PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 1930 Michiganensian Staff Offers Wide Business Training DAILY BUSINESS ST AFF CO 'DUCTS iNSJAN OFFERS RE11rTD FO TO OISIOMN PISI'Au ' C h' n ns"pIri TeTHISrFnC QPPORTUNIT TI vByiS'afford Hodder tig Fith e pMihi sriani Freshn is iAlCo-uo erateWit Iu Inewother Uniach leu bis w he s JaEiors dints ainin study.nt interested in creative .e- Kno ' egof ) tcoh. Positions Are Open in Accounnts, . a sign givrn s free a chance tn is-..... Sales, Organization, and;, r his talents as can be nnnd on MAY GA IN PROMOTION T Avertsin,.thetfeaicialyear-onk at Michigan y Ardv tisng has........................A..5 Thesaork of the matepartcenrt of icc,"t '~d FlomiPaC ii POSITIONS FOR WOMENimnlnssorgaai" Theznwaspaienwnofthe aricthi --omplet.e shalls diains hi ithe dinigia555lay- arenisian sta 'sk Ihas see isd- Aetivty inS Secalided Groups n.n theudesgns troughuti caisc edanv eis basednoisc add publication ai"ndneaea sspnifr heeisorty f Wheiten b hIsasa Comoetition. isth ,tt evelr p iia git i pnt i sid phan he is asked o ce- earate h rganpalt psietd'mingareunoreichIthae boik wite h iar u in tEirs r and in By5'amuel F. Atkin: ve vwa mits bell torugl vwrontr shaofEa yersBusiness Manager, The 'Eninmlirwihth ypsofwr T he Michigania; tis, the oi~ m tsTia i atisa th r lisiso yeri b o f the hUniversityw s f ssuthe a sw is 5 se at sta dand m at - liu isa stim te d d 5 th tat is like others imas i r orgasiz tiois rtwo sit'eAscentralpt n heeaf s n d h p srn tpieacn its' thre as k dbe 1is tis e si h axast is ilard complete stalits. One of these bed-mth issi t eiitv ar pa e follo spsre lisitork is, the Business staff deals with she i i th t to em e ithsot du lic tie tasted sasd tsecditio rs anr e hed lics togntn ndidd m - s prcithi" oiayte year oi it ishyesnie Bi ntyinaiifdiarmnaemn r hayip this line thatshe fkedossm of the oppoitukity of soi lr bi nent; the other is concerned aithfTEdWandossiiinis Juticr var. dheprtmantionhand etingofphese -atiedtstisngisveachaneto estn who are doigthe hir swork of the raz and iinthe Byi- In hisofficethe rnancial accounts oiTteDaily rkepthestran-b"disavetitozitafullestizapacity.ssi the orgaisaton conteta of bCThe o ta is the di-omnnts arewitt'nscirculationisbadministeied, anh advetising contdacts'The orkanizati-oisoftheiart staffIes his Sopolrneer aitsr. iesr oa estaffs The salniations ofarairanged by the bussnasstaff of The Daily In the left akground of the 'Ensian is atisad nas that out is piomoteda ndituvisi certain othe at, ifsnirnsh adevelopres avean be een a portion of Ithe editorial offices including the spothsf arny ther pulicatin .Three as- deinite task; su hs foebah and adre osinend wtthe devicesmytwomena-and telegraph departments Try outs who wil irp art in themsistant steitoss airse ioseifromo igri spot wite- unsa's ayouts ofy the business tma his d-Press building this week viii then becnse faiiar with the activities t Sosonorse ci asa urm the lait and small saresonsfor,'ich he is edytebsies m ol nager.e ulcain tote etue raiztos Faent This organization is divided heon- carried on in these departments. t opast og May each yei to act as held dirActly re.ponsibEc a this zntally into fotore u siErydsrtets, ad m- fth- __m- h d sthe man s eiorts o the art ed toi tpe of woik the sophone hre eachheaded by a fu depart-entWhnmns sed s a of 0 empds. wro is chosen i nsediately olow conare acquainted nwththem isndo isntisan ger who is responsible ! s t a t eisp sa e apepidem of th as bilityead type oy toi tat is cx- to the business manager. The four fo T-ainigin EdiemsmlrandeCrsatsiveper aging niri.Of hese thec assistf picted of hins in his Juiorear. departments earls handle a phase _ ng them ia t hsit editors, srn e i s is for At th e end of the Sophosre year of the staff awonk. The sales and ByDrth r' loe thate fsooiocahsraic n lowin"gs ai to dcide upon the depatnient editois ass appoint- distribution depa tment, this year Women's Editor, Th e siamn. teiu, e ch hr nch of uthitics and tis. ed u and tJsunieslul tivo i tuhen headed by Clay Olmtead, '31, plans the work ebepm es a full ded.ed ehito There and executes the sales campaigns One of the quicket wdys for ao- d the appropriate features are given Ti'y nsian is unsique in that its ared ix of these editoral porsions on the canpus,and develops sales nrn to get acquainted with other proper representations. Frn the art work is the product of the stu the type of aw rk done by p isary advrtising and other devices by wonean-and wih men--of the four presios juniorh ditors a werdents themsives istea d of ping sa the tir wi cate oghe- which theges a. are made.Thisde Th-sapss, is throug pasting pictures nsis' editor is selected. This ' nifessiosal artists as in a ynajorstypsbtorshJps are: Senss eAnilsit partment is busy the whole year in nefor the nanendahy the p- of the other publications at other FeatureOr_anizationsatn sreit trying to sell more subscriptionspEverd se, adest of ther ca "co-eds"s a rllkges and universities. During irs, and Activity. Eatsofnese yearkeeing reord f te wokEverytle rensioerne dardthreostl ikel bhthe reaer than ever bfore. In the Spring pus leaders, or course, have thurone of the most desirable