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May 15, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-15

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Published every iorning except Monday
iring the University year by th oard ain
ontt 0l of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
Dthe use for republication of all news dis-
atches credited to it or not otherwise credited
n this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Iichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
Ipostae granted by Third Assistant Post
Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by maai,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildlng. May..
Bard Street.
Phones.Editorial, 49s: Business, 21214
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman..........George C. Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor................Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor.......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor............Marjori Follmer
Telegraph Editor.......Cassain A. Wilsot
Music and Drama.......William . Gorman
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor ... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloes
Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wild
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Bare Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol
Mary L. Behymer William Page
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J Bernstein Hugh Pierce
S. Beach Conger hVtorhD. Ra Reindel
Thomas .Cooley jeannie Roberts
Helen Doniine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferrin Ralph R. Sachs
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth CGeddes S. Cadwell Swsnso
Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer
ack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris rCrovemas Robert Townsend"
Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine
l Culm Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr
a Le. crce G. Lionel Widlens
D E. BacrackenBrbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian, Zim'is
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising ......... .T. Hollister Mable
Advertising ............ Kasper H. Halversor
Service ......... ....George A. Spatet
Circulation ... .. ... J. Vernor Davi
Accounts...........John R. Rosc
Publications... eorge R. Hamiltor
Bushiess. Secretary-Mary Chase
James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir
obert Crawford George R. Patterson
Thomas 11t. Davis Charles Sanfor~d
Norman Eliezer, Iee Slayton
Norris Johnson. Joseph Van Riper
Charles Kline. *Rabert Williamson
Marvin ,Kobacker William R. Worboy
Women Assistants on the Busines
Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan
Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia McComb
Laura Codling Alice McCully
Ethel Constas Sylvia Miller
osephine Convisser Ann Verner
Bernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman
Anna Golderger Joan Wiese
Hiortense Gooding

Occasionally, in the history of a OAST D ROLL Music And Drama
city, one man may stand out, _ _
through years of concerted effort THIS IS
toward one definite goal, as some- TONIGHT: The second May
one. to be admired and respected, MY FAREWELL Fesival Concert including perform-
someone in whom the confidence - COLUMNances of Honegger's King David
of the student body may be placed. I see by the papers that I have and Bach's Magnificat; beginning
Last Sunday morning, Dr. Arthur Isanother b thcaestat I've promptly at 8:15.e
W. Stalker, of the First Methodist job, which means I've
church, unofficially told his ,ion- simply got to stop fooling around _
gregation that his twenty-five here and get down to work, so this
years of service were at an end. will be my last effort. FIRST FESTIVAL CONCERT.
The Friday night preceding he had * * * A Review by William J. Gorman.
officially handed in his resignation (Sneer from Lark: "Oh, yeah?
to the board of trustees of the You may thinks it's your last col- Definitely outstanding in the first
church acompanied by a short, umn but I know different. Once concert last night was the excel-
concise statement of facts. unbtIko ifrn.Oc
"I am resigning," said Dr. Stalk- a Rolls edict, always a Rolls addict. lence of Miss Dux's Mozart singing
er, "because I am convinced that I I know. For years I was a slave Granted the distinction, it is the
owe it to you, my congregation, to to the column and then I decided performer rather than the instru
leave the leadership of your great to break the shackles. But could performe rather thaheistr
enterprise to younger and stronger I? No! I found myself gripped in ment, the voice, which proves mor
hands." the insidious clutches of the de- interesting. It is a feeling simila
Dr. Stalker's "great enterprise" vastating monster, and try as I may to the one I had about Claudi
is no myth. He has built up his I cannot rid myself of the all too I Muzio last winter. Miss Dux's voice
congregation enormously since his frequent desire to write a column. ! now at least, is not notable for the
arrival in 1905 to take over the Joe, you are a lost soul. I pity
duties of pastor. But the mere fact , richness of its possibilities bu
of growth is aside from the point. you.) 4 rather for her sensitive employ
In building, through hard, perser-
vering effort, the respect and con- Just the same I'm going to put ; ment of it--clear indication of
fidence of the entire community, up an awful fight. sensitive intelligence in which on
Dr. Stalker has given something in *"* becomes interested. Her voice i
return. He has been a leader in a Speaking of Lark, he and W. J. not powerful, agile or impressiv
worthy movement; he has had Gorman, the Music and Drama not powe , agile orimpres
courage enough to face the situa- king, played a hard set of tennis Miss Dux doesn't astonsh one a
tion which is usual in a university yesterday which was reported by many sopranos can and do by th
city-that of antagonistic religious Cal Amity as being a humdinger. indefatigable zeal with which sh
feeling. And now, after he has suc- The play by play account is too varies color ualit or modes o
cessfully "defended the faith" he vais oo, ultyo odso
resigns in order that the work al- long and nauseating to be run here vocalization. She never surprises
g but Cal says that Mr. Gorman her voice is easilyredicatable, be
ready accomplished may be car-s y p
ried on by "stronger and younger "complimented the superior sports- cause limited. She doesn't striv
hands." manship and ability of his oppon- for the illusion of ecstacy, if on
Forty-six years ago Dr. Stalker ent, who concurred." (may call it that; for her voic
became a minister. Over half that wouldn't sustain her.
. time he has spent in working for I can't imagine Lark having any Yet all these negative remark.
Ann Arbor and her interests, aid- ability but then it's none of my are intended to be appreciative be
ing civic enterprises that needed a business anyway. cause her genuine artistry and in
helping hand, creating a feeling of 1 * : * telligence adapts her faculties per
social understanding between mem- From Tuesday's Student council y
bers of the many races of people str:"ypoiigta!vr fectly. She. has absorbed and recog.
er oed athe man eracs pstory: By providing that every !nized in her voice all that intelli
enrolled at the University. student who registers sign his ence can ive it Complete
He may now survey his work eneca-iv i.Copetl
proudly as do those whom he has name on a slip which will be refer- aware of herself, a mature artis
served since the beginning of the red to when he votes next week, it she is capable of the consummat
sresncethry beginnig dof the is thought that dual and illegal ease needed to sing Mozart. B
present century. He lays down his voting will be eliminated. All stu- case sheed has integencar.e.
yr dents intending the chief of the knows her voice, she is suave an
tiha a nmgetre It be car- famous antarctic expedition is flexible enough to project Mozart
e ried on unimpaired. It is now up travelin g aboard the liner, Rangi-
to the "younger and stronger" tiki." intricate gracefulness. She ca
hands, to whom he has willed his ,ik*igive full attention and clarity b
"great enterprise," to continue the ,the individual note and yet attai
task which he has so nobly begun, rut, tut The minute they start fluency. She keeps her voice-qua
fachievementtalking about dual voting some- ity homogeneous in all register
for his is real body changes the subject. and in all intensities. She has
0 beautiful, delicate pianissimo. Th
SWELL IDEA. point being made is that she sing
is The Southern Methodists have While lying in bed yesterday Mozart as beautifully as it has bee
charged their Cannon with gamb- morning waiting for the alarm to sung here in some years-an achi
ling. Now, we suppose there will ring so I could get up, I figured out vement to be enthusiastic about.
be canonical rumblings, a swell way to keep from over- Percy Grainger still remains

