PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY DA LY----- _-- uuu Published every morning except Monday during the Taivirsity year by bi. Board in' Contgl of Student Publication. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis patches credited to it or not otherwise credited erthis paper and the local news published heren. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.os; by small, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building May ' ard Street. Phon&es:Editorial, 4925; Business, ,ra24. EDITORIAL STAF, Telephone 4925 P MANAGING EDITOR EL IS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman.........George C. Tilley City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg News Editor........ ....Donald J. Kline Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr Women's Editor ........... Marjorie, Fo0ler Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson Musi and Drama........William J.RGoran Literary Editor... ..... Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman Night Editors-EditorialBoard Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Slos Charles R. Kaffman Walter W. Wild Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May Aelen Bare Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Maryl ~ Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckhaa Arthur J. Bernstein Hugh Pierce S. lachCongr 'ictor Rabinowit h. Beach Conger John .D. Reindel 'thomas M. Cooley cannD.e Roerts Helen Domine oseph* ARussel Margaret Eckels sephARuwiscl Cathterine Ferrin" Ralph R. Sach Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprow Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Rath Geddee S. Cadwel Swanso Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer Tack Gold smith Margaret Thompson Emily Grim es Richard L. 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Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb Laura Codling Alice McCully Ethel Constas Sylvia Miller Sosephine Convisser Am Verner ernice Glaser-," Dorothea Waterman- Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese Hortense Gooding SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1930 Night Editor: HAROLD O. WARREN SENATORS AND PARITY. The hard-won London naval treaty is at last before that superb- ly nationali'stic/ body, the United States Senate. Secretary of State Stimson at the head of his fellow Stimson constantly reflects the ex- treme difficulty with which any sort of an agreement was reached. He admits that our delegation had to overlook the qutestion of naval bases when considering Anglo- American parity. He admits that it also had to overlook the compar- ative size of merchant marines, as well as that of cruiser gun size. In order to come home with a treaty at all, Secretary Stimson and his naval experts had to agree that a squadron of United States cruisers mounting 6-inch guns, other things being equal, could fight a draw battle with a British squadron of equal tonnage mounting 8-inch guns. The Senate will decide be- fore ratifying whether essential parity is guaranteed us despite sacrifices which our delegation made, or whether, perhaps, the mere fact of the treaty's existence, is worth these sacrifices. There are, of course, certain psychological advantages to follow prompt ratification. The United States would regain a measure of diplomatic grace in the eyes of the Old World; we would repair to: some extent the resentment arous- ed by our high-hat policy of splen- did isolation. We would help lay strong foundations for the perpet- uation of "naval building holidays," and we would be doing our bit toj keep alive the waning enthusiasm for 'disarmament. History proves, however, that these intangible considerations weigh little with our Senate, whichk is hard-headed and close-fisted to the last ditch in international af- fairs. Our senators vote not for ideals but for cold, hard things like I parity. If actual parity with GreatI Britain is provided by the London! treaty, they will probably ratify it. If not-and they look sharply into things of this nature, we can trust 1 them not to ratify simply because Secretary Stimson worked hard to! bring some sort of a treaty home from London, or because the ad- ministration needs an accomplish- ment "to view with pride" for fall election purposes. 