WEIDNESDAX,, IAAY 14, 1930 THF, MICHIGAN DAILY - W~NISPX, YZAY14,1930THE ICHGAN AIL RECEVE LECTION TO HONO SOCIETY Mortarboard Initiates Will Wear Caps of Distinction on Campus Today. WILL INITIATE SUNDAY AGED PRESIDENT TO TAKE OFFICE PA9GEANT All Freshman Part Rep on Pal DANCERS PRACTICES Women Tak ort Tomorrow Imer Field. ing i i i it Election Based on Scholarship, Prominence "in Activities, a and Personality. Newly elected members of Mor- tarboard, national senior honor so- ciety, will be seen on campus todayy wearing mortarboards. The society -- 'tapped' its new initiates last night Associed Press Photo and chose 14 representative women Frau Hainisch, from the class of 1931. Mother of the former presidentt The following junior women were of the republic of Austria, who willf elected: Mary . Louise Behymer, take the presidency of the Interna- Helen Cheever, Eleanor Cooke, tional Women's Congress when it1 Helen Domine, Marion Gimmy, I convenes in Vienna May 26. Frau; Helen Humphrey, Helen Jones, Al-'Hainish is 90 years old.t bertina Maslen, Jannet Michael,1 Isabel Rayen, Roberta Reed, Mariant Reading, Ruth Nan Tuyl, and Jane PARIS C EEBRATES Yearnd.l Three-fold Election Basis. Basis of election is three-fold,< in'that prominence in campus ac-I ttvities, scholastic eligibility, and personality are. considered. Initiation ceremonies will be held Thousands Throng Paris Streets Sunday morning, May 18 at the to See Joan of Arc League building. Following which a Processions.t breakfast will be held in honor of '_t Alumnae Wil Be Speakers Ten thousand people thronged Alunake Wil B Seakers. the streets of Paris Sunday in the Speakers at -this occasion will be annual Joan of Arc procession be=~ Mrs. Norma Bicknell Mansfield, tween the two statues of the saint 's6, ferueprEsident of tae Wor- on horseback, on the Rue de Riv-J Marjorie Follmer, '30, will welcome 1li and at the Place St. Augustin. tpe new members, and Marian The city was festive with decora- Reading, '31, will give the response tions of pale blue and white, the for the initiates, maid's colors, and the fleur de lisr of France floated everywhere above WEIGHT the heads of the crowd. The artil- lery, stationed on the bank of the -MINNESOTA-Through study of Seine, fired her a mighty salutes sbatistics on the weight and height from twenty-one guns, and Pre- of nearly 17,000 wo en who have mier Tardieu and war minister f etitered Minnesota ufiversity in the Maginot led a government party tod incline before the saint's statue on p ast 1 7 years. Dr. C. M. Jackson of 1eRed ioi t danatomy department has d the Rue de nriSolo s t~mne ha hercetditng Teprocession, composed ofit cerazie hashadt tl eceff etngthetroops, Boy and Girl Scouts, Catho-' eraze hashad little effect on the . lic societies, and patriotic organz- aVeragefwei lh of the. woman, stu- a nwa tiwe-b salr dents.: During the time, he found ations, wasreviewed' by a smaller a slight increase n height and a crowd than usual because of the corresponding increase in weight. frequent showers of rain. 31l tll ililillilllt11,lIIII~llllliilllllll ltilllIIIlllil 1tl lt ltllllll ti 11' ; Weneda ay1__83 w -w r - most im. nmotipsng otdrigs -f oir.8 ; e 4..Thread -- -S- sStore, ;.Open= T ds'Thursday E, Wednesday ya May 15, 8:30 -= May 14 Come- -t: To MarkEarly_ Down While Merchandise They Last w - wwSave on Stockings "Believe It or Not," as Ripley would say, this is the _ most important, most imposing, most daring sale of hdsiery. CHOICE OF THE HOUSE -S- -SAll 45 Gauge NewI 4 Thread Shades Picot Top - - = Chiffon Silk From and Toe To Top. Service Bought To Be Picot and Sold At - -S- Hem $1.95 --P Now $1 Costume Jewelry Also At This Price PLAN FOUR REHEARSALS With the scheduling of the full, rehearsals for the Freshman Pa- geant which is to take place May 27, the program and the plans are beginning to take on a definite shape. Tomorrow, all women who are to take part in the pageant will meet at 4 o'clock on Palmer field. The purpose of this first rehearsal is not to give dance practice but toi arrange coordination for the whole program. On Wednesday, May 21, there will be a second open practice and the following day, May 22, will come the dress rehearsal. The day before the pageant, May 26, the final rehear- sal is scheduled. All of these will take placeat the same time and on Palmer field. If it rains on any of these days, the rehearsal will be E automatically postponed until thel Friday that follows. It has been requested by Miss' Sylvia Adams, adviser, that every participant be regular in attend- ance since that is the only thing which will make the project go over. "The directors of the dances and the advisers can not do a thing unless they have the cooperation of the women in the groups," she stated. Dormitory Application Blanks May be Secured. Those students now on campus who wish to make application for residence next year at Mosher-Jor- dan hall, the new dormitory which is rapidly nearing completion on Observatory street, should do so as soon as possible.I According to Mrs. Mary E. Buf-I ington, assistant-director of the dormitory, the lists are being corn-; piled now and 200 places will be saved for freshmen and upperclass transf ers who will apply later. Application blanks may be ob- tained at the ofFice of the, Advisers >f Women in Barbour gymnasium >r from Mrs. Buffington in the Reg- strar's office in Mason hall. MRS. WILLEBRANDT