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February 25, 1930 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-02-25

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"TL'SEA, ~ERt1W 25; 1i30


Published every morning excsept Monday
during the University year by the Board In E
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled l
to the use for republication, of .all news dis-t
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published1
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Uichigan, as second class matter. Special rate~
of postage granted by. Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.0;' by mail,
Afrrces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2r2r4.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman......... Gen-ve C. Tilley
City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor...........Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor....... Edward I. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama'....... William J. Gorman
Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor.... .Robert J Feldman'
Night FEditors-Editorial Board Members
Frank 4. Cooper Ifenry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams
Bertram Askwith Lester Maych
Helen Rare David M. Nichol
Maxwell Bauer William Page
Mary L. Behymner Howard H., Peckham~
Benjamin H. Berentsonlugh Pierce
Allan H. Berkman Victor Rabinowitz
Arthur J. Bernstein John D, Reindel
S. Beach Conger Jeannie Roberts
Thomas M. Cooley Joseph A. Russell
John H. Denler Ioseph Ruwitch
Helen Domine Williamh P. Salzarulo
'Margaret Eckels Charles R. Sprowl
Kathearine Ferrin Adsit Stewart
Carl F. Forsythe S. Cadwell Swannod
Sheldon C. Fullerton Jane Thayer
Ruth Geddes Margaret Thompson
Ginevra Ginn Richard L. Tobin
jack Goldsmith ElizabethLValentine
orris Groverman Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
Ross Gustin I Charles White
Margaret Harris G. Lionel Willens
David B. Hempstead John E. Willoughby
J Cullen Kennedy Nathan Wise
can Levy Barbara Wright 1
ussell E. McCracken Vivian Zimit
Dorothy Magee

solution will be the recall of Tar-
dieu, his formation of a ministry
simlar to the former one, with the I
exception of the finance portfolio.,
It was the undemocratic proposal
of the unpopular and conservative
Cheron, the old finance minister,
which upset the Tardieu govern-
ment. With this position filled by
a Senator or a Deputy from the
"left" or socialistic wing, Tardieu
should be able to hold the govern-
ment for at least the average pe-
riod, and he will be able to con-.
tinue his work at the naval con-
ference in which he has almost full
support of France.
It will be weeks before the'
French political matters are defin-
itely settled. Meanwhile the con-
ference at London will be marking
time. Though nothing of a se-
rious nature is liable to develop
from the annoying delay, the
world will be fully educated of the
instability of the French govern-
ment, and of the finicky and un-
tactful nature of the French people
concerning their political beliefs.
It /will also demonstrate quite
forcefully the dependence of in-
ternational conference on national
politics and the superficiality of
their structure in comparison to na-
tional governments no matter how
unstable the latter may be.

RMusic And Dram.
JOB. There follows a reprint from the
I'm sorry I ever said anything columns of the New York Times:
about my operation. It's very kind a reprint certainly locally relevant,
and solicitous of everybody to want}undoubtedly interesting, stirring
to know how I'm getting on, etc., undu.edl interestnst trring
but it's a danged nuisance saying
the same thing over and over accompanying irritation, meant to
again. For this reason I shall pub- be suggestive, one would hope in-
Ilish a bulletin indicating my phy- fluential; and ultimately a con-
sical condition and trust that my gratulation to a school that for-
friends will read at least that much merly had difficulties and desires
of Rolls. This will continue untila
I hae entirely recovered resembling our own and has now

jWe have all makes.
Item ngton. Royals.
corona, Underwood
Colored deco finishes. Price $60.
314 South State St. Phone 6615
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See These
Beautiful Homes
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Lenses and Frames Made to Order
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Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising...............T. Hollister Mabley
Advertising........ ..Kasper Fl. Halverson
Advertising..........Sherwood A. Upton
Service................George A. Spater
Circulation, . .. ,,......... Vernor Davis
Accounts...............John R. Rose
Publications.....,.....George R. Hamilton
Business Secretary--Mary Chase
Byrne M.' Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
antes E Cartwriht wrence Tucey
Robert Crawford 'Thomnas Muir1
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charle4 Sanford
Norman liezer Lee Slayton
James Hofier, Joseph Van Riper
Norris Johnson Robert Williamaou
Charles Kline williamn R, Worboy
Dorothy Bloogardner Alice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia llei7
Agnes Davis Helen E1L. 'usselwhite
Bernice Glaser ., Eeanor Wakinshaw
Hfortense Gooding. Dorothea Wyaterman,
Night Editor--WM. C. GENTRY


