Y, MAY 16,1930 THE MICHIGAN D AILY PAGE SEVM 7 --1 - 7 -,,'T -'- -7 - _. w.. _., . , . n . , ._,a. ._ i A KENTUCKY DERBY, OCCURSOMR W Twclve Thoroughbreds, Smallestj Meld in Years, to Face Baseball Team See4s Revenge oan Wildcats For Last 8-0 Losej (Continued From Page 6) start the game with the same line- up that faced the Maize and $lue in the earlier game, with Kadison, Prange, and Crizevsky in the out- field, Oliphant on first, Schwartz at second, Dempsey covering short; and Schuett at the hot corner. Shorty Rojan, a former MuskegonJ Barrier. 'GALLANT FOX' IS THREATI Tomorrow will witness the an-1 nual occurrence of that classic of athlete and captain of the team,I Amprican turfdom, the Kentucky. will be behind the bat. The pitcherI Derby. Twelve thoroughbreds will1 that will face the Wolverines is as face the barrier, the smallest field yet unannounceds since that of 1922 when MorvIh Michigan, in most of its games r to date, has shown no inclination romped home first. These dozen to bit and field at the same time. three-year olds represent the cream When the team is hitting, the of the crop of the 150 nominees of pitchers go poorly and the fielding last winter, and consequently will is ragged; when the pitching and compete tomorrow in the one and fielding is above the average the ome uateromirrecl thassnicandhitting is weak. In last week's1 one-uarer ile lasicgame against Illinois the team -fin- Sn the parade of prize horseflesh aysegntIat eteackfa at Churchill Downs one horse punch at the bat, and if the hitters stands out as the outstandig fav- can maintain a pace anywhere orite. This horse is the outstand-n haeth yhere ing threat of the East in their at- Inear the same as they showed in! tempt to win the laurels which the that game a Wolverine victory Nest has captured for the last three would be practically assured. years.isname is Gallant Fox, Following the encounter with theI hd his osutstandi g coquest of Wildcats today the Michigan team the present season was the cap- will entrain for Champaign, where turing of first place in the Preak- it will meet the Illini in a return ness, the classic on Eastern tracks. game Saturday. Last Saturday Illi- Ciack Brigade, runner-up to Gal- nois invaded Ferry field to give the1 lanti F'ox in the Preakness, is an. Fisher-coached 'outfit an 11-8 set- other' entry that is receiving con- back in one of the weirdest games siderable backing. A dark horse played on the Michigan diamond may win, if the track is muddy, in in several seasons. Athletics and White Sox Halted mFourth'Inning With Champs"'Abead. qIs USE FIVE HURLE4S Washington and 4leveland were the 'sole survivors of ld Jupiter Pluvis' antics in the American League yesterday. The Senators stayed ofi tp of a 4 to 2 sedg althoiugh they, were"oathit 10 to 9. Ohicag imc'tho "A's got off to a godd tartbut Werc rained 'oit of the picture in the fburth linning. The Whlite Sox trailed the world's champs 6 'to 3. Thiee games in the National' league were'aiso held 'off to furnisfi f'uture 1barga'in dlays for the farts.1 The only g iue to get under way was the Boston tilt at Chicago. The National league. champs hanin'4red1 out 14 hits to 11 by theSox but fell short'by two runs,'the'sore etndirn 10-s. ' - --- AMERICAN LEAGUEj Detroit"at Boston-Rain St. Louis at New York-Rain Chicago ....10'2 0 Called-Rain Philadelphia 0 6 0 '0 R. H. E. Cleveland .0. 0 0 0 0 100 1 0-2 10 01 Washington .10200010x-4 9 1 Hudlin & Sewell; Jones, Henry' & Ruel. NATIONAL LEAGUE New York at St. Louis-Cold Philadelphia at Pittsburgh-Rain R. H. E. Boston .....0 00403030-10 11 1 Chicago ....200030300-- 8 14 3 Grimes, Smith & Cronin; Nelson, Moss, Root, 'Malone, Blake &I Taylor, Hai'tnett. .. .. TENNIS_ Following is the schedule of the. second round play of fraternity ten- nis. Th'ese matches nust be play- ed by May 24 or both teams will be forfeited. All fraternities that en- tcredteams first round are Urged to teleph'one the names of their team in to thei)Aramural office-p1hne 22101. Delta Theta Pi-vs. Phi Delta Theta. 