0 MORROW-DIPLOMAT OR j STRADDLER? Former ambassador Dwight Mor- row undoubtedly has his eye on the presidency, hoping to run on the Republican slate in 1936, or so one usic and rama Third Festival Concert A REVIEW We are pleased to announce to the public, as well as to our many friends that Mr. Albert Bovenkamp, consid- ered one of Ann Arbor's best chefs, is now with us. Mr.i Bovenkamp will be glad to meet any of his many friends. He will serve a special $1.00 Dinner Sunday from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Pictorially, Ruggiero Ricci was quite as exciting as everyone expectedI him to be. A small study in black and white, his slight body charged I with energy and swaying with impatient zest, making music by the grace of God one wanted to feel but obviously with his fleet fingers nonchalantly tuning his violin in his rests, at all times in perfect poise-a few feet from him Frederick Stock, to most of us symbolic of a stern, grave musical intelligence, following the boy's music eagerly' and carefully-behind him two or three score of grown men, their faces mingling awe, admiration, despair and joy. The beautiful picture alone probably would have stirred the ejaculatory incoherence that was the audience leaving Hill Auditorium yesterday afternoon. But musically, Ricci was much more exciting than everyone expected him to be. The sheer accuracy of his musical intuitions-as well as the phenomenal technique that translated them--should have squelched forever, as it did mine, any superciliousness, the 'oh yes, a prodigy, a boy who plays violin well' attitude.' There was more than lovely, charming child animation in Ricci's temperament. It had burning vitality and real feeling. Beethoven's music-with intentions all pretty clearly defined and little introversion- proved an unexpectedly fine vehicle for the child. Ricci, not old enough to be a virtuoso in the sense of the supreme trickster, or to realize how widely exhibitionism is accepted, was at all times genuine in feeling. One couldn't credit him with taste (the word has a connotation of acquiring with years(. Musical divinations, probably inexplicable, were prompting technique. He modelled a melody not with the self-conscious- ness of a man like Zimbalist intellectually comprehending its quality, but with a feeling for its inevitable form (the rondo theme in the last,! rmovement for example). His phrasing had spontaneity and genuineness; he attained precision without insisting on it with too studied emphasis like ai older violinist undoubtedly would. All his nuances and inflections were sensitive rather than mechanical. In the cadenzas he was more conscious of his own playing, hence slightly less satisfactory; but bril- liance of his technique carried him through, as it does so many. His slow movement-because of the sweetness rather than the depth in his tone-was rather more lyrical than contemplative; which is descrip- tion rather than criticism. All in all, the wunderkind:s blazing intuitions proved more exciting than Zimbalist's complacency and pedantry in the Brahms concerto last year. Zimbalist had taste. Some five thousand people, I think, think Ricci has genius. The children's chorus, as usual, proved enjoyable. They consistently fail to get any enthusiasm or vitality into tleir attacks; but they are accurate always and precise. Miss Higbee has definitely perfected the intonation this year, probably at the expense of some of the eagerness that proves so attractive. The Mozart Cradle Song was the best of the shorter numbers. Miss Strong's Symphony of Song proved a capable, humorous setting of some of A. A. Milne's whimsy from When*We Very Young. Miss Strong's orchestration seemed definitely more interesting than her choral writing which was conventional. The Chicago Orchestra, diminished, gave a fine rendering of the fourth Brandenberg Concerto. Stock's Bach (though Delamarter con- ducted, one can safely assume it was Stock's Bach) is quite more pure than Stowkowski's. There is °no rhythmic surging, no striving for emotional overtones. Stock's reverence. I think, pleases less people than Stowkowski's virtuosity; but very probably the minority includes all the important people. Mendelssohn's concertino for flute was played precisely who unmistakably were taking a malicious delight in the naivete. Greener LWNS rich, velvety Here's the modern way to richer, greener lawns! Finer flowers, vegetables, shrubs and trees, too. Vigoro, the complete, scientif- ically balanced plant food, makes healthy, vigorous grass-a vel- vety lawn. Vigoro is clean, odorless. And so inexpensive! Get enough for everything you grow. VIGORO Complete plant food A product of SwIFr & COMPANY ANN ARBOR IMPLEMENTsCO. iio South Ashley 611 East William Street I 11 delegates is busy explaining to Senator Borah's committee on for- eign relations why the Senate should ratify. The Secretary is of course anxious that the ratification should be accomplished; it would lend prestige to his stewardship of the State portfolio, and above all it would lend the color of accom- plishment to the administration of his friend, President Hoover. As regards accomplishments, t h e Hoover administration is to date rather,-colorless. The burden of Secretary Stim- son's argument is that the London treaty finally assures the United States of naval parity with Great Britain. He is wise in pressing that point. If he can establish it to the satisfaction of 64 senators, it will