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May 18, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-18

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1 890


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I a1133


Cnrbtnsto be ReceivedDE E T M N SO A
at T he Daily Office; Burial
jJ R~lScheduled Monday ni hftl
AS HALLARR STARS Hoping to commemorate the role LIBT LARGE MII l r'dW ENIMADE RECOR
which Doc Tom Lovell, campus tra- i
Muddy Field Increases Errors; dition, played in the lives of thou- . Tolan, Brooks, Campbell, Hass NEW OFFICIALS ARE
sands of University students,
Indian Moundsmen Hold friends of the "poet-cobbler," who ,Are High Point Men; Munn UNDER RECENTLY J
Wolves to Six Hits. (died on Friday, have started a drive Breaks Shot-Put Mark. MERIT PLAN AM
fto collect funds among the under- M R TP A M
graduates and alumni for a memor- " :
GAME IS PLAYED IN RAIN gadatte gan a i forca memor- 880 YARD RECORD FALLS \lhert 1. D)onuhue, '> ,andIi Iar0vod
be buried at 2:30 o'clock, Monday 1president and record(ing-seretar of the ln
Montague, Compton Fail to Stop afternoon, in Forest Hill cemetery. Michigan Takes First- Place in E'ectorat 1 t f tH n i a o 1
.lli.i Batters in First Contributions will be sent to The Majority of Events to (ax nOOH
IlliniFBatters in First Daily from where they will be Sorec96of3EPonts.co ) ooH
FuInng.transferred to a committee of Stu- Score 96 2-3 Points. Donohue. durin his year in the studk
Fours Inningms..has been assistantchairman of t1)( f loue t
________~ dents and alumni.JhnoneIa1)H .it i hiiiiitilIIus
(Special to The mail) "Doc" Lovell, for years a news- I (By John W. Forney, xecutni\ council. Ile was also chair
CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, May-17.- boy, orator, writer, and prominent M Minnesota Daily) MayCommittee and aided in th investiga tion
For the first time in years Illinois figure on the Michigan campus,' MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, May C o the )proosed10 1.s O.11to he 1(>ratd
has taken down Michigan in both succumbed early Friday morning at 17.-Practically sweeping eight out \\ arren has served at the l iion for
of the season's baseball games. the Washteaw County poor farm sf 15 events, Michigan tracksters acting as chairman of the pubicity conmmitl
Yesterday. Hazzard and Mills held where he has been a resident since humbled Minnesota here today in .
the hard-hitting Wolverines to six early spring. Burial expenses will a ual meet i the Memorial Stad- - secretary . This vear. I e stitut a(Iind
well dispersed hits-no more than necessarily be taken from the gen- Hen or the Egg?" and "An Answer ium Minnesota counted only 38 -! _ r__ini_
one to an inning-while their mates eral memorial fund. to Darwin." 2-3 points, while the Ann Arbor Dr. John Howland Lathrop, Lpared
Lorvelletig 1waswsfrmorn- Knonis nEn ruenners armLaesswedbrn n ngand a-tonnralmaoeda 96a o 19-3-.. otp UitaiF pIto stBrik-uttu
tague and Compton. The score was ful figures in the history of Mich- cording to an autobiography which Ideal conditions for good track lyn, N. Y., who will address stu- is con
Illinois 5, Michigan 2. igan's campus life, Tom Lovell was he published recently, and was ap-. marks prevailed, but only two rec- dents at Student Christian associa-
Is Sixth Straight Victory. the student's friend, counsellor, and proximately 67 years of age at the ords were broken. Munn, Gopher tion convocation to be held tonight CrP
It was Illinois' sixth Conference 1 the butt of many a well-meaning time of his demise. How long he weight man, tossed the iron ball at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium. VI S L LIN
victory and its second over the joke during his long reign as king has been in Ann Arbor is an un- 17 feet 9 inches to break his own HULL i AnLU
Maize and Blue in eight days. iof the State street newsboys. Such solvable mystery. record, and Art Weiseger, colored aLzTHaRdOPaTOsSBPuE AnIeiPaymentsRequiredPDetermined
Football games are often played titles as "Lieutenant Colonel of I:---:iiddle distance luminary, paced anyI
in pelting small-bore showers like Archery," "Dotor of Universal Mu- in 1:5.8. ate of First Enterin
th oetht qate o Ilnossic" "Founder of Free Verse," and 119V O T L Wolves Score Heavily. by Dt is neig
field yesterday. But rare indeedis many others were-bestowed upon 1 WJ (1 Tolan, Brooks, Campbell, and University.
