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May 11, 1930 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-11

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SUNDAY, .MAY 11, 1030



I I Iwo vi 130PAO VE


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Michigan Tennis Team' 1 A S SISF I E I __




(Centinucd From Page 6) Mills hit a home run to center,
the error. T'ryban popped to Dan- scoring Tryban ahead of him. Wil-
ieis. Mills was hit by a pitched ball. lams struck out. Two runs, three
Mills stole second. Compton made hits, no errors.
leaping catch of Williams' high Michigan: Hill batted for. Comp-
bounder and threw him out at ton and struck out. Butler beat outl
first. No runs, one hit, one error. a bounder along the first base line.
Michigan: .Daniels sent a hard Superko forced Butler, Tryban to
imsl Gbuisl enf O-rv+"Ir'rar Tomrk ki hif t hnii inf

stngle rou ht. isoeeompton
struck out. Daniels stole second.
Butler srounded to Trs .n

. pLIJU L.ll .g is ±A .a it a olm u otXI tL
center, Superko scoring ahead of
him. Hudson tripled to center. Haz- 3

g& y ~ J J f.4, .AL'.IJ- r
going to third. Superko tripled to I zard went to the box for Illinois
deep left center, scoring Daniels. and Mills went to right replaci'f
Tompkins singled over second, scor- Steuernagel. Straub tripled to cen-
ing Superko. Hudson hit a home ter, scoring Hudson. Myron flied to
run over the tennis courts in deep Fencl. Three runs, four hits, no er-I
right, scoring Tompkins ahead of rors.
him. Straub fouled to Lymperopou- SIXTH INNING.
los. Four runs, four hits, no errors. Illinois: Montague went to the
FOURTH INNIN. mound for Michigan. Brown hit
Illinois: .Brown fouled out to j a home run along the right field
Superko. Steuernagel was out, Hud- foul line. Myron took Hazzard's
so'n unassisted. Fencl walked. Fencl roller and threw hi'm out at first.
stole second and went to third I Fenel was hit in the hand by a
when Truskowski threw wild to sec- pitched ball. Gbtir dropped a Texas
ond. Gb'r fanned. No runs, no hits, Leaguer in short center field, Fencl
one error. stopping at second. Bartholomew
Michigan: .Myron struck out. So replaced Montague in the box for
did Truskowski. Daniels also fanned. Michigan. Lymperopoulos walked,!
No runs, no hits, no errors. filling the bases. Fuzak sent a fly to
FIFTI INNING. Toinpkins and Fencl was doubled!
'llinois: Lymperopoulos singled trying to score on a nice throw!
be'tween second and first. Fuzak from Tomipkins.. One run, two hits,
sacrificed, Superko to Hudson. no errors.
Lymperopoulos was out attempting Michigan: .Truskowski singled;
to steal third, Truskowski to Su- off Hazzard's foot. Daniels laid
perko. Tryban singled to center, down a bunt and was out, Lympero-


