T ~4MAy2Q,1930 TIW~MLChLLCAN DAILY PAGE ~ lETTERS ~ TQLAJV'S MARK FOR CENTURY OfFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AS REWORD ft ~ P 0 Another Michigan athlete secu I ~ fl II U U d a niche in the hail of faiiie / u IIVV iv biil f~ sportdom v~ith the announcement yesterday that Eddie Tolan's record .~. I POINT RACt. Welvct*ine Go~irr Team Likely of 9 5-10 seconds for the 100 yard cbdke to Thke Big Ten dash h4s been officially accepted' Three studenf~ are having a close the International Amateur Athletic 4~ I anc~ interesting race for the all.. D~iat G1iatnpio~iship. FecIerat~on as the world's record ~ around athletic championship hon- I this distance. The diminutive Wol, ~.~. o rs of the campus. This champion- llLI~O!S HOPES FALTER verine sprinter set this mark in ship consists of 20 a 11-campus competition in the, Western confer- t~ i events. Point awards ~ue given for ~ upsetting the dope in Tues- ence championships of last spiing .~ cach sport and the high point win- I il~'~ tennis match with the Illini, at Evanston, Illinois, in his lfrst year of major competition ner Veceives a trophy. the Wolverines have only to turn The leader at thiS time is WillIam V At the same time that 'tolan's Phelps, '32L, who has a total of 421 ~~ck the defending champions~ mark was recognized George Sim Chfea4~6, to Win the Conference net son's time of 9 2-5 was ref u9ecl r~ ~' points accumulated in six events. t~tie. The e i~iiblti6n of remarkable 'ognitiori because the Ohio flyer ~ He has taken part in goly, hand- W ball, horseshdes, squash,, tennis and ~enn l~ in the fllhiois sets proved aided bY starting blocks, which i twenty-oi~e. In addition to the'' t~h~ Michigan racquet-men capable have faiLed to meet the approval of .. ~. points afready credited to him, he flghth~i~ to the finish if neces- J the ap~teur body s6 fai'. The gov has a chance to earn more points of erning bddy had a1~o ~teadfastly re '~n tennis, life saving mci Sigma ~ary to gain the decision over the I fused to ai5Pr6ve o~ terith-se~ond ~ Psi. Maroon~~ this Saturday at Chicago. watches up until just recently Harold Greh wTh 30 'V ''~ I Th~ failiit~ of the Illinois netters Charles P~ddocl~ once turned iii, as ~econd. His on1 i. poins, is~ points have been ma ivtllfihl ~et down for ime of 9 5-10 se~oi~qs, but th? 0 ff1' in baseball field day, cross country) to predictions cials never ecognized It ~is the re~ o~~, horseshoes, tennis and trac.1 theni before the Wol~'erine match ord. d ~jHe was the winner of ~the cro lost the Big Ten Championship for I Another mark for the 100 yar j country run last fall. He can gain tli.e Ch~itipalgne school. The close dash will come up for o~iciM con- Eddie Tolan. I further points in Ifte saving and sideration at the next meeting of ______________________________- I Sigma Delta Psi. ~I~ior~ g~ained bY' the Maize and C- I all ~1u~ ~s all the niore sensational the federation, and that is the re American trackmen were also made Joe Woodward, winner of the -~ ord breaking time hung up by ~I~nce the strong Indian team had Frank VVykoff, California speedster, official at the meeting of the Feder- campus lightweight boxing title, is ~rash~d through its opposition with of 9 2-5 seconds. Due to the fact ation in flerlin. The new record in third place with 24 points ac- I c~rnparative e~se~, while the Mich- j that a time has to first meet the holder in the 400 meter run is cumulated In baseball, field meeti igan v1ctoiie~ w~re close and hai'd approval of minor governing bodies Emerson Spencer, formerly of Stan- boxing, foul throwing, horseshoes ~eug1~t. before it goes to