theg y aseay Butchre hatdis him at student mass meetings be- IONHass were the high point men of
h colle bdebalcon itatch that ifore crucial athletic contests in lIN19NSUBJlCTli he meet. Tolan took a first in thei CARDS ON DISTRIBUTION
which he was always the center of Uentury, but Campbell grabbed COI
mating those of the first six in- attraction. As a writer, Lovell be- CThonors in the furlong. Brooks Has Established Reputation in q
nigs came locally famous for his trea- allied in the shot put and in the pIn answer to many questions
Al Hazzard pithed great bal'l tises on "Which Camer First, theh Has Published Many Valuableediscus throw, while Hass ran third East as Noted Speaker on which have arisen over the distri-
daring the'frst fiveinngaans"
a theofrstrifiteinnins againstC F and Interesting Subjects on in both of the dashes and paced World Wide Peace. bution of Union life memberships
apwe. During that time he allow-0 Hindustan Question. first in the low hurdles. He com- the Finance committee of the Un- Warr(
ed but two hits, one in the first and;l - iii nuiii GanTQues IIn.-leted the day with a third in the GRADUATE OF HARVARD iopoint
ed fu w is n h is n ->odjm or fDrc ortthe eithor
one in the third. The first, a single ALSO NOTED HISTORIAN Michigan copped first places in meeting yesterday set forth the e
uey Tompkins, combined with a walk 2 of the 15 events. The half mile, U'tndastor i rulings which govern the eligibility F
Issued to Butler and a sacrifice y liv II L UN flI Describing "India Today," L. F. he'shot put and the low hurdles standing Undarian pstor osdsT
uperko to score the initial run of Rushbrook Williams, secretary to the only events in which Brooklyn, N. Y., and active worker - be ch
the day. the Chancellor of the Indian ize and Blue competitors did in interdenominational movements C arifying the situation, the com which
Hazzard Allows Two Hits. W Head All - Professional Princes, will lecture at 4:15 o'clock . I for world peace, will address the mittee amended a motion of Jan- dentr
In the sixth Hazzard allowed his Monday at the Lydia Mendelssohn iir tke i hnian te ham- Student Christian association con- 10, 1930 to read as follows: an a
bearing-down mechanism to get Cast n Popuar aytheatre. Mr. Williams, who is anrked up by H. Campbell, Patton, Vocation at 8 o'clock tonght in Hill " .. Any student matriculatig in Ja
wter.-soaked, and his control be- for Festival. spending only a few weeks in this ,d Do auditorium on the subject, Relig- A uathex
came all wet. He let Tompkins, first -country, has been secured for this d olf .Wins Mile Run ion and the Social Change." in the University after Sept. 1, 1926, and
up, get his second 'single, and then FAMED AS TRAGEDIENNE lecture, one of the University series, Besides the two record smashing Dr. Lathrop has established a shall be deemed to be entitled to a i n g
proceeded to walk two men. But through the Political Science de- vents there were no other ex- reputation for popularity among life membership after the total have
fast fielding aved him for= the re-' Mi2 Margaret AngliiWill arrive , lartrent: -eti sk itimes. Tolan turned I a many schools and :colleges in the aminuiit tf1ion fees paid by him en i
mainder of the inning. Mills then in .Ann Arbor tomorrow afternoon The speaker bears many high 9 dash, and Campbell came back East. He has recently talked before part of his tuition shallI camp
wet into the box for him in the to begin rehearsals with an all- 'distinctions. From 1914 until 1921 n the 220 with a 21.9. Wolf stepped audiences at Cornell, Amherst, Vas- as a pt tof ht eecti
into professional cast at the Lydia Men- he was a fellow of All Souls Col- )ut on the last lap of the mile run sar, and Smith. Only a short time amount to forty ($40) dollars." h
ILNtS A1 R II P0 A El delssohn theatre for the Dramatic lege, Oxford, after which period he ;o leave his two Minnesota op- ago he exchanged pulpits with the An additional motion, in regard ment
Lymperopoulos, 3b 4 2 2 1 8 0 Festival which opens May 26 with enjoyed the honor of acting as the >onents far in the rear. Rasmus- well known radio preacher, Dr. s. to persons attendig the University stitut
Fuzak, if.......3 1 1 2 0 0 the production, "Antigone" and official historian of the Indian tour ;en finished in from of Strain to Parks Cadman, in recognition of prior to Sept. 1, 1926, and who have Union
