TUESDAY; MAY 13, 1930 TH-E MICHI GAN FISHER STRlESSES DE ENSIVE V4DRfK; DIAMOND CHATTER , (Continued From Page 6)I Reserves Trounce Varsity With vor of a pinch hitter in the Bill Crouch Pitching fifth, Montagu' taking his place for Yannigans. )n the box. Although he was ___ ga. having his troubles with the In- MAY PLAY FROSH TODAY diadns, it appears now that if PLA _____ TO AY Compton had remained in the 'game chances are that Michi- Michigan's varsity baseball squad gam chae are ta he las- and'he eseveswer set trouh °gait would have won; as he weas and the reseryes were sent through Ijust that much better than any a nine inning game yesterday by of the next four hurlers who{ Coach Ray Fisher. Due to a high followed him. wind Fisher felt that an actual con- H m-d rk test would. accom~plish more th'an Holtzman, who had a :streak of1 wildness when he hit the plate onI batting and field practice. Today two successive pitches, was the the Wolverine mentor plans to put worst of the lot. Besides the two his charges through a long session wild heaves he permitted the Illini in both offensive and defensive to make 2 safe hits off his pitching want wethe pemittng,'wih ain the 2-3 inninig that he worked.{ work, weathr permitting, with a Bartholomew had thesame record possibility of a short encounter with of two hits in 2-3 inning, while the freshman diamond men. Montague permitted two hits inj Bill.Crouch was on the mound for only 1-3 inning., SCRIMMAGE ENDS 1 WE give satisfaction to every cus- tomer. Our service is unexcelled. SPRING PRACTICE Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial (ContinuedFrom Page 6) counted for the winning team. 2nd SEMESTER TUTORING Throughout the game the play of 1MACK TUTORING AGENCY the backs was such that indications 1310 S. STATE.13PONE 792'? for a fast Wolverine backfield next STONE SILLS AND ENTRANCES fall are the best, but the linemen For the Home, Fraternity, , and did not show anything which might Sorority. be. termed above the ordinary. JOSEPH L. ARNET Heston, Eastman, Goldsmith, and 208 W.IHURON ST. LaJeunesse were the outstanding TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair ball' carriers all during the time rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 908. they played, each one tearing off several long gains and showing fast__ { footwork. SAND-Washed and screened, sand Tessmcr gave a fine exhibition ofSADWseansceedad ee- e and gravel; all sizes. Immediate punYting" in the scrimmage yse deliver'y. day, averaging above the fifty yard KILIN'a GRAVEL CO. miark on 'his -trys. Tel .7075 7112 or 21014 C fi the reserves in yesterday's set-to with Bobcen and Tompkins serv- ing them up for the regulars. The yannigans batted out a 4 to 1 vic- tory behind steady work by their twirler. The only f ace missing from' the varsity lineup was Truskowski who covered the initial sack for the reserves. Du,ckman did the re- ceiving for the regulars. Spirit Runs High. Despite the recent defeats which they suffered at the hands of Pur- due and Illinois the varsity is main- taining a high spirit. Fisher pro- fessed: himself not too displeased with the play of his men in these two games. Improved work both in the field and at bat make up somewhat for the failure of the pitchers to hit their stride. Certainly Saturday's slugfest with the Suckers left noth-' ing to be desired from an offen- sive standpoint. Southpaws have -made the Wolverine stickmen look rather bad in their games thus far this season, but righthanders have generally been pounded hard. Lineup Remains Unchanged. No drastic changes are planned in the lineup for the remaining games on the schedule. Compton, Montague, and Holtzman will con- tinue to divide the pitching burden, in all probability with the other players retainingheir present po- sitions. Myron is still being both- ered with his ankle, but the veteran shortfielder is still capable of play- ing