TI SA Y, -MAY..45, 1930 THE. MI CHIGAN DAILY _, . .'a 01W, 60"Wom iTihADIRALBYRD MAY ATTEMPT NON-STOP FLIGHT AROUND EARTH AS NEXT WORLD TO CONQUER' (Ry Associated Press) NEW YORK May 14.-"What will-n1. GcOV[bNNMSES 1 Army Gridiron Star THREATE Leaves West PointI r rn nil i n r l N' 5SALI BDPU51 II Bombay Government Moves to Halt Nationalist Movement. ASSEMBLIES PRPHIBITED Woman, Successor to Gandhi, Plans to Lead Excursion on Depot at Dharsaana. (By Associa ted F"Press) BOMBAY, India, May 14. - The government of Bombay today took steps to prevent the contemplated raid of Nationalists on the salt de- pots at Dharsaana. The district magistrate at Surat issued an order under the criminal procedure code prohibiting for one. month the assembly of more than four persons and prohibiting carry- ing of knives, sticks or dangerous weapons within the villages of Dharsaana and Cheravada and Un- marsada, both within two miles of Dharsaana.I Nationalists Plan Raid. S The Nationalists have planned the raid to take place Thursday under the leadership of Mrs. Saro- jini Naidu, successor to Mahatma Gandhi as head of the civil resis- ance movement. Mrs. Naidu arrived here from; Ahmadabad, where she conferred with the executive committee of the All-India National congress. She is' leaving tonight for Karadi, en Youte to Dharsaana. Byrd do next?" That is a question in the minds of fliers and scientists as the cx plorer makes his way back towards New York from the Antarctic. At 41, the rear admiral already has flown across the Atlantic and over both the North and Soutl Poles. He is young enough to look for still more worlds to conquer. A non-stop refuiling flight around the world looms as the next great accomplishment for aviation. Flying has taken long strides since Linidbergh camec down at Le Bourget in 1927. Kingsford-Smith has flown to Australia and the "Lone Eagle" has circlcd South America. The Graf Zeppelin his flown around the world in 21 days with four stops. Will Byrd be the first to do 't non-stop? George Palmer Putnam, a close friend of Byrd, declares such a' flight is both possible and practical, though he is non-committal as to wvether Byrd might undertake it. The chief difficulty in a non-stop round-the-world flight, says Mr. Putnam, would be the cost. The Graf Zeppelin rounded the globe in about 12 days flying tine last summer. Dale Jackson and For- rest O'Brien, piloting the St. Louis Robin, stayed in the air more than 17 days to set the world's record for refueled endurance flying. A tri-motored amphibian plane, carrying two pilots, navigator and radio operator, could be the best for the purpose, Mr. Putnam be- r. r i -... ..'. S, p9 Department of Justice Charges Violation of Anti-Trust Law as Litigation Is Begun. COMBINE HELD ILLEGAL (BY Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 14--Publi- : k 9 ;..: ... I,. i i ' ; % . , J Y [ i t i l , x ,. i f ,sue' i u cation by the Departm7ent of no e tice of its petition against radio in- terests filed in the Delaware court. / s T\ revealed today it had asked tha ; the 10 leading radio manufacturers be enjoined from continuing "mc- <': ...... 4<;:::::::::::::=;<:;:<:.:>:.;":::.The suit, filed in W ilm ington, , .:..charged conspiracy in restraint of ... I trade. The 20-page document re-/ viewed the growth of the associated R radio companie' involved from 1919 Christian (Red) Clse Y ~naming the Radio Corp. of Amer - amn Generadl Eectric C ,e Army's star half-back, who Tues- American Telephone & Telegraph day submitted a forced resignation Co., the Western Electric and Wes- from the United States Military academy, following the disclosure godefendants" and fie other affiliat- that he was secretly married two defndats nd iveothr afilat-years ago in direct violation of the ed companies as aids in carrying yars aglation of Y u h lee osiay cadet regulations. le married Ma- out the alleged conspiracy, rian M. Haile, at Gretna, La., on The affiliated companies were R. August 25, 1928 A non-;top flight around the world in a heavier-than-air ship C. A. Photophone Co., R. C. A. Ra- A5 might be a "new wvorld" for Admiral Byrd (upper right) to conquer. I diotron Co., R. C. A.-Victor Co., The Graf Zeppelin made it in about 12 days whilef it St. Louis Robin General Motors Radio Corp., and TINY MOTOR HA (shown refueling) was aloft 17 days. General Motors Corp. . GREAT CAPACITY The Government in its petition lieves. Refueling ships could meet Putnam, would be by the way of alleged that through "a novI New Discovery Utilkes Rocket, the plane at designated points and Newfoundland, Greenland and Ice - method of cross licensing patentsa One-Cylinder, Principle. load it with additional gasoline land to London, across Europe othd ndcombination or pool through which C d without halting the progress of the Constantinople, Persia and India, they exercise joint control over th ( ,, s) flight, provided weather at the re- then up the Chinese coast to Japan hyradio industry and that competi- (RI Ma Press) fueling points was good. and Siberia, across to Alaska and tiomamongythed ha case BERLIN, May 34.