ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Air .if tt r I41 aI~ MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 168 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS FACULTY APPROVES Member of Faculty MICHIGAN BATSMEN Dies After IllnessV PLAN OF ELECTING SUBJECTS IN FALL 'IN 10 INNING GAME PAINTED DEMONS Fteshmen and Sophomores WillE be Advised by Committee of Suitable Courses. MUST SPECIFY DEGREE Effinger Announces That Special Programs will be Pursued by Students. Plans 'elative to a new system of electing courses in the literary col- lege were submitted and the gen- oral idea approved at a meeting of j the facilty yesterday, according to Dean °G. W. Patterson, an announcement made by Dean Former associate dean of the John R. Effinger of that college. The College of Engineering and Archi- plan, which provides that special tecture, wlo died yesterdayafter programns be followed by students an extended six weeks illness. when electing courses, will not go into eftect next fall, buti will be ,vorked out thoroughly by the con- r mittee on curriculum before beingP. put in practice.. The plan provides for general and degree programs. The former which ' will be followed in the fresLnian and sophomore years will prepare students for the degree programs rTwo Runs Made in Ninth Inning Ties Score for Wolverine Base Ball Team. BREAKS LOSING SLUMP Daniels, Straub Tally in Last Frame to Overcome.One Run Lead of Opponents. Gathering in four runs in the ninth and tenth innings, Michigan broke its long slump yesterday aft- ernoon at Ferry field by winning a! slow game from Oberlin college by a 6-5 count. Oberlin held the edge throughout the game until the last two innings, when the Wolver- ines, aided by four walks and five hits were able to drive the winning run across the plate. The Oberlin hurler, Butzbereer kept the Michigan batters well in hand until the ninth when he was nicked for four hits. Up to this time he had allowed but five safe blows, one a home run by Tompkins in the first, and a double by Hudson in the fourth frame. His team-mates during this time were collecting seven bingles which had them in a { SEIZE CAPTIVES BY MIGHTY OAK Listen to this tale of romance, Tale of Indian warriors bold- In the early moon of green leaves Came they forth, the stoics val- iant; Forth they romped to paleface wigwam, Wigwam once of friend Great Chief, Palefaces mighty among his kind; Came he forth to take their jtoken Of the warpath they would tread. Then to the mighty oak of Tap- pan Dashed the screaming, yelling redmen; To the tree of Indian legend When the white men pale and trembling. Stood around the mighty oak; Warriors choice of paleface na-, . tion, Choice of Tribe to run the gaunt- let. Down the warriors, painted de- mons, Swooped and caught their prey like eagles, Loud the war cry stirred the. stillness. As they seized their hapless cap- tives, Forth they bore them to their wigwam P There to torture at their pleasure. There they ate around the glow- ing bonfires, Heard the words of mighty wis- dom, Smoked the pipe of peace and friendship. Thus there came to Michigamua: Alexander G. Ruthven, Merton J. Bell, Leigh M. Chatterson, Francis M. Cornwell, Joe K. Downing, George A. Dusenbury, Richard A. Furniss, Kasper H. Halverson, Ar- thur W. Highfield, George E. Hof- meister, T. Hollister Mabley, Bruce Palmer, John L. Pottle, Paul C. Showers, James O. Simrall, Stuart M. Smith, La Verne Taylor, Irving R. Valentine, David W. Ward, James Ward, John R. Wheeler, Gur- ney Williams, Jr. FESTIVAL0TO .BCIN WITGREDRM i i r t } I I .i iS i i i i I I ILLINIS, MCHIGAPresident to Honor t , ICHI'9NFirst, Atlantic Fliers with Special Medals (B Associated 'ress) I WASHINGTON, May 22.-MedalsI are to be awarded tomorrow to the Farrell to Take Eighteen Menseven men responsible for the first Ftrans-Atlantic flight in May of to Evanston for Meet This Afternoon. President Hoover will pin the CLOSE MEET PREDICTED medals on Commander John H. i I Towers, who conceived and direct- Tolan, Official Record Holder, ed the flight, as well as the six Amain to Renew Rivalry members of the crew of the Navy's which are to be elected the last vo years in college. Juniors to Choose Degrees. The term 'degree program' is un- derstood to mean 60 or more semes- ter hours of work suitable for jun-! iors and seniors, arranged to in- clude a logical sequence of courses in some one field together with re- quired or suggested courses in re- lated fields and a number of free electives. Students who have com- pleted in the general program'-at least 60 hours, have earned as many points as hours, and have satisfied such other requirements as the faculty may impose, may