Tryban, ss.......2 0 1 2 0 0 continue until June 28. Miss Anglin of the Prince of Wales. He has also ;ake a second in this race. Russell the 150th anniversary of the ald subscribed for a life membership for a
Mills, rf.........5 0 0 0 0 0 will also appear in "Lady Winde- been a professor of modern Indian I as not pushed to win the quarter I Unitarian-Trinitarian rift. I at $50 during one of the campaigns, Iboard
Williams, lb .....3 1 3 14 1 01mere's Fan," the week of June 2. history at the University of Allah- nile, but despite this fact he ran The speaker, a graduate of Har- the last of which was held in 1925, ofmb
frown, 2b.......3 0 2 0 3 0 She will be assisted during the abad, India, and is today consider- i pretty race, taking the lead at vord university, has served pastor- was also passed, reading: three
Fenl, cf........4 0 0 0 0 04festival by other , professional ar- ed to be the foremost British au- he pole and holding it throughout ates in Berkley, Cal., and is now . . . Any student matriculatingUnio
Nuspickel, c......3 1 1 8 0 0 titsincluding Amy Loomis, Robert thority on this subject. he entire distance. Brubaker, the minister of the largest Unitar- in the University prior to Sept. 1, Direc
Hazzard,p.......2 0 0 0 2 I Henderson, Lewis McMichael, Paul Although primarily a student of Noyes, Pottle, Chapman, Wood and ian church in Brooklyn. 1926, shall be deemed to be entitled Dhee
Steuernagel, rf ..0 0 0 0 0 0 Stephenson, Claire St. Claire, Vic- history, Mr. Williams has also done witzgibbons were other winners for As a member of the Social Rela- Ito a life membership after the to- man
Wiley, rf . 0.....0 0 0 0 0 0tor Adams, and Richard Kurvink. more than a little in political and Michigan. ions department of the American tal amount of Umon fees paid by Vi
- --- -- - -~ Miss Anglin is pre-eminent in diplomatic work. His title of Soce~ summary Unitarian association Dr. Lathrop him, exclusive of any annual fees Six
Totals ........29 5 10 27 14 0 her Greek tragedies and was re- tary to the Chancellor, which he 100 yard dash: Tolan, Mich., first; will come well qualified to talk paid by him prior to Sept. 1, 1926, duin
MICHIGAN AB R H PO A E cently decorated by the Greek gov- has held since 1926, is one of the Campbell (Mich.), second; Hass about the social change in refer- shall amount to fifty ($50) dollars." Tuesd
Butler, rf........3 1 0 2 0 0 ernment. The New York Times says many evidences of this fact. Minn.), third. Time: 9.9. ence to religion. In fact the speak- Before Jan. 1, 1926, only $6 of the ident
Superko, 3b......4 0 1 0 1 0 of her performance: "The audience The lecturer is also an author One mile run run: Wolf (Mich.) er has made sociological problems tuition fe ewent to the Union and const
Tompkins, cf ....5 1 3 0 0 0 yesterday was held breathless and and publisher of some note. He has first; Rasmussen (Minn.), second; one of his chief interests, besides none of this was i'ncluded in pay- the'T
'Hudson, lb......3 0 1 9 2 1 at the climaxes was swayed by the written "A Primer of Indian His- Strain (Minn., third. Time: 4:33.6. carrying on a good share of the ment toward a life membership, addit
Straub, lf.....4 0 1 1 0 0 most powerful emotion. The per- tory", "Moral and Material Progress 220 yard dash: Campbell (Mich.), practical work in this field. but was merely the annual dues. bers;
Myron, ss.....3 0 0 1 1 2 formance left one so limp, yet with I Reports of India" and "A .History of first; Tolan (Mich.), second; Hass During the war Dr. Lathrop was By action of the Board of Regents, Do
I'ruskowski, c ..,.4 0 0 8 0 0 the sense of having for once been India under the. Company and the (Minn.), third. Time: 21.9. an active worker in the American after this date $10 of the tuition comm
Daniels, 2b......4 0 0 1 3 0 privileged to live on the principles Crown", all of which are recogniz- 120 high hurdles: Wood (Mich.), Red Cross. He served in the capa- fee goes to the Union, applying on Unio
Montague, p. 2 0 0 2 5 0 of dramatic art." ed as valuable and accurate con- first; Potter (Mich.), second; La- city of director of the third Naval a life membership. partc
Compton, p . 0 0 0 0 0 0 Elaborate musical accompany- tributions to the study of the Hin- Roque (Minn.), third. Time: 15.7. Red Cross district. After a person has paid $40 or Pla
McCormick, 1 0 0 0 0 0 ment will be furnished during the dustan peninsula. 1440 yard dash: Russell (Mich.), In connection with his activities $50, according to the division in the n