The entice world is today fopus
ing its eyes on Paris awaiting a
vote of confidence by the French
parliament on the newly formed
Chautemps ministry. The defeat
of the Tardieu cabinet left France
without an official representation
at the London naval conference
and the establishment of the gov-
ernment is necessary before the
five-power parley can proceed with
its business.
The formation of a new ministry
will not materially affect France's
demands or its attitude at the con-
ference. The fact that one nation
is holding up parley progress is notI
- due to the dissatisfaction of its
delegations but because France is
willing to let an inconsequential
internal dissension overthrow the
government when it is engaged in
'an international conference. The
many untoward effects on both na-
tional and international matters,
arising dut of the Tardieu fall, are
due alone to peculiar character-
istics of the French.
The French people tend toward
petty particularism in their politi-
cal beliefs and toward being quite
outspoken regardless of how un-
tactful it may be. Other nations
would not stir up internal contro-
versies to seriously embarrass its
representatives at an international
parley, but France has not yet
learned to keep "quiet."
There is more than a modicum
of doubt that Chautemps will not
receive adequate support from the
parliament today and that if he
does, it will not be long before he
will be beaten, even worse than
Tardieu. Chautemps has included
both the Unified-socialists, the
most radical French party, and
Tardieu's party in his line-up, and
he must have the full support of
both of them, for he has complete-
ly divorced the "right" parties, in
order to hold the government.
With Tardieu having refused to sit
in the Chautemps cabinet and the
TTnifed-Sociaiss stubbornly ner_-

Figures concerning the repay-
ment of loans to students, publish-
ed in the February report of the,
Harmon Foundation, furnish ma-
terial for considerable optimistic
deduction. In the past seven years,
the foundation has helped finance
the education of 3,138 college stu-
dents. Loans to date totalled $208,-
382, while $228,756 hs already been
repaid on the whole sum loaned.
Losses suffered by the institution
. average slightly less than two per
The above figures constitute an
irrefutable argument against those
who declaim that the principle be-
hind -the' student loan idea is a
dangerous form of philanthropy.
Their contention that the loan
tends to produce an unhealthy de-
pendent and sometimes almost
parasitic condition,' breaks down
upon brief examination of the Har-
mon statistics. It is at once ap-
parent that such philanthropy is
not philanthropy at all, but is
rather proving itself a stimulant to
student initiative in the very
placement of its obligation.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than Soo
words of possible. Anonymous corn.
innications will be disregarded. The
1 ames of communicants will, however,
he regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not he
onstrued as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
In the not too distant past, ru-
mor had it that the University em-
ployed an organized spy system,
operating on the campus, and con-
fining its attentions to the student
body. This accusation was denied
by several University officials,
which denial was taken with a
grain of salt, and rightly. The fact
remained that spying was carried
on and on rather a large scale.
Whether it was authorized or not
was a debatable question until re-
cently, and then a growing suspi'-
cion was confirmed. Spying on the
campus cannot be laid at the door
of the Administration; we must
look to the student organizations
These so-called honorary socie-
ties are known to be Mortor-Board,
and the Judiciary Council of the
Woman's League. Their method is
"tattling" on girls believed to have
been guilty of drunkenness and
disorderly conduct. The narrow-
minded members of these groups
base their accusations on mere sus-
picion, rarely have they sufficient
proof, and the girls arraigned be-
fore their mock court of adjudica-
tion haven't even -the benefit of
knowing the names of their accus-
ers, a privilege ordinarily granted
to the lowest of criminals.
It is not my aim to destroy these
organizations, the end in view is
admirable but the means employed,
despicable. We cannot tolerate a
system of this nature, it is coward-
ly and. pusillanimous, destroying
faith and confidence of fellow stu-
dents and faculty alike. Actions
must be taken if the loyalty and
spirit which should characterize the
Michigan man and woman is to be
maintained. I suggest the cooper-
ation of the Administration with
the student body in this respect
The former must refuse to accept
information received in so furtive
and detestable a manner; the stu-
dents condemn, and remove their

