ESTABLISHED 1890 Ar t r t 4. atj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ANNUAL SWINGOUT,.Antisaloon League Sul r DEMON' rn nni Belief in Legality of1 U iU LJ ur McBride Questioned by Senate Committee; Praises SENIOR Ah 9CTi I Fort's Speech. Imw w w a Imw w m gw,%Wg ows 4 oft"%* Pres! of Ruthven Praises Attitude Graduating Classes in Speech to Students. LAUDS SENIORS' ~SPIRIT' 2,000 Join in Traditional March Down Diagonal to Hill Auditorium. Commending the graduating stu- *ents of the University for their "deep interest in the welfare of Michigan," for their real pride in this institution," and for their "keen desire to improve conditions that affect the student body," Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven deliv-' ered the principal address at the annual Swingout exercises yester- day afternoon in Hill auditorium. More than 2,000 seniors, represent- ing all schools, joined in celebrat- ing the ceremony, which marked the opening of the traditional round of senior activities before commencement. Ruthven Sees Growing Spirit. "I have this year, with pardon- able and sympathetic amusement, frequently listened to expressions of] regret from you, that college spirit , has decreased. This has interested me because in expressing this re-1 gret you have actually been exhibit-I Ing an increase in that spirit. Too often do we confuse college spirit with college customs. The relation between spirit and customs is sim- ilar to the relation that exists be-1 tween manners and morals. AsI manners may reflect morals, so i customs may indicate spirit, but it in no way follows that the relation- ship is a consequential one," Pres- ident Ruthven stated. "College spirit," he continued, "is something deeper and more far reaching than the college customs1 whlich we usually dignify by the term traditions. You have shown the best type of college spirit by your concern.thattthe good name of Michigan be protected and by your attempts to be of service to your fellow students. It is a sincere be- I lief in the value 'of higher educa- tion, a faith in the efforts of the1 faculty to improve the University,, and a loyalty to the institution ap-I proaching family pride, which to-L gether constitute real college spirit," President Ruthven stated. Student Leaders Speak. Led by the Varsity band and the student leaders: Ernest C. Reif, president of the Student council,i and Stanton W. Todd, president ofi the senior literary class, the grad-I uates, in black flowing robes and tasseled caps, marched to the audi- torium after assembling at thet center of the campus. Reverend Henry Lewis, of St.'1 Andrew's Episcopal church deliver- I ed the opening invocation. James Jordan spoke for the senior classf while Todd gave a short farewell address to the remaining three classes of the University. - - 1 ta W (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 13. - The opinion that under certain condi- tions liquor can be made in the house without violating the prohi- bition law was expressed today be- fore the Senate lobby committee by F. Scott McBride, general su- perintendent of the Anti-Saloon League. The statement was made in re- sponse to questions by Chairman Caraway of the committee con- cerning a speech delivered in the House by Representative Fort, Re- publican, New Jersey. McBride quoted Fort as saying that "the! law permitted the making of liquor in the home." "You don't agree with his inter-' a p ion Caraway asked. "We think that was a very good speech that he made, as a whole" the witness replied. "That is his interpretation. I think probably he is right." "Do you think that ought to be the law?" Caraway demanded. j "The law is not 100 per cent per- fect yet," McBride said. The examination of McBride took this tack when Caraway questioned him about a resolution recently adopted 'by the New Jersey Anti- Saloon, league. The drys had said that they were going to do their STUDENTS TO VOTE ONHONOR SYSTEMI' perintendent Upholdse STIiSON Making Liquor in Home ill~ best to have a candidate in the Re-N publican senatorial candidate for whom they could conscientiously vote. "If that got in Dwight Morrow's E way, it was not our fault," he stated. Tells Senate Committee That The reference was made to Dwight Pc sue aiyt W. Morrow, ambassador to Mexico, Pact Assures Parity to who is a candidate for the Repub- British, Americans. lican senatorial nomination from New Jersey. His views on prohibi- SHARP DEBATE FOLLOWS i tion have not yet been announced. ___ McBride said he did not know personally former Senator Freling- praises Attitude of Japanese nuysen, who is opposing Morrow in Allowing United