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May 22, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-22

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YOL. XL. NO. 167





Seniors to Attend
Final Social F


Tells Phi Kappa Phi Initiates Our
Society Should be Organized
on Caste Basis.
Members Urged to Consider
Problems of Education,
Society must be formally organ-
ized on the caste basis if we are
to escape the breakdown of our
governmental processes, Prof. S. A.
Courtis of the school of education
told Phi Kappa Phi initiates last
night, holding forth to them the
prospect of new adventures in liv-
ing. Our governing bodies have
become mere caricatures of what
they were intended to be; control
of government has passed from the
people into the hands of profes-
sioal politicians, he averred, citing
the failure to repeal prohibition
as an instance of the people's will
being held inarticulate.
The source of the trouble, Pro-.
fessor Courtis continued, is that
our constitutional form of govern-
nient is founded on a fallacy: men
are not born free and equal. Bi-
ology, and common sense prove
that individuals are endowed with
varying degrees of ability. And
yet equal voting power is given to
people of unequal ability, present-
Ing politicians with the opportuni-
ty -to exploit the immature.
Urges Consideration.
Initiates into Phi Kappa Phi were
urged to consider the problem of
how we can provide educative par-
lftcipation in government for the
immature, and still provide that
no oe . shall have more responsi-
bility Zhan he is capable of di-0
oharging. Society must be divided
into castes on the basis of ability,
h advised, and regulated control i
:pplied according to the degree to1
which an Individual is immature.
Those initiated into Phi Kappa
Phi last night were: Literary col-
lege: Harry Helman, Leon A. Pen-
nington, Carl H. Tirist, Miss Jeanj
A. Gilman, Charles R. Kaufman,
Miss Marjorie Follmer, Isaac S.
Friedman, Walter B ; Fulghum,
Miss Marian V. Mackey, Miss Sarah
F. Orr, Miss Mary Parnall, John I.I
Russel, Miss Lorinda McAndrew,
Miss Pauline E. Unger, Miss Mar-
garet E. Fead, Miss Josephine Wede-'
meyer, Frederic E. Wolf, Evan J.
Reed, Miss Dorothy Griffith, John
M. Brumm, Karl E. Smith, Richard
A. Deno, Joseph F sHaas, Herbert
1. Rix, Miss Frances A. Cope, Wil-
lam C .Mathews, Miss Ruth L.
Porfleet, George C. Tilley, Mary B.
Long, Miss Merle M. Ellsworth,
Miss Margaret' E. Ohlson, Pal F.;
$teketee, Miss Florence B. Tennant,'
Miss Angela A. Nosenzo, Miss Jean
C. Griggs, Philip S. Stern, Phincas
P. Wright.
Engineering college: Lee R. Bak-
er, Wilbrun C. Schroeder, Dale I.
Watkins, Basilio A. D'Alleva, Rob-
ert L. Smith, Byron S. Wells, Wil-
fred A. Byschinsky, Edward F. Fis-
cher, James M. McMaster, Arthur H.
Fries, Russel P. Harrington.
Dental school: Ward C. Freeland,,
Irvin H. Steinber, Arthur F. Cox-
ford , Norman J. Dahn
Medical school: Horace M. Boy-
den, Frank H. Maxwell, Ralph M.
Patterson, Harry L. Leavitt, Charles
J. Socal, Elwood W. Mason.
School of Pharmacy: Anton C.
School of Architecture: Jack W.
School of Education: Miss Leone
I. F. Dockery, Miss Dorothy E. Mar- +
shick, Miss Catherine L. Hagedorn,

Miss Helen P. Bush, Miss Agnes E.j
MacDonald, Miss Jewel L. Atkins.
School of Business Administra-
tion: Milton J. Drake, Lemuel L.
School of Forestry: Albin G. Jac-'
obson, Russell R. Reynolds.
School of Music: Ruth W. John-
o 01

Final arrangements have beer
made for the 1930 Senior Ball to be
held tomorrow night in the ball-
room of the Union according t
ichard Cole, '30, chairman of the
committee. Permission has been
obtained from the management of
the union, to use the entire sec-
ond floor as well as the main lobby
in connection with the dance.
Fountain service will be provid-
ed for the dancers in the small
dining room off the lobby. The
tower will also be opened in case
any one desires to overlook Ann
Arbor from the top of the Union
Favors and program will be
distributed following the grand
march which will be lead by C. N
Young, '30, and Miss Sarah Keh-
of Bay City.