- -productions under the direction of; In view of the many disturbances I first; Dale Seymour (Mich.), sec- for world peace he recently held a which his case falls, refunds will cept
Totals........33 2 6 24 12 3 Henry Lewis through the use of;which have recently been occurring ond; Nowotny (Minn.), third. Time: conference at Evanston where the be made. The Union receives "2 of It is
the Thermin, recently invented in India, and of the light which 50.3. gathering succeeded in making a the Summer Session fee and 6 of co-op
machine which plays from the air 'Mr. Williams will in all probability Two mile run: Fitzgibbons (Mich) salutary pronouncement of world tuition paid for one semester. i ory gt
by motion of the hand. throw upon them, the lecture first; Austin (Mich.), second; Wied peace. Students who have paid less than Orien
WIN OVER GOPHERS; A special display of material should prove to be of rather ex-1 (Minn.), third. Time: 9:58. Last year he was chairman of four annual tuition fees or an
220 yard low hurdles: Hass Lt es yheUnifr- anuale the .Union inshort ME
! relative to past productions ofI ceptional interest. The public is ,r;~ ." "P tn ;. I i 00 the commission sent by the Untar-1 equivalent tothUno in Mhor

. Warren, I I.', were named
ioin for the cormingi year I b the
)irectors at a nieeting~ ester
'nt o ranization of tlhe I nioi,
conimittee and iember of the
an of the (o(hvill banquet
ald formulation of the plans
as a department of the Uion.
t(wo ears, during the present,
tee andmember of the Lxecu-
e dlepartment of the record-
dlirectel a (new plau for the
Y 1 lio t l.ryoutss anlpre-
a reVision 1 of the 111 Ion con-
ion. At the present time, he
npiling an Organization Plan
booklet w h i c h
will include a re-
vision of t h e
house rules of
the Union, an
outline of the
U n i o n student
overnment, and
an i 11 u strated
section depict-
ing.the physical
facilities of the
Union. T h e s e
will be distrib-
uted to fresh-
Donohue men in the fall.
en has also been recently ap-
ed to a night editorship on
Daily and a position on the
rial board.
irst Under New Ruling.
se two men are the first to
osen under the merit system
was introduced to the stu-
organization of the Union by
nendment to the constitution
nuary. Previous to this time,
p r e s ident
- secretary
been chos-
a the all
us spring
e amend-
to the con-
ion of the
n Electoral
tur faculty
ers and of Warren
of the vice-presidents of the
, chosen from the Board of
tors. Prof. H. C. Anderson, of
ngineering college, is chair-
of the present board.
cc-Presidents to be Chosen.
vice-presidents will be elected
g the all-campus elections on
ay. These six, with the pres-
and recording-secretary, will
itute the student members of
nion Board of Directors. In
ion, there are six faculty mem-
and three alumni.
nohue stated yesterday that
ittee appointments for the
i will be announced the latter
of next week.
ns are now being formed by
ew administration for the re-
on of the freshmen next fall.
expected that the Union will
erate- with the faculty advis-
roups in the arrangements for
tation week.

Wolverines Take Four Singles"A ion sbeis iown th invited.n(i ians to the meeting of the Brahmo session payments will be required
week in the glass cases in the halI Lenud -hid.Tie:Somaj in India and in 1927 was to pay an additional amount toI P
and Two Doubles Matches to of the University library. CONTINUE 'ENSIAN Hialf Mile run: weiseger (Min.), vice-chairman of a committee on Iake a total of $50 n order to ob-
ISSUE TOMOROConference Laead.lie meOrgsh
osterDConference Led. SB ISSUE TOMORROW first; Mueller (Mich.), second; Mc- the rights of religious minorities a f members which have Org
Stanford Star Breaks Laughlin (Mich.), third. Time: which visited Rumania and pub- Life memberships w aeg
(Spcia t~i"'Daiy)1:56.8. (sets new Minnesota rec- lished its findings in a volume, irbee uteypd t the idedeingte
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, May Mark in Discus Throw Stubs Must be Presented in od". sRumania, Ten Years After."u Ui lobbyt They may e ob-
17.-In a close 6-3 meet here this ______nioloby.Themabe__-
afe-In the invading Wolverine (py Associated Press) Basement of Angell Hall i 16 pound shot: Munn (Minn.), tained between 2 and 5 o'clock daily. Ten
MINIS ER;tmed etwen 2 ndM5c'clokdaly.on'Pe
petters upset a powerful band of ISTANFORD STADIUM, PALO Between 8 and 4. Brs; Poorman i. , second, PONTIAC MINISTER A night distribution will be arrang- ed M
