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May 11, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-11

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SUNDAt, MAY 11,1930


The time for the reorganization
'blisked every moring eecept Mondayof the student governing bodies is
ig cue University y by tBoard rapidly p n
itzqol of Student Publications.,ail approaching. Consequently,



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sernice Glaser 'boitea Wateuian
nna Goldherger Joan Wiese'
A ortnse (foaing;
SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1930
Night editor-RICHARD L. TOBIN
Once again the delight of the
Drys in assuming an aura of holi-
ness has manifested itself; this
time it is the Rev. Dr. F. Scott Mc-
Bride, head of the Anti-Saloon
league, speaking before the Sen-
ate's lobbying inquiry, who stated
that "The league was born of
God, is led by Him, and will ight
on as long as He leads."
This piece of sacrosanct testi-
mony bears its own witness to the
misguided and pathetic fanaticism
which has always motivated this
section of the Drys. When any or-
ganization devotes itself to raising
hozannas in support of the pres-
ent liquor situation and insists
(with pardonable desperation) upon
dragging forth religious back-
ground in support of its operations,
fellow Drys would help their cause
immeasurably by ;throttling such
puerile utterances.
But this latestnotice of divine
Intercession in behalf of prohibi-
tion is more valuable for the opaque
light it sheds upon the Anti-Saloon
league's self-appointed reason for
continued existence-an existence
widely questioned for obvious rea-
sons. After the smoke cleared fol-
lowing the passage of the Eigh-
teenth Amendment, the Anti-Sa-
loon league, not content with this
fulfillment of its holy purpose, had
to be in on the fun of trying co
make the law work. With Messianic
zeal, therefore, it set up a howl,
got endowments, did its lobbying
and political "heeling", and waved
banners with the Women's Chris-
tian Temperance union. And all this
they did, we are told, with God's
help and by leading the good life:
jt is not our intention, however,
to take issue on a problem which

on the basis of previous practices,
we can soon expect to see nom-
inated for sundry offices those
politically favored individualstwho
are ambitious of acquiring campus
positions so they might be known
in their home towns and in their
fraternities ase"student leaders."
It has long been the hope of the
more sincere minded student that!
there could be nominated and elec-
ted to campus offices men who have
the ability to organize that group
of passive and somewhat self-cen-
tered individuals known as the stu-
dent body and then to direct it
progressively along the desired
There was a time during this
year when it seemed that this ideal
was being attained, but it appears
now that the men responsible for
the nominations for Student council
seats and similar positions are go-
ing to be ruled, not by an ex-
purgated desire to obtain better
leaders for the student body, but
by the cardinal rule of politics;
keeping the "machine" intact. Some
of the men that will be proposed
and elected will be properly quali-
fled, but many others will enter
office simply because they are fav-
orably situated politically.
It is quite unfortunate that the
present "tudent leaders", who
deem themselves the "saviours" of
Michigan traditions and the pro-
ponents of loyalty to the Alma
Mater, cannot put their much talk-
ed about theories into practice in
this critical duty of selecting their
Prof. J. G. Jenkins, of Iowa State
College, says that those spending
the greatest number of hours in
study are not always the ones to
make the best grades. That's dan-
gerous knowledge to hand out at
this time of the year.
-- o
And at Williamette College a
strong effort is being made to pass
a recently, proposed rule whereby
all women will have to pass a ser-
ies of swimming tesfs before they
are to go canoeing. That will prob-
ably keep a lot of them from
drowning when they start to walk
Psychology students at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota have discov-
ered that women identify odors
more accurately than men. In the
experiment, each of 80 students
was required to smell the contents
of 40 bottles and write down the
first word that occured to him or
her. The men probablytwrite
"gin" from the force of habit.
Editorial Comment
(From the Chicago Tribune)
A number of years ago Cincin-
nati was looking for a city man-
ager. The choice fell upon Col.
Clarence O. Sherill of the regular
army. He had distinguished him-
self at West Point and at the time
of his appointment as city man-
ager was superintendent. of public
buildings and grounds in Washing-
ton, D. C. He went to Cincinnati at
a. salary of $25,000 and resigned
recently to join the management of
a chain store system.

Now Cincinnati is looking for hisj
successor and has again directed;
its attention to the army. The post
has been offered to Col. Ulysses S.
Grant III., who succeeded to Col.
Sherill's position in Washington,
but Col. Grant has declined. He
wishes to remain at his post until
the new building program in Wash-
ington has been completed. Who
will be selected is still undecided,
but, no less than seven army men
are being considered, and it is at
least probable that one of them
will be chose.
This record we recommend to
pacifists for study. They like to
think that any army man is a nar-
row-minded martinet, happy only
when he can issue peremptory or-
ders to civilians and make them
like it. How false this picture is any
one with an acquaintance among
American officers knows. Cincinnati
is looking for a man of ability and
training in engineering, and above
all for a- man of tact and integrity.
There is no school in the country'
which does more than West Point
to develop these qualities of lead-
ership among its graduates. There

