THP M7rRTr.-NN nATr VY 'MM, T'1'ATV0n A "S1' 'K& A *Y I 'A i AfIA First Africa-Brail SPEEC'' DIEPARTMENT COMPLETES SENATE ELECTS HOPKINS~ MalRoute Blazed Nt _ON EC gJIG P 4R TS n'eetrygLouis A. Hopkins of the '1heappth sed yini u=cotton .that removes all the impuri- sgeeryng oflegUierwst eecte By French Aviator, e t~f h iaien~t of ~ro $ ertr fteUiest eae _____liustics and speech to record., ,t apuarat us is at present at a meeting Monday afternoon. (13 AsocirrdF'rs~s ; ?eyigctinsof the voice has working 'successfully. Previous to! The annual report of the Board in. (By As. ocwted ~~~ tLWP~~ect1On5 this the excess smoke from thisopCntlofSuetPbiaos been finally completed and, ac-P'Cnrlo.Sudn ulctos RIO JANEIRO May 13.-Bring- cordin~g to Prof, John H. Muyskens eration caused the University to was given during the session. ing -with them the -first trans-At- of' this department, "is>'working E rp-j, t itS -use This fnew addition -________ lantic airmail to South America,1 like a charm."I is working so well tha~t at ;present! At a fashionable Pavris, inter na-, Jiean Mermzoz, Frenchi aviator, a.nd! The machine is vertueful for the smoking process can go on un- ' tional horse show; for the first time y us noticed inr the same room in which : women rode astride in an obstacle two com~panions landed ,at, 6:12 a. all interested id speaking be ausai ~i~bel.ts it442 xrt. tina.,asAnn bArbord.tonsaeexrsin f' -' ' m. 4:1 a.M.,Annt~ror time)' het , mIto fee Ropia today at Natal, near the northwest- thir eir vlcts.tnsadepsioof w. P~i tip of the continent. The mechanism consists of ,a hJ'e landing comnpleted a flightE needle attached to a cuaphram1 2, 3:30, 7 & 9NO of about 1,700 miles from St. Louis',IthaLf vibratfes 1vbie the stu~dent. S~~C $~eal, which is near the far east-; talfksrtQ tnesofli vcen can tip of Africa. It took 21 hours aeiidof FRAoKl L.yL and 12 minutes, more than an houri With the recen isalation of A4; I1A XS LANE lon'ger to~an ~the aviators had ex- air filter that driyes the excess petdwould be necessary. smoker, d o ba fn herecoird-~ JOSEPH WAGSTGAFF ine aperlthoughfiters of oiledi You'll never forget the songs they sng and th~dnces they do-' 71 AYHere's a wonderful love story which is cast with z, g g anddancing stars. . tv- U z't INiJDNJ i A MAY 1, 193 BIG MAY SALE 20oTDISCOUNT ON FRATERNITY J.$WELRY Burr, Patterson & Auldj SC~O>3 Church DetoitTheaters SNUBERT LAFAYETTE Al'exander McKaig Presents In A SatriciaI Debunking Comedy S"SOLID S!OfUTW'P 802 Packard Street TODAY NOON SP1 CIAJ. 11:30 TO 1:00 P. M. HASH AND) FRIED EGGS 25c DINNER SPECIAL 5:30 TO 7:00 P. M. 3 5c J~p fprAnoth~er' Treat In Lhd~wcold rama. .. -- ns - - ' a t Ot = N. A.-' - - - --m- - - =- -- -- --- - _ .JC . _ -fl-- - -- JZ a[Ji .i- ( s Fx {ti {, i Luncheon and Diner Served .inThe' Ballroom, .etiron ATTH Agpin sojething neCv ,romnthe 4,nderworld with ,,more thrills per -Ininute than you can im~agine. Story is highly in- teresting and excellent support-. ing' cast adds realisi. MICHIGAN LEAGUE a {' i) jl EL 1"GNFRL CRACK" ,: ri ,, f{ '; DURING THE -MAY FESTIVAL R aEEVA..FI ONSi TAKEN I. Wi 'IIIIIII~ifItlIIIIIIY1,0lt 1l IIIIIlfil IIIIIIIIlit1 utiIIt IHinitfulmittill 1iIuiII? r. r 1r a PROGRAM =. FIS OCR isefteu 111 Progra Qvrue Leefr ug"................11hmn .FEoSTIwVA..rcesLr .. n......................tas _ .W =ISCN CONCERT Coa WeTdnsday, May 1, 8:15 p. m. M Cocert iSoloiss: C HAYIIDUX, Soprano S rtJ-I CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCETRA FRrE17dRCK STOCK Cnduco EALV MOE onutr Program I Ovrtue "~iebsf .....g".................:...............Shumne ne Fataia Francescdo DaimioTnor Soli,.N.rTtoraiChorus Song wrdietra nd Oran. arendFuge ViinC'M, Morggifce, nmao ...................... ... ....... Strauss r L~y tihoic oriaio sfor i aouandOr etra ..nd Organ ..5Fanc I STHID CONCRT Chral' TI-rsdaiy, a 1, :15p. r. concert I .Soloists: RUGGILROARICCI. Voran IJOHN WHITE,' arionae S CH1.LDI N'S ,STBassHRU TH OCHSTALGOCSMPAONY :OCHTRA. 