WAGE TWO *r'mriIRTTr.'AM r"% A/ T T'I V 7 k. IA IN_______________________________________££L L H.1JL.Yj - , .. FRIDAY, MAY 16., 1930 'SI:.HUBER T WILiKA CHUBNET CTIVITY IN AKEMICHIGAN- Exteasve Iny'estigation Will beuF Carried on by Bueau of Fisheries. WORK OPENS IN JUNE! . s Gathering of Pata to Require Two Years; Scientists WillAssi. t< K Plans are being formulated for aj ! n eti aio f h b n~t 9Vertuins on Lake Michigan,<;.,. ,f. :'": suxkier, according to reports of the 77.. lureau of Fisheries I Ppervisng .tle Great akes region,rEt ^sf with headquarters in the University ii~~4isbuiing. ASco-operative undertak n y th .. Bueo lFisheries, the Conservation depart- met4f tiw staites of Michiganj and Wisconsin, and a group of fish , ia nd twine companies, the in- vestigation will be superintended by Dr. John Van Oosten, in charge ofIm Great Lakes fishery investigationsj fair the U.S. i3ureau of Fisheries. Wig!Colet Data. r Gangs of experimental chubne ts' .0 various sized meshes Vill be fish - ____________ ~d simultaneously in five localitie in Lake Michigan, one gang in the United States submarine, 0-12, northern area of~ the lake, and twoexetinfrarosdcusebn pn~p along :Each shore of the je pdto.frapooedcus e rn the chub waters south of an im- world fromc Sptzbcergex, via the rioi aginary line connecting Franfort, sublesible, if made availale, wei Michigan and Sturgeon Bay Canal, withi machinery for boring through i Wipsml. Iaving the purpos of _______________ lerini~ng which size inesh de- strpys the greatest number of im-jM lit kDsc se mature lake trout, the experimen !I C~ilt~ Dicse will attempt to settle a hotly dis-1 Bituminous Pavements puted questibo upon whichi neitherf the various states nor the fisher- Bituminous Pavements" was dis- xnein cain agree. Data will also be cussed by C. E. McClintock in an. obtained on the number of sexually ilustrated lecture yesterday at immature chubs taken in the diffor- 4:15 o'clock in room 121a of the ent sized mesies and on the poasi- bity of fishing chubrnets fromi East Engineein~ building. i ripu5 Lake ]Michigan ports at all l" cintock is an enginer with sesoas qof te year without destroy- 1 the Warrein Bros. Co., which is the an undue nunzibex of lake trout. l_____________ l xperimental gill nets will :be UsiI'd to asertain the .effect of the =111111111lhHI1ijpif ul11i11111I111o!. glgthd f trutritoiltthe tashng fE .Res. 22266 P. Office 21495 of lke toutto est he fshin (qSTADIUM RIDING ACADEMY= 4ility of nets treated with new- South Main ad Keech - net preservative recently developed E Ridig ress9s by Appointment by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, and A. W. COWAN, Mgr. _ to locate the grounds of yearling .,1111111111111Il1I111111 laetrot - -Atech setting of the nets, de-1-________ terminations will be made of theWW d4pth of the water, the nature of' STOATNY~ f1 t1~~~W]e bottomi, the temperatures at OAYIl u rious levels, and possibly the,, ________________ chieniial condition of the water at B several levels in order to obtainI some data, on the factors involvdI in the distribution of lake trot and chubs. Information will be Q-( tained 'on the food of the lael trout and chubs, on the species at lake trout in Lake Michigan and tin the life-histories of the fish empp- sizing their age, growth, and size ai1 sexual maturity. Lake trout and' whitefish will be tagged to detp -___ mine the extent of their migratory py~jctalisaaedheus movements.l sjcththsa-xdterut. Scietiss toAssst.in the most glorious of romantic dr Scietist to ssis. j An island paradise cast at her lovel At irregular intervals lfts made ai sailor's sonl by the fishermen with their baits_____ and hooks will be examined to ob- -__ -__ tureaa nte ubr fmm chubs destroyed by the bait-f nps the amonpu-t of chubs wastedj ~y tl~e hop fs1eren and thel 441nmber of immntur~ trout and argo femiales destroyed by hooks. II' e lifts of the commecial chub-pe purpose of. comparison with the The U.S. Bureau of Fisheries' yes- S secl, the "Fulmar," a boat 102 feet MN long, no w stationed at Charlevoix,G Mihgnwllbeqpedfrts work. The vessel's personnel will: consist of three scientists of the government Bureau of~ Fisheries. n° o o-r starT stationed at Ann Arbor, a cap- n T o LwP t aii, an engineer, an assistant en- gineer, two deckhands, and a cook. The captain and deckh~inds will be experienced fishermen who know 6 5 Michigan and who know how to handile and mend nets._____ Formerly Priced $3P3.50 $35 SH~UBERT LAFAYETTE Alexander Mc~(aig Presents Richard JBeinjett I Ifl lad Its A Satricil Debunkin Comedy T C A F E "SOLJD sou ARYSHAFE INS EXPEDITION Eight of Lost Armen F in Shark -Infested by I" W11 t1 Stca Pickod Up !mil W,-.tCrs ITuc aw~cr. r News FromOther Colleg IL0 F9 PLTCAL IASE NIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA- series of swimnming tests, Several it squads were called out and six canoe accidents which resulted in I inesota menI were arrested lastI drowvning of the occupants caused Board Proves Episcopal Bishop 's(ay morning, wh en over 200 the proposal of this requzirement. Not Guilty of Opposing I students sta.ged an. impromptu =----- cm~TC'U'~TDSmith's Electioan. (13v .4sswild r s)I ajania paradle followving ,an explo- IHOtjOLULU, May 15.-. Eight of! sion and a fire wh; ich attracted 'twelve am andhoathem from their houses. The par-! twle ry ad ay flyers wo aders stormed several sorority were cast upon the rough, shark-; houses and finally became so dis-# infested waters between the islands' order~ly that police reinforcements of Maui and H-awaii were rescued were called out. Crowds of spec- lateWedesdy niht y te i ter- r tied up local traffic until' lat W dneda nghtbyth in er ,ain drove both paraders and island steamer Hawaii. Two others watc hers to cover. were believed to be afloat in an -N--RIT OWCOI - army mphiian pane.The ae lipvinig that opinions of indiyidu- of the remaining two was unknown.I al instructors regarding a 4udent jThe 12 flyers were caught in the' arc more important to a prospectivj, grip of the rough channel XWednes- employer than the student's average ! ~standing in his pourscs, I4esperi4 day in the emergency landing of a lieay society has suggesoz teda ra- big army bombing plane and in dical change in freshman entrance the subsequent rescue attempts by; requirements which would allow an enteingstudent to choose a course fellow -aviators who were unable to betei yo pina ujc, tak of afer heyhadlaned tln place of diplomas the report 'the scene. suggests a certificate from the; 1The eight rescued flyers were leading professors in the student's major concerning his ability 4D4! taken from a navy seaplane and an standing. army amphibian, both of which j_ ________ had gone to the rescue of the WILLIA METTE COLLEGE - AF bomber. The big bomber was be- ? strong effort is being made to pass ' lieved to have been lost. The Ha- Ia recently proposed rule whereb~y Iwaii is proceeding in search of an- ; all women will have to obtain a per- other amphibian which was be- mit before they can go canoein 9. :lieved to be carrying two men, be-; These permits are to be granted lieved to be afloat in the channel. only after the co-ed has passed a accordin~g to kZ . K al Nebraska; HELD FOR SPECULATING graduate and editor of Thie Nebras- sought by the Sir Hubert Wilkir heath the ice across the top of ti zrth poje, to the 1ecring sea. TT )uld be entirely -rebuilt; and fit~t Ic 50 feet thick. largest paving concern in the worl He described the recent 700 mi paving construction program Cuba with whicl he was connecte+ Ins he h iIA 1T d 802 Packard Street TODAY'S SPECIAL 11:30 to 1:00 SAUERKRAUT WITH FRANKFURTERS 25c D)INNER SPECIAL 35c , ,. ,, . i r I _° CIe ; t :i1 d. ', R I i E I I { i l i e t " < G S i I . I I { i- t I I° I ' i I i k: VA- .4, With STAN LAUREL _.... .. _OLIVER HARDY daring, spec- acular drama C£ a bandit ti94 pE I SHOWS AT 2:00-3:30 7:00-9:00 IELS 1 Lover and ararN: r uby - lipped: Princess!1P a s- sionate! Hap-7 py! Tueful! h' UE R~ATES AN "A" IN THE DAILY P. t~ }dATH E REV IEW METRO NEWUS kan in 1925, the old time publica- ; (h ' ssocuar'd Irs) tionth heads whoip managed and edit- DALLAS, TEX., May 15.