Northwestern Defeats
in Hotly Contested
by 6-5 Score.
Both Pitchers Hurl Effectively
but Wildcat Hit Bunching
Gives Them Game.
(Special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, Ill., May 16.-North-
western made it two straight wins
over Michigan by upsetting the
Wolverine 6 to 5 in a well played
game at Roycemore field in Evan-
ston today. The Wildcats bunched
their hits to score three runs in
both the fourth and sixth innings
which proved sufficient to win the
ball game.
Both pitchers were effective, al-
lowing nine hits apiece. Kiegler, the
Wolverine hurler, however, did not
get proper support in the field,
three errors by his infielders prov-
ing costly. Kadison kept the visitors
In a mild mood until the ninth
when three hits, one of them a
double by Superko, and an error
by Schwartz, scored two runs. He
tightened up at this juncture, how-
ever, and forced Straub to pop!
feebly to Handley for the third out.
Shorty Rojan's home run with,
two on in the sixth broke a threeI
to three tie and gave the Wildcats1
their margin of victory. After two
were out Schuett and Henley both
singleduand Rojan's long drive to
left cleared the bases.
(By Associated Press) crowning triumph and clinch the!
PHILADELPHIA, -May 16.-In the series.
brief space of two hours today the Smashing and volleying in a spec-
United States Davis cup tennis tacular style, that roused the gal-
team chalked up three straight vic- lery of 3,000 to a high pitch of en-
tories over Canada's best players thusiasm, VanRyn and Allison, con-
and won its way into the second querors of the French in the chal-
round of America's own competi- lenge round last year, batted out
tion. a clear cut victory over Dr. Wright
Johnny Van Ryn took less than and Willard Crocker, of Montreal,
half a minute to complete the job at 6-0, 6-4, 6-2.
he began yesterday and beat Dr. Only Mexico now remains ;be-
Jack Wright of Montreal, the tween the United States team and
Canadian captain, by total scores the right to go to Europe in quest
of 6-2, 6-2, 3-6, 6-2. of the famous trophy now held by
George Lott, of Chicago, next the French. If the heavily favor-
came through with a 6-2, 6-2, 8-6 ed American team comes through
decision over Marcel Rainville, agile according to schedule against Mex-
little French-Canadian from Mon- ico next Thursday, Friday, and Sat-
treal, in a match marked by change urday, it will be supreme in the
of pace, "English" on the ball, and American zone and entitled to meet
clever placing. C the winner of the European zone;
It remained for America's dash- I contest for the right to challengel
mig young doubles team, Wilmer France.
Allison, of Austin, Texas, and the jThe showings of Van Ryn, Alh-
dark haired East Orange, New Jer- son, and Lott today against a
sey boy, VanRyn, to score the strong and courageous Canadian
"...R- -" +- n fllfi1c ha hiar h
Harvard Crimson Scoffs at New
Fad; Will Cling to Longies.
(By Associated Press)
HANOVER, N. H., May 16.-Dart-
mouth students' Shorts for Com-
Overwhelming Vote of Nearly
Four to One Is Recorded
in College Poll.
outfit more tnanm ufinned L
hopes of those who belie
Americans have a chance to
I the cup.
Rojan, c.......
Dempsey, ss ..... .
Kadison, p. . ...
Crivevsky. rf......
Oliphant, lb.....
Schwartz, 2b......
Prange, cf .......
pR g00# b ........
Hanley, if .......
Butler, rf .........
Superko, 3b ......
Tompkins, cf.....
Hudson, lb ....
Straub, if........
Myron, ss ........
Truskowski, c .....
Daniels, 2b ........
Kiegler, p. ..
.3 1
..4 0
..4 0
..3 1
..4 1
..3 0
..4 1
..4 1
.32 6
..2 2
..4 2
..5 0
..5 0
..5 0
..2 0
..3 0
..4 0
3 1
9 27 13
0 2 0
2 1 21
1 1 0
1 8 0
2 3 0
0 1 11
1 6 01
1 1 0
1 1 31
, U 1 iVan Ryn, in his brief bow
!gles, was even more effectiv
TO BE NEW PASTOR in the earlier part of the
yesterday which was postpo
______ account of rain.
Bishop of Calcutta Will Come 1aTwo unanswerable volley
ments from his racquet co
to Ann Arbor to Succeed the set and match and Wrig
Dr. Arthur Stalker. not able to win a point.