bang-up ball and will remain in the lineup. Harley MacNeal, although he did' no wonders on the mound, looked better than some of the others. He permitted two hits in 1 1-3 i nnings,, one of them-a home run, but with the aid of a fast double play in the eighth he retired the side with- out permitting them any runs. ~ plooll: SENIOR Caps and Gowns NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION We have a few extra outfits for those who did not have the opportunity of ordering previously. State Street at Nickels Arcade C LASSIFIEU ADVERTISING I NOTICE FOR SAFETY - Your furs stored and world wide complete insur- ance less than 3c per day. ZWERDLING'S FUR SHOP Phone 8507 Established since 1904 1C MORTGAGE LOANS-Money at 6 per cent without bonus to loan on modern Ann Arbor homes. Phone 4356. 135C }.a.t.. , 111 , V 4 . " i FOR RENT HOUSES TO . RENT WANTED- We have clients who wish to rent houses either for the sum- mer period or the full year. Furnished or unfurnished. Call Mr. Lechner Kempf, Lewright, Benson & Staebler, Inc. 23245 Evenings 8840 136p IT O RENT-4 large furnished rooms. Private bath. Phone 7339 7 to 9p.m. 612 FOR RENT-Two room furnished apartment available June 10, 1133 White Street. Dial 5863. 612 FOR RENT-Very nicely furnished apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Between State St. and downtown. Call owner at 6509 during office hours. 6X FOR SALW FOR SALE-Two full-course, first floor center, May Festival tickets. Phone 21534. 612 WAI £ ED. WANTED-Position as piano play- er with orchestra for the sum- mer. Now playing ..steady on campus. References. Address Box 129, Michigan Daily. 123 WANTED-First class cook wants' fraternity or sorority work for the next year. Fifteen years ex- perience in hotels and clubs Best of Reference. Box No. 128, Michigan Daily. " 612345 ' LOST LOST-Peal necklace on E. Uni- versity or in Dental . bldg. Fri. Finder call 3808 and receive re- f '"""" .1 [I- BIG MAY SALE 20% DISCOUNT ON. FRATERNITY JEWELRY Burr, Patterson *& Auld 603 Church ward. 1 i Want Acs Pay A smart design idea joins a great comfort feature Underwear Satisfaction We heartily recommend Wilson Brother's Super-Shorts for complete underwear satisfaction as to style, fit and wear. Let ut sshow you our large assortment and explain their mnerits, Super-Shorts rl 7 L . N K N r . 3« Ka .1 4 -lii r1 " 1i H } . im, Some men would prefer Super-Shorts even if they were made of unbleached muslin. They want seat ease and crotch comfort ... regard- less. And only Super-Shorts' exclusive back panel satisfies them. They might be satisfied-but not Wilson Brothers Style Committee. These stylists have borrowed designs from the Indians, chosen colors from the great outdoors, and originated as good looking an array of new patterns as you have ever laid your eyes on. Three of them are illustrated here: Medicine Man, Rainbow, God's Eyes. You must see them to fully MEDICINE MAN, $1 Grass, or brick and maize, or blue and grass rr RAtINBOW, 75C Maize with blue, purple,; or grass, on white G6OD'S EYES,Sr Aztec blue, or mand Mwater, on white Buffir heel and tot 'oe a]** garttrr, 6jiVilson Brothers 1No renter teamn discomnfort" SH1AW appreciate their smartness, even to the smaller related patterns especially designed for their waist bands. Whether you put style or comfort first, look up the alert merchant who sells Super-Shorts. Ask him also to show you Super-Seat pajamas. i/aberdashery CHICAGO'- NEW YORK . SAN FRANCISCO a ARIS G IT A R A N T E : If any article Ifcyour haberdasher does not carry Super-Shorts we shall gladly supply them bearing the Nilson Brothers trade-mark to you through the nearest dealer upon receipt of your measurement, is unsatisfactory for any reason you can 3 color preference, and check. (Shorts, 75e, $, 1. , 2. Blend excha.nge it at any Wilson Brothers dealer. Suits, z. So. Address Wilson Brothers, 530 So, Wells Street, Chicago. w x