the international ford University, who covered the and twent~'-one. lie is Practically distance in 47 seconds flat. Two assured at this time of the 20 Coach Courtri~ht'~ proteges will group the Cakifornia trackster's I other west coast athletes had their points necessary to Sigma Delta have a t6ugh battle on thClr hands record must Wait for its approval or when they encounter the Maroon, disapproval, marks accepted in the persons of Psi. This will bring his total to 44 tegn SaThrday afternoon; but with; Thus a record that has withstood Eric Krenz of Stanford with a toss together with whatever additional th? extra fight that they showed the attacks of famous ~print artists of 163 feet, 8 3-4 inches in the dis- 1 points he can make in life saving. agafrist the mini the WolVes should since the beginning of track history cus, and Lee Barnes of South~rn~ FRESflMAN TENNIS. ieav~ the c&uYt~ carrying the heavy has finally fallen with the accept California with a height of 14 feet, en~i of the score. The Conference ance of Tolan's mark. The - J 1 1-2 inches in the pole vault. The' Freshman tennis tournaments ~ to be right within the Negro is only in his Mi~higan American Olympic team's one mile1 are being run off ~in singles and* titl'e second year of relay quartet was made woild doubles and some fine matches have~ grasp of the Wolverines inasmuch college competition, and with a~- champions at that distance with a been played. Schaefer has advanc- as the vanquished mini have a win other year yet to go may lower t C mark of 3 minutes, 13 4-10 seconds ed to the semi-final round where qver Chicago listed among theiT record again if he encounters ideal which was made in a dual meet 1 he awaits the result of the W 8trmg of 1930 victories. conditions. Three men stand out with Great Britain shortly after ~liams-~cCutcheon match. In thei as possibilities to run the 100 in ORANGEBURG - Jack Sharkey 9 2-5: Tolan, Simpson, and Wykoff, the last Olympic games. other quarter final matches, Schil- ________________-- 1 ler meets Thompson while Snell has finally brought his weight I who has already done so unofficial- r CHICAGO - Art (The Great) takes on Darner. These matches are down under 200 pounds for the first ly. Claude Bracey and Cy Leland, Shires has served notice on Jonn scheduled for this week with the time since he started training for the two southern stars, must also Barrymore "and the oth~'r minor semi-finals and finals following his 15 round championship bout be conceded ~ chance under the league actors" that he is planning next week. with Max Schmellng in the Yankee propel' conditions. to invade the stage after the base- In the doubles, Bauss and Dale I ~t&di'um, June 12. Four other records hung up by season closes thi'~ year. play the winner of the Smith-Haw- SENATOR'S DOUBLE VICTORY HOLDS ball ________________ PHILADELPHIA IN SECOND POSITION ~ [I Wa~hin~ton and the~ Athletics Wnlh~r~ nnd Perkiiv~ ~ ii £ ral News ~ey and Podlewski-Lederle match, n the finals. ARCHERY. An all-campus archery tourna- ,yient was sponsored for the first Lime last year and another has just been completed this Spring with the result that Charles Dee of Gary, indiana, won first honors and Mel- burn Brizdle of Buffalo, N. Y., see- rnd honors. NEW YORK--Phil Scott, English L~eavyweight, has filed a challenge with the state athletic commission to meet the winner of the Sharkey- Schmelin ~ championship bout. Silho 44 I ANNO~ THE LAST FARRELL SELECTS MICHIGANENTRiES (Continued From Page 6) should be up near the head of the ist in the discus throwing contest. Holly Campbell is counted on to uphold the