SUNDAY, AWAY 18, 1930 - Tflt Mtr-14TC., ANI t)ATT.V XARm TY 8XXN~AY, MAY i8, 1930 TR~ MTCVTTcAM r~ATvv ~Ar~ 'WY rnaxr, Ann STUDENIS TO ELECT CAMPUS OFFICERS TUESDA V -.:r el COUNCIL MEMBER'OFFICIALBALJLOT T Anpus Election, Tuesday, May 20 INSTRUCTIONS:--Place a cross in the square ( ) before 0~. ''P700 51 All &shools of University Will BNillot for Council Head and Representatives MANY TO VOTE TUESDAY Merton Boll, Charles Reynolds Will fun for Presidency of Governing Body. Positions on the Student council will 'be filled, when students of all schools of the University select the the name of the candidate for whom you wish to vot Student Council (All Men Vote) PRESIDENT (Vote for One) MERTON J. BELL CHARLES H. REYNOLDS Michigan Uni (All Men Vote) (Vote for Only One In I r e", F s Dn dour " W a ..7rd! 4 .i ..I n FOR - NLIAL U9I All Balloting Will be Done at One Booth in Center of Diagonal. BEGINS AT 9 O'CLOCK. Balloting for 26 important cam- pus positions will begin at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, with more than 2,200 students expected to partici- pate in the annual sprinL elen- ,i 4 I1 I *I president, three senior representa- tives, and eve juniors for places on the governing body, at the All- Campus elections Tuesday. Two candidates have been nom- inated for the position of the pres- idency of the council. Merton J. Bell and Charles H. Reynolds were selected by the governing body to run for the presidency. Bell was an assistant basketball manager as well as a candidate for the J-Hop committee last year. He hastenprnnent in the activities of the present junior class since his freshman year. Reynolds has been an assistant football manager as well as a mem- ,er of"his freshman , swimming team. ie will be the manager of the tenis team next year. Six Seniors Nmninated. Six men have been nominated as senior members of the council, three, of which, will be selected in the poll Tuesday. The candidates for these positions are: William J. Bbwne, *Robert T. Crane, Richard A. Furniss, Malcolm J. Hume, Ed- win A. Schrader, and J. Harrison SfrmralL, Sor the four junior literary posi- tions, eiht thnen have been nom- inated. These are: Fredeick Crum- pacher, Thomas M. Davis, John I D. Hubly, William H. Jordan, Ed- ward L. McCormick, Alfred J. Pal- mer, Thomas G. Roach, and Ed- ward S. Wunsch. The junior engi- neering representative will be chosen from James N. Candler and Robert Jones. The council will consist of 15 ment next year instead of 13 as in i the % t ",e to the recent aiend- ment to the constitution of the governing body, which provides that two additional junior mem- rs be eted to e'mbership. One 6 The tinal imemnbers must be a limidr Tom 'the Engineering col- lge ibt will 'be elected from the cYa;is, at large, the amendment St' nder this new arrange-. Tef't, th 'ive juniors who will be dhfsen to ; two years, the three en'"r rntatives and the pres- 4dent Who will hold office one year, the t .e seniors selected by the ' last 'pring, and the ex- i rmembers from The Daily, 1he UnYin, and the Board of Con- frtl c'f Athletics, will complete the hi Which will total 15 '. y Ar 1nd 17 thereater. i to be Increased. 'h -a'rndmrtent was incorporat- Sin the cnstitution since many' 'f the senior representatives, who are an important part of the coun- cl, are too much occupied with bthmer campus activites to act in ?ire than an advisory capacity ber the co lcil functions. With tWie ;'dtion'al juniors the advisory[ char'ter will still be retained and[ enough other members will be available- to handle the detailed wOrk in a satisfactory manner. The requirement of a junior m ber from the engineering col- lehe will assure the necessary rep- reettaton from that school. Since coi'terable of the activities, con- rn engineering students, it was °cided that they shotld be repre- seaed. Afte'r a year uider the new sym, at least two councilmen wm b from the engineering college is the 1uhir rnemher to be elected I wmiia hold ofice for two years. SENIOR REPRESENTATIVES (Vote for Three) 1 1 WILLIAM J. BROWNE [ 1 ROBERT T. CRANE 1 I RICHARD A. FURNISS 1 ] MALCOLM J. HUME [ 1 EDWIN A. SCHRADER [. J. HARRISON SIMRALL JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVES (Vote for Four) .1 kbIRICK CRUMIPACKER [ ] tHOMAS M. DAVIS I I JOHN D. HUBLY I ] WILLIAM H. JORDAN E !DWARD L. McCORMICK I 3 ALFRED J. PALMER 1 THOMAS G. ROACH [L EDWARD S. WUNSCH (Vote for One) (All Men Vote) ' 1 JAMES N. CANDLER [ 1 ROBERT JONES Department.) tions. All polling will be done at theI booth that will be set up -in the I 1 ROBERT W. ACKERMAN center of the diagonal. Although C I FRANK E. COOPER all students will vote at the same booth, the ballots will be a different I I MONTGMERY SHIIIK color for each college of the Uni- versity. The voting will be in ENGINEEItINGX VIE-PRESIDENT charge, and under the direct super- ( ]i LYMAN A. 1ILARD 'vision, of members of the Student council. The poll will be open from' 9 in the morning to shortly after MEDICAL VICE-PRESIDENT 12 noon; and will re-open at 11 and continue until 5 o'clock. No [ l JAMES W. HUBLY votes may be cast after the polls . 