Dr. Frederick Bohn Fisher, A
bishop of Calcutta, India, has been
selected by the congress of Method-
ist Episcopal bishops, now in session
at Boston, to succeed Dr. Arthur
W. Stalker, retiring pastor of the Derby Favorite Will Carry
First Methodist church in Ann Ar-
bor. Announcement of the appoint- - Number Seven in Todr
ment of Dr. Fisher was made pub- Turf Classic.
lic yesterday by Dean Edward H.1
Kraus, of the University, chairman EARL SANDE WILL
of the pulpit supply committee at _-
the local institution. (Bv Associad Press)
Precedent was established with l LOUISVILLE, Ky., May
the appointment of the new min- Racing fortune, so far as tl
ister in that no Methodist bishop of the draw is concerned, sm
has ever resigned his post to takeo
oxer g.a,,astorate. ,WFis he ]4$i , U tupon the chances of
take over his new duties early in Fox, outstanding favoritef
the fall, and will move with his Kentucky Derby tomorrow w
family to Ann Arbor during the famous Earl Sande up, as th
summer. chief hope for another t
Leaders in Methodism consider over the West in this $56,000
the appointment of Dr. Fisher a of the turf.
worthy gesture in an attempt to In the field of 16 fast thre
fill the place of Dr. Stalker who olds named to start, Galla
tendered his resignation last Fri- drew the seventh positio
day night after twenty-five years of the pole and horsemen eo
continuous service as pastor of the to seize any and all porten
Ann Arbor congregation.
In a message to Dean Kraus, the mediately regarde d this a
newly appointed minister stated vorable break for the big
that he accepted the call to Ann already heavily suppo
Arbor because he believed "in[win'
American youth lies the key to fu- Tannery, Edward F. Pri
ture international progress." Hie chestnut colt and most
further stated that, he considered backed of all the Kentucky
the opportunity to fill such a re-w n so lucky in te a,
sponsible post a "challenge of youth strapping son of Ballot plac
towad ou grates wold pob'on the outside at number
to areorsretet ordiro-ill-omened number amor
lems."traditions of the turt.
Dr. Stalker, in his resignation, ___radtiosftetr _
told the board of trustees that he - _LNNA COL_
was leaving a "great enterprise to L
younger and stronger hands." When! LOSES TO BRI
informed of the appointment of Dr.
Fisher he stated that his successors1( Associated Press)
had been deeply impressed with the FORMBY, Eng., May 16.
campus during a recent visit here ;DaFisM iY, g. aye16sl
can ad e ess relivelyvinteres Diana Fishwick, a mere si
and had expressed a Ilgrlinyhri'eenertoayt
in student religion. girl, in her teens, today d
Among his other achievements, Miss Glenna Collett, Ai
Dr. Fisher is at present a member champion, four up and ti
of the ecclesiastic judicial circle, play to win the British v
and the author of several books.
He is world famous as a traveler golf championship the ve
and literary celebrity, time she tried.
ne ign
ve the
in sin-
ve than j
ned on
ght was
16. -
,he luckj
iled to-'
for the
vith the
e East's
0 classic
nt Fox!
n from
ager to
cts, im-
a fa-
rted to
w. This
ced well
13 an
ng the
- Miss
ip of a
hree to
ry first,
fort movement started by frost yes-
Guy Maier, Lee Pattison Will Campaign Fund Committee Plans terday, was favored by seasonal 4
Play at Final Afternoon of I to Supervise Grundy-Davis sunshine today and took on a new
Festival Series. Senatorial Contest. lease of life.
Fesva s S ta_ C tsHanover's two leading dealers in
shorts reported a combilned sale
FOUR SOLOISTS TO SING MOVE LACKS PRECEDENT of more than 200 pairs and tailors
worked feverishly to convert old
Baromeo, Michigan Alumnus, Committeemen. Will be Scattered suits in to up-to-the-minute shorts.
Paul, Althouse, to Appear Throughout Pennsylvania One Dartmouth haberdasherare-
aLast Concert, to Observe Polling ported being questioned about
atg shorts by several of New York's
leading stores.
