THE MICRTr.AN T) A i t' V FU;NERAL SERVICES OFFICIAL -BALI FOR RAS VICIM~All Coi iaElection, Today TO B[ EL T009Y U NSTR .CTIONS :--place a cross in the square( the name of the candidate for whom you wise to U";iVerity Student Killed When Czar Craslics Isnto Trck Student cou~iipMihig Near Ypsilanti. a AIF M A%-WAA A \T1 A TrV- * ~ ..f L ZJ-4 1 _A Ur Ll i L Y 2vi Y J, l 1 ) OT;IT~ENS#IPDRIE LWNER OF KCENTUCKY DERBY WINNER OPEN ONcAMPUS Cf V+ (411 rear Vv~) (AllMen 'Vote) Jarty Was Returninig from Dtc PRESIDENT at 'Malted Lake When Mishap (Vle Ifor'tne) 6Occurrej. 1 MERTON J.IBEL. ;8" eral services ,for Frederick A. ' ''4 23, of 83 South State street, i. . CHARLES Hf. REYNOLDS a. g9homore in the pre-eali course at the University, who wasj SENIOR REPRESENTATIVES killedl in an auto smash early Sun- (lay morning on DMicigan Ave. in (Vote for Three) Ypsilanti, will be held at 2 o'clock r I WILLIAM J. BROWNE this afternoon in C11sanlng, for- merly the residence of the family. [ I ROBERT T. CRANE Burial will also take place in Ches- ~RCADA UNS aning.CI'ICADA UNS Cowan died at the Beyer Memor-1IMACL J.H E ial hospital in Ypsilanti at 5 o'clock F1MLOM3 lM Sjulday morning as a result of skull 1 I1 EWIN A. SCHRADER futcures sustained when the ar Which Cowan was driving crashed 1 I . HARRISON SIMRALL head-on into an east-bound freight' truck on Michigan Ave., near the 1 JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVES Lay far, three miles east of Ypsi- lanti. The truck, owned by the A. 1 Vote for Four) And B. Cartage company of Detroit, was driven by William Miller, 2306 f1 FREDERICKj CRUMPACKER Davey street, Detroit, who declared that Cowan attempted to pass an- I I THOMAS M. DAVIS othe crn ettet rc had IIJOHN D. HUBY pass. The impact of the collision I WILLIAM I. JORDAN is said to have driven Cowans head throt4gh the win~shield, lacerating ] EDWARD L. MCCORMICK his scalp and completely detroy- ~~AFE .PLE ing one eye.(1IALRDJ L7E Several Injured EI THOMAS G. ROACH Oth-er members of the Cowani party who were injured are Miss, ( I EDWARD S. WUN CI Apa Kroc, 17, 30 Center street, 'pganti, a senior student in Ypsi- (aefrOe lainti Central high sepool, wvho is (oefrOe reovering from a broken leg gt41 ~n oe I~er ligapital; Charlotte Riley, 17, .(l e oe 11$ Towner street, pilanti, a jun- ir ip. Central high school, who is 1 I . NALL CANDLER in~ Reyel"lispital with several cutsI and bruises and the los of several ,I I RO08JERI JS teeth; Gladys Godbode, 824 BrookI street, Ann Arbor, who is being treated in the same Hospital for a1 fractured left arm and sevre cuts; StudentChita aaid bruises; and Luther Fenker, 21,Chita sol of Bev. and Mrs, Hiugh enker 100 Pearl street, Ypsilanti, who is!iAssociationi suaffring from a fractured Rose and tsevere head cuts. The Cowan car (nieCmu oe was comipletely demolish'ed, the cowl (nieCmu oe 1646,g pushed back through the dri- ver's seat. (Vote for Three) filer, driver of the truck, will n' i be held, according to Attprney 11, I NELSON ARMSTRONG Carl H. Stuhrberg, Washtenawi epunty prosecutor, who was in [ I WILLIAM COMPON chiage of the case. Responsibilty [IMKSDCt~ for the accident has been placed EK$DXJEO with the deceased. I I WILLIAM JACOBS Tied to Pass Car. Cowan is survived by his father, r. 1 DONALD KOCH 4. J. Cowan, of Qwosso; his mother, ; Urs. Jennie Cowan, 80 South State I ] T. IfOLISTER U1ALI4Y street; and a brother, Edward J. i_______________ Cowa%,n, also of Ann Arbor, and aj senior at UYp sityoralschool.Bor inC tol f While in the Unvesthe deeas- Ior n Q tr f ed worked for his board and rooml at Couens hal. He entered as a, Athletics freshman in 1928. According to police reports, the party was returning from a dance! (Etre Campus Vote) at Walled lake about 2:30 o'clock Sunday morning when Cowan de-jVoefrO ) ided to pass a car on the Michi- Io orOe gan eve. road, three