1 JOHN D. MACPHERSON close at 5 o'clock Tuesday after- noon.C LAW VICE-PRESIDENT , Registration for the elections, [ .I THOOR . ARwhich was held on Thursday and [ TEODORE C.ER Friday of last week, will eliminate e .l MILTON MCREERY 1 1A1 ,,---". Morrisoin, Tompkins TWELVECOMPETE I Are Board Nominees FOR NIO STA Six Vice-Presidents to be Chosen The two candidates who have in Poll Tuesday. been named for the student posit- tion on the Board in Controltof Twelve men have been nominat- Association s Will be ofAhlthwl eecSt ent concileleAsoiainc-fcrs llb tmie of the Student council elec- ed for the offices of the vice-presi- Selected in Annual tions, Tuesday. dents of the Union, six of whom Poll Tuesda One of the candidates, Maynard will be clected at the All-Campus * D. Morrison, '32, has been promin- elections Tuesday. ent in athletics, especially for his Representing the literary college HARTWIG, SIMON NAMED work on the Varsity football squad will be Robert Ackerman, '31, who Lawrence E. Hartwig, '31, and ! last fall as fullback. Lwec .Hrwg 1 n John A. Tompkins, '32, is also has been chairman of the Under- Howard Simon, '32L, will be the well-known for his athletic skill. class committee of the Union for two candidates for the presidency He was goalie of Michigan's West- the past year; Frank E. Cooper, 31, of the Oratorical association at the ern Conference c h a m p i o n s h i p city editor of The Daily for the co- annual spring elections to be held ! comcTuesdaymBothwmll ahavenbeen hockey team as well as center- ing year; and Montgomery Schick members of the association during fielder on the baseball squad. '31, captain-elect of the varsity the aoatin vig #heladr the,, past year, Hartwig as vice- cheerleaders. president and Simon as delegate- From the engineering college, Ly- at-large. ru uIyI-N I at-large.d,31,~d hale man. Bulard,'31E,andCFr the Other nominations include: Vice- Law school, there will. be Theodore president, Gilbert Harrison, '31, C. Baer, '31L, and Milton McCreery, and Robert Murphy, '31; treasurer, '31L, while from the Dental school, Irving Cooper, '31, and Jesse Dunn, Thomias W. Chamberlin, '31D, and '31; secretary, Florence 1V. Clement, Are Nominated for Posts JosephsR. Dunwell, '33ID, will run. '30, and Elizabeth McDowell, '32. EightArNoiaefoPot! James W. Hubly and John D. Hartwig has been a miember 'of} on Board in Control; Macpherson will seek the vice- the Varsity debating squad for To $ect hreepresidency of the Medical col- three years, and was treasurer of To Elect Three. lege. The position from the com- the Oratorical association in his From a ballot of eight d bined smaller colleges will be con- sophomore year. He won the Black Sstudents, tested by Edward H. Goodman and New Testament Oratorical contest all of whom have served in either Victor P. Schumacher. in 1928, and was speaker of Adelphi editorial or business capacity on The vice-presidents chosen at last year. He is president-elect of one of the student publications, the polls Tuesday will comprise. Delta Sigma Rho, honorary foren- three will be chosen in the All- with the newly-elected president, sic fraternity. Campus elections Tuesday to co-op- Albert Donohue, '31, and recording Simon likewise is a member of secretary Harold O. Warren, '31, Delta Sigma Rho. He has had two erate with the four faculty mem- the student members of the Union years of Varsitiy debating exper- bers of the Board in Control of Stu- board of Directors. i}ience, and during the past year has dent publications in their supervis- been in charge of arrangements for ion of the three major student pub- Three S. C. A. Officers ushering at the lecture series spon- iatn, aThe Dayte. Mih be C e fsored by the Oratorical association, ensian, and the Gargoyle. to Cbe oseng Tues dtiy Cooper is up for re-election to The eight students nominated at Coprsufrreetin_ The ightstuentsnomnate atthe post of treasurer, having held a recent meeting of the Board in Candidates for the student posi- the postion durg, ast year Control are: George S. Bradley, Eg- tions on the Board of Directors of the position during the past year. bert H. Davis, Whitfield D. Hillyer, the Student Christian association Dunn, the other candidate for this Clay F. Olmstead, John R. Rose, !ilbecosn' teanul pol osition, has been a member of ClayF. lmstadJohnR. ose will be chosen in the annual poll the debating team this year. George C. Tilley, James F. Ward, Tuesday. Neison Armstrong, '31, and Wallace Wessels. Beakes Dickerson, '31, William Miss Clement is at present in- Bradley