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May 20, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-20

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TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1930

Published every aorning except Monday
during tie University year by the DHoard in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Eitorlal
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Aan Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mater General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.06; by waIl,
Uffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-t
pard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, axs 4.1
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor............Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor....... Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor..........MarjorisaFollmer !
Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama......William J. Gorman
Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein
!assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. loss
Charles R. Kaffman Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Bare Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nickol
Mary L. Behymer William Page
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein Hugh Pierce
S. Beac~h Conger ViorD.Rbindwlt
Thomas M. Coole eannieRoberts
Helen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. .Cadwell Swansod
Ginevri6 Ginn Jate Thayer
Tack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris Qcovemag Robert Townsend:
Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
J. Culn Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
,L ean Levy G. Lionel Willens
ussell . McCracken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian ZInit

Campus Opinion OASTED ROLL
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than zoo lIH
worts of possible. Anonymous co- '
muntcations will he disregarded.The IDIRTY
names of communicants will, however,Ij
be regardedras confidential, upon re-POLITICS-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial Now that the Student council has
opnin_ f Th_____Not at tetu enou cih sdecided w ith w hom they w ish to '
NANSEN, THE EXPLORER. succeed themselves to their lofty
To the Editor:I and exalted positions as supreme
Dr. Nansen's recent death pro- rulers of Michigan's destinies (page
vides a fitting occasion for re- Dean Bursley) we predict today
counting his exploits as one of our that politicians will be paying five
greatest explorers. dollars more per case of Scotch for
I am asked to say something in present delivery.
the Daily concerning Dr. Nansen
as an explorer. First of all let me The situation here would make
say that he will be accounted with graft - investigating Senator Nye's
Peary and Amundsen among the mouth water if he knew half the
few very great polar explorers of dirt that we know.
all time. Unlike the others his 4
urge to exploring was not alone to We attended both caucus meet-
attain a goal, but far more to solve ings and decided to put up a ticket,
great scientific problems of the of our own which, because of its
earth. His first great Arctic ad- nonpartisian a n d unprejudiced
venture of 1888 was in Southern platform, will sweep the voters off
Greenland where he accomplished their feet. (Page one more case of
the first crossing of the inland ice that Detroit Scotch).
from coast to coast and revealed toM
the world the hitherto unknown Placing utmost faith in the du-
character of the interior. plicity and integrity of these men,
When a few years later he set out we nominate the following:
to cross the Arctic Sea, covered * * *
with a jam of floating ice rafts in TICKET (One Way...Out).
which many stout vessels had been For president of the Student

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department- Managers
Advertising............. T. Hollister Msbley
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Women Assistants on the Business
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Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese
Hortense Goodiiig
TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1930
Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE.