States for the nomination and added that he had been surprised to receive to Surpass Her Ships. , reports that Representative Fort would enter the race. He said he did not know Fort personally either. The witness said that final action by the organization had been defer- red to give the candidates a rea- sonable time to make statements as to their prohibition views. "I think every candidate, wet or dry, should have his day in court before he is endorsed for or against," he explained. At the conclusion of today's hear- ings, the committee adjourned un- til next Tuesday when the examin- ation of McBride will be resumed. I GRGOYLE ANNOUNCES LEADER STAFF I Registration for Elections to Today, Tom All - Campus be Held orrow. 0 YOUTHS OBSERVE CITIZENSHIP DAY High School Students Fill All Offices of City Government. Students of Ann Arbor, Univer- sity and St. Thomas high schools received practical lessons in citizen- ship yesterday when they occupied executive positions of the city, county and various industrial con- cerns. They did everything from answering fire alarms to writing editorials and meeting as the city council. Citizenship day Ds an annual event sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce to promulgate among students a clearer understanding of routine business and govern- mental practices. The students were entertained at noon luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce building and recounted episodes from the days activities. pI F t f1r 4 y jai E Y 1 6 j I 1 l WILL FILE SIGNATURES Registration for the annual spring All-Campus- elections next Tuesday will take place at various points on the campus between nine and five o'clock tomorrow and Fri- day. A straw vote will be taken at the same time in the literary 'col- lege, in an effort to determine the amount of sentiment regarding the' adoption of an honor system, it was announced by Richard Cole, '30, chairman of the committee. All students who desire to vote next week will be required to reg- ister at specified places. Dual and illegal voting will be eliminated by requiring each student to sign a' slip when registering. A complete file of signatures will be kept at the booth for reference on election day. The two signatures will then be compared before the student is allowed to cast his ballot. Stu- dents of all colleges will vote atj the booth in the center of the dia- gonal but the ballots will be ofdif- ferent color for each school. The literary students will regis- ter at the poll, in Angell hall andi also at the poll at the center of the diagonal tomorrow and Friday. Business ad, education and phar- macy students will also register at the diagonal center. A booth for engineers will be set up in the West Engineering building while lawyers,' medics, dentists, and architects will register in their respective buildings. All students will be re- quired to identify themselves when registering, it was announced. Polar Explorer Dies At Home in Norway (By Assocated Press) OSLO, Norway, May 13.-Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, famous as an ex- plorer and worker for the better- ment of humanity, died unexpect- edly today of paralysis of the heart at the age of 68, and tonight all Norway was in mourning. All the newspapers carried black borders as a sign of mourning and printed long obituaries tracing the steps by which Dr. Nansen became famous for his explorations, then won renown as a statesman of in- ternational stature, and then re- turned to thoughts of polar ex- ploration. New Uusiness Manager Selects Junior Members of Staff for Coming Year. ORR NAMED ASSISTANT Appointments to the senior and junior positions on the busess staff of The Gargoyle were an- nounced yesterday by H. Bruce I Palmer, '31, newly appointed bus - ness manager of The Gargoyle. W. Reed Orr, '31, was appointed assistant business manager for the coming year. He has been a mem- ber of the staff of The Gargoyle for three years and for the past year has obeen in charge of the-eircuia- tion department. The ,publication department will be under th6 direction of Douglas D. Brien, '32, who will have charge of setting up the magazine and of I the collection of copy. Paul Icer- man, '32, was appointed manager of the foreign advertising depart- ment.j Departing from the policy of the I last year, the local advertising de- partment will be under the joint managership of Edward J. McCor- mick, '32, and Robert S. Amberg, '32, while Harcourt S. Patterson, '32, as head of the accounts department will have charge of the book-keep- I ing and collection of bills. Walter A. Holt, '32, will head the circulation department and Nathan