apply for admission to candidacy for a de- gree, according to the plan. Requirements Outlined. The application must specify the degree program which the student desires'to elect,'and must bear the approval of the authorized repre- sentative of the group responsible1 for the administration of the de- gree program. Applications for ad- mission to candidacy for a degree when approved, and when the hours and points have been verified, shall be granted automatically. There- after the elections of each student must be approvad by the authorized representative of the group re- sponsible for the admin'3ttration of the degree program. Each department may formu- late as many degree programs as (Continued on Page 8) .ZEPPELIN ARRIVES IN SOUTH AMERICA Huge Air Liner Will Set Out for Rio de Janiero Tomorrow. (Baw Associated Press) PERNAMBUCO, Brazil, May 23- Flying over the route of the Span- ish conquistadors, the dirigible Graf Zeppelin, for the first time crossed the equator and made her bow to the southern hemisphere tonight. Garnished with new trans-At- lantic laurels, the world circling airship reached the southern side of the new world just before the tropic twilight set in.I At 7:10 p. m. (5:10 E.S.T.) her; ropes fluttered to the ground where1 they were seized by soldiers form-1 ing the newly trained ground crew. Amid a furious din from thousands of spectators and a bedlam of horns and sirens, she was snugly tied up to her specially built moor- ing mast at 8:15 p. m. (6:15 E.S.T.) GIFFORD PINCHOT GETS NOMINATION (By Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA, May 22-Gif- Elaborate Decorations Planned for Senior Ball, Last Big Dance of Year. two-run iead into the last nait of YOUNG TO LEAD MARCH the ninth. Here, however, Coach I --Fisher's men went on a rampage Austin Wylie and his orchestra, and garnered four singles by But- playing Wylie m is orchesr, Superko, Tompkins, and Trus- playing in the midst of a Spanish kowski, bringing in Holtzman, who1 garden setting, will furnish the had reached first on a fielder's; music for the 1930 Senior Ball to- choice, and Butler.' night in the ballroom of the Union. Michigan Ties Count in Tenth. 1 epce'In winning this game Coach t More than 300 couples are expected Inngti aeCah Fisher used fifteen men, four of' to attend the Ball which will be the them pitchers. Presbrey, who start- last social event of the present ed the game failed to impress and graduati'ng class, as well as the last was taken out in the fourth inning large remaining class dance for the in favor of Holtzman. Holtzman1 semester. ilasted until the eighth when Mon- Elaborate deorations have been tague was sent to the rubber, only 3 used for the Spanish effect in the to be relieved in the tenth by Mac- ballroom. Arbor-4ave 'been dis- Neal. tributed around the floor while After Michigan had tied the count! I flowers and palms will complete the in the ninth, Oberlin came back' decorations. The entire second in the tenth to again forge into the floor will be thrown open to the lead by one run. However in their , dancers. The main lobby and the half of that inning the Wolves1 small dining room on the first # waited Butzberger out for threeE floor, where fountain service wi'll walks to force Straub in with the be provided, will also be used in tieing run, and then Superko was- connection with the dance. In addi- waived to first on four balls to send3 tion the tower of the Union will Daniels across with the winniing be open to visitors. counter. Michigan scored its other The Grand March, which will be two runs in the first inning when led by Charles R. Young, '30E, Tompkins laced out a home run chairman of the Senior Ball com- with Butler on base. mi'ttee, and his partner, Miss Sarah Chalk Up Many Errors. Keho of Bay City, is expected to The Wolverines played poor base- begin about 11 o'clock. Favors will ball yesterday, four errors being be distributed following the march. chalked up against them in the ten All tickets to the dance, which will innings, while Oberlin had two' be from nine until two, have been bobbles to its.tdiscredit. On the other sold for nearly, a week. Following hand both teams accounted for the custom of other campus two doubles plays which cut off al- dances, the committee has request- 'most sure runs. ed that no corsages be worn. (. ti-- u- d_- n_ _a e-. ) The patrons for the Ball include: (Continued on Page 6) President Alexander G. Rutiven and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean Joseph A. BIG TEN COACHES Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean PLAN 1931 CARDS' John R. Effinger and Mrs. Effin- ger, Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. II