constitute a well-nigh overwhelm- ingly argument in favor of ratifi- cation. Should he perchance fail to establish it, the long-heralded offspring of his London labors will certainly pass to that cheerless Senatorial limbo where the League of Nations now reposes. ]Except for this alleged parity with Great Britain there is no con- crete achievement of the treaty on which Secretary Stimson can rea- sonably base a demand for ratifi-. cation. The London deliberations failed to provide the reductions in total naval armament and the con- sequent savings that the Rapidan agreement foreshadowed. They failed to their intended compre- hensionsiveness when France and Italy went home without signing anything. They eased up on the 5-3 ratio between the United States and Japan to the annoyance of our West coast in general and Senator Nirm m Thncnn in nanri lr Mrf would. judge after hearing his late speech to New Jersey voters. In Fourth Festival Concert 1858 Lincoln lost the senatorial A REVIEW seat to Douglas, but thereby gained himself the highest political posi Ravel's malicious bon/ mot, cruelly stirring an excitement without.; I reason, the most annoyig kind, proved a marvelous climax to an tion in the United States two years evening that had triflea with excitement until then. One had had later. Perhaps Mr. Morrow will be Fingal's Cave and the curiously inconsequential music to The Betrothal able to get both. by DeLamarter and then the grand theatricalism of both Mr. Bonelli After the New Jersey Anti-saloon and Miss Giannini. All this it had been possible to savour, while feign- league issued an ultimatum de- ing excitement. Then came Ravel, doingcleverly and scientifically what d a grand style aria only pretends to do. Ravel takes a hint about ow, otherwise threatening to ru monotony from accounts of Oriental torture methods. Waves of nervous- a candidate for the Republican ness emanated from a quite unprepared audience; people feeling the nomination in June against him- necessity of talking or moving the body in self-defence, fighting the self and ex-senator Freylinghuy- rhythmic oppression. Excitement, of a genuine terrifying sort, was sen speculation was rifei as to aroused in spite of the very popular prejudice against it. One felt the whether Mr. Morrow would adopt presence of Ravel leering at Massenet, Gounod, Verdi, Puccini. It was a modification stand, and thus get apleasant feeling; artificiality deserves to be sneered at occasionally. many votes which would otherwise This is clever music. Stock managed the slow cumulative evolution into many oteswhichwould otherwisern the final growls with surprising feeling. Though Ravel's composition go to the other candidate for nom can make no claim to permanence, one can permenently refer to the ination, Mr. Freylinghuysen, on a Bolero Festival Concert. wet platform; or whether he would Bonelli, is, of course, a great baritone. He has voice, musicianship, come out as bone dry and obtain dramatic talent, and superb confidence in his own virility. A good the support of the Anti-saloon share of his genius lies in the direction of declamation, a talent for league. In that case he might lose violence. His Iago then became properly magnificent-Bonelli giving the nomination, for New Jersey is the strength and the orchestral background the vileness, which in com- politically a rather mdist state. As bination gave, an un-Bradleyan lago. His first encore, the Dio Pesante it is, Morrow has nicely straddled from Faust, was very effective and his final Barber magnificently jocular. the issue by declaring that he is Bonelli colors his voice with amazing significance; he gives a rich aria against the Eighteenth Amend- which everyone enjoys. A sensitive, vocal account of the text is sacri- ment, which statement should ap- ficed for the communication of excitement that one can savour. Bonelli peal to the wets, and that he ad- is operatic, magnificently so. vocates placing enforcement back One's remarks about Giannini are liable to be similar. Her position in the hands of the sovereign and her talent in her field are similar to Bonelli's. Her voice is dis- states, which ought to pacify the tinctive in timbre, flexible, but primarily impressive. It is rich and drys. Coupled with the fact that luscious. One suspects her voice to be diconcertingly unhomogeneous local pride should get considerable in the different registers. She effectively disguised this by her dramatic votes for Mr. Morrow, it is quite intelligence and her vitality of temperament, making the variety of possible that he may get the nom- color seem subtly expressive. She sings warmly, lusciously; and her ination in June, and still not have vocalization is so flawless that the artificiality doesn't become apparent. jeopardized his chances to run for Her phrasing is intended to be and is alluring, a subtle histrionic trickI the Presidency in 