'Phi Beta 'Pi' vs. Chii Psi. Signa Nu vs. Taui' Ei ilon Phi. Phi 1Mu Delta vs. 2eta-si. kappa Nu vs. Delts Sigtna Phi. Alpfl Onega vs. Pi Xambda 'Phi. Thu Kappa Epsilon vs. 'Psi Upsi- lon. "Phi Kiappa Psi vs. Alpha Tau T igon vs. Delta Alpha Epsilon. Phi Ganma Delta vs. Sigma Pi. Golfers Meet in Charity Match DETROIT-Illinois and Michigan golf professionals are to clash on the links June 2. The match is for charity and a return - encounter will be held-in Chicago later in the same znionth.' Each state' has se- lected 12 golfers for play in the in- dividual and foursome matches. inquiry handicaps Player. PARIS-An injury to Christian Boussus, considered the mast prom- ising' player }in' French tennis 'or- cles, has greatly handicappe? France for Davis Cup play this summer. He was being heavily counted on in view of the retire- inent of LaCoste and the poor play-' ing of Cochet and Borota. Sigma Phi Epsilonvs.SigmaChi. E , ng., y1. - Pi igah s . -Th. two British professionals, Alpha kappa Kappa vs. PhiEpI Archie Compson and Abe Mitchell, silon Pi. jscored a smashing victory over Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Sigma Zetaj America's two leading profesionals TeaMs should get in touch with yesterday when they defeated Lou their opponent today and arrange 1Diegel and Horton Smith, 9 and 8, for a convenient time to play. Be ina3-oeehiiinmtho sure to telephone the results as so n a 36-hole exhibition match on as the match is played. :the North Manchester course. 4" Intram uradNews .. American Pros Lose to British Golfers z(By(R. Associated Press) Mh AC T TT'CTF.RE T A, . + _._ A I It's Wise'Economy When You Combine Smart Styles Workmanship and Fabrics EVERY MILTONS SUIT OR' T OP C OA T CON- TAINS THESE THREE IMPORTANT REQUI- SITES! A N D BESIDES, YOUR CHOICE IS UNLIMITED! TWEEDS, H E R R I N G- BONES, TWISTS AND WORSTEDS. the person of Uncle Luther. This' horse won the Derby trials of last Tuesday in a sea of mud. In the event that he does win =this year it will furnishdaestrong parallel to the victory of Cl'yde Van Dusen in last year's Derby. ' Ned. O. is another favorite in the advance dope of the railbirds. "Miss Olympic 1930," whose real name is Mile. Jacky Joel, has been selected for this high honor for her proficiency in swimming, fencing, horseback riding; and track and1 field sports. FRATERNITY BASEBALL NOTICE Fraternity teams that have won the championship of their baseball league and teams that are tied for the championship, are to send a representative to the Intramural office for draw- ing places in the elimination series. Drawings will take placeI at 4 o'clock. Intramural Sports Dept.- Sit or Topcoat Latest in Engraved Cards, Trinity Text on Ivo-yr'Finish Stock o I 1' if 30 Days 100 CARDS AND PLA'TE, $3.75 THE MAYER-SCHAIRER COO STATIONERS PRINTERS' BINDES OFFICE OUTFITTERS Phone 4515 ",112 South Mai I C {ASIFEU Y. R 1 t ~1. "E }DYERTISI!G NOTICE WE BUY USED CLOTHING H. BENJAMIN 215 E. Washington Phone 4310 246c RADIO SERVhE Competent service men on all makes of radios. STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE Dial 21408 621 East Liberty 2460 SPECIAL WARM WEATHER LUNCHEON AT FOREST INN. 538 FOREST 24 2nd SEMESTER TUTORING MACK TUTORING AGENCY 310 S. STATE. PHONE 7927 1230 40 PIANO TUNING - Phone 6776. Victor Almendinger. The Stein- way concert artist tuner. Office at residence, 1608 Morton Ave. 2340 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9087. 0 SAND-Washed and screened sand and gravel; all sizes. Immediate delivery. KILLIN'S GRAVEL CO. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. C FOR RENT FOR RENT-Upper duplex, five room, bath, sleeping porch. Available Sept. 1. Garage. 905 Forest. Phone 6137. 