Reda Foball Bates, Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys Iowa epresente at Foota and Mrs. Humphreys, Dean Herbert Mentors' Secret Meeting. C. Sadler and Mrs. Sadler, Dean, -- Fred B. Wahr and Mrs. Wahr, Prof. (say Assoxcated Press) Waldo Abbot and Mrs. Abbot, Prof. CHICAGO, May 23- Big Tenf Fi'elding H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, football coaches met in secret ses- Prof. Edward A. Stalker and Mrs. sion today to complete 1931 sched- Stalker, Prof. Charles B. Vibbert ules. Iowa, once more a member .and Mrs. Vibbert, Prof. Emil Lorch in good standing, was represented and Mrs. Lorch, Prof. A. L. Cross, and out for an attractive quota of Prof. H. C. Anderson, Prof. Bruce M. conference battles for next year. Donaldson, Miss Alice Lloyd, Mr. While the coaches refused to dis- Henry Moser, and Mr. Hugh W. cuss the day's proceedings, it was Heathergtolearned the usual difficulties were _ring __n._confronted and that the schedules{ . would not be completed until to-I ;Fire Threatens Plant morrow or Saturday. Meanwhile, in Gasoline Explosion I coaches in other sports were arriv- _G_ xp sining, while the fadulty committee (By Associated Press) is expected to take up cudgels again PERTH AMBOY, N. J., May 22-in the Iowa case Saturday morn- Fiebroke out tonight in the gaso-I ing. Fire srake platohtthegS-eWhile the Hawkeyes were return- line storage plant of the Shell- ed to good standing, 14 of their fha Prrm-- d mnn t]F t Sp athlte.P wrid rl dnr in liaibhl Cg4114 \1GW11. y 1 with Smpson.NC-4, the only plane which com- with Simpson. pleted the flight. (By Joe Russell) Commander Albert C. Read, com- In the capable hands of Steve i manding officer of the NC-4, Lieut. Farrell will rest Michigan's last Commander Albert E. Stone, pilot, chance to win a major title in Big}former Lieut. Walter Hinton, pilot; Ten competition this year when the! Lieut. H. C. Rodd, radio operator; Wolverine thinclads start driving Lieut. . L. rdse engin- for the Conference title at Evans- former Lieut. J. L. Breese, engin ton this afternoon. With Michigan, eer, and Chief Aviation Pilot Eu- ltn ts Wisconsin, and Ohi ateenF. Rhodes, engineer, will be Ilhinis, isconin, nd Oho S tenerecipients. favored over the field, every pros- th et onst nog frcr peet- points to an orgy of record I breaking and one of the closest meets in the history of the event. Michigan and Illinois are expect-CU 1 M T 9N ed to fight it out for first place to- - day and tomorrow, and since the Maize and Blue already hold a vic- tory over the Illini in a dual meet 11 Coach Farrell's men appear to' ntdSae ai hold the slight edge over their tra- United States Davis Cup Squad ditional rivals from Champaign. A Takes Two Matches From squad of 18 men will represent Mexican Players. Michigan in this meet, and al- though: five of the events arel LOTT, ALLISON VICTORS ,notic eably weak in the Wolverine i___ roster, Coach Farrell plans on pick- try'Asociated Press) ing up enough points in the others s WASHINGTON, May 23- More to make his team the major than three hours of slashing tennis threat of the meet. were required today to give the Simpson, Tolan to Meet. United States Davis Cup team a A battle of the ages is expected two to nothing lead over Mexico between Simpson of Ohio State and n the second round of the Amer- ' Tolan of Michigan. Tolan's recora ^n zoneccompetition, virtually as- of 9.5 in the 100 has just been rec- suring an European invasion by the ognized as official and the Buck- Ameicans. eye flash is out to set one of . his A litLi 20 year old Mexican, Ri- I own whih will supercede Tolan's. cardo Tapia, fighting tooth and- Campbell is counted on to take nail, carried Wilmer Allison, of some points while Smyth has an Austin, Texas, through five torrid outside chance to add to his team's , sets before succumbing 6-3, 3-6, 6-8, total. Much .the same situation ex- ! 6-2, 7-5. . - . - -- ists in the 220 with the same men In sharp contrast, George Martin slated to compete for places. Lott, of Chicago, overwhelmed Ig- In the 440 Russell and Dale Sey- nacio de La Borbola, former Mexi- mour are considered to be the most can champion, without the loss of serious opposition t'o Rut Walter, a game, winning almost as easy, last year's winner. Martin of Pur- 6-0, 6-0, 6-0. due is favored i'n both the 880 and On Saturday, Lott will tackle the mile if he decides to enter both young Tapia, while Allison is sched- Y events. However it is fairly probable, uled to play Barbola. With the that Coach O'Conner will send his doubles tomorrow in the hands of ace after a new Conference record Allison and Johnny Van Ryn of in the mile and give him a rest in East