5~~~V 'OR Coirnctoestalhou .rom.PNig'ram". elsshS "KngDaid,"y of yStion......................s. after a 'Drarb eSi Ruggiero... Hoieci .1. - .1 =F (iday, May 16, M 8:15 rchp.ramb Frdrick s Conce.t. 1 I For S DU oLIAliAChorus $Orcletnd rno THIR RCONCERT Children pit~p I ooss RUGI~DER ICCI, V[olin .I Program Ove. Lo tunls Cve ....... ..............lten4an . ~~~ak )da.rk~ii I'ithfrme L r.... .. ...... ......Msstent E Crdl Rigchard Bo.. ........n.e. . .. lixr 4Serze by thstmie Bok rmighstora".mpo.........Beethovejqn yAia pisGn d DfaSng~Sn b..r.e" r....... d Shd. . Gonog ChlrnsFstvlCou .. uoln iann Suite from....he.Betrohal.............. Dlamnarter w M: Vr. IBonelli - ti Boero. .........................avel ; Ara. Cotnpis to le pays" from "Mignon'.......... ...Thomas5 acchnaleVerson)Miss Giannini, Bachanle(Paris Vesio') .ndFipple fromOverure, -' Tat nhauser . . ....... .....Wagner ;~FIFTH .CONCERTSy pny I Saturday, May 17, 2:30 p. tn.. Coicert= Soloists: GUY MAIER, PianistW L.FE PrTISONr, Pianis~t- j-,l3 CHICAGO- SYMPHONY QRCI-L.ESTRA .: FRI' DEIICK STOCK..Conjtwtor Programn 5Overture to "Egmont"....................... Beethoven ~Sympihony ,No. 2 E minor ....... ........ ,... ,.......Rachmaniotv Largo-Alle ro Moderato - Allegro .lottoW a Algovivace Concerto i'Efafor two pianos and orehwsra. ............ ... Mozart 5 'Allegro Andante con moto- :tondo. Allegro vivace SSIXTH CONCERT Cho~ral 'SatI rday:May 17, 8:15 P. 1. CQncort 'Soloists: NANETTE GU~.ILORD, Soprano = KATHRYN MEISLE, Contralto PAUL' ALTHOtJSE. Tenor CHASE BfAROM,80, Bass THLE HICAGO SYMPHONY OLtCIIEStRAa CARL V. MQOEConuoprUI =- THIEUNIVERSITY CHOJLgUNON I - )AlMI3Rt CH-RISTTAN. Organista _Program "a Reqiem........................................Verid ,_ -..--. ,. - . . _.__,,,_. ... .. ........_,.a....., o ..w._ _, + J+ .t' 1 '' .Y° J' c, . ! .I" °.I !I' ..#Y 91c '. " 'r"'w,! ' t'.C'' ' ." ',( " '.. !" '_C ' :f° , " "'c. " .1 'lT".,1 . .t'?r .. l i r ..g.. ,., r . -..._ ' y NOW!. With Modern Cooling"'t I THE PICTURE TSHAT HAS " EVER YTHIN4 The representativ.rate lstd-elow are'fQ day $tation-to-Statiopncalls and are eff~ctiye between 4:30 a. mn. and 7:00 P. rm. A ,Station-to-Station cell is onie made to a telephone number rather than' to a piarticular person. You may reverse the .charges ,to your hom~e telephone if you wish. Rates/frem Ann Arbor to: staibt nation ATLANTA, GA...... f.+:. . ".:" " 2A.DIIL.AC........."........ . .105 EyATON RAPIDS .............. .X45 F~Ii'NTr1.. . ... .. ..... .. . " . . ": 45' KALAMAZOO ................... .76 KANSAS CITY, Mo.... ".. "... 2 55 LANSING...... .... "........,. .45 M ('A CfTKINAC ISLAND...........1.40 cM cU S I A ,. ......................... .. ,. .95 $ C A . . + .." " " " " " " . . . ". . * . . " . .9 SOUTH -IAVEN... .... .0 TRENON /f..""f""."..".." ".30 Stan )Lurel and O liver Hardy, the supreme coinics of the silver-sheet, are at the top of their amusing artistry as a pair of slow witted peasants. They give to "Rogue Song" an assurance of hilarity which justifies 'the de- scriion the picture hais everything." THE STAR tOF THE "DIAIMOND HOj iI 11 Ke w " r ,. /: iw w - , .::: .t AlL I