The May Festival draws to a close (By Associald Press)
today with two concerts to be pre- WASHINGTON, May 16 - The CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May 16.-;
sented in Hill Auditorium at 2:30 Senate Campaign fund investigat- ( The Harvard Crimson, undergrad-
and 8:15 o'clock. This afternoon's ing committee is preparing to go uate daily, today expressed theirj
concert will mark the Festival de- direct to the polls in the Pennsyl- opinion in an editorial that Dart-
concrt illmarktheFesivalde-vana seatoialprimry extmouth had gone 'boy scout' in their
but of the popular two piano en- vania senatorial primary next shorts campaign.
semble, Guy Maier and Lee Patti- Tuesday and make a first-hand "Though Dartmouth will have its {
sebne Guy Maiers and press Paof study of the conduct of this bitter- short pants, Yale, its natty caps,
son. Guy Maier is a professor ly contested battle. and Princeton, its beer suits, for
the faculty -of the music school The tentative program calls for Harvard, there remains nothing but
and is well-known to local music the five members of the committee a little old-fashioned dignity."
patrons both as a single performer spreading out over the state at)
and as partner to Lee Pattison. strategic points to see for them-
Their a aac hi feno selves how the ballots are cast mn
Ti the race between Sen. Grundy and''
will be made in the Mozart Con- Secretary Davis for the Republican
certo in E ,flat major for two pianos nomination.
and orchestra. Nye Visits State.,
The first half of the program will Talk of this unprcedented pro-
be taken up by the Chicago Sym- ( cedure was heard at the capital to- Detroit Pilot Will Attempt
phony orchestra playing the Eg- day after Sen. Nye of the investi- to Break Three Records
mont overture by Beethoven and gating committee returned after a
Rachmoninoff's. Second Symphony mysterious visit to Pennsylvania. Within Month.}
in E Minor, Op. 27. The Rachman- j Sen. Nye did not discuss his trip-
inoff symphony has been substi- nor confirm the report that the SCHLEE TO ACCOMPANY
tuted for the D'Indy symphony committee was planning to go to
which was announced earlier. the polls. (By Associated Press)
Moore to Direct. However, it is known that some DETROIT, May 16.-Three Amer-
The last program in the Festival of the committee members believe ican aviation records will be simul-
will consist entirely of a perform- such a step the only way' for them ' aneously attacked within the next
ance of Verdi's Manzoni Requiem to study for themselves the charges fo-r weeks by William S. Brock,
for solo, chorus, orchestra, and or- w irregular voting. Such charges vete-2an Detroit pilot, who will fly'
gan. Prof. Earl V. Moore, director were made four years ago in the a speially designed plane from
of the Festival, will conduct this Vare-Pepper-Pinchot contest and Jacksonville, Fla., to San Diego,
concert, which includes the Choral j already charges of irregular regis- Cal., and return.
union, the Chicao Symphony, and ftor this primary are before the He will be accompanied by Ed-1
four guest soloists. 'committee. The committee will ward S. Schlee, his companion on
The soloists will be Nanette Guil- have a special session tomorrow tohe flight from Detroit to Tokio
ford, Kathryn Meisle, Paul Alt- determine definitely whether to several years ago. Schlee will oper-
house,. and Chase Baromeo. Miss undertake the study. ate the. radio -broadcasting outfit
duilford, a member of the Metro- Committee to Scatter. which will connect with the facili-
politan Opera company, is making Senator Nye made an informal ties of a nation-wide radio hook up.
her first appearance in Ann Arbor. report on his Pennsylvania trip to I Millions of American listeners-in,
Althouse Here for Third Time. the committee today, but there was accordingly, will be furnished with
Miss Meisle made her debut as ?a small attendance and he with-i first-hand accounts of the flight by,
MnatisMise Madheebutal seheld any announcement pending the fliers.
an artist in a May Festival some tomorrow's meeting and would The three records which the
years ago, so brings her now well- no comment to the press. fliers will attempt to shatter are the
recognized art to Ann Arbor with It is known that the plan for the ones for the eastward, the west-
gratefulness. Chase Baromeo is a visit to the polls in Pennsylvania ward, and the transcontinental
graduate of the University School calls for a scattering of the com- flight. The eastward, record of 17
of Music who has brought great I mittee with most of the members hours and 38 minutes is held by
honor to it by his success with the going to Philadelphia and Pitts- Capt. Frank Hawks, of New York;
Chicago Civic opera. Paul Alt- burg. However, the program also the westward record of 14 hours
house has been the tenor at the provides for visits to other localities. 23 minutes was established recently!