Michigan tradition and win the hammer throw. He has Wssed the hammer ~veli over 100 ..eet both in practice and competi- tion this year and should experi- ence iitt.le difficulty in copping firct honors at the Conference meet. The Wolverine prospects are a little weak in the pole vault in comparison with the other schools in the meet although Pottle should olace. Also weak in the javelin the ~Tolverines will be satisfied to ~ain but one point through the t 1'- rort of Brubaker and Dodgal. WANTED-One bid to the Senior Ball. Call Molinari, 21990. JNCING RETURN OF J. H. STEINER SJLHO UE TIS T SPECIALIZING iN PORTRAITURE FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY, GIVING SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS AND CHILDREN Evening a99ointnwnt~. can be rna(lc with rrznerniti~~ and Stworlties at flat rate. SLATERS BOOK STORE 320 STATE STREET U both won double headers in yester- d~,y'~ American L~ague program. 1st. Game: R I-i ~ The ~ei#1gtors won two from the $oston......100 0~0 010- 2 '7 ~ Boston Sox while Connie Mack's j Washington .012 111 22~-10 1~ 2. White EIeph~iits trimn'ied thes Russel, Shield's and I~3erry; Jones 'yankees in both ends of their bar- and Spencer. gain day bill. Ruth hit two homers lfr the first g~.n'ie to contribute to end. dame: R H E ~ie YatU~ee score in the 3rd and .~ostori......000 O~ 000-1 ~ 2 8th. Chapman, Foxx, Simmons and Washington . .010~3~0 O2'~'-6 11 0 Dykes also hit for the circuit. Chi- Macfayden, Smith, Lisenbee and I cage climbed up to lead the sec- fteving; Liska and Ruel. end dWisic~ by beating Detroit, while ,Boston was losing a double R II E header to the Senators. The White ~..........ooo 004 110-6 10 0 Sox. garnered 13 hits which they Cleveland ... .000 100 301-5 11 2 tiWi~ed Into 9 runs, holding the j Blacholder, Crowder and Man-. Tigers to 3. The St. Louis-Cleveland ion; Ferrell, Harder and Seweli. g&rhe' ended 6 to 3 with the ~rowns RUE' !n the N~.tiona1 League, Brook- Detroit......000 010 020-3 10 3 l~n held On to their thin grasp on I Chicago.....000 020 ~ 13 11 f~rst place by trImming the Boston Whitehill and Hargrave; Lyons,, ~ vet3r emphatically, 42 to 1. Wyatt and Riddle. Dazzy Vance, the Robin ace, scat- tei~ed 10 hits to mean only 1 lone NATIONAL L1~AG CE. ~or the clan frQm the Hub. RHE1 S't. L~i1~ aM ~'ittsbttrgh are Press iphiladeiphia .000 130 000- 4 8 i Ing the Robins hard, both winTting NeW~ York .. . 110 240 03*~11 11 1 their ~'aiTIe~. 'lt'he Cards set Cincin- Elliot, Koupal, Speece and Davis; nati back ~ to 2 although they were F outhit 10 to 5. PittsbUrgh had easy I itzsimmons and G'Farrell. going With the League champs and RHE' the Pirate took the Cub under 10 Brooklyn . . . . 400 004 400-12 13 oj to 3. The Phillies evened up their 'Boston......000 000 010- 1 10 4 count with the New York Giants Vance and Peberrv; Grinies, in .,their hal~ of the fifth, but the Cooney and Cronin. Qi~.iIt~ ~a~ne back with four more in their half and ended the game , Cincinnati ... . 002 000 000-2 5 1 ft t~ 4. '~Wtord and Ott connect- ~t. Lotus.....000 £00 20*~3 10 0 ed for hoxii4rs for th~ Giants. IVtp.Y aiid Suke~orth; Ilallahan, AMERICAN t~AGUE. Lind~ey and Wilson. 1st. Game: ~ H E1 NewYork....0,3 100 010-7 12 ~.....000 003 000- RIlE __ 3 8 1 Philadelphia .000 220 92'~' 15 14 0 Pitt~bur~h .. .001 312 30*~1o i~ 1 Ru~ng, ~hetid and Dickey; Earn- Teachoot, Nefson and Hartnett; shaw. Grove and Schang, Perkins. 'Kremer Meine and Bool. C ~ftAIT~J~j~JD Nt1T1U~ CALL the Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main at 3916 for the best laun- dry service in town. Our service is unexcelled. MORTGAGE LOANS-Money at 6 per cent without bonus to loan on modern Ann Arbor homes. Phone 4356. 