PAM TO TH1E MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 18, 1930, CAGEL'S WIFE REFUSES TOPERMIT ICAMERA POSE AFTE/,IDfENTIFICATION f I~ :::y f r i 4 ~. ~ s-°. . t iO ' ,p' 1" s I , iac~ 'c.ePht arrial fom Luisina.Uponbein haied bAreote ress udPhoto- raphers she insisted that she was "just Miss Haile" and refused, to comment. on her disclosure or pose for cameramen. r F IREM EN CALLED JIHILDNTER STATES GERMAN REPUB.LIC I 'NTWO ALAIMS' GVESWRITERS GREATER? FREEDOM'I DURING MORNING 'Professor of German Believes! inh~e 1angua-ge and, if the high c -____ kJ Is Rcgait; Sl $tanding schools would co-opcrate, there is I Two fires called out the Alan Ar- in School Curricula,. every reason to believe that the' bor departmrent early yesterday German department would bet {morning, the first occurring at 2 German literature has a better larger than any, for.eign language o'clozk and the st cord at 3:30. NO perspectiveno than it did before I department in the university. 1 ogreat damage resulted from the now earlier blaze, although the latt~er; the war, according to Prof. Jona- caused the loss of an automobile! than Hildner of the German lan- owned by V-iiiam M~acDonald. E ae depart Germ~n writ- The first caUii ecc:veci iy the dc-! ershave aamore fertile field under' paritment w as from a residence iar the the ^intersection of Benjamin and:1 h republic than they had under Hoover stree~ts, where an old .pile 'the empire. of lumiber belonging to Andrew E. Qerhart Hau~ptm~an, cai~crally ac-; Gxib. bn had caught fire. Reports icepted as one of .tLhc uWould's great-' , ro n t~he station stated that the'1 est livin g authlors, has wits cz his S UERSC lumrber was burning in two pla~ces best wo; bs since the war. T11 corn- when the department arrived. w o vihrti~yote er in u, Undetermined in origin, the sec- tOors miiyHotherRivrraatau- ho e expeienced opposition onOnheHrnRvrat ond fire of the early morning caul- , the part of the aisecr and the im- ed a ,department run to the garage rIa v~7; t ntZ te owned by Jesse L. Smith, 736 Mil- ;pnAl. ocnet Q h te handetith republic has given its . ---- - ler. Ave. The structure, which con- wrtrJ ra muto reo tamed MacDonald's auto, was corn-l ,ir-,.,teaomotofrcdn'f1'. pletely burned when the depart- and Qc a~rm n V' ratire is more SD ment arrived, than refgaining thie great Popular- DR ity it enjoyed in~ the pre-'w~r Pe- Hanover, N. H. --- Shorts are in ; old. vogue at Dartmouth. Al Marsters! Prof. E1ildner believes thiat ,Ger-? andi Nelson Rockefeller are among man is retur nin g to its place in theA the advocates of dress emancipa- I high school curriculurm, although'! t ion and freedom of the knees for' not as rapidly as it sh~ould. Stu- men. dents are showing a great interest h --~- ___ _____ _____ DEN . - -- - 4W VICE a S A IEIN RESTAURANT 5i12 E. William Street Sunday Chicken and Goose Dinner All Fixings, 6ac Special-Veal Steak andl Wiener Snitzel When you want a. good dinner and l sipp er, bring your fanxiily GOTTLIEB GI.RRBACI-1, PROP. 11 ebb;A UU, -ev -- s. bsA ° i ,e, "warming L> Sealads Saudwichcs Our Sunday Special! Chicken Dinner 60c Meet your friends and eat with cis every day, Our Home Cooked foods please! OUR REGULAR -DINNER-50c CLA K'-. SERIES OF DRAMTCRAI Edward .Abner THOMPSON CURRY SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION READING Cyrano De Bergerac tet The New Belted Caped, and Fiiited Lines (~'i values to $69.50 1110 2 S. University (Upstairs) 11:30 to 7:30 week-days 11:30 to 9:00 Sundays f I1 -r- e 1 ,1 WUERTH SHOWS AT 2:00-3:30 7:00-9: 0 I i +t I I I I eeBE MONE I by Rostnd-Baran Hooker's Blank I Verse Translation Lyidia Mendelssatohn Theatre Tuesday Nlight, May 30 Tickets at 'Slaten's or 3211 Angell Hall tHenry Lawrence Southwick, Emerson College- of Oratoryj, Will Appear Tuesday, May 27, ion. This Series, Reading King Lear by Shakespeare Tlje voice that has amazed the musical world-back again in the most glorious of romantic dramas! An island paradise cast at her lovely feet. . and she a sailor's song! on the screen ,unis it for I , wYAfra la!® " t .7a ti t { f" d { f 11 For Choi ce Seats You Must Come Early 1 . , CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES TODAY-i P.M. TO 11 P.M. tr I Nyitray. (of +4