followfj from her with relentlessness. She is burned. The mob of peasants,
et does not permit the Medical a case of yeast, they will logically their consciences sullenly revolting, charge the judges with killing a
school at the present time to com- follow corn from the markets, cop- saint. They are dispersed by soldiers and they kneel in prayer to the
surrenderingts facultyadequately forpertubingfrom thea hardwarehops I new martyr. Joan's courage makes her suffering beautiful and the ex-
stfalperience, though exhausting, is a pleasant one.
their private practices. This finan- from the fields. Technically, the picture is consistently superb. The roblem in'
cial limitation on the Medical These methods now in use by treating such an intense drama, where a moment of faltering in depic-
school forces on it the choice be- t the prohibition officers bring out tin uha been faa, w ee a teni tat wn kep
tween a second rate full-time fac- the impracticality, if not the im- Lion would have been fatal, was to devise a technique that would keep
ulty and a first rate part-time fac- possibility, of enforcing the law. the emotionalism at a consistently high level of intensity. Dreyer,
ulty. When the eighteenth amendment with impelling skill, uses a sharp, concentrated method of narrative:
Plausible attempts have been loses the support of its original; a series of amazing closeups (the point de technique used ordinarily
made to condemn the dismissal of proponents, the outcome will be only in crises). All is conceived from Joan's point of view, both physi-
Doctor Cabot as instigated by an I either chaos or the repeal of a law cally and emotionally. The camera is subtly guided around the scene,




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