'T.& -MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 (A. Holmes will give a lecture recital of "The Florist Shop" and students HOUSE TO DEBA TE from the classes in Oral Interpretation will give lyrics from Browning. i[E Y TELL N WEIL I Ol IE Thl~Ose intcrcested arc invited to attend. gielrc roEWwig I n i'O S TOGNER BILL M im es: There will be an im portant m eeting of M im es this after- I NU nem ploym ent A ct ReceivesfHn 4 o ct h rt' Snoon at 4:15 o'clock in the theatre. U AIUApproval of Senate. THLT ruv1SI uI Orchesis: Orchesis and the class in tap dancing will meet tonight ~~~ (_. Asscated Press) at 7:30 and 8:30 respectively in Barbour Gymnasium. We will practice Harvard Professor Outlines New WASHINGTON, May 13 - The Gives Comparison of Naval Parity for the tryouts to be held next week. Economic Conditions in senate today transmitted to the With Britain Based Upon FmRural New England. house the third of the series of Fighting Strength. Freshman Advisory Group No. 68: Members of this group may see; Wagner bills designed to alleviate me with regard to elections for next semester, in Room 1011 Angell CEneploendt apevtSOLNS DOUBT EQ Hall on Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 10 and from 1 to 1:30. CITES POWER SOURCES present unemployment and prevent NUQUALITY L. G. Vander Velde-- its recurrence in the future. (By /Associatd res) I Describing life on the typical New This measure, passed late Mon-O a Honors Group in Political Science 32: The last meeting of this England farm as one of "no osten- ii , wudst d ate of! WASHINGTON, May 13.-A coi- group will be held in the Michigan League Building at 7:30 p. m. tation, no great wealth, but plenty pa dextent reate a aalis ngth Amer the provis- James'R. Pollock , the labor department, create ai naval strength under the provis- a oto live on," Prof. Dervent S. Whit- national system of .employment ions of the London treaty was Mathematical Club: Tea will be served to mathematiians begin- tlesey, assistant professor of geolo-! offices and assist the states in es- drawn up for presentation before g ning at 3:30 today in Room 3001 Angell Hall. gy at Harvard, spoke yesterday at tablishing similar agencies. the senate foreign relations corn- 4:15 o'clock in the Natural Science It would authorize an appropri- 'mittee today by Secretary Henry A. S. C. E.: Initiation banquet Wednesday at 6:15 p. i. in the auditorium ation of $4,000,000 for the next four L. Stimson of the state department. A. S.C. E: Iniiatin banuet edneday a 6:1 p. i. inthe aditoium.years, with 75 per cent of this' Continuinghsttioynte Union. Student and faculty members are invited to attend h dao e Egada n m t ng e nsa sa otnig his testimony in the Theia N El aa andcommittee's hearings on the arms- Black Quill meets at 4:15 p. i. in the League. Room of meeting area of abandoned farms and gen- 'the balance reserved for adminis limitation pact, the cabinet officer, on the bulletin board. Election of officers. cral deflation is entirely fallacious, trative purposes. Sums would be who served as chief American dele- according to Professor Whittlesey, contribequal to the mosnteswhic gate at the recent conference, was Choral Union Ushers: Report at Hill Auditorium by 7:30 p. . for who forsees greater developments they themselves appropriate for 'ready with a summary of what he the first May Festival Concert. in the near future with the more this purpose. considered the actual fighting complete use of hydro-electric pow- Istrength of two fleets. Varsity Band: Rehearsal this evening from 7:00 to 7:45 at Morris er. This he regarded as the only Hall.. The area taken as typical was a, Former Institute Headbasis by which the two navies could 60 mile district about Lancaster, to Address Engineers be measured and a "perfectly safe Phi Lambda Theta: The Phi Lambda Theta award will be presented New Hampshire, which was ilus- (standard" even when such factors at 7:15 p. in., in the League'Building. All members must be present. trated with slide pictures and geo- Members of the student branch as American food supplies were graphical blue prints, showing a of the American Institute of Elec- taken into consideration. Tau Sigma Delta: Important meeting and election of officers at 4:15Iflat floored valley surrounded by trical Engineers will hear former The discussion of parity was con- p. m. in room 247 of the Architectural Building. The formal banquet will high hills and drainedbbyytwo riv-PEie sihfheaInsarme, Terdiscpssioufariywsgn n hihhlsan rieIb w v President Smith, of the Institute,I sidered a particularly significant be at 6:30 in the