Saturday night concert for the last A recount in five counties was by Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and
three Festivals. demanded by William B. Wilson, the round trip record of 44 hours is
The Manboni Requiem is Verdi's; democratic foe of Senator-elect also held by Hawks.
most famous work in oratorio form. ; Vare in his unsuccessful contest The plane is being tested here
The Latin text of the Mass for the against Vare's election in 1926.' preparatory to its departure for
Dead is the source of inspiration I V~7TT~1 Florida where final tests will be
for this musicalconception which STUDENT COUNCIL imade. Besides thearadio outfit, the'
consists of thirteen numbers given I fliers have incorporated gasoline
variously by the soloists and the R P PETITIOtanks and other new features in
chorus.n _ _the ship. The motor will have 450{
2200 Students
Register for
of All Schools
Overwhelmingly favoring the
adoption of an honor system for
the literary college, students of
that college voted nearly four to
one for the proposed system in the
second and final day of balloting
in connection with registration.
More than 2,200 graduates of all
schools of the University who reg-
istered yesterday and Thursday
will take part in the annual All-
Campus elections Tuesday.
As the result of the vote on the
honor system the project will be
referred to a committee of faculty
members who will immediately be-
gin work on a system for the lit-
erary college. When completed
the plan will be submitted to the
Administrative board of the Uni-
versity and President Alexander
G. Ruthven for approval. It will
then be incoporated into the liter-
ary college next fall, if found satis-
factory by President Ruthven and
the board.
More Than 1,000 Vote.
More than 1,000 literary students
filled out ballots which were divid-
ed into three questions. To the
first question, "Are you satisfied
wit hthe present system of exam-
ination in the literary college," 447
answered yes while 545 no. 637 fa-
vored the "theory of the honor sys-
tem" while 267 were opposed to any
'form of it. The question, "Wold
you support the honor system in
the college of Literature, Science
and the Arts" had 779 ballots
checked for the 'affirmative and
234 against.
Although the means, whereby
seniors could adopt an honor sys-
tem, has existed, this will be the
first time that such a system will
be offiered to all of the other
classes of the literary college if
sanctioned by President Ruthven
and the Board.
Signatures Will Be Compared.
The cards filled out by students
during the two day registration
period will be filed alphabetically
according to colleges and referred
next Tuesday when the students
will ballot. Each one will be requir-
ed to sign his name on the bottom
of the card, and then, if the two
signatures are identical,will ,o
given a ballot and allowed to vote.
Positions on the Student Council,
including the presidency, the Board
of Control of Publigations, the
Board of Control of Athletics, the
Oratorical board, the Board of the
Student Christian association, as
well as six vice-presidents of the
Union, will be chosen by the stu-
dent body Tuesday.
Eligible Students Also to Receive
Gold 'M' Button, Key Ring.
Distribution of Union life mem-
bership cards was begun yesterday
at the side desk in the Union lobby
and will continue from 1:30 o'clock
until 5 o'clock every afternoon. In-
cluded with the cards is the blue
and gold "M" button and a key
identification ring with a perman-
ent number, a record of which is
maintained at the Union.
These memberships are free to
all who have paid fees to the Union
at the rate of $10 per year for four
years which is included in the tui-
tion to the University. Any 'others
wishing these may obtain them by
a payement of the difference be-
tween $50 and the amount paid to
the Union by the yearly payments.
A $2 fee is included in the Sum-
mer Session payments. These
memberships may be obtained at
I the business desk in the basement
of the Union,
Medical Group Elects
Officers at Meeting
Totals ...........33 '5 9 24 6
Northwestern .. 000 303 00*--6
Michigan.........001 020 002-5
Errors - Myron, 2; Superko,
Dempsey, Schwartz; two base hits
-- Superko; home run- Roj an.
Three base hits-Prange. Sacrifices
-Superko, Schwartz, Dempsey, Ro-
jan, Schuett. Double plays -
Schwartz to Dempsey to Oliphant.
Dempsey to Schwartz to Oliphant.
Kadison to Dempsey to Oliphant.
Bases on balls-Kadison, 6; Kieg-
ter, 2. Struck out-Kiegler, 6, Kad-
ison, 2. Hit batsman - Kadison
(Myron). Umpires - Stack and
Student Christian Association'
to Bring Noted Unitarian.