Pulse, respiration, and tempera-
ture normal at 2:25 o'clock, Mon-1
day afternoon. Feel a little tired,
owing to four hours of classes. Al-
so rather weak in the knees.
* * *
A vote of thanks is due to Elmer,,
Arlesse and Tobe for conducting
the column in a gentlemanly man-
ner during my absence. In fact,
I'll make it two votes.
* * *
Note to Buzzard Bill: Thanks for
your letter. It was a bit too long
for publication inasmuch as we
haven't received our supply of rub-
ber type. Next time try to boil
your thots down to half a page or
I note in the classified column
that a "ladies' close-fitting hat"
has been lost. Evidently it wasn't
close-fitting enough.
* * *:
Didn't you get a big kick out of
clearing your notebook of last se-
mester's notes ? It sort of gives
you a clean, fresh start and lifts a
great load off your shoulders-to
make way for a new and greater
load. Look what I have hanging
over me. I missed a final exam
and all last week's classes. Every-
body is just settling down to work
and I'm still wandering around
trying to find out what we're sup-
posed to do in Modern Social Prob-
lems, etc. Anybody got any sug-
gestions? .
* * *
A friend of mine who used to run
the humor column in the Iowa
State College paper, and who is now
the assistant managing editor of
a national magazine, sent me his
scrapbook the other day contain-
ing about a hundred of his col-
umns. He was willing to bet me I
1-could run isome of his stuff verba-
tim and pull the wool over your
eyes but I said no I wouldn't do
that, much, so he sent the scrap-
book. I shall run some if his stuff
from time to time and if you can
detect it just drop me a line and
tell me which paragraphs are his.
If you guess correctly I'll send you
a nicely printed class schedule
card. And if your name is Slater or
Wahr I shall send you a personal
class schedule card.
Here's one of Frank's observa-
tions, just as a sample: An alarm
clock may get you out of bed but it
doesn't necessarily wake you up.
* * *
All right, now, keep your eyes
open. They'll come from now on
without warning.
S* * *

achieved the great solution:
"The Princeton Triangle Club,
the traditional outlet for under-4
graduate dramatic energies, to-
night moved into its new home, the
McCarter Theatre, recently com-
pleted at a cost of $450,000. . . . .
Although it has been going con-
tinuously for almost four decades,
the Triangle Club has never before
owned its own theatre. In its early
days the performances were held
in dormitory rooms, but with grow-
ing interest it finally moved to the
old Casino, where it housed with
bad acoustics and discomfort until
1924, when the Casino happily
burned. Since then, it has used
the gymnasium at night so as not;
to interfere with athletics.
"The interior of the theatre is
Georgian in design with heavy,'
beamed ceilings. The orchestra
and balcony together seat '1,080
persons. The stage is 90 by 44 feet.
Beneath the stage is a large room
which will be used for scenery con-
struction and as a chorus room,
while under the aduitorium there
is a little theatre and a rehearsal
"In addition to its use by the
Triange Club the building will be
employed as a laboratory for the
course in dramatic art given in the
university. It is hoped that out of
the current profits of the theatre
it will be possible to endow a chair
of dramatic literature, prizes for
best plays, a drama library and the
Knowing the desperate charac-
ter of enthusiastic Thespians the
world ,over, East or Middle-West,
one would be inclined to suspect
the causes of the fire which so ap-
propriately levelled the awful Ca-
sino and paved the way for the
university Theatre. Anyway, con-
gratulations are due Princeton.
This column or its 'grandson hopes
to print a similar announcement
about Michigan some day. For
there is no question about it. A
$450,000 theatre is the Great Solu-
Play Production, the local organ-
ization struggling and striding to-
ward a solution, is doing' George
Kelly's "Show Off" Friday and Sat-
urday -of this week at the Mendels-
sohn Theatre. This play, dubbed
somewhat over - enthusiastically
"the great American Comedy" by
Heywood Broun, who tries all
,branches of journalism, is laid in a
suburban sitting room and shows
a family riding inevitably to ruin
on the preposterous prevarications
of one of its most blatant members.
It is built rather convincingly be-
cause of Kelly's cautious and ac-
curate ear for every-day small
talk, giving rise to the ever-popu-
lar appeal of recognition, the de-
sire to.shout to your neighbor that
"you know someone just like that
in your alley."
But the greatest achievement is
the delineation of a type character
that has piped his way down the
ages but is especially outstanding
in this age of Personality and real-
ly very much Bigger Business. Au-
b Piper, boldly outlined in vivid I
cliches with just a slight pleasing
element of burlesque in his con-
ception, is one of Kelly's best
strokes. Dressed always in the
latest Kuppenheimer modes, occa-
sionally crossed with a little Hart
Schaffner and Marx, with a vici-;