Fred, '32, was appointed alternate. At the same time,tPalmer an- nounced a meeting of the newly ap-I pointed staffmand tryouts which will be held at 4:15 o'clock today in the offices of the Gargoyle in the Press building. Chris Cagle Resigns as West Point Cadet (By Associated Press)) WEST POINT, N. Y., May 13. - Christian Keener (Red) Cagle, re- signed abruptly as a cadet today from the United States Military Academy by official request follow- ing the revelation that he was married nearly two years ago in direct violation of the cadet regu- lations, subsequently gaining All- American gridiron honors and dis- tinction as one of the greatest Army halfbacks of all time. Much as today's developments shocked official West Point and those who hold Army regulations in high respect, drama continued to surround the exciting career of Cagle. From a hospital bed he is recovering from an operation for the removal of tonsils, the Army star handed in his resignation af- ter being advised that press dis- patches from New Orleans had dis- closed the details of his marriage on Aug. 25, 1928, to Marian Mis- ford Haile at Gretna, La., by a justice of the peace. Director of Museum Given Lapham Medal Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the' University Anthropology museum, was awarded the Lapham medal for (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 13.-Secre- tary Stimson insisted under sharp examination by the Senate com- mittee on foreign relations today, that the London naval treaty brought parity between the Ameri- can and British fleets in all cate- gories of ships. Set upon by the committee mem- bers on his second day's appear- ance, the Secretary got quick aid from Senator Robinson, Democrat, Arkansas, one of the American delegations to London, who came into the discussion with a firm de- fense of the basis of parity adopted by the conferees. Robinson Replies. Senator Robinson, Republican, Indiana, provoked the Arkansan to action, with inquiries las to tl'e reason for America abandoning five of the fifteen heavy cruisers authorized by Congress last year. Secretary Stimson told the com- mittee that the 'substanti'al com- bat power of the two fleets" was the basis for determining parity. The Secretary concluded his ex- temporaneous statement to ' the committee with a recounting of the saving and reduction accomplished under the treaty. He was asked to return tomorrow to subject him- self to the questioning by the com- mittee members which he has wel- comed. Fleet Reductions Made. He said the treaty accomplished a reduction in the total fleet of this country of 15,000 tons, and in thej total fleets of Aieica, reat Brit ai and Japan of 430,000 tons. He said the treaty "caps the pr ram outlined to the 1922 Washington conference, outlined by Mr. Hughes and goes him 13,000 tons better." Replying to Chairman Borah of the committee, Mr. Stimson ex- plained the "escalatory clause" as he termed it, or the "escape clause" as Senator Borah described it. This is the clause permitting the signa- tory nations to go beyond the treaty under certain conditions. Mr. Stimson spoke most highly of Japan and praised the attitude of her delegation and of that gover gvr-ment in permitting the United States to build past her in cruisers while asking Japan at the same time to stand still. YEARLING DEBATE1 WON BY ALPHA NU Freshman Team Defeats Adelphi on Ontario Control Plan. In the annual freshman debate between Alpha Nu and Adelphi last night, Alpha Nu upholding the negative side of the question: "Re- solved that the several states be allowed to adopt the Ontario liquor control system," received a close decision. The victors, defending the harder side of the debate presented many strong arguments, the most impor- tant of which was the request for the affirmative to prove that the Ontario system would improve the present condition, inasmuch as lo- cal option had failed in the United States before prohibition. Late Faculty Member Given Pulitzer Award The 1930 Pulitzer prize for the most outstanding contribution to American history during the prev- ious year has been awarded post- humously to the late Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne, head of the history department, in recognition of his book, "The War of Independence," the second volume in his history of the Revolutionary period. Mrs. Van Tyne received andannouncement of the honor a few days ago. SINIVHS A I UINtL WAAR PH~ I AIAITRII IlL11i L U Li VV I U IM Regulations concerning the en- )rcementof the auto ban during Abbot, Yost, Campbell, Reif the Summer Session were announc-I Also Speak at Inaugural ed yc-:terday afternoon