Gopher tennis stars to strengthen ALTO, Calif., May 17.-Eric Krenz, ;iToks (Mich. third Distance: a T TALK TONIG HT ed for the latter part of thc week. club
their bid for Western Conference curly headed Stanford giant, sent Distribution of the 1930 Mich-f inces. (sOril
honors. Minnesota had already dis- his own world record in the discus iganensian, postponed for three Pole) Vault:Pottle (Mich), first; I Brotherhood to Ge gTin
posed of Northwestern and Chicago, I crashing in oblivion here today as days because of an accident in the Coln Va: Washtenawoth e deMichigan Golf Team willi
two of the leading teams in the j he hurled the platter 167 feet 5 shipping, will be continued from (oin) (Minn), second; Cairns program With Address by Wins Wisconsin cal,
Big Ten, and their loss to Michigan, 3-4 inches at the annual California I 8 o'clock until 4 o'clock tomorrow (Minn), third. Height 12 feeirst; Rev. H. H. Savage .Overthal,
surprised the large crowd. intecollegiate track and field meet. in the basement of Angell hall, ac- Discus: Brooks (ch)d first; by D csv Mag the ,
Yutz defeated Beal in the num- Krenz set the unofficial world's rec- cording to S. F. Atkins,. '30, business' (Minn), third. D)second; Clausen b H. H. Savage, Pontiac mn- viargn Mo
ber ,one match 6-2, 4-6, 6-4 to start ord in March of 1929 with a heave manager of the yearbook, who an- 10 inches. ester who preaches every Sunday t Re!_ wic
twe o mtchthegeamos nthpet number of13fet834inhsounced simetthat dthe eremainder rcivdof the 1nhe.iterhopeceseey udy(she,-;,,tto The u xvhicpsyl
the home team off. In the number of 163 feet 8 3-4 inches. High Jump: Noyes (Mich), first; over the radio from his church, MADISON, Wisconsin, May 17.-f the r
afternoon was sprung when Ha- iH am the printers. Olsen (Mich), second; La Roque will address a religious gathering at i After losing to Northwestern, num
fernn h and Hen h fl ame Headirst The stubs obtained at the prey- (Minn), Collins (Minn), and Pot- :n resumed its winning nc
ferohanded Helenakhsfirst d- 7f Delta Sigma Rhoe ious all-campus sales must be pre- ter (Mich), tied for third. Height eak here today by disposing of j seren
seat of the Conference season, 8-1 sented to procure the 'Ensian at 5 feet, 8 inches. temple. the Wisconsin golfers 13-5. In the
.3-6, 6-1.;BracedefeatednMorganrns 13-5. InIthe
thenextBmatch 6-1, 6-2 defeated whileMorgaolf Lawrencd Iartwig 31, three- this time. In the event of loss of H a in m e r Throw: .Cambell Dr. Savage is noted for the vig- morning doubles matches the in- JoU
of the Gophers won his match-1'time Varsity debater and V;ember these stubs, duplicates may be ob- (Mich), first; Patton (Mich), sec- i orous emotional appeal that he vading Wolverines piled up a com-
from Clark 9-7, 6-4. sof the Oratorical board, was re- tained at the offices of the 'Ensian ond; Dougall (Mich I, third. Dis- puts into his talks, and his church manding advantage of 5-1. when
Clark took the next match from cently elected president of the in the Press building after the con- tance: 164 feet, 3 inches. , in Pontiac is filled regularly with Hicks and Royston copped all three'
Hanson 6-2,'6-3 to keep the Mich- local chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, clusion of the all-campus distribu-j Javelin Throw: Brubaker (Mich), hearers many of whom have driven points from Stuart and Febock Da
igan -ball rolling toward victory, and national honorary forensic society. lion, according to Atkins. At the first; Dougall (Mich), second; Con- from great distances to attend. !while Lenfesty and Howard took ocia
n.Tng r vitrya ,- Dnl T i i-n i 1ima onni e stans (Minn), third. Distance 167 1 A program of secial music will two from Sheldon and Page. gan,

rnization Will Sing Many
amed Songs at Sorority
Houses on Campus.
i sorority houses will be visit-
onday night by the Men's Glee
when it goes on its annual
g serenade. The organization
ntersperse many types of num-
in its program, singing classi-
popular and college songs to
re houses will be visited is
ble, but the short time in
h the club will have to make
ounds will probably keep the
ber down to ten. In case of
ment weather, the date for the
ade will be announced later.
irnalists to Hear
Press Service Chief
vid J. Wilkie, head of the As-
ted Press Service for Michi-
will be the guest speaker at a

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