miles east of Iff1 MAYNARD D MORRION Ypjlanti. Probably misjudging the istanlce between his own car and i1f 1 IJOHN A. TOMPKINS the oncoming truck, Cowan could got gt around the auto in time t avoid the collision. Miller stated 1 RELIGION AND M1Rl4 that he was unable to swerve out 1 SUNDA Yf, 0 Y EI of the highway son enough to al- I~ lo9W qowans car to pass. Athletes, millionaires, and meh- -t -VE anis are the only men who the B. (X)WiN i.... X LEAV public reverences today stated Rev. F~OR CONV YE NAT. f IN t,. J. okes-Jaalsn, an B glish clrgyma, who spoge Sunday TO MAKE REPOR.Tf morning at the St. Andrew's church !J I on religion and miracles. !The preacher deplored the lack Prof. G. G. Drown of the Chem- i of admiration and w~onder toward ical enginepring department left rapesaitethtseidn for Tulsa, Oklahoma, Sunday where in the attitude of mnany tday. he is attending a convention There is a tendency at present to of the Natural Gasoline association; destroy the reputation of such of America.I great figures as Caesar, Plto, Na- Prof. Brown has been Director of ioleon, or Washington. The. speak- leercha since 19( and will give' a rteport at the meeting concerning er connected this debunking view- the results of his work here on the pint with the problem of recon- proper use of gasoline in motor and Iclling the miracles of the Bible with aviation fuel. Christianity. The convention will last from Dr. Foakes-Jackson emphasised 1V~ay 20 to May 22 and will include the point that we take the real1 addresrses by prominent mien. in the heurt out. of religion when we strip field of Chemical Engineering. from it everything that we cannot thoroughly understand anal merely IOWA FRATERNITIES PETITION resolve the church into an insti- IOWA- 33 fraternities and so- tution for the promotion of wel- rorities have petitioned the cityI fare work. ( /otkfor _One, arna only Department.) LITERAtY VVICE-JPIEp f I R O E T . C ftA N K IE. C O O P E~R 1 j XNTqo0MEJ~ i Sl SNGINEEIRING VICE-.Ptt fILYM-AN A. BITLLzR.ju [IA RLRUg R.YOUTNC MED~ICAL VICJE-PRE S [) [1 JAME~S W. HIITJIy JOHN 1). NACPFIV LAW VICC-PiRESI II THEODORE C. I$Af4 MILTON MCREERY Li [I DENTAL VICE -PRESJ 'If THOMAS W. CHiAMIH [ IJOSEPH R. DUNWE I . EDWARD HI. GOODIM IVICTOR P. SCHUMA )before University Group to Lead Work.;;x Plan to Brig University Alumni ____ Amog Coleg Stdent ~ >~Closer by Conducting Group Throughout Country.. of Summer Conferences .AUMUSH:DSBORDSESSIONS BEGIN JULY 2I Endeavoring to create an organ- 1 . f In an effort to play a part in ired, active electorate sufcient in bringing the University and the in Your nunmbers to outvote any who may; Alumni into closer intellectual con- control the machinery of govern- tact, the School of Education plans ment for anti-patriotic ends, the to conduct a roup of conferences rIfENT Camnaign for Good Citizeship' during the coming summer. 'these MfAN~ has been brought to the Michigan ...cnfrences are intended primar- ericampus by Donald Fuller, '99, o01 g fradutehdges rom hae rUniver- Deri, who is Chairman of the ::"*~~. sity with education as a major. Ii;Advisory Group. .1ilowever others who are inteersted [ITENTf. g paries nd z.may attend. The meetings will be- jgreedy underworld have control of tend until Thursday, July 24. Doui government," said fuller in a Purpose of these meetings is to statement yesterday, "chiefly be- } ,tM.I provide an opportunity for mnen and cause only a small percentage of t° nvrit gofmlirz hm l ll ithe population expresses itself bytselUversityhetrendsminiriethemdi- votintg. t the itzes cnt e i ferent movements in fields of edu- dcdtgottepolthe condi ?I. cation. A list of topics covering ON tion will be ameliorated." 4I ! many of these trends will be dis- IN "Corruption in politics survives,:' .....'