by W. B. 1 Rea, asistant to the dean of stu- Stag Banquet. dents. These regulations will bef practically the same as those in ef- MIDNIGHT SONS SING feet last summer. "Professional students," said Rea, ; "Be willing to cooperate, strive "as for example, members of the for a definite goal, and sacrifice, teaching, legal, or medical profea. sions who enroll for the Summer if necessary, to attain this goal" Session are exempt from the auto was, the plea made by J. Fred regulation. In this group we have Lawton, '11, Detroit, in addressing included athletic coaches who take' special summer training in the the Senior Stag banquet last school of education. Graduate stu-j night in the ballroom of the Union. dents taking courses in library sci-I Lawton, who is the composer of ence, ministers, nurses, health offi- "Varsity" and who has spoken at cers, social service workers, prac- numerous pep meetings before foot- tising engineers, and practising ball games the past few years, dis- pharmacists are also exempt. 1- cussed the "Spirit of Michigan" as Concerning undergraduate stu- it is seen and felt by 'the alumni dents enrolled in eaxlaedthat "recrea- together with the position in the shoRa xlie chas wille I business world of the student who tional use of their ears willhr has just graduated from college. permitted this year. He furth Lawton's advice to the seniors was stated that by "recreational" use "ttaetebekastecoe'it meant for purposes of transpor- but toakethe on thbreaks asout, at allcome tation to and from swimming, golf,, times, for a better opportunity." or other outdoor activities during He also stated that it was a good tim g r idea not to press too much when ,in any way approaches a social use first entering the business world. ofcars,uhowever, will not be per- "If possible, one should relax the iAs during the regular session, first year out of college." IA uigterglrssin Prof. al bt of he r driving permits will be given for' r. Waldo Abbot of the rhe- 1necessary and approved purposes.. tonic department, as toastmaster of n the banquet, in addition to Law- Only those students with good I ton, introduced Prof. Fielding H. scholastic records will, however, beI Yost, director of athletics, and permitted to use cars for recrea- 1 Prof. 0. J. Campbell of the Eng- tion. Students wishing further in- lish department, both of whom formation on. the subject .are ask- gave short speeches. Ernest C. edto come to room 2, University Reif, '30, president of the Student hall. council, also spoke. Tobin Will Not Enter Alumni Organization I All-Campus Election 1 Formed at Shanghai Richard L. Tobin, '3; who was nominated for a ,junior Student (By Associated P'ess) council position, Monday, announc- SHANGHAI, China, May 13.- ed yesterday' that he will not be Chinese who received their educa- a candidate in the annual all-cam- tion in the United States, have or- pus elections. Tobin stated that he ganized. another University Club in had no intentions of entering the' Shanghai. competition. , , . . ENGINEERS REPULSE LAW ST UDENTS AS TRADITIONAL ROW BREAKS tQOSE iWater Sole Ammunition as Fight met with a deluge of water plunged Resumed on Historic Ifrom the towers above.Pails, waste isRu obaskets and every sort of contain-C Battle Grounds. ers were utilized In' order to give the engineers a proper baptism. Friendly rivalry which was be- ! As a result, several of them rejoin- ]ieved to have ceased when the ; ed the line of march once more combined curriculum brought the with gowns but not spirits damp- Law school and the engineering col- Iened. lege closer together was resumed When the law school delegation, yesterday as the Swing Out pro- however, reached the point at cession wound up its tour of the'which they were to pass through campus. the Engineering Arch they found As the engineers in full regalia the way blocked by almost the en- passed the Lawyers' club, they sud- tire underclassman body of the en- lany Qp,,mrfrnm mA i n of Iri ne school. The lawvers tried tn WILL DISTRIBUTE 'ENSIANS TODAY 1930 Yearbooks to be Given Out in A ngell Hall Basement. General distribution of the new 1930 Michiganensian will be made from 8 o'clock to 4 o'clock today and tomorrow in the basement of An- gell hall, according to final an- nouncement by Sam F. Atkins, '30, business manager of the yearbook. The stubs procured at the prev- ious all-campus sales must be pre- sented to obtain the 'Ensian at this time, according to Atkins, and, in the event of loss of these stubs, duplicates may be procured at the offices of the 'Ensian in the Press building but not until after the first campus distribution. Two new sections