has been a member of Jacobs, '30F&C Hollister Mable cumbent of the secretaryship 'of the Board for the past year. Prev- '31 Donald Koch, '30 and William the association, having been elect- iously, he was circulation manager Compton, '31 have been nominated ed to the position during the year for the business staff of the Daily. , h he oiin after the resignation of Lois Webb. Davis has been accounts manager for the three positions,.fe h einto fLi eb Dr the Michiaensan mfoer The Board, which is the govern- Miss Clement has been on the wo- for the Michiganensian for the ing body of the Student Christian men's debating squad for two feature editor for the Gargoyle. association, is made up of two Iyears. Olmstead has, for the past year, faculty members, the president and During the school year, the Ora- served in the capacity of sales man- secretary-treasurer of the organ- torical association sponsors a lec- iger for the Michiganensian. Rose ization, besides the three student ture series, at which a number of has managed the accounts depart- members. The two faculty members nationally prominent persons as ment for the business staff of The of the board are Ira M. Smith, reg- well as professional lecturers ap- Daily and Tilley has been editorial istrar of the University, and Prof. pear in Hill auditorium before stu- director for The Daily. F. N. Menefee of the Engineering Ward has been connected with college. 'The newly ciected president Baltimore - Shorts, low-nedked the editorial staff of the 'Ensian as and secretary-treasurer, Fenelon shirts and vestless suit will be organizations editor while Wessels, Boesche, '31, and Lyle Passmore, stressed at a style show of the In- who was also a member of the ed- '33 will make up the remaining ternational Clothing Designers' as- tonal staff, was senior editor. nsoembers. s'ition next month [ DENTAL VICE-PRESIDENT I THOMAS W. CHAMBERLAIN I JOSEPH R. DUNWELL COMBINED VICE-PRESIDENT I ] EDWARD H. GOODMAN I I VICTOR P. SCHUMACHER Board in Control of Student Publications (Entire Campus Vote) (Vote for Three) Student Christian Associaiion (Entire Campus Vote) (Vote for Three) ] NELSON ARMSTRONG i WILLIAM COMPTON j MEAKES DICKCERSON 1 WILLIAM JACOBS' ] DONALD KOCH I T. HOLLISTER MABLEY Board in Control of Athletics (Entire Campus Vote) Vote for One) 1 DAYNARD D. MORRISON ] JOIN A. TOMPKINS I. I- I- ii [ ii 1 _I GEORGE S. BRADLEY EGBERT II. DAVIS WHITVIELD D. HILLYER CLAY OLMSTEAD, JR. JOHN R. ROSE GEORGE C. TILLEY JAMES F. WARD WALLACE WESSELS Oratorical Association [ l l (Entike Campus Vote) PRESIDENT LAWRENCE E. HARTWIG HOWARD SIMON VICE-IPRESIDENT GILBERT HARRISON ROBERT MURPHY any dual and illegal voting that may be attempted inasmuch as each student was required to pre- sent some identification when reg- istering. When his identity Was es- tablished, the student was given a 1 card containing his name, address, class, and college to fill out. The cards, which were filed alphabet- ically according to schools, will be referred to at the elections on Tuesday when the student comes to 1 vote. He will then be required to I sign a blank line on the card, and if the two signatures are the same, I will be allowed to vote. The plan also provides for a careful checking of the registered voters against the ballots cast. The unmarked ballots and the reg- istration cards will be guarded closely after the closing of the polls. While registration was conducted i at various lapces on the campus, each college having a separate j booth, the Student council decided that greater efficiency and closer supervision of the election could be maintained by having all the balloting done at one place. The center of the diagonal was chosen because of its equal proximity to j all buildings on the campus. Many councilmen will be stationed at the booth throughout the day to facili- tate,and speed up the voting. The elections will be held at the polls in front of the Library no matter what the weather may be. Male students alone will be al- lowed to vote for the positions to be filled on the Student council and the Union. The entire campus, however, will ballot on the offices on the Board of Control of Athlet- ics, the Board of Control of Publi- cations, the Oratorical association, and the Student Christian associ- ation. Delous Fountain Refresh- ments1 c f r (G l l C t X11 jf iI Ip }f s a n L tj 0 I It - - - ---- 7 olivIl"filull llullu ilivliuii. & [ el ] SCthTARY [ [ .1 ] IRVING COOPER JESSE DUNN TREASURER [i : 1 FLORENCE CLEMENT ELIZABETH McDOWELL - ','BRAND or Your Water oftener SAL T HERTLER BROS. 210 SOUTH ASHLEY PHONE 21713 ._ v '._,..... :._.. C Hark To His Master's Voice! Sayi' GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE . For Evcrything Musical ii for the Warm Weather HEAR AM RICAN INSTITUTE OF DALCROZE EURYTHMICS Modern Education in Radios:- II