"Religion and the Social Change"
has been announced as the subject,
The Student council last night
refused to take action in approving
EdwardThthe nominations to Student Council
nposts of those men whose names
toPresentReading were listed on petittions, submitted
to the Council, signed by one tenth
on Dramatic Seriesiof all the voters in the school. The
_____ constitution of the Council pro-
_____h pn__!vides that such petitions may be
Edward Abner Thompson, of the used as a means of presenting
Curry School of Expression, will nominees.
appear in Ann Arbor on his
twenty-first tour as the speaker at The nominating committee was
the third of a series of dramatic to hold a special meeting today.
recitals sponsored by the speech
department. He will give "Cyrano Wan Defeats Bennett,
de Bergerac," by Rostand,rusing to Win Ping-Pong Title
Brian Hooker's blank verse transla- i2Pn-PongTitl
tion Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock Peng S. Wan, Grad., yesterday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. defeated Matthew C. Bennett, '33,
"Mr. Edward Abner Thompson's to win the championship in the
rendition of Disraeli in 1925 was so first all-campus ping-pong tourna-
acceptably received," said Dr. Strat- ment under the direction of the
ton D. Brooks, '96, former president 4 Union.
of the University of Missouri, "that, Wan will be presented with a
contrary to our usual custom, he trophy cup and the runner-up will
was invited to return the following receive $5 in trade at the Union.
year to read for us Cyrano de Ber- --- - -------- ---------
gerac. His rendition of this mas-
terpiece of Rostand is an excellent JOE BERRY, MA Y
example of interpretative art." OF 26 YEARS AGC
Single admission tickets to the C
recitals are priced at fifty and.I Thoughts of former May Festi-
seventy-five cents. They will be on vals may bring pleasant memories
sale at Slaters' bookstore and m
room 3211 Angell hall. to many past students and faculty
Names of former students who
have achieved state and national
prominence have been included in
the elections to the alumni mem-
bership in Phi Beta Kappa, honor-
ary scholastic fraternity, this year.
Dr. Alexander Grant Ruthven'
'06, president on the University1
heads the list Others are Mrs.
Evangeline Lindbergh, '99, mother'
of the famous flying ace; Seymour
Beach Conger, '00, noted war cor-
respondent and journalist; Mrs.
Marian Watrous Angell, '91, wife of
President James R. Angell, of Yale
university; and Mr. and Mrs.' Stuart
H. Perry, of Adrian, classes of 1894
and 1893 respectively.
of the address to be given by John
owland Lathrop at the Student Old Tom Lovell, "Doctor" of Evo-
Christian association convocation lution, Lieut. Col. of Archery, news-
to be held at 8 o'clock Sunday night boy, orator, writer, politician, died
in Hill auditorium. The convoca' yesteray morning at the Washte-
tion committee selected this subject naw County poor farm at the age
from a number of topics submitted of 67. Funeral arrangements are
being withheld pending the arriv-
to the committee by Dr. Lathrop. al of Mrs. -Lovell, a matron at the
The speaker has served as pastor Children's Shelter in Chatham,
for twenty years at the largest Uni- Ontario.
tarian church in Brooklyn. He is Doc Lovell, one of Michigan's old-
act iv ehon interdenominational est campus traditions, was the
I cause for much anxiety during the
boards and committees concerned past winter completely disappear-
with social work and foreign prob- ing from his favorite haunts on
lems, besides being in constant de- State street and in the Arcade. He
mand as a speaker at college gath- reappeared, however, with the firstj
erings. At Smith college he dis- signs of spring and was given a
place at the Washtenaw County
cussed the question, "Is There a home where he has been since.
Future for Organized Religion." At Death was the result of generally
Tom Lovell knew more Michiganl
faces than any man has ever
Few activities on the campus
escaped Lovell's versatile scope. In'
his younger and healthier days he
was always present at mass assem-,
blies of students and was consist-
?ntly the most popular speaker on
the program. From his close con-
nections with the students he gain-
d for himself the titles of Founder
->f Free Verse, A. W. O. L. (Ameri-
;an Writer of Literature), P. D. Q.
{Professor of Dual Quinology), S.
D. S. (Society of Scribes), D. U. M.
(Doctor of Universal Music), and
many others.
His latest literary work was his
autobiography, along with which he
aublished treatises on many cur-
rent subjects including "The Fourth
Dimension." "A Treaty of a The-
versity of Michigan medical school
in 1906. While on the campus he
' sang for three years with the Glee
members of the University. But to club. He served his interneship at
"Joe" Berry, once Dr. Joseph T. Ber- Houghton, Mich., and, moving then
ry, '06M, they mean very little. to St. Paul, Minn., he established
Twenty six years ago tonight, Dr. one of the largest general practices
Berry, who was a member of the in the city. He sang, while there,'
University Glee club, sang the mes- in the professional men's quartet.
senger role in the opera "Aida" at Until five years ago, he was getting
f 1-_ - - I