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May 18, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-18

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ISU"AY, MAY 18, 19,30


~UNDA~', !vM ' 18, 1930 ~TH~ MICHIGAN DAILY


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"I think that it is a wonderful the old compositions. Composers F1 Social activities at the sorority pledging of Floy Sawyer 33M
WO EN INTIT DI " tik9ha i s wndrul SE s wr ooedainrpfl aut Dne e
thingrthat the children ofhAmer-I ishouses have been as varied as ac- Ann Arbor, and Evelyn Blodgett,
appreciate the beauty of music," do not put enough of the inspira Mu Phi Epsilon Gives Tea! tivities on campus this week. Sen 31, also of Ann Arbor.
stated Madame Giannini, who sang tion of their own hearts into their for Prominent Womens were honored at dinners fo
here last week in the May Festi- work." Arlowing Swing-Out as were guests Six members of the faculty and
Officers for Coming Year and val. In conclusion, Madame Giannini s.for the May Festival concerts. their wives were entertained at a
Delegate to Convention iche te warnthe people o stated "The man who will be able RC TO HELD ALSO ollegiat e Sobr the faculty dinner, Wednesday night at
Deeaeerica have evidenced more itrs EETO EDAS following members of the faculty'
Are Selected. in the fine and beautiful things in to combine the exactness of a per- with a dinner Wednesday night: j the Sigma Kappa chapter house.
life. People who have a hard time, feet technique and the spirit of di-! Mu Phi .Epsilon, honorary inusi- Regent Julius Beall and Mrs. Beall Zeta Tau Alpha honored Prof.
ALUMNAE ARE PRESENT to get along have neither the time vine inspiration will be the master cal sorority, gave a tea Friday af- Coach Fielding Yost and Mrs. Yost, Wesley Maurer and Mrs. Maurer,
nor the means to attend concerts of this modern age." ternoon in the Alumnae room of Dr. A. E. Boak and Mrs. Boak, Miss Dr. Russell Hussey and Mrs. Hus-
Dreakfast in Honor of Initiates and the opera. Now that America the League building honoring Alice Lloyd, Miss Laurie Campbell sey, and Mr. and Mrs. EdwaId C.
as a nation is prosperous, its peo-as VARIETY MARKS and Miss Elizabeth Halsey. Prophet at dinner Monday night.
Is Held ia League Buildg ple are seeking something besides Tfour women who took part in the Delta Delta Delta has had a num- Kappa Alpha Theta is givinga
After Meeting. the necessities of living." SOCIAL EVENTS' MayFestival. They were Miss ber of house guests this past week. mothers' houseparty this week-end.
American Interest Growing. Katherine Meisle, contralto,. Mme. Mrs. W. J. Flynn, Mrs. Fan Mc- A cabaret dinner with feature acts
Initiation services for 14 new "In Europe, the love of music is I Kinney, and Mrs. J. Stroneier, all of and music by Joe Conlin preceded
embers of Mortarboard, senior inborn in the children. From the A variety of social events have Claire Dux, soprano, Miss Juva Detroit, and Miss Gladys Mc- attendance at the May Festival on
time that they are little tots, they interested, the dormitories during Higbee, director of the children's Adams, Delta Delta Delta's alumnae Friday night. Yesterday the molthw
honorary socety for women, willenjoy music as much as the aver- tha Ck gchorus, and Miss May Strong, com- advisor in Lexington, Ky., were vis- er were honored at a luncheon at
be held at 8 o'clock this morning age American child likes to play Martha Cook gave its formal poser. Mrs. Fielding Yost, Mrs. iting the house during the early the League building. Following
on the Island, and will be followed baseball. America is gradually spring dance on Friday night. The Hugo Thieme and Ms Harry B part of the week. Mrs. Challenger,[that Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthve
by a meeting of the new members coming to this point. Public school Jan night an t of Wyandotte, and Mrs. Kannon, and Mrs. Theophil Klingman gave
music is doing a great deal to in- pLantern of New York City, were guests for a tea for the guest. Dinner, bdge,
at whichofficers for the coming still in your children a genuine ap- idea was carried out in detail. Chi- The receivg line consisted of N the May Festival. and a midnightteserender briBob
year and the delegate to the next preciation of good music. The mu- nese lanterns were strung across Miss Meisle, Miss Strong, Miss Hig- Chi Omega gave their seniors a
Chpmg aethi eir Carson's orchestra, and a buffetI
convention will be elected. sic contests and conventions which the terrace, where the dance was bee, Mrs. Guy Maier, Margaret Cal- spread on Tuesday night after supper concluded yesterday's ac-
are being held thrcughout the held, and Japanese ,parasol-lamp- vert, and Elizabeth Searles. Swing-Out. They had eleven guests tivities. Following a special dinner
The jun woene iscountriorreomen shades covered all the lights. A -;for dinner on Wednesday night. today the Glee club trio will enter-
Behymer, Eleanor Cooke, Helen ening interest in music." pagoda, covered with spring bos- Pa eant Rehearsals Alpha Xi Delta Entertains. tain the week-end guests.
Behmer Elano Coke Helenenig nteestin usi,"soms, added a touch of atmosphere, 5 lpaaigelaaonretMs.Re__________-______
Domine, Marion Gimmy Helen Of course, an artist does not Alpha Xi Delta honored Mrs.
Humphrey,. Helen Jones, Albertina have as appreciative and under- and Japanese fans, combination Durin Past Week Wendell Moore, their chaperone, on
Maslen, Jannet Michael, Isabel Ra- standing audiences in America as dance programs and favors, were Thudlay afternoon with a tea, at
yen, Roberta Reed, Marion Read- she does in Europe, but that can- presented to the guests. Show Improvement which twenty guests were present.
, Martha Cook had as its guest reThe Ann Arbor Alumnae Asso-
Yearnd has had music and has learned to this week, Mrs. F. J. Smith, of .ciation of Alpha Xi Delta gave the Fock s o
Fo ghrnda shadmusicandhaslearnedtoWest Virginia, mother of Miss Mar- In spite of inclement weather, seniors of the active chapterrk
Following the meeting a break- cherish and love it; America, too, garet Ruth Smith,. the dormitory's the first general rehearsals of the luncheon at the Huron Hills Coun-
fast will be held in the League: will in time come to the full real- social director. Freshman Pageant were held lastr lu yesterda
building honoring the initiates at ization of its beauty." .Alumnae House entertained Mrs. week on Palmer field. A majority trThe juniors of Alpha Phi gave
which Virgimia Losee, '30, will pre-e Is Lover of Classics Frederic C. Morgan and Miss Mary of the hundred women taking part the seniors a buffet supper dance
d snGFarnsworth at dinner on Wednes- in the dancing were there, and al last night. Mr. and Mrs. Finley I
will be represented by Mrs. Norma classical music. I am not a mod- day night. though it was impossible to give Rnd Mrs Albert Pente-
Bicknell Mansfield, '26, and Elsie ernist," she declared. "Some mod- Adelia !Cheever gave a formal definite positions, owing to the fact jhn and Miss Caterine Krentler,I
Murray, '28. _Marjory Follmer, '30, ejohnsandiMissrCatherinelKrentfer,
e music is very beautiful, but fodinner after the Swing Out on that all the participants were not of Detroit, were chaperones for the
will speak for the active chapter me, nothing can take the place of Tuesday in honor of its seniors, present, the rehearsals went off affair
and Marion Reading, '31, will give ~ Following the dinner there was I well- Following Swing-Out, seniors at
the response for the initiates. . Dance Organization dancing in the Goddard Chapter Full rehearsals will be run off the Phi Sigma Sigma house were
Mortarboard was established as j room, which has been recently pre- Wednesday and Thursday after- entertained at dinner. Miss Ber- I
the first national honorary society Tryouts to be Held sented to Adelia Cheever House by noons, at which time it is absolute- nice Lefkowitz is a house guest for
for women in 1918 when delegates Professor Edwin C Goddard and ly necessary that all women taking the week-end. .
from Swarthmore college, Ohio on Next Wednesda" Mrs. Goddard. part in the dances be there. Sigma Kappa announces the
State, Cornell, Syracuse, and Mich- -/1 Betsy Barbour gave the seniors
igan met to form an organization 'an ice-cream and strawberry sup- MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE- -
which would provide for co-opera- Tryouts for Orchesis will be held per Tuesday night after the Swing Tuesday, May 13, was the 73rd an- BIG MAY SALE
tion between senior honorary so- at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday, May 21, Out. niversary of the founding of Michi-I 20% DISCOUNT ON
cieties for women,- promote college in Sarah Caswell Angell hall in Helen Newberry also entertained gan State College. The celebration FRATERNITY JEWELRY
loyalty, advance the spirit of ser- Barbour gymnasium, Any one who their seniors with a supper after included a giant convocation, pa- urr Patterson & Auld
vice and fellowship among univer- . .aSwing Out. The dining room tables rade, ball game, and a band con-! -(603iChurch
sity women, maintain a high stan- Is iterested i dancing, and who were arranged in the form of an S, cert. 3 u
dard of scholarship and recognize is eligible, is invited to try out, in- and a miniature oil can ceremony --_----- _ a-
and acknowledge leadership. cluding freshmen. added interest to the occasion. The -
In 1922 several new chapters Orchesis is an organization, spon- seniors wore their caps and gowns.-
were added and the society con-
linued to spread through south sored by the Women's Athletic as- Recently a famous woman sculp-
and west until it is now natin sociation, which' is interested in tor exhibited her -work at the Cor- I r_,