Orange, N. J., experts argued Sthe 880. tonight that there was little chance 1 i ' a 1 1 -1 [O0 NGSICKNESS 1ATAL TO DEAN G1WPATTERSON Untimely Death Concludes More Than 40 Years Service - at Michigan. WAS GRADUATE OF YALE Funeral Services Will be Held at St. Andrew's Church on Saturday. Dean George Washington Patter- on, 3rd, associate dean of the Col- leges of Engineering and Archi- ecttre, died yesterday afternoon at he University hospital following an llness of six weeks. t President Alexander G. Ruthven, =ommenting on the death of Dean Patterson, last night, said: "The loss of Professor Patterson will be felt by students, faculty, and residents of Ann Arbor. His stu- dents knew him as a friend always to be relied upon. His colleagues admired him for his interest in the University and his scholarly at- tainments. His fellow citizens re- cognized in him a public-spirited gentleman. Seldom is it given to a man to be so generally loved and respected." Faculty Mourns Loss. In a statement issued last night by Dean Herbert C. Sadler, of the engineering college, he said. "An intimate acquaintance with George Patterson, both as a colleague on the faculty and as my associate in the administration of the College of Engineering, I can truly say that I consider him one of the outstand- ing men, not only in this college, but in the University. Besides be- ing a man of narked ability as a scientist, his knowledge extended over other and wider fields of learn- ing, which added considerably to his influence and effectiveness with the students. His lovable nature and fine character endeared him to all who were privileged to know him. We all mourn his loss, but he will ever remain to us an example of the finest type of an American gentle- man." Dean John R. Effinger, of the literary college, spoke highly of him and stated, "In the death of Dean Patterson the University has lost one of its finest men. His absolute honesty, his fair-mindedness, and his great kindliness, have made all who knew him his friends and ad- mirers. Coming from eastern Uni- versities some 40 years ago, he has so identified himself with Michigan that we have had no more 1i;a or devoted friend." Achieved Many Honors. Dean Patterson was born at Cor- ning, New York, in 1864. He at- tained the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Yale in 1884. - Drawn to- ward science by his proficiency in mathematics, he entered the Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology where he received his Bachelor of Science in 1887. Then, complying with a wish of his father that he should become acquainted with the fundamentals of law, he spent the next year as a student in the Harv- ard Law school. In the autumn of 1889, he came to Ann Arbor as instructor in phy- sics and rose to be a junior pro- fessor in that subject. From 1901 to 1905. hetwas junior professor and from 1905 to 1915 professor of elec- trical engineering in the depart ment, subsequently college, of en- gineering. Since 1915 he has been head of the department of engi- neering mechanics. In 1922 he was appointed assistant dean and in (Continued on Page 8) MIMES' OFFERING. TO RUN ALL WEEK Performances of the current Mimes presentation, Robert E. Sherwood's "Road to Rome," will continue throughout the present week. This is the last Mimes pro- duction of the year. Evening per- formances are given at 8 o'clock in the Mimes theatre. There will be a matinee at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Plov Production Bids Antigone' to Open on, with Margaret A: in Title Role. Monday nglin Robert Henderson will open the first production of the Dramatic Festival series Monday night with Sophocles' "Antigone" following a rehearsal performance in Kalama- zoo tonight. The company will re- e h } Jt+ turn to Ann Arbor tomorrow and{ prepare for the first presentation. For the "Antigone" the entire lighting system of the Lydia Men- delssohn theatre will be used. This is the first time since the opening of the theatre that this has been done, and Saturday and Sunday will be given over to planning many novel effects. Miss Margaret Anglin, who has played the title role in New York and San Francisco companies, will star in this production. The box office in the Lydia Men- delssohn theatre will be open every day for ticket sale and advance re- servations. There will be perform- ances every night next week except Tuesday. Matinee performances will be given Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons. Seats have been reserved by many prominent Detroit and Chicago cri- tics for the opening. Mr. Gordon Mendelssohn, whose generosity made possible the theatre, will be attending his first play in the the- atre, named