-A tiny motor The best route, according to Mr. so back to the United States. t on amonutsier ca osea ed a about as big as a beer bottle, with thatactorostsiserfcan obtainastli-r- cense except on terms jointly pre- nace and a refrigerator, may .solve Students Endowed With Diverse Abilities May scribed by the chief defendants." ocean flying, believes Dr. Paul Hey- d m rPhat Appointment Bureau hough the suit was concerned landt, liquid gas authority. Find Summer Positions atc''pit e ueuIhiefly with the legality of the pat- 'I ent licensing arrangement, the IHaylandt and Max Valier, rocket University Division Places Many J application blank; in all probability i Government also charged that the car pioneer, believe their experi- iWt.eproposed R. C. A.-Westinghousc- ments will lead to development Persons' in Well-Paying they will find themselves provided General Electric exchange of stock of a special type of rocket-propel- "' l f CL. .e_'':.~n T~c r th seson ithgood remner I -rnllrl inv thnnffntdo "ane w-_hich will shoohwil thut 4n 40011 WASHINGTON, May 14-Threats of a filibuster in the Senate against the $110,535.027 House Rivers and Harbors Bil were encountered to- day, with w arnings that the House would keep Congress in session this summer until the controversial measure is enacted. Rep. John Q. Tilson of Connecti- cut, Republican leader in the House, conceded that the report of a m~ove to keep Congress going until the bill is passed "is a very reasonable deduction." Senator Vandenberg of Michigan, who is fighting a provision for the Federal Government to take over the Erie Canal, in New York State, reiterated that there would be "some long talking in the Senate" before "this Christmas Tree bill" got through. Senator Royal S. Copeland, Dem., New York, one of the leading pro- I ponents for the Erie Canal provi- sion, replied that he, too, is ready to filibuster unless the bill retains that provision. The bill is now under considera- tion by the Senate Commerce Com- mittee, which must reach a deci- sion on the row over the Erie Canal + -and on two other major issues, l including a House provision for Federal operation of the Illinois waterway and several provisions for Great Lakes developments. Confronted with threat of an all- summer session, Senate foes of the bill are standing their ground; but there are indications of an early movelooking toward a solution of the deadlock. VAN TYNE TO GO TO FOREIGN MEE T Dr Josselvn Van Tvne assistant (By Associated Press) LONDON, May 14.--Bonb;y dis- patches to British newspapers to- day indicated steadily growing hos- tility to the British government in India. It was said that unrest growing out of civil disobedience campaign continued unabated. j Th correspondent of the DailyI Mail 'declared: "The political situ- ation 'undoubtedly has become muth graver during the past week." The baily Herald quoted Sir Tej Balhad'ur Sapru, leader of the In- dian' liberals, as saying: "In 30 years of public life I have never known hatred of British rule to be so intense." Eoi Moderates Dissatisfied. Particularly did the long state- nift'of Viceroy Lord Irwin an- nouncing the projected round-table conference at London for Oct. 20 evoke criticism. Dispatches said that even the moderates of India' were' dissatisfied and that nothing now' was expected from the vice- roy's move to ease the tense politi- cal situation. A Bombay dispatch to the Daily, Nev's said the statement had notI evoked any good response and that' even 'the moderates declared it to be 'altogether unsatisfactory. The Daily Mail's Bombay correspondentk said' that although the statement had a buoyant effect on the stock exchange Tuesday it had not be- lieved the situation and that both liberals and moderates consider matters had gone too far to be' met. by the government's presentl program. Prof. Angell Returns P'rom Hygiene Meet Prof. Robert C. Angell, of thel sociology department, has recently returned from Washington, where,1 together with five other members of the faculty, he attended theI meetings of the first International Congress of Mental Hygiene held from May 5-10. The conference, one of the largest of its kind ever, held, was attended by more than 1,500 persons from 50 differentj