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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930
Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr.
The familiar educational contro-
versy between mortar and men as
prime needs of the university seems
not only abated, but definitely
tucked away. President Ruthven,
in what purported itself to be aE
glimpse into the Michigan of the
future, recently declared that since,
the major building requirements
were cared for, first attention
would henceforth be given to edu-
cational problems, methods of in-
struction, curriculum revisions and
matters of personnel.
It seems always to have been a
difficult task for university admin-
istrators to ignore the allurements
of surrounding themselves and
their charges with more Gothic
and ivy. The less corporeal enter-
prises of improving the lot of fac-
ulty and students *have too often
been motivated rather by pressure
of exigencies than by pursuit of an
academic ideal. There is little'
prophylactic in spasmodic doses of
isolated treatment for the cure of
chronic educational ailments.
Michigan's plight, however, if the
several incipient improvements
now begun are carried to fruition,
seems on the point of alleviation.
When Dr. Ruthven was made Pres-
ident last fall, he fell heir to a cur-
iously confounded situation in the
administrative affairs of the Uni-
versity. Many building projectsI
left pending since President Bur-
ton's untimely death coupled with
the well-intentioned but poorly and!
half executed educational plans of
Dr. Little produced inestimably
great hodge-podge. While Presi-
dent Ruthven has been concerned
with the necessary house-cleaning,
professors' salaries, reforms in in-
struction and curricula and ad-
missions problems have been shelv-
ed and allowed to receive what
benefits they could from the*"rest