Austin Wylie and his orchestra,
playing in the midst of a Spanish
Garden setting, will provide music
for the dancers. A Detroit firm has
been secured to transform the ball-
room into a veritable fairyland.
Flowers and palms will be placed
around the dance floor while ar-
bors will surround the patrons
booth. Dancing will be from 9 un-
til 2.
Will Study and Produce Plays
nof Untried Meritas -
An experimental theatre in
which new plays of untried merit
will be studied and produced has
been added to the activities of cam-
pus dramatic societies by the Hillel
Players who will inaugurate a series
of experimental productions on
Tuesday aid 'Wednesday evenings,
May 27 and 28.when they -present
"Adam" pby L yi ELewis hnsat
thei~r debutintocampsdamatics,
th organization attempted ",ACa-
ponsacchi", a drama of unques-
tioned worth, but for the first time
in campus dramatic history, they
are introducing the Practice of try-
ing plays which have not yet at-
tained distinction 'pofe~ionally.
"Adam" is a play of unusual
character and is probably the first
purely objective drama ever pen-
ned. The lines are sketched with
the skill and ability which- Lwis-
sohn has previously shown in the
novels which have brought him re-
nown in recent years, especially his
biographical writings "Upstream,"
"The Island Within" and "Mid-
Channel." Adam Ehar, the hero
of the story, is referred to in every
scene but never appears before the
audience. Even his ideas are told
only through the mouths of others.
The story is a peculiarly exact pie-
ture of the religious sect to which
Adam belongs as seen through the
eyes of the outside world.
A few tickets remain for the two
performances and these may be
obtained by mailing a stamped
ately to The Hillel Players, 615 E.
Comedy Club to Hold
Election of Officers
Election of officers for Comedy
club, local dramatic society will
be held at the annual meeting of
the organization at 5 o'clock this
afternoon. Plans for the annual
spring party will also be discuss-

Larger Cities Spending
in Registration,
America has undergone such a
great financial trend that it re-
quires amazing sums of millions to
attract our citizens' attention to
money matters,according to Prof
James K. Pollock of political science
Business men who find their
overhead increasing, do not sit idly
by, but when they see government
expenditures, unduly rising they
remain indifferent or content them-
selves with merely criticizing our
politicians" stated Professor Pol-



Wolverines Take Second Place
in Conference Tourney
With 1I,258 Score.

When from out the paleface wig-
From behind the staring moon-j
Come the slow and solmen fiveI
Telling that the Evening Spirit
Wanders over woods and mea-
Lights the campfires of the -
, Then theM ichigamua wariors
In their feathers and their war-
Soon will gather 'round the oak
'Round the oak 'tree called the

~~~~~~9S1SROB INSON ASIS al oeRtr
H KO I 9H NG E ryG V t R 1o 'dANT Y SUPPORT ,[




Indiana Senator Delivers Speech
After Hearing Muscles I
Shoals Report.(
Accuses Raskob of Attempting
to Destroy Eighteenth j

Martin Wins Individual Title;
Leads Hicks and Kepler
by One Point.

(Slw'cial to T heDa il)
With the low team total of 1,247
points the Illinois golf team won
the Western Conference champion-,
ship yesterday over he Westmore-
land Country Club course at Evan-!
ston, beating out the crack Michi-
gan team that took second with a
score of 1,258. The individual title{
was won by Martin of Illinois who
turned in a score of 305.j
Hicks and Lenfesty were the out-
standing golfers for the Wolverines.
Hicks finished up in a tie for sec-
ond individual honors with Kepler
of Ohio State, both men trailing
the winer by but one point, for a
score of 306. After Walker of the
Gophers, came Lyon of Illini, Fow--r
ler of Minnesota, and Lenfesty,
Michigan sophomore, all three of
whom had scores of 310.
Minnesota Takes Third.
Minnesota, the defending cham-
pions, made a creditable showing
by totalling 1,266 points to give
them third place in the meet. The
team play was rather close, with the
Indians winning with a margin of
only 11 points over Michigan. The
Gophers, in turn, finished eight
points behind the Wolverines.