-Bishop ccl th.nvriypblications be- James Cannon, Jr., storm center of for te dysof spcrisng fl~ethe Methodist Episcopal Church. Torstuentactviieswer "n ad",South, because of his alleged Wall fi~lnctliy. Any baright busnes street and political acivities, today manager could provide himself withI stool acquitted of crges of ''con- clothes and spending money in cx- duct unbecoming a bishop., change for advertising, and if a The charges, based on his par- ro,. ' ra9.qkq Yd made .I t } 4p m~ ~nake cttci atiOn in the 1920l presdentiaI it. campaign when lhe opposed the -canididacy of Afred E itli, were q# raTY- fatnissed Wednfs citanit Jy the 4 t qv' -tl, 'blaze episcopacy committee of the church 1h9 .' P 0 0~i~x~ was at its twenity-first quadrennial 34V4 t} g ti der cam- sessions here. }I t. s . ts l ~~vallis, This pat al vindication of Bishop 14 toy 8 a ods of Cannon left still pending against at ~ p} k~ f}or'the him the charge that he maintained I pv } } p ety of a marginal account with a New Agw%1 4 } ,r Meeting Y ork brokerage Firm and engaged hin c ir~ stock market speculations. Tae W" pp w 4 oxen.'; Besides Bishop Cannon, four tap a n p~ eregon ! other clerics were cleared of the al- pipz f ' QO Jp pictuiresque legations andl given votes of char- fptl~ p p,p ~ days acter. They are: Bishops E. D. Fi~pu q0_ was ccom- Mouzon, of Charlotte, N.C.; H. M. IN 1} ' roman Dubose, of Nashville, Tenn.; John }w& 8 p~w wagon . M. Moore, of Dallas, and Warren A. C tn }4 4, Candler, of Atlanta.. MONWHT,arion ORCHSL COMAIN Cocet Vilnrw ltsadOceta...Bc ~Song wit Orcestr Chldens esva Cors TChIRDreO'sERestiiadrCh'rus SoncestrtoRinGGmIjRfORICIViolisntrceta.......Betoew ~ FOU CHILDRENCSETIVisL CHORUS ~~Fri~ PAL MyE],81 pHI I. (.orgitanonistt 't ~~ RJUVARICBESTOCK.FREDERC TCCnutr S ~.rogram S overtre, . 4nal, CaSooV io. ....................... a.. ...ndlachn 'Lrs"Vsot u Miwe rom... er.. iad"..................hmanen i. -xt.H r h LarkL.... .. Scw: - SuitefSomng Btoha"............................Delrnartr Schri, frdo rom Mdm Oer'N"................................erdi 5 .; -. A Syii.. ory onSng~.......Ston ConAriat"o inaistu m ays" fr Vomin ad ignon'.................eThomas FO IFH CONCERT Msymphanouys F'aray, May 1.;,8:30 .p. . AtssConcert . Soloists: GUY MIA IPanNist Sopan FREDEICK TOK, Pantt- THE CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA .:. FREDERICK STOCK. 'Conductor ... Program Overture to "Egmont"............:.................. ... Ilethoven SSy~rnphou No. 2 F. minor............................Rachmannow .. Largo-Allcgro Moderato Allegro Motto.: Adagio viac EConcerto in E flat 'for two pvianos and orchestra................ Mozart Allegro Andante con nioto- . Rondo, Allegro vivace SSIXTSH CONCERT Choral $ aturday, May 17, 8:15 p. in. Concert :Soloists. NAN'*ETITE GUILFORI), Soprano- - KATHRYN MEISLE, Contralto PAUL ALTHOUSF, Tenor CNASE BAROMEQ, Bass T IHU CIIICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA EARL V. MOORE, Conductor.: TUIE UNIVE PSJT'Y CHORAL UNION PALMER CHRISTIAN, Organist * Program :. Requiem.......................... .................ed Fperd e A ol--bak again amas! ly feet . . . and she d on the scrgen spurns it for Cupid Wins InA Du P of Wits! N 'I s L Iced Groups $310 Formerly at $3750ai in g: R&MARX Priced SUITS ~R S . i" :i: . . "t 'n . z: seeP: : 1 1' 11: mom, Appointments li LOUISE FAZENDA in "'SO THIS IS PARIS GREEN" IIl Musical li A Novelty li Cartoon 1111 Overture of 1812 li ft Prjsented by 4 WILLIAM fox( Featuring ROBERT AMES LILA LEE MYONTAGU LOVE _______STARTING SATURDAY_____ __ . _ to ---- - FOR -TOASTED SANDWICHES SALAD 7" l9" "T ?X Y X"- X rru-._ t f i ! Men!' This is a splendid onportunity to get that NEW SU.. at a very impnortant saviug. C ONL1IN AND WE3THERE dominant in every suit. Tlhis is your assurance of com-1lc. $9.00 f t t \ti Ys I 'h L IN r. tA