______________ I(Continued From Page G'I e
poulos to Brown, Truskowski going no errors. result and won the second, 6-2, but NOTICE - ren
to second. Bartholomew fanned. EIGHTH INNING. nfinally in the last set, they wtre Fm
Butler flied to Fuzak. No runs, one Illinois: .Tryban flied to Tomp- -yo the State finest eoson en tle
hit, no errors, outplayedo byetfinestworksonleven the,
orors. kins. Mills was hit by a pitched most delicate fabrics Moe Lau
SEVENTI lNNING. ball. Williams hit into a double 'the match,4-6. diy, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916.un-
flhinois: Myron made a nice stop play, Superko to Daniels to Hud- 1In the second singles match ! 224
of Tryban's hot drive, but it was son. No runs, no hits, no errors. Hammer downed Greenberg in a 23245
too late to catch the runner. Mills Michigan: Truskowski struck out. Ipair of fast sets, 6-2, 6-1. Bob NOTICE ,T O1
singled to right, advancing Tryban Tryban tossed out Daniels. McNealC
d struck out. No runs, o hits, no er- , playing posi- 1 WE BUY USED CLOTHING
to third. Holtman we.nt to the rors. tion for the Maize and Blue won a H. BENJAMINj733
ped to the box, but was safe when NINTH INNING. hectic match from the fourth Ohio X215 E. Washington Phone 4310 FOR
Holtzman threw wild to first, Try- Illinois: Brown hit a home run State man in three one sided sets, 246c
ban scoring and Mills and Williams to left. Tompkins replaced McNeal 6-2, 2-6, 6-4. RADIO SERVICE 113
going to second and third respec- in the box for Michigan. McCor- Competent service men on all
tively on the error. Mills scored and mick going to center field. Hazzard Rolin Clark also played three makes of radios. FOR
Williams went to third on a wild flied to Straub. Fencl fanned. Gbur sets with Lessarn and added an- STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE apa
pitch. Williams scored on another grounded to Daniels. One rn'n, o)e other win for the Wolverines, after Dial 21408 521 East Liberty Bet
wild pitch. Superko tossed out hit, no errors. I which Colby Ryan came through 246c j Cal
Brown. Hazzard singled to left and Michigan: Lymperopoulos threw with a win in the sixth singles to - I--- TA UPR EY hou
went all the way to third when out Butler. Superko fouled to Wil- make the score, 5-1, in favor of!SPECIAL STEAK SUPPER EVERY -
Straub let the ball go through him. liams. Tompkins grounded to- Gbur. Michigan. upDAY AT FOREST INN.
Fencl sent a sacrifice fly to Tomp- No runs, no hits, no errors. Beal and Clarke, pairing for 538 FOREST 6C FOR
kins, scoring Hazzard. Gbur doubled---- second doubles took another match STONE SILLS AND ENTRANCES Itflog
down the left field foul line. Holtz- I UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA-.j for the Wolverines when they ;Forthe Home, Fraternity, and I ' Ph
man left the game and McNeal re- There is no honor among fraternity! floated through two easy sets, 6-0,! Sorority.
placed him in the box for Michigan. pledges during Hell week. - Neo- 6-1. In the third doubles match JOSEPH L. ARNET
Lymperopoulos beat out a hit to phytes of one fraternity after being Ryan and Clark added a win to the' _ 208 W. HURON ST.IWANj
deep short, Gbur going to third. belabored far onto the night sneak- total in two sets, 7-5, 6-3, and when TYPING-Theses a s~ecialty. Fair fra
Puzak was out, McNeal to Hudson. ed out and entered a neighboring Okerbloom and Greenberg took rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial9087. the
Four runs, five hits, two errors. house. They found two pledges their match for Ohio State the C! peri
lichigaA: Superko walked. 'romp- waxing the floors and ordered them final count stood at 7-2 for the Bes
kins fanned. Hudson tripled to to exchange swats. The neophytes Wolverines. SAND-Washed and screened sand Mic
right, scoring Superko. Lympero- obeyed. Aglow with a great satis- By virtue of this win the Michi- and gravel; all sizes. Immediate LOST
poulos threw out Straub, Hudson faction the intruders went home gan netmen now have one game delivery. ver
holding third. Lymperopoulos also 1 and slept, even this revenge was in both the win and the lost column KILLIN'S GRAVEL CO. Fin
threw out Myron. One run, one hit, sweet, in the Big Ten standings. Tel. 7075, 7112, or 21014. C war

have clients who wish to
t houses either for the sum-
r period or the full year,
rnished or unfurnised.
.Call Mr. Lechner
Kempf, Lewright, Benson
& Staebler, Inc.
Evenings 8840
R E N T - 4 large furnished
)ms. PriVate bath. Phone
91 7 to9 p.m. 612
RENT-Two room furnished
rtment available June 10,
3 White Street. Dial 5863.
RENT--Very nicely furnished
irtment, 4 rooms and bath.
ween State St. and downtown.
1 owner at 6509 during office
irs. 6X
SALE--Two full-course, first
r center, May Festival tickets.
one 21534. 612
TED-First class cook wants
ternity or sorority work for
next year. Fifteen years ex-
ience in hotels and clubs.
t of Reference. Box No. 128,
higan Daily. 612345
'-Peal necklace on E. Uni-
sity or in Dental bldg. Fri.
der call 3808 and receive re-
rd. 1






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I V --

11 1 1__________________________ II iElII


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