* cussed Iy prominent members of he continued, "because the people '.y'wtefcly ETare misinformed on matters of vital In i o the faculty.tres importance. I _"_. __. " .. being shown in the Alumni Uni- I"The Campaign will furnish a versity, it is believed that these Ysource of unbiased information Lr eb imnn nls p lal~n i honpesntwg thei meetings should fill a well reog- through its Advisory Group, com- traditional gold cup to William WOoaiwardc, well-known hoars roan of Inixied need. With this thought in DREN4T ; posed of experts and authorities New York and owner of Gallant Fox, who romped home in firot of a m1ind it is the desire of the faculty i cho sen from all parts of the coon- field of three year olds in the 57th running of the hlistori sal # 1tuckY of the ScIAT rths hoolreofneedction etht ~ELI r.~. Derby at Louisville last Saturday. jIhs h r ntrse neu :.One of the aims of the Campaign--_______ _________(______ cation receive the full benefit of LLisj to form groups of college stu- 1 h research work being done in ~I~T dents who will vote in coming na- DR. JOHN LATHROP SPEAKS SUNDAY the various departments. They de- grV toupalelertos The Michigan I sire, particularly, to place before grup Fllrsthted, will be the key- BEFORE STUD ENT CHRISTIAN GROUPI the group for whom these meetings ~IAN stone or central one of these, and !_________________ are intended their impressions in LCHER work done in other universitiesr I regard to what we may look forward will be modeled after the work Envisioning the church of the [Standing advances attributed to J to in the fields of their interest. done here. future as an institution devoted toatetti getsan-laerae Among the other features of the "This government was foundedj the practical uplift, of humanity,daetthsgatai-ldraeI summer program for the School of reouinssth gtt I Dr*on olnahrp p-the abolition of widow burning, aI Education are its short term ours, Ol of1 by rvltoit h ogtt r onHwadLtrp li problem that the British govern-' es These are intended for those p113S lbrtetbs u o~ttto theytafiangastoriohtrookly, N.oYE ment were afraid to touch, and the {{ persons wishing to take courses in tiocieies lertheyrgteig"h e at discused social change in refer- . ...n f dctinl aiite education who can not spend the achev,"Fu~e aerd,"Te a- to religion at the Stuident ~oriewng of e daioal ailte amount o time required by the chinery of that government has eneithwo nofIda te) 'been captured by corrupt inter'estsI Christian association convocation Our present day congested cities longer courses. They extend over !that are a greater menace to our hediunda night in Hill auditor- irwn more uninhabitable evrya eriod of four weeks, beginning welfare Dr rges hnayfo-im day, present many problems as yet July_7_andedingAgust_1 andcprogressttanpanyofor-dIout numer- usled adDr. W L-aulthndenigougst1 eigin foe. 'Their power grows with os Lahoppinelinovesad Lahopx~- -Cun CY+every month that passes and the day achievements of churchmeYALEUIEST n to- f panded this by saying that the ApsyUIES-Y - on dywhich pointed definitely to this chology of the apartment dweller Felix von Lurckner recently spoke warning' of Paul revere wTas noIIne roeothchrhaani-wasmlrtohtofhern- here before a large body of stu- LY R moenede y heMiue enIstrument of social uplift. The i ent hotel borereihnh esl- ts and with his inspiring per-. JR. o Massachusetts than is the;,borewtthrsu- speaker's own experience on infer- ant effect of breaking down the} sonality and quality for drama- warning his spirit shouts to the 'denominational boards and com- faml istzto etteadec nums sleepingfatriobtiovtday"missonseve to amlfy ti Marriage, he said, presented to; suspense during his recital of anec- (Orfs betv utb oIpoint. His work in Rumania as a'I the church another problem to be dotes which dotted his colorful wrest control of the government member of the commission for the solved. This question was not