Michigan Union, second floor terrace. ofrolecture on "The Quest of the Un- part of Mr. Stimson's testimony ______________ I "The presence kow"fodyinthkMchgaaSmemebesbfoheseat'sbi Portia Lambda Chapter of Zeta Phi Eta meets for a short, important ersthe res ncae cstoT non oay ld ng ichigan!Some membersofthe senasbig s i th fildsinreaes ostofBell Telephone building in Detroit navy group have shown a dispot- business meeting at 7:15 in the clubroom. Elections for next year's production, due to frequent break- Transportation for a limited tion to dispute the claim of the ad- officers will be discussed at this time. age of farm implements and hand number of students will be furnish- ministration that the treaty pro- cutting about the stones," he said. e ymmeso h lcrcle-vdsfreultadti on Phi Eta Sigma: Meeting will be held at 4 o'clock today in room "Most farmers in the prosperous ed ny members of the electrical en- vides for equality, and this point 304 of the Union. Certificates for new members. Election of officers. districts refuse to have anything to gineering faculty who will attend is expected to prove important in do with the numerous tourists and the lecture, it is announced. I the senates' debate on the treaty. Eta Sigma Phi: Election of officers at 7:30 p. in., 2013 Angell Hall. i resorters, for they come when they - I____are most busy with the crops," add- COMING EVENTS ed Professor Whittlesey. Chemical Engineers: Any students desiring summer employment MACK ..150 TUTORS.. in plants may confer with me in room 4040 E. Engineering Building on this group Thursday evening, Mayl Thursday and Friday from 4 to 5:30 p. Mn. and Saturday from 8 to 12 15, at 8 p. in., in room 3201 East TUTORING a. m. The opportunities for such work are somewhat limited this year. Engineering Building. His talk will PERSONAL TUTORING BY W. P. Wood be concerned with the materials i AGENCY MR. TOMMIE MACK IN used in the production of mechani- Freshman Pageant: The first full rehearsal of the Freshman Pag- cal springs. Tommie MackAB. GEOLOGY, , GEOGRAPHY, cant will be held on Thursday, May 15, at 4 o'clock on Palmer Field. -- In case of rain this rehearsal will be held on Friday at the same time Sigma Delta Phi: The meeting Director AND ENGLISH HISTORY. and place. scheduled for Wednesday noon has been postponed to Wednesday, May Intramural Archery: A Columbia round will be shot on Palmer 21, The time and place will be an- Field Wednesday, May 21. Please turn name of entrants in by Wednes- nounced in the Daily next week. day, May 14. The targets will be up and may be used for practice allj310 S. State St day today and on Sunday, from 2 to 6 p. m. Bows and arrows may be Michigan Technic Tryouts: The, Daily and Sunday secured from the matron at Women's Athletic Building. written quiz will be given to try- over College Inn outs Thursday, May 15, at 8 p. m. All 912; 1.4 Summer, Employment for Experienced Steographers and Typists: tryouts must be present. The last' Phone 7927 Miss Kennedy of the Detroit Edison Company will be in the office of the cut of the year will be made fol Advisers of Women on Thursday, May 15, from 9:30 a. in. to 12:30 p. in., lowing this. and from 2:00 p. in. to 4:00 p. m. to interview applicants for temporary ------_---_-_-_- positions. Appointments may be made with Mrs. Bacher at the Advisers' office. L W.UW w A&% r Ann Arbor Division, Detroit Chapter, A. S. S. T.: Mr. F. P. Zim- merli, Chief Engineer of Barnes, Gibson, Raymond, Inc., will address Visiting Cards and Announcements For Graduation Personal Stationery $2.00 Box '1. WVCe I E; INz U A V iN ---b ee .-o It INowl Bring in your order early for ENGRAVED CALLING CARDS We are offering special rates to University girls on WEDDING STATIONERY WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE r G.- 1111 South University Ave. % Block East of Campus i U U FENCING fort Residences I . r . .r r""+'"' ..i 4avr r' ."; iSf S :4 yf rr r _- ,{ .' "ยข " i fY .i r AIGOr. r9."r"'{" {: 3>-: J. 'he pause that gives poise IW Tennis Courts \N Country Clubs EManufactu 3199 MONROE AVE.. DETROIT. MICH. AMERICAN IRE FENCE CO. ers of5uperorWm~enceforover25yerm PHONE FITZROY 2000 CORNWELL COAL COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been since it was established. growing ever The secret- ' ~' , i ,. T Decous and Refreshing ~ Comes a time (as they say) every day when it's good to drop things-relax-and, calm, collected, cool, seek the hidden meaning of le. Sign off for just a minute, now and then, and refresh yourself with an ice-cold Coca-Cola. "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. I I f