1350 BRONZE TABLETS FOk~ EVERY USE JOSEPH I~. ARN1~T 208 W. HUt~ON ST. 30 PIANO TUNING - Phone 6778. Victor Allm'ndlnger. The Stein- way concert artist tuner. Office at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. 2340 2nd SEMESTER TUTORING MACK TUTORING AGENCY 310 5. STATE. PHONE 7927 1230 ________________________________________ LOW PRICED USED CARS $35 to $75 EACH CAR IN GOOD RUNNING 'CONDITION. BATTERY QUAR- ANTEEI) FOR 90 DAYS. USED CAR LOT, 332 E. LIBERTY HURON VALLEY CIJEVROI4ET 1234560 I TYPING-Theses a specialty. ~'a1r rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial ~081. 0 SAND-Washed and screened sand and gravel; all sizes. Immediate delivery. KILLIN'S GRAVEL CO. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014.. C -- FOR RENT FOR SENT-After June 15th, two room apartment, unfurnished, ground floor, convenient to cam- pus and hospital. Call 5819. 345 HOUSE FOR RENT For summer-6 room beautiful furnished home on Lincoln Ave., flowers, skade, garage, $80. APARTMENTS Near Campus-Living, dinette, bed rooms; tile shower bath, Kel- vinator, new furniture, ,$75. 2 rooms furnished $45 Call Mr. Lechner Kemf, Lewright, Benson and Staebler Inc. 23245 Evenings 8840 136c FOR RENT-Rooms available now d for summer school at sum- mci' prices. Close to campus. al 22353. 425 S. Division. 234561 I FOR RENT-House accommodat- ing 22. Preferably to a fraternity or club of boys. Phone 6845. 123 FOR RENT-Next year. Double room, kitchenette. Two doubles, singles, $3.00 up. Graduates, business women. Phone 7485. 234561 FOR SALE FOR SALE ON WASITTENAW- Sorority exceptionally well fur- nished including rugs, beautiful pictures, silverWare, drapes, ex- c e 11 e n V bedding, wonderfully equipped kitchen with electric mix~r large dormitory, new water softener, steam heat, seven fire places, will accommodate 25 girls. Beautifully wooded lot 73x300. Priced very low. For further information call Mrs. Melienry with 'I THE F. A. SERGEANT CO. Office 23259 Evenings 9800 2340 USED CARS $50 TO $100 STUDEBAKER SIX COUPE 4 DODGE FOUR COUPE DODGE FOUR SEDAN OVERLAND FOUR TOURING FORD TUDOR SEDAN R. H. ALBER 514 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 2340 I-...., WANIED I~ELVINATOR 'We will add to our organization several University men who will be trained and advanced as rapidly as, they can qualify. Seven men have just been ad- vanced to the Kelvinator factory sales promotion department. We handle the local retail sales. If you are energetic and conscien- tious and want to place your self in line for a position paying $300 per month or more, write or see in person Mr. Ehiers, ~l5 Ear-. rison Street, Flint, Michigan. 345612 WANTED-Bid to Senior Ball. Call Cutter, 4053. 3 NTED-Men to fill several posi- I W~~ions with Wear-Ever Aluminum Company. Neat appearance and good personality required. Call D. F. Stoner, 7758. 345612 NOTICE - Nurse with daughter ant work for one or both with family in summer home. Best references. Phone 5378. 345 WAWItD-Nurse with daughter, work for one or both with family in summer home. Best refer- ences. Phone 5378. 234 WANTT'.Th~A mm didpnf tn '~xrrn'1r / ~na. uame: NeW York . .. .000 000 Philadelphia .201 000 Gomez, McEvoy and t(. ii I:1~ 100~-l 5 0 0l"-4 9 2' Ha rgrave;; EVERY WOMAN WANTS HER HUSBAND E6 IO~6k' hi~ best. Get him to rune in this evening at ~ o'clock on station will (Over the National 8roadcasting Co.) for the excellent program coming from New York from TWO FAMOUS HATTEI~S ORCHESTRA And tomorrow remind him that KNOX HATS //