1936 by an out- that no'soprano has practiced so effectively here in some time. She and-out wet or dry stand. sings Mdadme Butterfly, her last one-a bold, quite uncorrect thing to 0- - do. Her-voice enables her to do it. She is operatic, magnificently so. 0-" --o The orchestra rendered the Mendelssohn Overture very splendidly. Editorial Comment The Beethoven Pastoral music, though well played, seemd to be in very bad taste in that particular frame. The final Wagner was played mag- - nificently. It was a magnificent evening. Bolero was exciting. (From the Columbia Spectator) WILLIAi J. GORMAN FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Min- ister; Rev. Samuel J. Harrison, B.D., Associate Minister; Mr. Ralph R. Johnson, Student Di- rector; Mrs. Ellura Winters, Ad- visor of Women Students. 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. "MEASURE FOR MEASURE," Dr. Stalker. 12:00 M.-Three Discussion Groups. 6:00 P. M.-Wesleyan Guild Devo- tional Meeting. Speaker: Rabbi Fink of the Hillel Foundation. Subject: "WHAT CHRISTIANS AND JEWS SHARE IN COM- MON." 8:00 P. M.-University Convoca- tion, Hill Auditorium. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH On East Huron, below State Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, Minister for Students. 9:45 A. M.-The Church School. Mr. Wallace Watt, Supt. 9:45 A. M.-University Group at Guild House. Mr. Chapman. 10:45 A.'M.-Church Worship. Mr. Sayles will preach. 5:30 P. M.-Friendship Hour. 6:30 P. M.-Devotional Meeting. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and William Rev. Theodore R. Schmale 9:00 A. M.--Bible School. 10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon topic: "The Racial Fellow. ship of Pentecost." 11:00 A. M.-German Service. 7:00 P. M.-Young People's League. 3 d1 I Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, AMinister Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor for University Women. 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon: "The Singing Man." 12:00 Noon-Student Class, Prof. H. Y. McClusky, teacher. 5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young People. 6:30 P. M.-Young People'sMect- ing. Lcader: Joseph F. Griggs. TUNE IN! Sunday Morning Servim of the DETROIT UNITY CTE bre~adcs s;from The Detroit Citvic Ths.r 11t:30A.M.Eastern Stand. Tise 1030 AM. Central Stand. T"Im. EVERY TURSDAY BVG (Beginning Jan. 9, 1930) LECTURE ON PRINCIPL OF SUCCESSFUL LIVING, .seing forth de Primdples by whirs, an may unfold within his life tl* Health,.Peace and Prosperity w hick God has provided. 11 :05 P.M. Eastern Stand. Tim 10:05 P.M. Centmi Stand. Tm Convocation Rev. John Howland Lathrop Brooklyn, N. Y. Subject: "RELIGION AND THE SOCIAL CHANGE" Sunday Evening, May 18 at 8 o'clock FIRST CONGREGATIONAL State and William Rev. Allison Ray Heaps, Minister Sunday, May 18, 1930 10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship. Sermon 'topic: "Making the Sun Stand Still." 5:30 P. M.-Congregational Fellow ship. 6:00 P. M.-Fellowship Supper. 6:30 P. M.-Talk by Prof. LeRoy Waterman. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Sts. Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector Rev. T. L. Harris, Assistant 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion. (Student Chapel in Harris Hall.) 9:30 A. M.-C h u r clh School. (Kindergarten at 11 o'clock.) 11:00 A. M.---Morning Prayer. Ser- mon by Dr. F. J. Foakes-Jackson Hill Auditorium I Every Man for Himself As he has done so many times in the past, Dr. Butler made a plea in his Richard Cobden lecture at the Royal Society of Arts in Lon- don yesterday for the development of an "international mind." He rightly pointed out that the aboli- tion of tariff barriers between na-, tions would be an important step toward this goal. In view of this fact it is a bit disheartening to ! reflect on the tariff bill now under- crniiicr , . a :r2i " iy n - ~r - n - U FIFTH FESTIVAL CONCERT. Overture to Egmont .... Beethoven Symphony No. 2 in E Minor Opus! 27 .............Rachmaninoff Largo. Allegro Moderato. Allegro molto. Adagio.. Allegro vivace. Concerto in E flat major... Mozart for two pianos and orchestra. Allegro. Arant cnn mnmto. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at Fifth Ave. Rev. Stellhorn, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 10:30 A. M--Service with sermon on "Light that Cannot Be Ob- scu red.. FIRST CHURCH CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Service. Sermon topic: "Mortals and Immortals." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow. ing the morning service. 7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening testimonial meeting. I ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and Wst Liberty St. C. A. Brauer, Pastor 9:00 A. M.-German Service. 10:00 A. M.-Sunday School. 11:00 A. M.-English Service. Ser mn,. "'-T. r 1.C-.r - I- i i I1 I 1. I I1 I'