First honors in the individual'
race, however, were even more
keenly contested and the final hon-
ors remained in doubt till the last
hole. Martin came through with a
five on the eighteenth and Hicks,
duplicated this feat, while Kepler
took a six. Had Hicks made a four:
he would have been tied for the+
individual title or had Kepler shotj
a four he would have annexed first+
At the end of the first 36 holes
Wilson of the Buckeyes was lead-;
ing with 151, but he 'ruined hisE
chances by shooting a 93 and an 87
in the final rounds. The other
schools finished in the following
order: Northwestern, 1,290; Wis-
consin, 1,299; Ohio State, 1,314; In- I
diana, 1,319; Purdue, 1,341; Chicago,
1,348. Iowa scratched after the
first 36 holes. -

i mrr.ri I


There to greet the trembling(y 4ssociatcd Press)
peetoee thWASHINGTON, May 21-A speech
paleface. assailing Chairman Roskob of the
Many in number wait the bid- Democratic national committee for
ding his connection with the Association;
Of the loud rejoicing redskins, against the Prohibition Amend-
For before they take the long ment, was delivered in the Senatet
trial today by Senator Robinson, Repub-
To the home of Michigamua lican, Indiana, after the Senate
Many trials and many tortures lobby committee had submitted at
First must prove their strength report on the Muscle Shoals activi-
and courage ties of Chairman Huston of the Re-
'Ere the red man bids them wel- publican national committee.
come, The Huston report was presented
'Ere he calls each paleface "In- by Chairman Caraway of the lobby
dian," committee without comment almost
'Ere the peace-pipe smoke goes at the same time that Robinson
skyward. presented one discussing the lobby
committee testimony concerning
the Democratic national chairman.
Report Concerns Huston.
The report presented by Caraway
reviewed testimony concerning the
collection of $36,100 by Huston from
1 0 1BEPRESENTED the Union Carbide company which1
was interested in Muscle Shoals le-
gislation and the deposit of the
Winner of Student Competition funds in Huston's brokerage ac-
count where it was used for pur-
to be Chosen Following chase of stock. No comment was
Last Performance. made on the testimony by the com-,
mittee which confined its report to
THREE TO BE PUBLISHED a relation of the testimony.
THRE TO E PULISHD After the report was read, Rob-
inson, the only administration
The final judging of student-writ- I member of the committee, charac-
ten one-act plays will take place terized it as "entirely political and
Wednesday night in the University intended to achieve only politicalt
hall auditorium, it was announced results on the event of a political
yesterday by Valentine B. Windt, campaign.".
director. They will be presented by Robinson Voices Views. !
students in Play Production class- I Describing the report as a "con-
es. demnation of Huston" the Indianan
At the first judging, early last declared he had not joined in be-'
year; the judgcs, Professors . J. cause of'its "political nature." He
Campbell, Peter M. Jack, and Mr. said that was the first time the lob-
Windt picked six plays out of the by committee had divided on a re-y
38 that 'had been submitted. In port.t
February three of these plays were I Robinson asserted that he was
picked after the production of all convinced that Raskob "went into
six, by a committee consisting of the Democratic party and became
of Miss Amy Loomis and Professors chairman of the national commit-
0. J. Campbell, Peter M. Jack; and tee to destroy the 18th amend-i
J. M. O'Neill. ment."
These three plays are "Three a Robinson's report said RaskobI
Day," by Hubert Skidmore, '33; was a director of the Association
"Lassitude," by Hobart Skidmore, = against the Prohibition Amend-
'32; and "Wives-in-Law," by Eliz- ment and has contributed $77,000
abeth W. Smith, Spec. They will and that the Association "has gen-
be presented Monday Tuesday, and l hrl hie tiof ivoid i 1l it

Gifford Pinchot
Former governor of the state of
Pennsylvania, who, according to
last night's election returns, was
leading in the gubernatorial race
by 2000 votes, with 578 districts still
unheard from.
Resistance Turns From Passive
to Active; 600 Wounded
in Skirmish.
(LByAsso 'UtiIldPress)
BCMBAY, India, May 21-- The
Indian zituation took a definite
turn for the worse today, as the
government viewed it, with the na-
tionalist campaign greatly increas-
ed in vigor and the resistance of
the authorities stiffened propot-
tionately. .
Thesalt pans of Dharsaana form-
ed the battleground, and battles
really occured today, in contrast to

Davis Leads Grundy in Contest
for Senate Nomination;
Wets Third.