are incorpor- ated into the new annual which also includes eight etchings of sev- eral of the newer campus build- ings by Wayne Mead. Distinctly new are a few selec- tions from "The Journeys of a Tra- verse Gulliver" which is 'a "true chronicle" concerning various well- known fraternities and their in- mates. In addition there is the traditional 'Ensian "Hall of Fame" which includes somewhat critical reviews of many of the best-known characters of the campus. Only 1500 copies of the annual will be available for distribution to- day and tomorrow due to an acci- dent in the process of shipping. The remainder of the shipment is ex- pected to arrive in Ann Arbor Fri- ! day or Saturday. Prr innp HT nm rn Claire Dux,I European prima donna, who will sing on the opening May Festival Concert tonight. AUTO REGULATIONS MADE FORSUMMERI New Ruling Will Permit Driving by University Students for Recreation'. Foreign Prima Donna IWill Appear Tonight1 i IS STILL VERY STRICT CHICAGOSYMPHONY, SOLOISTS TO OPEN Grainger and Dux to Appear on First Concert of Annual May Music Fete. STOCK LEADS ORCHESTRA Four Conductors and Fifteen Soloists to Appear on Elaborate Program. The first concert in the thirty- seventh May Festival, climaxing the University Musical Society's fifty'- first year of activity, will be offered in Hill Auditorium this evening. With fifteen artists of the first magnitude as soloists, four dis- tinguished conductors, and three choral ensembles, this year's Fes- tival continues its tradition as one of the most important musical events during the American musi- cal year. Percy Grainger, pianist, and Claire Lux, soprano, both familiar artists to Festival audience by rea- son of several previous appear- ances, will be soloists on tonight's program. Mr. Grainger, who here as everywhere has won a wide and sympathetic public, will appear in two piano numbers with the Chi- cago Orchestra, the Cesar Franek Symphonic Variations and John Alden Carpenter's Concertino. Dux to Sing Aria. Claire Dux, eminent prima donna at one time of nearly all the im- portant European opera companies, will be a soloist returning to Ann Arbor after a long absence. Miss Dux is to sing an aria from Mozart's Marriage og Figaro and three songs with orchestra by Richard Strauss. The Chicago Orchestra, under the baton of Frederick Stock, will support the artists and in addition augment the program with the Schumann Liebesfruhling Overture .d the Tchaikovsky antasia, Francesca da Rimini. Regulations Announced. The evening concerts are sched- uled to begin at 8:15 and it is par- ticularly requested that all patrons be prompt in arrival that the first part of the program may go on without the confusion of late-ar- riving parties. Patrons are also ask- ed to detach individual coupons from series tickets, presenting only the one ticket at each concert. A rehearsal of the artists with the orchestra and Choral Union is scheduled for this afternoon and will be conducted by Earle V. Moore who is director of the Fes- tival. Traffic regulations for handling the crowds of out-of-town people which the Festival invariably at- tracts are suggested in the Daily Official Bulletin. DAILY ANNOUNCES FRESHMAN J0 B S Business Department Positions Open to First Year Students. There are still several freshmen positions open on the business staff of The Daily, according to T. Hol- lister Mabley, '31E, recently ap- pointed business manager of the paper. These positions include op- portunities for active work in each of the seven department of the business staff. These seven departments of the staff cover every field of the busi- ness management of a newspaper. Three departments are given over entirely to advertising, two to the selling and writing of copy for lo- cal .advertising and one to the management of national advertis- In addition there is the account- ing department, the circulation de- partment, the make-up and proof- - reading department, and the cor- respondent department. The work for the remainder of the semester consists largely in orientation and learning the gen- eral workings of the business staff. Active competition in subscription sales, for which there are several prizes offered, will begin diuring Freshman week next fall. 0 UNION VICE-PRESIDENT NOMINATIONS DUE TODAY Applications for the nomina- tion for each of the six offices of vice-president of the Union will be received at the office of the general manager of the Union until 12 o'clock, today. Appli- cants must be students in the ....4...".1 t. . .. lir.e!. _ i n :s nr _ .x t a Car DL Std s Granted fay Festival e temnnrarv fam- SENIOR WOMEN ASKED TO WEAR CAPS, GOWNS I 11 I I