~AG!~ TWO T"HE MICHIGAN D ATLY4 Y .LDY07jiDA-7, MfAY 1 13 CEAD LN UEC BRA TION IN COMVMEMORATION f"l ANY' LONGS FOR SECRA OF ONE TAOUSAND Y OF REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY ASLWY ASAI' BRIGG .WA "HiINGTON; May 2-On a z ,at-e barren Iceland plain, where the ;1IHR itTATTDils o o ereard>zo world's first parliament was form- *.W low Auhrt onIdaOf State .Patrol. matheni OF Al VIsIA I NAY dtncnuie g rbs:il ':S~WSDfi~ s o "Life has become just one car aft- ESERVICE ROWS TEDIOUS y Shirley W. Smith. Assis'- ,retary Herbert G. Watkins, f. James W; Glover, of the atics department. Mainte-- f the parking areas. is un- supervision of the Build- r r I .,Adom. I jt 1 V441, 11 i It lPC i[ ri _ or another," declared Chester !kinks and Grounds department;. + nior ... e.t ; nYetntr ry w4 ea nI4vat r"oer r rue King; Christian X and Queen States Will Join in I Alxandrine, rulers of Denmark and Mimlic Battle. !Iceland. crown Prince and Princes Olfaf, of Nrway, andf C-Tow Prince PRATT DIRECTS FLEET and' rln~ess staf Adolf; of Swe- ____den, will joih, with' pil rins from republics of the earth for' the fes-' Air Squadrons Will Stage Huge' tiva. Demonstration With Aid From the United States, as of ,- ofLos Angeles. cvial representatives of . iesid,ent of ___e Hoer, will, go Senrattr deter Nor-. I beck, South' Dakota; lie reen'ta- (By ssocatedPaws tive Ojger B. Burtn~s, N3rth ak-' ABOARD U. S. S. SARATOGA, ta; Frederick H3. Flojozdal, Detroit,r at Sea, Off Virginia Capes, May 20. Prof. Sveinbjorn JohnsoV,' Tjiver- -Over the blue. waters of the At- sity of,Illinois 'and . P. B.acob- - son, St..Pul. lantic the massed naval power of j Great Britain is expected to send" the nation mobilized today to la member of the royal family and match in stately parade under the1 Caada the premiers of S.91: Yintentions of Great Britain moti- spending most of his time at the ,s ~vated? And secondly: what are the, parking space at University hal vi:.. . facts of the present situation? The management of University' *Let me at the outset assure you," I parking, Young continued, is in. stated the lecturer, "that our in- charge of a committee composed of' I 7 tentions are of the best. While we- i can grant th t si, nuceanoration of W7haen Quits Force ,a xmwt a th'at scnutdwt a greater difficulty."toP sto A cf~b'ttn marking 1I,000 years of political freedom will center Tes-ald"at"te r-IA cp ttj ie it'R~yka~vk-Ivlad to).Dig Critin'ofDemak;sented may be summarized in theI as tore Excutive thi .~iiein eykavi, Ielad (op) Kig Crisian ofDenarkfollowing statements. India' sos- (a te't; le }, and" Senator Peter Norbieck (inset, below) will be dis- --1 tlt g~ft. Hlw sa scenec near the plain wthere the paria- prises a fifth of the entire popula- (fl 4sicaodPes tion of the world. Her people speak i ~sratdPcer me'ii ft't mr ha 0difrntlnuae. NEW 'YORK, May 20-Grover A. 0eil .. o thegreatest lake of where it accepted the universal As india has been the scene of re- Whalen resigned today as police Iceland, Thingvalla-vatn. code of laws in 93. peated conquest, and since her peo- commissioner of New York. He willi The assemably, or Athing, stretch- Iceland is now an independent I ple today are the remnants of the retire from the office at noon Wed- es,' continuously in history for 10 monarchy, with the king o[ Den-I conquerors, her stock i quite con- ' nesday cetturies and' for nearly 900 years mark as its ruler, anid a full-fledged' glomerate. What complicates the EdadP.Mloyeasitn it met every year on the original parliamentary :system still called by ;situation is the fact that ach of chEfwainPctrornyargeioftenDt site, selected by Viking chieftains, the old name, Althing. Icditionsofptheotimenwhenatheirceether.euc ft n fth ie he hies ifrednth pene rina t ciiiisowhalen mdt se ME peinua.Thshr Whalen told reporters he was 1 r. Charles Singer faIt1IeAsE led rees emit', nd nmiy, f Ireturning to the John Wanamakr 40 course, ITh peritso ouin department store in an xecutive1 \Vil Gve ddrss ~U "Te iteral governments, called 1 capacity. He left a $100,000 a year oft Science C vh [ i "l l U1 the Indian States, have fnally, job as general manager to accept I'ne ;I J ~~I oee, gedt partiallycoop the $10,000 a year cmmissioner- ___ L erate. Thus the horizon today ship. Dr. Charles Singer, president of - looks bright. What should fur-f Renowned as the city's officialI the International Congress of His- Tens faculty Men and Gradusates, ther enhance this prospect of a "greeter," Mr. Whalen, gardenia in tory of Science and. Technology, and:1 Chosen to Delp Revision happy future is the fact that a buttonhole, moustache freshly wax- .London convention of Indianru-ewsdatdfrheplc com- 'an~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ auhcoioe ildlvr c-o hraooi.es and British rulers in India hasjI issionership a year ago last De- tore on "The Scientific Change ; 'been called for next October." cember, while the department was from Medieval to Modern" t41 Ten members of the University"atx1' Mr. Williams is spending the under fire for failure to solve' the o'clock this afternoon in Natural, faculty and graduates of the Uni-; rather short time of only two weeks' Rothstein case. versty ereselctedon he evi- -The late Joseph A. Warren, an Science auditorium. 'est eeslce ntervs in this country. He was secured ( lsho rin fMyr Je Dr. Singer is also acting as Head ;ion committee at the recent meet- for the University Lecture series IJod Waolker eiendeyr Jpresre 'of' the Department of the History ing of thae United States Pharmaco- through the Political Science de- , adM.Wae tpe n of Medicine at London University p)oe convention. patet_________________ and is considered to be an author- ,The commiiittee, composed of 50 an para-,UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA phscasoztehsoyo h eeo-,cists, Will revise the hmaoe :-J4aV it iltehitr o h dvlp-lain hilin adpara Proving his worth as a true T e l-e i ment of the sciences, particularly 1 ia, a book describing drugs and' trouper, John Stein, taking partNO SHW G 'htof medicine. t t ean i ie Ms o-1preparations. The book is issued1 in the U~niversity Dramatic produc- o lth hn e a d iwf, rsior eyten an a ayears after a revision by' ior' heRoyal Family" pae A E G E ' th~Snewho lectured here yes- ' ainlcmiite through the entire performanceester I terday, have done considerable re- Mebrsoitefctth ae a fractured arm that had not: I1TtkngWsIr +search in their fields. The leturre Mebrofteaclynmdf"H LO ESA1 were Dean Edward H. Kraus of the1 been set. shold roe t beofparicuari(Pharmacy college;- Prof. Charles L.1, Stein did not have time to re-; RANGER" terest to students in the school of 'Bgrown of the Medical School, andj ceive medical attention before the Starring Medicin.e. The public is cordially I.Prof. Charles W. Eamunds of the 'start of the play and, not' having I GB's. OBRIEN inied Medical School. an understudy, he volunteered to,'n tooHead Alumni of the University selected go9 through the whole performance.SLCA OL I H wel amed toHedwere: Dr. L. A. Zeltser of Detroit; ! __-----______---______ ---- 'Unliversity Glee Club Dean Johnson of the Univerity of j _____Washi'ngton; Dean C. B. Jordan of; El~bert J. Howell, '31, was elected Purdue University; Dean M. D.. L i I i~ ( president of the University Glee Have-nhill of the Univeristy of Kan- ? IN IR I clb a a eetng Mnda niht.sas; Dean W. F. Gidley of the Uni- Roiine Hamilton, 32SM,, was elect-' versity of Texas; Dr. W. L. Sce-, atest in Enraved Cars I cl vice-president; Wiliam W. vylle oP Detrit and Dr. George B Trinity Text on Ivory Finish Stock Kearns, '32, librarian; Kenneth { lothi of George Washington Uni-100 A DS pL.AT,$37 Ball, '32, secretary. Robert A.i versity. Co Campbell, treasurer of the Univer- - --TH MA E .S AI R s ity was re-elected faculty advisor.; ANGORA-Ghazi Mustapha Ke- 1 IR C AI O IMr. Campbell mned Larence I mal, who rarely looked at a movie, STATIONER~S, PRINTERS, BINDERS Goodpee,-'3, ad Gale . Chf- as bcom a tlki fan reulary FERXCE OUTFITTERS i Goos~ed,'31 ad Gyl A.Chf- as ecme tlki fn, eglary, Phone 4515 112 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Michial U fin, '32, manaagers for the coming' attending one of the theatres which'! year. Alden Stowe, '33, was ap- i installed sound apparatus here. The' ' '" pone1assan aagr!Turkish woman singer, is showing ; yI SNORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY! in Istanbul and is due here later NOW !-otwseni h ags - i tabulation made by the Ceictgo REPAIRINGAi DT ' f DC T D Daily Dews. It has an enrollnt of !All makes of ma- ' I=fl I SII I~ihJJ2I 11 ;6864 students, which leads the; chinies. Our equip- W=t University of Chicago by 190. Illi-I meat and person-dWt nols, Michigan, Wisconsin. Minne-1I nel are considered POLL Y MORAN AND ANITA PAGE sota,, respectively, are the nexti amng the best in the state. Th!rslofteyyascrfu=nthe auhig Pnic- larresultaof twenng-years'tcar~tuI in Laughing thousand students. Purdue is the 'smallest with ' an enrollment of 4,- 0.D. O RRILL .. I: 314 South State S. Phone 66235w - I, 1=' r: L - Performances Daily-yw From Screen Reflection- Daily, Sunday, May 18 U q aii d y A "A"Production With NionA Er mida, Hoba~rt Boa- .,.... ucotk Diire ted by Apart#L VE Because of his easy-going ph- losophy, geniality,. and interest in sudents, Oafflecc' Young has been stuggessted as a successor to tAe in- imitable Doc Lovell, the celobLted campus figure who recently passed a.way. YUR CANE 9s not com plete ~n tes's equipped with the latest VICTOR RECORDS For your Por-table A LWe carry a f/jull linieW t ALTIE~VSCyoU WAN1 WH EYOU 4N1101 Schaeberle &son Music House Your dealer for th'iryfive years I10 Southt Main Street Dial 6011 .A love-s'ng.., a deep ss o~~h loveasog..frm a deepo s ea~ ecord civlyfor Viraction l. wihe'newest mhica coetlonyour. on est... on Victor Records. Ask your Victor dealer about these stirring Broadway'rfolk songs." ', 'J j 0 "' E~lM ID ndYOU WlLL, CO1JIE BAC~K f4)ME-Bernie (fz'nnn and New I orker hotel Orc hestr~a. 22370-1T INAJ'JN'NEU 1N MONTER!It F anti SONG OF THlE DAWN -George Olsen, and Orchestra. 22351-Gt#N F-Silr~e and Jictor Orch. and 4 TAGE FOAt SALL-Bernie C~unmmins and Orch, 223I2-AFT ?itYOU'VE S'f'RU'TR~iS BALL-Coon. .Sanders and Orchestra. ''I4 I NYSJI* h)F:Inl TItFET and EXACT'LY LIKE YO(U-Bernia Cummtins and' Yew lYorer llotel Orchestra. V-38123--LOO0SIELIKE A (%'00SEh unsr. fttISWEETI DAY AND) I'T' 15O'1'BE ll1.114; -,Bennie JMoten auml.his 1Kansas City Orchetra. 1~ NOW SHOWING U aH SHOWS AT 2:00-3:30 7:00-9:00 HUGH y1EO 'I'll DOROTHY GULLI"VER IN THE 1111 PRINGLE gLuinu iitar