Grundy Supports High Tariff,
Davis Seeks Labor Vote
in Election Race.
(By Associated Press)
official returns on yesterday's Re-
publican primary indicated that
Francis Shunk Brown and Gifford
Pinchot ran a neck and neck race
for the nomination for governor.
With only 578 districts missing late
today, Pinchot had a lead of 2,010
James J. Davis, secretary of La-
bor in the cabinets of three presi-
dents overwhelmed Joseph R.
Grundy in the contest for the sena-
torial nomination. With 697 dis-
tricts missing, Davis' lead was 235,-
The wet slate, consisting of Fran-
ces Bahlen for Senator and John
W. Phillips, ran third but polled
approximately a quarter of a mil-
lion votes.
Brown Polls Early Lead.
Brown and Davis, backed by the
Vare Republican organization ran
,up leads over Pinchot and Grundy,
both having a lead of better than
180,000 in Philadelphia, while Davis
went on to win additional plurali-
ties up state, Brown's figures slip-
ped steadily back as Pinchot's vote
from rural Pennsylvania became
known. In Allegheny county, Da-
vis easily carried Pittsburgh, while
incomplete returns showed Davis
unable to quite hold his own in
that metropolitan center.
The success of Davis removes
from the United States Senate a
man whom Governor John H. Fish-
er appointed to take the seat made
vacant by the refusal of that body
to seat William S. Vare.
Pledge Support to Industry.
Senator Grundy, who leaped into
the public eye through his cham-
pionship of high tariff rates, cam-
paigned on the basis of the neces-
sity of the continuance of his work
for protection of Pennsylvania in-
dustry. Davis also pledged support
also pledged support to a high tar-
iff, but in addition sought the labor
vote on his record as Secretary of
Labor for the past decade.
Pinchot, through large pluralities
in rural Pennsylvania overcame the
big Brown lead in Philadelphia


the more or less mild contest of {
passive resistance which has taken
place for the last week. Violence
developed today and some 600 vol-
unteers were reported injured.
In the first raid of the national-I
ists this morning they split into
two groups and while the police
'were beating one back, the other
closed in on the barbed wire sur-
f rounding the salt- pans. The sec- ,

4 uo jI 1.V1 W , 4U w yc, era y a!' n s acive W .]~ n a it6 lls L11y V1 0 ul"t . , .1G Q -yvt . Y ~a W 1 11 .L }
- - I ednsda-nigts.I ad uderakings." aU L ~±~~~- - - - - - -
IpWednesday nights. plans and undertakings." ond group also was driven off and Not only was the race so close on
Aiton Will be Principal Speaker Admission will not be by invita- Iabout 300 were injured. the unofficial returns as to lack
at Annual Banquet. I tion as usual, announced Mr. Windt- The first dramtic action on the conclusiveness but there was a pos-
iThe Play Production office in Uni- i Hughes Made Honorary part of the authorities came on the sibility that the . party warfare
Twenty thre or members of versity Hall will be open from 2 President of Law Bodyarrest of Mrs. Sarojini Naibu, who would not end with the primary
ti be fetd until 5 o'clock 1r'iday afternoon, _ _headed the nationalist campaign election.
at the annual farewell banquet of and tickets will be distributed in (By Associated Press) following the arrest of Mahatma Reports were current that in the
I th anizationat 6:15 o'clock the order of application. There will NEW YORK May 21.-Charles Ghandi and Abas Tyabji. event of a Pinchot victory, a wet in-
Frida organizatin he Ladies' dining be no admission charge. Evans Hughes, Chief Justice of the Mrs. Naibu had been watching dependent ticket would enter the
room of the League. This is the second contest of this !United States supreme court, was this morning's raid from a distance field at the general election in No-
The Cosmopolitan club, a studuni kind. Last year "the Joiners"was elected honorary president of the since she had abstained from ac- vember. Pinchot campaigned. as a
organization composed of half for- selected as the winning play, and American branch of the Interna- tion after her arrest last week, but dry. Brown urged a referendum on
eign and half American members the three selected plays were pub- tional Law association, to succeed was taken after the disturbance the matter of repealing the state
devoted to the promotion of bet- lished in a book as volume one of the late Chief Justice William How- today. enforcement law. The wet ticket
ter mutual understanding between the University of Michigan Plays. ard Taft. John W. Davis was elect- ----- --- demanded repeal of the state en-
( nationalities and in particular be- This year the three plays chosen ed president. Members of Facultyreent act.