crushed, he pinned his faith upon council, the Beachcomber, the peo-
a scientific deduction that he had i ple's choice, because of his ability
made which was as bold as that to do nothing which satisfies all
which has been supposed to have prerequisites for that position, as
sent Columbus on his voyage to a has been demonstrated by former
new world. The American explor- incumbents.
ing vessel Jeannette had been r
crushed in the ice off the delta of Then we would choose for Senior
the Lena river on the Siberian coast, members: Lark, because two years
and four years later driftwood ( ago he withdrew from politics and
from the wreck had been picked up would again satisfy the require-
on the southwest coast of Green- ments as laid down by the leaders
land. Nansen reasoned correctly of the council; then there is Dam-
that this wood must have been mee, who demonstrates his abso-
carried by drifting ice floes across lute lack of intelligence by trying
the Arctic Ocean, down the east to write this column, with the aid
coast of Greenland, and up the of Beachcomber (equally intelli-
west coast to the point where it gent), and last but not least Joe
had been found. He therefore built Tinker who has been laid in the
him a ship, the Fram, which was I grave and will render his best ser-
so constructed that though it might vices from there.
not resist the terrific ice pressures * *
such as had crushed the Jeanette, For the Junior positions we are
it would be lifted out of the pres- going to select the first four try-
sure. Provisioned for a period of outs that come into the office this
five years, he allowed the Fram to i afternoon. This way we will be sure
be frozen into the Arctic pack nea; of getting -the council out of poli-
Behring Straits prepared to drift tics, and into the hands of truly
and carry out scientific investiga- incompetent men.
tions for that period if necessary*"
.Theresults showed the correctness Above line of type is a graphic
of his reasoning, for after three representation of the Three Star
and a half years the Fram came Hennessey that we will serve today
out of the pack and noexpedition at the polls to all students who will
before or since has been so fruit- vote our ticket. Come early and
ful of scientific knowledge attained avoid the rush.
concerning the Arctic Ocean.
At the age of 67 he was plan- Note to the Beachcomber: How
ning a new voyage of scientific dis- will we split the graft? Dammee.
1 covery across the Arctic Ocean in * * *
the Graf Zeppelin to be started a Note to Dammee: Sixty me, forty
{ year hence, and one as revolution- you. The Beachcomber.
ary in its conception as that which * *
he carried through now nearly 40 I quit. Dammee.
years ago. His sudden death came * * *
as a terrific blow not only to those All right. Fifty-fifty. The Beach-
who had been privileged to know comber.
him intimately but to the whole**
civilized World. Now that the insurgent rebels
WILLIAM A. HOBBS. ' have been pacified, we can proceed
Geology Department. with the business on hand.
MORE AND BETTER PROCTORS. Joe Tinker has just withdrawn
To the editor: because he says it is beneath the
, Putting students on their honor position of a former Rolls editor
not to cheat during an examination to stoop to the Student council.
is a most praise worthy theory, but * * *
how practical is it? Just how much Boss Reif threatened to split
honor does the student have who both tickets if his underlings were
makes a practice of copying on an not elected. Henchmen B'ell and
examination? Not enough I fear to Reynolds concurred. Rumor has it
keep him from cheating when un- that Detroit statisticians, assisted
der almost no supervision what- by the math department, will count
ever. the ballots. In this way we will be
Under the honor system, it is assured that those who are elected
assumed that honest students will will get into office.
see and report the unscrupulous. DAMMEE - THE BEACHCOMBER.
This I feel is an erroneous assumpt- * * *
ion. When one is writing an exam- I see that there are still signs of
ination does he gaze around to see revolution abroad over these same
what others are doing? No, his nominations. I know how it is
whole attention is focused on what fellows. Our house didn't get one
he is writing. Then too, a large either.
number of students, even thought * * *
they should happen to see cheating, j Thanks, boys. You're doing a lot
feel that they would be tatlers to towards making Rolls editor an
report it. With an honor system armchair job. .
who is to check the students who - THE CHINK.
leave the room? I cannot see what LATE BULLETIN.
is to prevent a man's going to some As we go to press we see by the
quiet corner and finding out all he papers of Sunday morning that
{ desires to know about the examina- j both candidates for the office on

Music And Drama
TONIGHT: The opening per-
ormance by Mimes of Robert Sher-
wood's historical burlesque The
Road to Rome: Mimes Theatre at
By Prof. O. J. Campbell.
A dramatic festival at the Uni-
versity of- Michigan could be open-
ed no more appropriately than by
the presentation of Sophocles' An-
tigone. Drama began in Athens as
part of a great civic celebration
given in honor of Bacchus, patron
of both comedy and tragedy. Be-
fore almost the entire male poula-
tion of the city and many visitors
from other parts of Greece who
came to Athens at this time, dif-
ferent plays were given on succes-
sive days. Attendance at the the-
atre on such occasions was in no
sense a casual or perfunctory thing
The drama was given, for its sea-
son, first place in the attention and
interest of the community. Further-
more, a Greek play such as Anti-
gone was created by a union of all
of the arts of the theatre in their
most perfect form. Heroic imper-
sonation, superb declamation, po-
etry, music and rhythmical action
all united to deepen the under-
standing of the audience and to
intensify its emotional. sympathies.
The chorus sang and danced in
stately fashion its measures and
even the individual actors sang
some of the lyrical passages and
occasionally joinedtheir voices
with that of the chorus.
To recreateathe impression made
by such an art under the condi-
tions of the modern stage is to
challenge the highest sort of co-
operation of a university audience
and a highly intelligent group of
actors. Miss Margaret Anglin is
the American actress most likely
to bring success to this high enter-
prise. A great artist at the sum-
mit of her career, she, better than
any other American actress, should
be able to make the great Anti-
gone live again in the nobility and
splendor given her by Sophocles.
Mimes opens again tonight with
a performance of Robert Sher-
wood's essay in historical burlesque
that, turiaed out to be something
more than historical burlesque. In
1927, there was a demand that
John Erskine dramatize his Helen
of Troy. ,rskine enjoyed the idea
but savoured it too long. Sherwood
stole a march on him by dramatiz-
ing a similar historical episode in
the same sly, satirical manner.
Amytis, the talkative but sensa-
tive Greek wife of Fabius, the dic-
tator of Rome, becomes annoyed by
dthe sentimental ideal and plati-
tude '" ft A her Roman husband
When Harnibal, whom seeing she
erotically idealizes, plans his at-
tack on Rome, she secretly travels
to his camp to astound him with
the stifling question: What Price
Glory? Hannibal flounders for an
answer, but while floundering dis-
covers that the sex life of Amytis
is in no sense complete. The dis-
covery shows him the futility of
glory; so Amytis spends a night in
his tent. Rome, of course, is for
the time being saved.
Philip Merivale and Jane Cowl