Dear Joe: Here's a story you U
might offer a prize for. I mean ford
an appropriate ending:
A dean of a well known Michiganr
University was traveling along the r
highway one afternoon, when a fel-1
low motorist hailed him. Obliging-c
ly he stopped, and inquired whatN
the trouble was. Some motor trou-
ble had developed and he assisted!
in remedying the situation.. Whene
he was through and about to leave,e
the succored one offered him aX
Believe it or not. .i
* * *
Two frosh, after reading the t
story about the 1918 freshman giv- t
ing their pots to helk the wart
refugees over in France, strolled in
to the office Friday and off ereci to
make it an even 1920!r
* * *f
Yesterday's story about the freeI
shows at the Maj and Michigan1
stated that prominent (?) stu-
dents and members of the student
council assisted in maintaining or-
der in the stampede. It failed,
however, to mention at least five!
stalwart defenders of the law who
l also assisted at the Maj.
** *
Four loud speakers also aided the
assembled multitude to hear what
was going on.
* * *
From the program of yesterday's
interscholastic track meet: Rec-
ord held by Smith, established in
1923, tied by Jones in 1827. Fast
work, Jones!
Overheard on the campus be-
tween classes: . .. then we'll hi-
jack the load and sell . . . . ". Just
a couple of boys working their way
through college.
* * *
I see that they didn't follow my
suggestion in re the R. L. building.
But probably the Chink is right,
they are only repairing the eaves.
And the rest of the scaffolding was
put up to balance that on the other
side. The Landscape Design de-
partment insisted that a one-sided
arrangement offended the aesthet-
ic eye.
And if you ask me, those are po-
tatoes they have planted around
the campus to keep the students
from trekking across the lawns.
Might we suggest that the "Be
Kind to Animals" week be post-
poned until the week of exams?
Bonfire Brigade
Will Meet Today.
Just a few of the local fire de-
partment boys indulging in a pre-
vention drill:
The Beachcomber.
a *
The competition for the next
Rolls editor is beginning to narrow
itself down. This is positively the
last call. All aspiring columnists
must have their columns in by
Monday night.

Dear Joe: The D. 0. B. has been
running announcements for "Pres-
byterian and reformed students."
The moral of Ten Nights in a Bar
Room seems to have been that a
reformed drunkard doesn'tdrink
anymore. Doesn't a reformed stu-
dent have to drink anymore?
Couldn't you start a society for re-
formed students? You could be
president or something.
A Reformer.
I don't want to be president of
the potential organization, but if
I write Rolls much longer I'll be
a reformed student all right, all
right; and the trouble is that fin-
als are less than a month away!
** *

i- t
( Music And Drama
A Review by L. R. Klein. e
Unqualified superlatives, even
unqualified superlatives, are very
dangerous critical instruments, but
really flawlessly -fine productions
permit the dramatic critic to avail
himself of them unafraid. Hence
one feels in commenting on The
Whiteheaded Boy no compunctions
in calling it the best offering in:
campus dramatics for the year. Its
excellence is attributable, as the
excellence of any production of a
play is, to natural talent trained
by a splendid director. The un-
usual qualities of direction have al-
ready been, commended in this
space. It remains for this article
to do humble homage to the cast.
One might begin by calling at!
tention to the manner in which
the minor characters-Kate, Han-
nah, Jane, Baby, and Peter-acted
in a harmony with the situation,
an effect not alone to be credited to
able direction. This quintet never
failed to give momentum to the!
motion started by the leads, and
hence rescuing the play from that
dreadful inertia into which plays
always fall when a perfect balance
in the interplay is disrupted.
Miss Ellsworth, perhaps,, gave a
perfect lesson in how to be unob-
trusive in a noticeable manner.
Miss Carm was really graceful in
her ability to maneuver into un-
gainly poses., Miss Hunt with an
almost purely comic part, project-
ed her part with a restraint that
made her not only humorous but
pathetic, and thus twice as effec-
tive. And thus all the minor roles
displayed the fact that they grasp-
ed not merely a piece of a whole
but the entire unit, ahd they built
themselves and their parts into
The leads, Aunt Ellen, Mrs. Geog-
hegan, George, Denis, Duffy, acted
by the cream of the campus dra-
matic talent many of them in roles
es strange to their experience, re-
spondec, tQ their parts with some-
thing more than their usual ability
and entlasm. What they seem-
ed to do wai to couple understand-
ing with their talents, and such a
coupling, of course, makes for per-
The fact that the play was the
most detailedely perfect production
done here in the past three years,
at least, was attested by the man-
ner in which the audience respond-
ed. It was the only audience in
history that always laughed at the
right time.
From the School of Music and
Hill Auditorium comes the busy
hum of strenuous rehearsing which
signifies that the major problems
of the May Festival are nearing
The two opening concerts Wed-
nesday and Thursday evening look
in outline like the most satisfac-
tory in some years. Particu~larly
pleasing is the presence of an in-
strumentalist on the Wednesday
concert. And as a substitution for
the pyrotechnical display of one
concerto (Percy Grainger in the
Grieg ConcertA two years ago and
Hoffman in the Rubinstein last
year), this years instrumentalist,
Percy Grainger again, will appear

in two eminently serious works, not
in the virtuoso tradition: John Al-I
den Carpenter's Concerto and
Cesar Franck's Symphonic Varia-
tions. Mme. Dux is to sing the
well known "E Susanna non vien"
aria from the Mariage de Figaro
and Strauss's three lovely songs
with orchestra.
Thursday night's choral program
is certainly the most important
given in some years, including
Bach's Magnificat in D major and.
the Honegger King David, the one
modern choral work that is win-
ning immortality. Then there is
the magnificant interlude on that
program of a. performance by the
orchestra of Stock's new arrange-
ment of the Bach Passacaglia.

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Someone has just called
tention to this headline

my at-


from The Michigan Daily:
Such a business!
* * *
Dear Mr. Tinker: The Athletic


Next week marks the first ap-
pearance of Charlotte Greenwood
as a "dramatic star." Miss Green-
wood, with an elaborately studied
ungainliness, has long been one of
the best artists in musical come-
dies and revues. Reviews of her
work then always hinted that hers
was the perfect art for good farce
-actually a somewhat rare thing
in America.
B. M. Kayn has written a farce,
Mebbe, with especial reference to

Linen Knickers at $3.50




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