tween foreign and American t I are again being published by the:f
e gives anque ea i Wahr bookstore. It is hoped that Wlil Attend Meeting Detroit Seeks Recall
d hono goitsgadangembyersy.in they will be available the night of Economists to Hear
h Prof Ath S.dAiton f the his- the final contest. State Commissioner Matthew Mann, varsity swimming of Bowles by Petition
mivrtcoach, Franklin C. Cappon, assist-
principal address of the evening, ant athletic director, and T. Haw- (Bcy ssciated Prss)
and Jack Yuen, the recently elected OBSERVED HERE State Commission of Labor at Lan- ley Tappins, general secretary of DETROIT, May 21. - Petitions
president for the coming year, will sing, will address a group of eco- the alumni association will attend i asking the recall of Mayor Charles
act as toastmaster. P. K. Lee, the nomics and business administration the district meeting of the Univer- Bowles made their appearance late
retiring president, will open the Computations Made by Marshall students, at 3 o'clock this afternoon j sity of Michigan Clubs at Bay City, today, only a few hours after the
program by introducing him. and Petrie Monday. in room 103 economics building onIFriday. mayor had formally discharged
Music for the occasion will be the work of his department. | A large delegation from the Ann Harold H. Emmons, as police com-
. rendered by Joseph Akau with Ha- Although brightness of the moon The lecture is under the auspices i Arbor club will also attend. Golf missioner.
waian melodies on the guitar, as 'tof the Economics Department and I teams from the various clubs will It is the first time a recall has
well as several songs. and cloudy weather had hitherto Business Administration Schools, play during the day for the James been attempted since the recall
------ ------------prevented its observation here, the and students of these departments 'M. O'Dea trophy which is awarded provision was included in the city
-new comet, discovered May 2 by as well as others who are interested each year. At present the trophy is charter. Under the law, the peti-
Too Much MyhGin this work are invited to attend. held by the Ann Arbor club. tions, to become effective, must
E thsoGcranashmnn cwas ob- bear signatures of 25 per cent of
Elections, Says Pol lockI mann and Washmann,wa ob
_C__ Iyserved early this morning by R. K. Dean Rea Frowns at 'Canoe Ban' Rumors; thecty eletors who cast votes for
o- Ban' ________- --- govenor in the last general elec-,
Marshall and R. M. Petrie, of the -frt
ordinance, charter, bond issue, or I observatory staff. Computations Too Hard for 'Andy' to Enforce, He Says quiredi9he .mber of signatures re-
constitutional amendment. Methods were made of it Monday.-r4cSi Then of sigares re-
Srpnst electuon tmachin s- According to Marshall's and Pet- Teehnjal am nabnee Three of the 12 charges cited
ns electionmhinerequireries findings, the comet, seen only Telephone calls came in thick such a ban, even if it were con- refer to the law enforcement dif-
great labor and thought. This task faintly, is located in the north-!and fast at The Daily office yes- templated.. Andy would have to be ficulties in which the adinistra-
is obviously of fundamental impor- I east near the brilliant star, Vega, terday because someone had spread stationed not only at the University -tdnhas become involedTwo
tance for we would face a degener- at a distance of 13 millions of miles ant insidious rumor that the Board parking place in the day time, but
ating, uncivilized, decaying nation and is approaching the earth at of Regents was contemplating a it the Huron parking places at rform pledges made b cam mgnAn
Sadequate, and allowed ineficiency Its nearest approach to earth ban on student use of canoes. In- Rea suggested that such an en- other makes an issue of commis-
and fraud to sift in. will occur on the night of June dignant undergraduates, and glee- forcement would lead to other dif- sioner Emmons' discharge "for or-
"The city of New York spends 1 when its distance will then Je ful members of the present gradu- ficulties as well. The University dering enforcement of law while
T neaerly $2,000,000 yearly to register 7,800,000 miles. At that time,n ow- ating class, who were delighted to rule of parking without lights or Bowles was out of town."
and vote its citizens," says Profes- ever, it will be of magnitude seven, hear that their younger classmates operating a vehicle without a li-
sn Polloc k."Chicago's cost is Iv h will e o.f ln agithe s en, would be forced to suffer even more cense would be hard to enforce in Graf Zpnnelin Nars



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