so and adventurous career. He also from these enemies of society and protection of religious minorities much a problem of dealing with di- explained the purpose and details _______ to do this we must banish from our; was brought out. Social service and vorce as it was a problem of teach- of the cruise which, he plans to rgnsand hearts all tolerance for relief work carried on by churches ing young people to use discretion take on his schooner Mopelia with that enemy, and in its place put in- in various parts of the globe was ; in picking out a life prnr it osti umr pate. it oy hs umr -Cation tolerance and banish also ourinm- cited.________________ difference and our selfish attitude Gandhi, who is trying to bring ProuwC t)toward the welfare and happiness; about a . peaceful settlement of Prf hmaLrd to Tali - rte) ;of our fellows, replacing it with an troublesome issues among the i- jB f ore Ro ane lb W ardent crusading spirit of' service. I dus, is working in the name of re- - Cu ligion and is a pre-eminent example, Open meeting of the Romane $2 Packard Sre rwwG Aeronautical Section of a divinely inspired workerwoIcuascaino h aut OA Na esPesdntIunderstands the new broader scope members of the RQmance Langlag-~ LUNCHEON SPECIAL a esNew Prsdet of the interpretation of relit on. es department, will be held in the l13 o10 .M ____Dr. Lathrop has recetyrtr-RmneLn g1ulinro etLa ihCemd~~ Ata etigofteSooclaeed from India idwhere he iied th 103at w4:15stoday. Prof.IHenri Cha- and Carrots on oast section of the Aeronautical oit rhoSia n tde odmr il deliver an address in I 25c held Friday night Jack Bracken, '3 tions in general. He was impressed i French. DNE PCA E, was elected president and Eugene everywhere by the tremendous force!i Prof. Chamard is from the Sor- 5:30 to 7:00 P. M. Fromm, '33, secretary for the con- I for righteousness that Mahatma' bonne, a department of the Uni- 3 ing year. _ Gandhi was exerting. The out- I versity of Paris. 1 __ I. Bard in, Contri Student Publica (Entire Campus Vo (Vote for Three) I. I. GEORGE S. IRRADLY EGBERT H. DAVIS WHITFIELD fP. HILL CLAY OLMSTEAD,J JOHN R. ROSE GEORGE C. TILLEY JAMES F. WARD WALLACE WESSELS OratorcldAssoc (Entire Campus Voi PRES EDENT .i LAWRENCE E. 1141U 1JQWAlUD SIJION VICE-PRESIDENTj C 1 GILBERT IIARRISON~ C11 ROBERT MURPHY SECRETARY j I IWVING COOPER 1fllll~ tlll111111Efl~ tifilllllfllfl~ lllE1~ ~11Hflllf TREASURER L Geolog"y Exam Ttorng [1i LRENCE LEMNT RSNALYBY MR. TOMMIE MACK .I I; c f EBEij4H SOCoo f ; EJ4ZAB3ETR MiVcDOWELL IESNAL ------___I on Rocks-Folds-Faults--Quakes -Unconlforinities, Etc. 2ETALSED14 4CLrES DISCUSSED V, FOAKES-JA S NK ALSO I50 TUTORS FOR ALL OTHER SUBJECTS SINII WhenLABORATORY PLIE I hnwe fail to wonder at and ,, A O A OYamr h nxlialsi r; TUTORIil AGENCY SUPPLIES a~iireth inxpainbl, sidDr.~ IIIbI~IV UBI II AU NC DR GSSUNDRIES FoksJc~o e cnie txwe are showing evidence of super-b TOMMIE MACK, A.B., DIRECTOR ior intelligence, but as a matter of il- 310 Southi State Street Phonie 7927 21 fact we are being guided by two1 Daily 9-12; 1-4:15 200-202 E. LIBERTY STREET contemptable qualities - concet -__________-- a d envy. I '.!.!.111111111I1 iI 1111ifIIi lli 1iIIIIIIUI II Ililt11 111111 III 1 11111111111 IIf II1 +k I i f . 1 r t In reconciing this contention "with the scientifc philosophy the; speaker brought out the point that thee tely great scientists wonder,. and marvel 4t the undiscovered before they try to seek its solu- tLion. , ~TOUR ISTS STHIRD GLASS i I ANjY LIN1 Ar!NY ; COUNTRY One ayl Round trio' oaRelLow Pficg ok AUTPORIZED STEAMS91 A$T. E. G. KEBLER, All Linet 601 E HUtRON. MM4 ARBD$ J AM rll00 . ... . . 1 NOW PLAYING 4 PERFORMANCES DAILY Presenting the distinguished dee~r of present day stars of stage and screen! LAST TIMES TODAY With BERt C B NC CLAIRE ALEXANDER Y GREY LOUISE PAZ ENDA 1 ric jouuL jorJigaveJVa T STAR