short. ver'v short or Iona 1

wide with 45 active chapters. Na- the various kinds of dancing, par- coran art gallery in Washington,
tional conferences are held every ticularly natural dancing. At the I D. C. She is Mme. Fausta V. Mon-
two years, alternating with sec- meeting of the group, the members garini, an Italian, and the only
tional conferences. . take part in the kind that most sculptor ever commissioned by Mus-
Mortarboard always attends the interests them. solini to do his likeness. At the
senior breakfast and commence-; The annual dance recital or dra- present time Mme. Mongarini is de-
rnent and swingout ceremonies as ma, which ever it may be, is the signing a gigantic lighthouse which'
a group. This year the local chap- culmination of the year's work, and is to be erected in the port of Mas-
ter earned money for the Under- everyone who -has worked consist- 'saua, an Italian owened possession
graduate Campaign fund of the ently takes part in the program.'I in the Red Sea.
'Women's League by operating the ---------_- _--
Russian Tea Room in the LeagueR
building on Wednesdays.
Among the alumnae who will be,
in Ann Arbor for the initiation Miart aAn sen
ceremony will be Elsie Murray, '28,! ar h N l e
the national secretary, Hilda Mary
Evans, '29, who was president last FURRIER and LADIES' TAILOR
year, Jessie Church, '29, Mary
White, '29, Betty Smithers, '29, Jean Also Miriam Gross Knitted Sport Clothes
McKaig, '29, Elisabeth Wellman, '29, "A LITTLE BIT OF PARIS"
Marie Harwig, '29, and Miss Alice
Lloyd, Miss Laurie Campbell, and 228 South Thayer Street
Miss Margaret Elliott who are hon- Opposite I lii Auditorium Dial 21657
orary members. _



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