after his sister. Sentman is Threat. Michigan should be able to place - in the hammer, discus, mile relay, two mile run, broad jump, pole vault, shot, and javelin, with Holly Campbell, Brooks, Sanderson, Aus- tin. Fitzgibbons, Chapmap, Pottle, Captain Poorman, and Brubaker I turning in distances which will merit them a place in the scoring. The chief Illinois strength will be, found in the hurdles with Sentman, one of the best in the country, and Rodgers entered in these events. McDermont in the pole vault is also considered as a sure place winner, while Carr and Miller are two strong high jumpers who can be counted on to add points to the Illinois total. Mackeever in the mile, Chambers in the javelin, and Hampden in the 440 will also make a strong bid in the Illini fight for I their third straight title. For the Buckeyes, the chief threat appears to be in Simpson in the dashes and Rockaway in the hurdles. Rockaway holds the world record in the low hurdles and should win from Sentman and Rodgers of Illinois in this race. Chief among the other Ohio con- tenders are Strothers, 440 yard star. Butler in the high jump, Hoover in the javelin, and Hanover in the mile race. A well balanced Badger squad of cinder path stars will try to break into the ranks of the favored. Sam- my Behr will in all probability run away with the shot put, and may figure greatly in the discus and high jump. Tod Shaw is a high jumper of note and may account for a first in this event. Golds- worthy and Thompson are possibil- (Continued on Page 2) Union Begins to Mail Life Membership Cards Distribution of Union life mem- bershin cards at the side desk inI that the American team plans of sailing for Europe on June 3rd ir quest of the Davis cup would bi upset. BUILDING CRASHES KILLING WORKMEN Two Die, Nine Injured as Steel Structure Collapses. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 23.-With a roar heard for blocks, the; four story steel skeleton of a bakery un- der construction at 51st street and! 11th avenue, collapsed today andj carried two workmen to their I death. Nine were injured. The dead were Otto Helves, 30, and Albert Schwanke, 30, carpenter, and roommates. They fell together, clinging to a steel girder. The cause of the collapse was not immediately determined , although! there were unconfirmed reports that the crash of a derrick had1 preceded it. The crash attracted a tremendous crowd and police were called to preserve order. Patrolman John Morrissey, pa- trolling his beat, had stopped for a moment to watch 60 iworkmen busy four stories above him putting thej final touches to the steel frame- w ork .. . As he stood idly twirling his stick, he sawa girder sway, then another, and before he could cry out the whole steel skeleton seem- ed to fold up on itself. He sprinted for a fire alarm box. With a roa- the girders buckled and fell. I ! WILLYS ASSUMES OFFICIAL DUTIES (B A" "iate d ") WARSAW, Poland, May 22-JohnI N. Willys, first American ambassa- dor to Poland, arrived in Warsaw tonight to take up his post. He was met at the station by renresenta- Cosmopolitans Final Banquet to Hold; Tonight ,--j-E---t IjLerv roaucs compan ac1y e ford Pinchot, on the basis of un- an, three miles from here, after an official returns, tonight stands asa the Republican nominee for gover- explosion on a lighter loaded with nor of Pennsylvania, but in the gasoline. First reports said the en- November elections, he may face,.tire plant was threatened. besides his Democratic opponent, a third candidate, supported by the Journalism Fraternity wets and possibly liberal forces ofJ r sa i the state. I Initiates Nine Students On the face of early complete un- official returns from the RepublicanI Initiation of nine men into Kap- primary of Tuesday, Pinchot had a 'pa Tau Alpha, honorary journalis- lead of more than 12.000 over Fran- I tic schnatic soety. was held last a~ret s were c area ne rg De land the faculty committee recom- mended that Iowa make no further attempts to make them eligible for competition. Iowa will, however, seek reinstatement of eight of them on Saturday under the minor in- fraction clause. Five of the original list have completed their competi-' tion, while another, Oran Pape, was later barred on professional foot- ball charges. I IT 1i Ti nI Twenty-three senior members of the Cosmopolitan club will be given the annual farewell banquet of the organization tonight in room 116 of the Union instead of at the League as erroneously announced. The principal speaker of the evening will be Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history department while Jack Yuen, the newly elected president, will act as toastmaster. -u p e erman.