With only two pseudo-importantj
campus political plums remainingI
to be picked by campus politicians,
it is remarkable that so great a
hubbub can be raised over such de-
generate trivialities as nominations
and registration.
We nominate for next year's
winner of the Pulitzer award for'
reporting-the man who would re-
port an unbiased story of the In-
dian situation.f
Editorial Comment I
o --o
(From the New York World)
When Vassar College girls come
to town and give a concert in
which Palestrina and Bach are
sung in Latin, the height of some-
thing or other has been reached,
and it is time to call a halt. The
thing had its beginning, as we re-
call, when Dr. Archibald T. Davi-
son took charge of the Harvard
Glee Club about ten years ago and
immediately began to turn things
upside down. Instead of teaching
the songs that college glee clubs
had sung for years, he put the boys
on Bach, Mozart, Handel, Brahms
and the two Scarlattis, and before
long the campus was reverberating
to strange Latin and still stranger
Oddly enough, it worked. The
boys liked it, and for the first time
the club had a waiting list, instead
of having to send out a bush-
whacker to round up a quorum for
rehearsals; the public liked it, and,
instead of being sparsely filled with
loyal old grads, the houses were
crowded, and often sold out. Itj
was but a few years, of course, be-,
fore most colleges had followed
suit, even Vassar. But alas and
alack. All the old spirit has de-
parted from college singing; the
glee clubs are indistinguishableI
from the Schola Cantorum andl
other such choruses; to hear the'
"Owl and the Pussycat," "Kentucky
Babe," or a good rousing football

sleeping and missing classes. Here's very satisfactory, if not major, pi-
the dope: After shutting off the anist. He is always fluent in }linej
alarm, place the left foot through and clear in articulation. Inj
the bars at the head of the bed,! talking, about Grainger's playing
double the right foot under the there is no worrying about the
body, hang the head over the side mysteries of touch that gives full
of the bed and push both thumbs and more than full utterance to a
between the spring and mattress. score. He is merely lucid with a
In just one minute you'll find this fine nimbleness of technique. There:
so d uncomfortable you'll be is no violence or boldness in his
mighty glad to get up, I'll tell the metres but they are always auth-
cockeyed world. entic. Always there is an effective
*dash in his style, a personal fervour
Only trouble, of course, is that being communicated; but it is -done 1
you have to hear the alarm in the for the most part by indication; in
first place which most of don't do his approach to rhythms and son-
it. orities he seems bold and striking
but his technique is not complete'
Somebody, according to the clas-I or brilliant enough to sustain him.
sifted column, has lost a "Peal His performance of the Carpenter
necklace." You know, the kind Concertino was quite entertaining,
that clanks. Keep your ears open, There is a traveling salesman jov-
gents; a reward is offered. iality and garrulity meant to reach
* M*( only the epidermis about most of
Yes, sir, I repeat: This is my last this Carpenter music not too dis-
column. And I'd like to take this similar to Graigner's own mildly
opportunity of thanking everybody sophisticated comments on folk-
for the encouragement, razzing, songs. At any rate, Grainger was
knocks and boosts that have made sympathetic in interpretation
writing the column a perfect gripe, though frequently without the per-
Nearly seventy readers have con- cussive power the scove obviously
tributed to the column since I took calls for. Carpenter writes decora-
it over last December, and some tive music suggesting rather than
of them have written as many as expressing emotion in its toying
a dozen letters. And right here with orchestra and piano. In a good
I'd like to say that, contrary toIperformance like it received from
popular opinion, I never made up Stock and Grainger, the music has
any of the letters that have ap- an engaging humour.
peared in the column this year. Grainger's playing of the Franck
You can believe it or not, but I was quite satisfactory too. In this
must establish some alibi for the composition of Franck's, perhaps
drivel that has appeared from time more than anywhere else in his l
to time. (Like today, for instance, work, one feels Franck has attain-
hey?) ed a genuine, reliable spirituality
rather than sterility or intoxication
OVERHEARD IN A with the idea of spirituality. As
LIVERY STABLE. nowhere else the score realizes and
"Do you want an English sad- exhausts the intentions. Grainger's
dle or one with a horn on it?" lucidity becomes quite adequate.
"Gimme the English; I'm not go- It is almost a truism to say that
ing to be in any traffic." Frederick Stock at all times has the
* * * intellectual grasp of his duty. This
(That was overheard several makes him the most completely
years ago but-anything for a satisfactory accompanist in the
laugh, or anyway almost anything.) country. But frequently one feels
* that there isn't the physical under-
Well, the seniors swang out - standing to counterbalance his in- 4
swunged out-did their stuff Tues- s tellect. Perhaps this is due to pos-F
day afternoon and it must be stat- sessing a somewhat poorer orche-
ed, to the everlasting credit of the tra than any of the other major
class of 1930, that most of them ones in the country. At any rate,
managed to find Hill auditorium. when given forms by Tchaikovsky
"The great army of the unemploy- through which to express a diffuse,;

IT is a tribute to the investment business
that so large a part of those entering it
do so at the suggestion of older and more
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minded college men are choosing this field
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Both are as they should be. When a
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tunities, he must begin all over again-
and from a standing start.
It will pay you to know as much about
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the investment business as a possible career.
We shall be glad to help you. Based on
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let of special interest to college men, called
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