countries. Professor Angell took an active part in a formal discussion of college mental hygiene at one of the sessions. Other faculty mem- bers who attended the gathering were: Dr. Albert M. Barrett, of the medical school, director of the state psycopathic hospital; Dr. Margaret Bell, professor of wom- en's physical education; Dr. John Sundwall, professor of hygiene and public health; and Prof. Howard Y. McCluskey of thep sychology department. ON CANNON 1NILL FACE 'GAMBLING' CHARlGE 1 1 i I IShort-in ne s. - "" wouid nave t e efecito r perpet-i Prominent Men Request Trial to ' ative work," Dr. Purdom said. uating the control already obtained Students who set out at the bCarRepresentatives of large corpora- by the defendants." Cl Up Accusation of Stdnswostotah o Cplayping' Maket f ginning of every summer to look for tions frequently make Dr. Purdom's P__yin_' Market. a job, and, rebuffed time after i office their headquarters for in- BOY SCOUTS HEAR (B Associated Press) time by annoyed business men, fin- terviewing applicants for positions T ALK ON FORESTS DALLAS, Texas, May 14---Bishop ish by wasting the season in tennis with their firms. Many letters arej James Cannon, Jr., of Washington, and golf, should have no excuse this j received, too, asking for salesmen to Prof. Ernst V. Jotter, assistant{ D. C., today was expected to go be- year. Dr. T. Luther Purdom, of the work on a commission basis. For professor of forest administration, fore the episcopacy committee of Uilast week gave several demonstra-i thegenralconerece f te Mth-University Bureau of Appointments instance, the United States Daily,tin and lectures on forest pe odist Episcopal Church, South, to and Occupational Research, room Ioffers a fifty per cent commission servation before an assembly of ap- defend himself against formal 201 Mason hall, is attempting to on subscriptions, with a guaran- proximately 150 Boy Scout execu- charges of actively "playing" the supply suitable employment for all tee of $25.00 a week, to a limited tives at the scout camp near Jack- stock market. s and sundry who apply at his of- I number of personable and capable son, Michigan. These scouts were iJseph'us Daniels, Raleigh, N. C., floe. juniors and .seniors. Playgrounds member~s of region seven, which in-- former Secretary of the Navy; F.' Te rason wy so m ng gand summer camps also have a cludes the states of Wisconsin, Il- T. Fitzhugh; Memphis, Tenin., and people fail to find work during th , large demand for students, and linois, Indiana, and Michigan. Judge James P. Woods, of Roan- summer," Dr. Purdom explained, "is many will find supervising of this? AS a result of this meeting forest oke, Va., a former congressman, last that they neglect to diagnose their sort a pleasant and profitable way conservation committees were night appeared before the commit- capabilities and qualifications be- to spend the summer. formed for the purpose of making tee and urged holding of a trial to fore setting out to look for employ- Dr. Purdom, during his long possible a better co-operation be- clear up the accusations. ment. When they have been turn- years of acquaintance with the bus- tween Boy Scouts and conservation Much secrecy surrounded the pro- ed down several times by execu- ness world, has made a great many nterests. ceedings, as well as decision on tives who, quick of judgment, per- valuable contacts that help him in complaints, if any, made against ! ceive that they are unsuited for po- placing students in positions not Lucca, Italy-Il Duce is a nifty the character of other menbers of 1 sitions with their concern, they be- only for the summer but for steady fencer or Gen. Lunghera is a dip- the college of bishops. come discouraged, and give up their work after graduation. He will be lomat. They were busy with the search. We are able, here, to rem- glad to discuss with any student foils only a few minutes when the TAU SIGMA DELTA edy this situation, with the co-op- his prospects for after-college work, I general exclaimed he had touched.1 H'LDS INITJA TION eration of the student body. and to help find the line of busi- Some more fast work and Musso-- ______1 "We receive many reauests fror' ness in which he will be able to op- lini ended the bout by kissing the Tau Sigma Delta, honorary' fra- all over the country for help in erate most efficiently. general on bath cheeks. ternity in architecture and allied finding capable young men and wo- arts Alpha chapter, initiated ten men to fill positions during the r, p members last night at a ban- summer. Students suitable for thee RENT A RADIO I BIG MAY SALE t ield i the Union. Prof. Emil positions will do well to fill out an X}20% DISCOUNT ON Lorch, head of the architectural CR OSLEY-A MRAD FRATERNITY JEWELRY scol, was the principal speaker. Honor Group Initiates I SHOP , Burr, Patterson & Auld Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the" land- '*. 