345 FOR RENT-Next year. Double room, kitchenette $9. Two dou- bles, singles $3.00 up. Graduates, business women. Phone 7485. 234561 FOR RENT-Very nicely furnished apartment, 4 rooms and bath. BetweergState St.and downtown. Call owner at 6509. during office hours. 6X FOR SALE 15-USED CARS-15 Every car in good running condi- tion; good tires; good paint; $50 to *100;- small down payment and terms; -lots at *32 E. Liberty and 400 W. Washington. HURON VALLEY CHEVROLET INC. 456123 FOR SALE-Southeast section, 7 pleasant rooms; sleeping porch, large lot; garage; near schools. Phone 'owner 6700. 456 FOR SALE-1928 six cylinder, seven passenger Packard sedan. A real family car in good shape. This car has six natural-wood wheels with trunk rack on the rear. New paint and clean up- holstery.' Price $1150. Call up for demonstration. A. 'C. MARQUARDT PACKARD SALES PHONE 8515 45 FOR SALE ON WASHTENAW- Sorority exceptionally well fur- nished including rugs, beautiful pictures, silverware, drapes, ex- cellent b e d d i n g, wonderfully equipped kitchen with electric mixer, large dormitory, new water softener, steam heat, seven fire places, will accommodate 25 girls. Beautifully wooded lot 73x300. Priced very low. For further information call Mrs. McHenry with THE F. A. SERGEANT CO. Office 23259 Evenings 9800 234C WAI*fED WANTED TO RENT -Furnished minall apartment or cottage by summer session instructor. Ad- dress Box 130 care this paper. WANTED-First class cook wants fraternity or sorority work for the next year. Fifteen years ex- perience in hotels and clubs. Best of Reference. Box No. 128, Michigan Daily. 612345 LOST LOST. - A small currency billfold with name 'and lodge insignia; st a m p e d inside, containing money and valuable papers. Re- ward. Write Box 131, Michigan Daily. 4 LOST - Paton's -Accounting Wednesday afternoon on cam- pus. Kindly return to Secre- tary's Office, University Hall. 45 LOST-Black leather notebook on second floor R. L. building, 4:00 Mon. Finder call 21934. Reward. n Street I El. Removal Sale SaleStarts Friday, My1 Within a few weeks we will occupy our new store now under construction on Main Street, next to the First National Bank. In order to reduce our stock before moving we are offering these excel- lent values during this Great 30-Day removal Sale. SOCIETY BRAND AND OTHER FINE MAKES' Suits and Topcoats 1 t 14 off Suits Most of them have 2 pair trousers 16.88 to0$37.50 Discount on SHIRTS SWEA TERS 'UNDERWEAR NFCK WAR PAJAMAS 50 dzen Men's Fancy 50 and 75c qualify. Sale price 35c, 3 for $1.00. il VA LANE HALL TA EiN ALL ONE PRICE STRAW HATS A complete department, featuring all shapes and sizes. $1,95 and $2.95 CAPS, $1.95-ALL ONE PRICE-HATS, $4.50 I. I The Choicest of Wholesome Foods rs. Anna, Kalmbach _ Ur + I 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET I 11' . . . ... Pajama Quality Lpk right...feea righ Su",permSeatF ..n the aamas new 1 I We give our Un- I qualified ap- proval to Wilson Brothers Pajamas as to style, com- fort and all- around satisfac- tion. We carry a com- plete line in the latest e 0J'rs fgo spring. AI 4 t-*1 CLIMB into your bunk toniht in th most comfortable ajamas you ever slept in. Get up tomorrow in the smartest pajamas, that ever made a dash for the shower room. See today these new Super-Seat pajamas. 4liexclusive back panel replaces the usualbunching, baggiigseat with tailored trimness. Super-Seat pajamas fit yet allow generous room for every twist and turn ofthebody. Theskill of Wilson Brothers Style Committee has turned out splendidly tailored garments in colors and patterns ~ " - ~ ' $HAW ;% I A ncew summer model short sleeved, short legged Better haberdashers here and back home are now featuring these new pajamas, in- cluding a summer model with short legs and sleeves. Andby the way,4younught as well have the same comfortable smart- nessin yourdaytimewear. . .ask also to see I ,I 0 I