played the title parts in the popu-
lar New York production. It was
incisive, canny, sophisticated fun.
The elements that make for attrac-
tiveness are numerous: porno-
graphic trifling, smart epigrams,
naughty burlesque of history. The
contemporary social criticism is
obviously, hence pleasantly done:
the Roman mouths roll Rotarian
platitudes, which the perceiving
Amytis promptly ridicules. All
Sherwood's objections to contem-
porary society are wittily expressed
and because familiar, there is the
added joy of recognition. The play
is distinctly in the Shaw Caesar
and Cleopatra tradition and prom-
ises to be the most worthwhile
thing Mimes has done this season,
Those taking the major parts are
Norman - Brown, George Priehs,
Helen Carrm, and Kenneth White.
Wednesday night Play Produc-
tion will present in University hall
its second bill of three one-act
plays to be directed by members of
the advance class in direction. Al]
the details of this production are
left in the hands of students by
Mr. Windt. This plan of student-
chosen, student-directed. student-



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The knot into which the tangled
mazes of Congressional red tape'
and procedure have tied the cur-
rent tariff bill has produced an-
other situation adding materially
to. the battering which this ill-
conceived piece of . economic and
fiscal quackery has.received at the'
hands of its makers. While Sena-
tor Smoot is "thinking of some-
thing" to extricate. the measurej
from the deadlock, the attitude ofI
the country and press is changing
from disgust and protest to amuse-
And this may be wholly justifi-
able humor. Aside from the ludi-
crous gestures of . despair which
Senator Watson and the Senator
from Utah are making, there re-
mains the equally frantic effortI
somehow to take care of the nui-
sance which this bill has now be-
come. Underneath the flourishes
that both houses of Congress are
making to induce each other to act
are two alternative policies that
might be used to save the Congres-
sional face from the appearance of
impotence at the hands of tech-
nicalities. Leaders could resort to
old practices or devise new ones to
get the tariff measure out on the

in Which
You Take Pride.
ON THE CAMPUS, where class buildings
and memorial structures are so often
distinguished by their noble form, flood-
lighting equipment serves to prolong the
enjoyment of their beauty and to enhance
pride in the institution. n Such an
application is made for the new 165-foot
campanile at South Dakota State - nag-
nificent gift of an alumnus. Electrically
operated chimes sound the hours and
are heard in concerts. At night, shafts of



floor for a reconsideration, or., on Proctors at an examination
the other hand, they could allow the should never make the conscien-j
bill to suffer the ignominy of dying tious student feel that his honor isI
from natural causes.- being doubted any more than a{
It is our view that the Congress policeman walking past a man's
has realized these alternatives and house should make the man feel!
is now tobagganing on the latter. that he is being suspected a thief.
If, however, the fact recently point- Honest students realize that proc-
ed out by Professor Muzzey of Co- tors at an examination are there to
lumbia that the tariff bill has al- protect them from unscrupulous
ready cost the government over class mates who would take an un-
$2,000,000 is a force in the minds fair advantage should they be
of congressmen as well as citizens, given the onnortunity.


the board in control of athletics
are to be elected.
* * *
Also last night one of the leaders
of the Washtenaw machine, whoj
last spring assured us that he was
out of politics forever, nonchantly

Drawing of the Coughlia Campanile at South Dakota State College,
. rookings, S. D. Perkins and McWaryne, architects


admitted that he was back in it
again because they couldn't get
along without him. Such modesty.
* *
On the other side, State street'
vote manipulators vociferously as-
serted that the other side hadI

light from General Electric floodlighting projectors effect a picture -of superb beauty
done in the school colors and white. From the air, the tower is identified by the
beam from a G-E airway beacon surmounting the floodlighted dome. > ! Thus,
G-E equipment plays its part in promoting progress and fine appreciation. Back of
---- -- tU T-I. .-.- .-,

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