615 E. William Dial 22812 603 Church scape diesign department, was tak- F ive MvedicaA Juniors I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim imii m iiii n in as an honorary member Five members of the junior class WejunAiToArDclasAsY of the medical school were initiated __ Johnson, '31A, Warren Koerner,, into Alpha Omega Alpha, national ! '30A, Lorne M 3arshall, '31A, Mar- honorary medical fraternity, at the: 11111t111111!lj11111- jorie McGuire, 31A, Albert Olson, spring election. The men who were '31A, 1:rederick Rink, '31A, Eliza- taken in are: Albert R. Zoss, How- beth Ralston, '30, and Charles ard A. Van Auken, George W. Me- F Smith, grad., became members last Laughlin, Johannes D. Lodeesen- night. The keys were awarded by Grevinek, and Maurice A. Schnit-- Prof. Aubrey Rouseau. ker. I X T { 4plallm will ilW p11 N4i , tuJ 'VUUI feet and travel at 650 miles an' hour The motor an elongated pistol-1 1 VV J , "1 c V1 4U l, 1 u 1 ' 11 . V iey1 V"1 1y 1, Q .1O~l shaped drum of hardest steel, is a curator of the bird division of the one -cylinder, valveless contraption,11 University museums, will leave 'devoid"of pistons or other mov- 'Monday,May 19, for the seventh able parts. International Archeological Con- Into the front end liquid oxygen gress that will be held at Amster- is sprayed, while into the further dam, Holland, the week of June 1. end, near the exhaust, liquid fuel,, While on the Continent, Dr. Van such as wood alcohol, benzine, gas- Tyne will also conduct individual oline, or even fuel oil is injected. research work in the British Mu- At the entrance points of both 1seum on the birds of Indo-China, components into the motor there I some of whichbspecies the' niver are spraying attachments which i sity museums have already secur- diffuse the liciuids over the entire ecl. hollow inside. 1 Drm. Chapman of the American. The liquid fuel is ignited as iti Museum of Natural History in New comes in contact with the liquid York, Dr. Whetmore of the National oxygen. The result is a continuous, Museum, and Dr. Grinnell of Ber- steady combustion which produces keley will complete the party that a recoil of 220 horse-power with a will represent the United States motor of only 11 pounds. in the first International Congress since that of 1V26 in Copenhagen, Formby, England-Maureen Or- j Denmark. cutt has contributed to the income of cable companies by noting that ; New York - Florence Hawang, the invading American golfers have Chinese, has won a Phi Beta Kap- " been praised for their small feet. pa key at Hunter college. After O. B. Keller has done likewise in study at University of Michigan telling the world that Enid Wilson, she intends to be a medical mis- British star, wears No. 10 shoes. 'sionary in China. 17 WE INVITE YOU TO RIDE UNITED SAGE S CHICAGO $4.00 ST. LOUIS $8.00 10:30 p. m. 9:30 P. m. PITTSBURGH $7.00 BUFFALO $7.25 Tennis Ca for Residences AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. AMeRAN Hurts COOK WANTED FOR FIRST-CLASS SUM- MER HOTEL FOR JULY AND AUGUST. $35.00 PER WEEK. REFERENCES RE- QUIRED. C. L. ANDERSON 316 7th Street Traverse City, Michi. Country Clubs 4anufacturers of SuperiorWireFencefor over 25years 3199 MONROE AVE.. DETROIT. MICH. PHONE FITZROY 2000 STRS COOL ICED TEAS Music Afternoons and 1= Here is the ideal s experienced player. j Full sized grip. Pet A special purchase c each. At this price they won't last long The Sal Reg These are the fam their high quality at The Regular $10 m only $4.95 aid the finer or more appro ~AT T ALL NEW RECLINING CHAIR COACHES LOW FARES EVERYWHERE STATION: BUICK TAXI. 202 E. ANN STREET Across from Chamber of Commerce Phone 9504-21500 Fine, Full Sized, Balanced .11 sRacquekots racquiet for the beginner-for children or for the- Full size. Fine gut stringing. Reinforced throat. fe w 3f thesearacques permits us to sell them for only $1 every one'- in town can have one-but hurry, because at this low figure. eof Dunhill Lighters Continues ular $10 Values, Only $3.95 ouis Alfred J. Dunhill Lighters so well known for nid dependability. Better lighters simply aren't madfe. odel is selling this week for $3.95, the $15 model o $17.50 model for $5.95. Where could you find a priate GRADUATION GIFT? WYa ® T ' ' TArTnS~ r i x G t _.. j ', c i i Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical R U Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Croaley (hDT T . ni r ct 11 nno if i