ously friendly handshake, an op-
pressively expansive nature, and a
beamingly blatant regard for him-
self, Aubrey, in successful perform-!
ance, has been for five years con-
sistently affording an entertaining
Otis Skinner opens a one-week;
run at the Wilson Theatre in De-
troit in "Papa Juan" a co edy by
the Quintero Brothers that theI
Granville-Barkers did into, English.
The play gives Skinner a fat, kind-!
ly part in which he is revealed as
an elderly and philosophic SpanishI



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Raised engraving of finest char-
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f .y to make $2.00 an hour 1'your
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All of the 100 sheets "I be engraved.



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Never in our many year's experi-
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Dignified homes of finest archi.
tecture design, in individual set-
tings that are distinctive, and in
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A personal inspection will give
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estate dollar can buy in 1930.

Frank's going
the lucky stiff.
he'll meet our

south next week,,
I'm wondering if
friend T. Hawley




-- - - --

* * *
A pretty member of the Women's
staff just smiled at me and I shall
have to post the following bulletin:
Pulse 97; temperature 103. Weaker
than ever in the knees. Maybek
the weather has something to do
with it.
* * *
Speaking of weather, don't let it
fool 'you. Go ahead and dust off
your tennis racquet if you must,
but wait awhile before you pack
your reefer in moth balls. Spring
has a way of smiling at you and;
then walloping you in the shins.

M!~unicipal a ', Industrial
TPubihc Utility Teal 6&tate
o a

[thought it to ok


So, in substance, said 19 out of 51 men in our
Training School, in discussing the views they held ofhe
investment business before entering it


-Arnelius Zip crashes
with this: Of all the sad
tongue or pen the saddest
-it will turn cold again.

words of
are these

IKE any other business or profes-
sion, the investment business
does offer exceptional rewards for
exceptional ability.
But here, as everywhere else, the
race between the hares and the tor-
toises is forever going on. And the
tortoises have the better of it sur-
prisingly often!
Here is a field where unusual gifts
of mind and personality may ac-
complish great things-providing
they are coupled with earnestness
and self-discipline. Lacking these,
brilliance may count for little indeed.
On the other hand, the manwho

has a good record, who gets along
well with people, and who, above
all, has the gift of everlasting appli-
cation--that man owes it to himself
to find out what the investment busi-
ness has to offer him.
Halsey, Stuart & Co. occupies a
leading-position in the underwriting .
and distribution of conservative in-
vestment securities. More informa-
tion regarding its business, its various
departments, and the kind of men it
desires to interview, will be found in
our booklet-What Is The Bond
Business? Write for a copy. There
is no obligation.

On MWF I have three classes in
the journalism department. Now
if I can arrange to have lunch in'
the Pathology museum I won't

1 1



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