on the the last years of the work on the editors i' in complete and fir isetand eptentnanles the pictures in theyearbookani one rampush art staff of the Ensi.n, certain'scharge of his own depatentand thidutisin ianskoireeted beconesamore or less iatinate with. Cuttin" sot pictures asd pla- salaries are paid members of tse is limited orly by the general palk subs ribers. them by handlin their potost ind a'en accurately onuanels have upper organization as in the case of isles adopted by the whoais f dAt Keep Own Accounts all other Michigan campus pubia- 'the end of the Jns ior yeath The accounting depatmde-nt aEven ore, the aomenmemnbrs to the woen oil the staff much the tions. TsuchessfrlJor ediorico. Then Ar o u.nting e s n t wo e ' i i i n o t e b o - h o k i deparrtm ent, o l p si io s n a e usuccl n y e ssfu Jussio d e d is is c po en- headed by Egert Davis, '31, handles of the 'Ensian staff becon, actually same fascinscion that cutting out Work in this department, while Managing Editor. It is his duty to, allt the n'one accouns coectns aand th othe wdrend losulcto okbtas o hoecae ni eiSaeClee dtr nidxa otewlig billsrereyspontystsfetsatheyirerset the "coed"n ge paper dolls had in their child- open to everyone, should be par-lan the book, co-ordinate tse staff, chls esaexpotlsaeenditresoftheEd-erpreandut gatee"oestheir oshoed data. However, the work for ticularly attractive to students en- and exercise suprvisosy powes toa tfadkesalrcrsganizations andrne activities the errpro-- the 'Ensan is nuch more nmaturei rolled in the arch itecta college.;, As with the other publications org iizat l ad kepate1ead'ea n Se es e '. Tiper consideration in the annual. In and is really quite creative. Besides To them, it offers work staff members who are holding re of thie prenti ud the ninThspi hc hyaepimrl ne-sosbeeuiradSno oi department is busy throusoutthe 'this maner the Ensian wsmen ase the pasting of pictures-which is It onsu-ie Junrnssios puss year eepig a rcordregarded the leaders of their half done with rubber cement tone of ested but in the execution of whichtinreivcopsaonothr ofeachkeparens w of the stdet. the many little tricks learned dur- there ill likely be the greaterrrwork. n e it Theomen's staff is organized on in apprenticeship days-the wo- nsoeetinssptheuwos.m.evio il George Hofmeister, '31, includes so- Four "junior editors," are selected s ot m inn the annual and unites in edit- licitation of advertisin for both the from the try-outs at the end of.have workmanship equal to the WASHINGTON ST A T E COL ing the Students' Director'. This 'Ensian and the Student Directory their sophomore year, to have other sections. LEGE - "Modern women are hand book is placed directly sader in Ann Arbor. The advertising he- charge of the four sections of the The practical experieice of this; thieves. They are stealing mensthe control of a Junior editor. "he partment also attends the lay out women's division of the bsok- the work is well worthwhile, not only positions and are successful in type of work done during thi' per- and editing the advertising sections sororities, the organizations, athket-nd dfor those wishing a knowledge of keeping the stolen treasures," he- iod,while usually routinendites 'he of both the 'Ensian and the Studenteirs and features. They decide the publication work but also for those dared Annie Nevin, State College' editors an index as to the willing- Directory. policies for these sections, and see seeking to develop leadership. i instructor in secretarial science. (Cntinued on P sate3 The fourth department is the tr1 57 - Organizations department headed s 5-)" XJi =..rI3A J 3J THa"J =z3 "( id, U) by Beakes Dickerson, '31. The duties of this department include the sale' of senior picture receipts, the issu -(f ing of all thae contracts for frater- nities, sororities, honor societies l and other campus organizations. j a sales of senior picture prints to thei t ft a l f~ af t t ~ n n s u newspapers. Positions For Freshmen It is by working in the above (aIltsiness Staff Editorial Staff named departments that the So- phomore and second semesterE freshmen gain knowledge and iE : training to enable them to compete 1"i -- for the junior manager positions. In addition to the men on the staff there is a women's business!M staff organized intessame mannaer'Try-O ut _lrytt M e tn and four women junior department'' managers that work with the de-, partment heads. Sophomore girls as well work in each department on typing, filing, bookkeeping and sales' work. This year Dorothy Woodrow, '30, is Women's business Manager and Sally Patterson, '31, Mary Stuart, '31, and Aimee Lambie, '31, and Dorothy McGuffiie, '31, head the women's division of the Sales, Ac-! counting, Advertising, and Organi- ( zations departments respectively. From the outline of the organiza- Front of The Press Buildin tions and the duties of the variousF n f P s i departments it is obvious that much' Second Floor In the Ens'an office invaluable business training can beFa received. It is not all for business training that the members of the staff work on the Michiganensian,' but for the extension of acquaint- ance, and the pleasant associations J