ASSISTS AT LEGAL SORORITY INSTALLATION I 1 ~ "Law is a socialized profession," I Willebrandt, "if a woman is sue- RLS I N P SII0 Sstated Mrs. Mabel Walker Wille- cesful, everyone says, 'well, she's ____ ~brandt on her recent visit to Ann an exception,' and are willing to New eage Ofices ad SaffArbor to assist in the installation, offer her encouragement until they New League Officers and Staff thrtaner sture gsheat ishn making good.iow-h y of the international legal sororityarsueheimkngod.Hw Will be Installed Phi Delta Delta. "If a lawyer is; ever, although a woman's repre- Tonight. helpful to his clients, it is because senting her class in the legal pro- he has earned the respect shown fession is still in an early stage, it TREASURER TO REPORT him in his community and has an is making rapid steps forward and ability to represent them in the ! more and more is she treated like The second open meeting of community as well as in the courts. a lawyer rather than a woman to ~he ome's eage tis earis~A woman's success in politics," con-I be shielded." the Women's Lague thisnjeartisn iud rs e npolt dpnsMrs. Willebrandt- received her being held tonight in conjunction tinued Mrs. Willebrandt, dependsMr.Wleadtecidhr with the installation of new offi- on her individual education in Park college and Fer- cers and the resignation of those.. self. It is entirely ris institute in Michigan, and re- who have held office during the a problem of the ceived her bachelor's and master's past year. The banquet is schedul- particular woman degrees in the University of South- ed for 6:30 in the ballroom of the to develop the es- ern California. League building. sential qualities Those officers whose resignation j; for success: good! will be effected are Margaret Bush, p o r t smanship NOTICES ['30, president, Roberta Reed, '31 understa n d;n g, corresponding secretary, Helen businessreltins, Theta - - Jones, '31, recording secretary, Her- ' and forgetfulness) ht Sigma Phi will meet mine, 'up,'31 trelsrery, Mar- ef plus the I Wednesday, May 21, instead of mine tioukup, '31, treasurer, Mar- garet Sibley, '30, and Dorothy atiular ppor- today, as previously announced. Woodrow, 30, senior representatives, h tuniies that com-e, Eleanor Cooke, '31, and Ruth Mar- "Twa"he w " A combined meeting of the shall, '31,jno rertais, "The question junior representatives, members of the old and new Elizabeth Louden, o'32,essianddeeKath-or erine Ferrin, '32, sophomore repre- iman," she continued. A man's suc- Executive boards of the Womn enies , H2 Felows, '30 cess is much easier to win because en's Athletic asociation will take sentatives He en Fel ows, 30uncilMar- the world doesn't turn a spotlight place at 6 o'clock Thursday in 1 hgaret Babcock, '30, and Virginia on his failures as it does on those the board room at Palmer Field gart Bbcok, 0, nd irgmaof a woman. People say that a house. !.osee, 30, senior members of judi- wmnhsfie eas ti js cial council, Helen Humphreys, 31, woman has failed because it is just juirlike a woman.' Yet they have a -n ut.anTyl -1iuno nemb rs of udicl '3ou cil.u tolerant attitude toward men. If I The Big Sister program for next Also the committee chairmen a young man fails to win success year is fully organized at the Uni- Elizabeth DeVol Jane Yearnd at once they excuse him by saying, versity of Minnesota. Registration Dorothy Mapel, Jean Wallace, Val- "e i just a young man-he will booths are open now in which up- borg Egeland, Dorothy Flynn, Er-d btter n me" nper classmen may sign for these Willi Schneider, Albertina Maslen, Although a man's failure is often activities. A card index.will simplify 1 and MagrtSbeDrty ascribed to his youth, Mrs. Wille- the locating of the teams during Touff, president of W. A. A., and brandt declares that a woman's the summer and Freshman Week. ! Marjorie Follmer, Women's editor failure is ascribed, by the public, I Each volunteer will be responsible of The Daily. to her sex. "Yes," continued Mrs. for five new students. The resigning president will pre- I l lllll llll tllllIil II t111UlHtilllilill lillllfil l U l tl sent the gavel of office to Eleanor 4pooke, president of the League, and the other members of the League staff will be introduced and for- mally installed. The prqgram will; BEAUTY SHOP also include a short address by Miss Alice Boyd, advisor of women, Guaranteed Permanent Waves $6 and $8 and a treasurer's report by Her-=- mine Soukup. With Six Months' Service All the women on campus are ex- Mae tended an invitation to attend to-a .. night's banquet, and it is urged that We use soft water only and offer a 25% discount every Monday & Tuesday all houses and independent wom- lilO S. U. PhOne 7561 en attend. -, ________t__________________________________________1111111111111________ ___________________ L.G. BALFOUR CO. I 1121 South University FRATERNITY JEWELERS Badges-Favors-Programs Corkey Stanard, Mgr. I -L j? Jd Fur Scarfs Greatly Reduced The. Fur Scarf is an important fashion accessory of the Spring and Summer Frock, Ensemble, and Suit. Come and see our wonderful collection. The beautiful pel- tries and modest prices will surprise you. I There . . . . Are Many Advantages in leaving your fur coat with us for Storage, Remodeling, and Repairing. You will be sur- I prised to see how low cur Special Summer Rates are. Call 8507 and we will send for your fur coat. World-wide All-Risk insurance and