ZUNDAV, MAY 11, 1930 THE MICHIGAN D A I P Y PACE TIMEON f1DET ROIT TO WINDS FtE cON11TSDEWILL OPEN TO T7 SEEN I==PRRGRAM _____ FORBEXAMINA1TIONS Was Necessary to List Election and Check Them Through for Best Combination. CHEDULE IS COMPLETE Due to Error, Political Science Examination Will be ,Held Monday, June 9. Fewer conflicts occur in the final examination schedule for this year than in the schedules for any re- cent year, according to Prof. Dan- iel L. Rich, Director of Classifica- tion, who was in charge of the ar- rangements. To secure this minimumization of conflicts, it was necessary to list all the elections and to check them through for the combination which was best suited. If the schedule announced for the fall term had been used again, it would have giv- en more than 400 conflicts while the newly arranged list gives only 55. Following is the list for the Col- lege of Literature, Sciences and the Arts, School of Education, School of Musi, School of Business Ad- ministration, College of Pharmacy, School of Forestry and Conserva- tion, and the Graduate School: Saturday morning, June 7: Mon- day at 11 o'cloc ; Saturday after- noon: rhetoric 2, psychology 31, so- ciology 132, business administration 162, and education C 1. Monday morning, June 9: Mon- day at 9; Monday afternoon: ge- ography 1, 2, 32, business adminis- tration 102, political science 32, and education B 20. Tuesday morning, June 10: Tues- day at 10; Tuesday afternoon: Tuesday at 11; Wednesday morn- ing, June 11: Monday at 8; Wed- nesday afternoon: mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, and speech 31, 32. f Thursday morning, June 12: so- ciology 51, and zoology 1; Thurs- day afternoon: French 1, 2, 31, and 32, and German 1, 2, 31, and 32; Friday morning, June 13: Monday at 10; Friday afternoon: Tuesday at 2. Saturday morning, June 14:: Tuesday, June 14: Tuesday at 8; Saturcday afternoon: economics 51, 52, Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32, business ad- ministration 152, and education A 1. Monday morning, June 16: Mon- day at 1; Monday afternoon: Tues- day at 9; Tuesday morning, June 17: Monday at 2; Tuesday after- noon: Monday at 3. Due to an error in the printingI the schedule, as released in the Re- corder's office, omits the examina- j tion for political science 31 which will be given Monday afternoonl June 9.r IOWA STATE ELECTS "KING." IOWA STATE-For the first time in the history of May fetes a May King will rule with the May queen. I ., I. t Z fi 2R RIVER TUNNEL (| ES n( POPULATION FIGURES FOR ANN ARBOR RAFFIC NEXT FALL 'U L LUUSHOW LARGE INCREASE OF RESIDENTS !'Percentage of Growth Is 37.71 their home cities. Within the boun- -l UI L L U Ilor Gain of 7,353 People daries of the city of Ann Arbor, Over 1920's Figures. therefore, officials estimate that a Notables to Attend Opening of ( population exceeding 35,000. The Sophocles' Antigone; First Final population statistics for the census figures were completed by Offer f Fescity of Ann Arbor have been cor- one tabulator in the first, fifth and ng etva. pleted by federal census takers and sixth wards, with three enumerat- PRACTICE BEGINS FRIDAY the official count is given as 26,- ors in the seventh and one for each 867. This figure indicates a steady precinct in the remaining districts. Formal rehearsals for the pro- growth of the city over 1920's cen- duction of Sophocles' Antigone, the sus when 19,516 persons were tab- WESTERN JWIND firsats presentation of theDramatic ulated in this section. The per- O N Festivaltoe heldfrom Ia26o centage of growth is 37.7over the DEATHS MOUNT totals of a decade ago, or a net i- June 28, will begin next Friday, it crease of 7,351 persons. Iwas learned today with the an- ' Completion of the census was Texas and Oklahoma Death Toll . nouncement of the cast for the announced yesterday morning by Mounts to 86; Twisters __play. ,C. W. Tuomy, county census sUp-; Destroy Communities. 1 lMiss Margaret Anglin will be! ervisor. It is possible that the fig-Ds y m ti starred in the title roll as previ- ure may exceed 27,000 by the end ously announced and supporting I of the year, however, should per- 'her will be Ainsworth Arnold, inIsons who were not counted in on OKLAHOMA CITY, May 10 the role of Creon; Amy Loomis as the original records indicate such The death toll from tornadoes in SIsmene, Antigone's sister; Victor to be the case. Oklahoma and Texas during the Adams as the first sentinel; How- Of the seven wards in Ann Ar- !past veek today had mounted to 86 ard Stillman as Tiresias, the blind bor, three showed tremendous gains with he addition of four deaths prophet; Robert Henderson as the in population, the second, third andI reported from a series of twisters messenger; and Kate Holland Pat- seventh districts 6,000 of the 7,351 that swept through eastern Okla- ston as Eurydice, Creon's wife. increase totaled in the city. The homa, leaving paths of destruction Upon the advice of Miss Anglin seventh ward was. the largest in- through more than half a dozen ~ ~ , and Greek scholars of the Univer- crease with nearly 2,500 persons communities. sity, the formal lines of the Greek over the 1920 figure. The second Mrs. Gladys Downs, 21, was kill- . chorus are being divided into in- ward, however, led in percentage ed Friday when a tornado tossed dividual roles. The chorus will list of increase with 2,046 persons more her home 150 yards over a hill and Richard Kurvink, '29, Claire St. than a decade ago or 58.5 per centsmashed it on the ground. Her Claire Elizabeth Whittier, who play- Since 1910, the city of Ann Ar- husband, who also was in the house crossing 100 feet below the bed of I ed the role of Egil in "The Vikings" bor has gained over 12,000 resi- was not injured seriously. 000 tube will connect the heart of last year, Marjory Field, Sylvia Ad- dents, an increase of nearly 100 A tornado which first struck near Windsor's business district. Huge ams and Editha Barthel. There will per cent. With the official returns Kinta and then swept northeast- icted on land and then lowered to I also be ah elaborate musical ac- complete, Ann Arbor's populationar d thg nspockford ve three traffic lanes, two of which companiment to the play, using the has more than trebled in the past ward Bhog San Bois, Rockford, ____________________Icompositions of such modern mu- 50 years. Eureka, Blaine, close to Stigler, sicians as Straminski and An thell,- The large increase from 4,811 in and then lifted at the Arkansas who have built their themes on the' 1920 to 7,290 in 1930 within the river north of Keotah, took the Hoover's Son ExpectedancientGreek scale. boundaries of the seventh ward is, lives of three more persons. to Head Radio Group The first performance of "Anti- the most significant fact of the new p gone" will be given Monday night, census returns. Divided into two MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW scd rMay 26. It will be shown through- precincts, this ward has increased EUROPE, ORIENT oR SCHICAGOJune )10 Seraout the week except Tuesday, with from 2,725 in 1910 to a figure nearly ANYWHERE:) , . - evera matinees Tuesday, Wednesday, three times that size at the pres- LINR Chicago stockholders of the newly Thursday and Saturday afternoons ent time. AYCLASH organized Aeronautical Radio, Inc., I at 3:15 o'clock. University students were not aTRAVELERS CHEQUES.,M said today that Herbert Hoover, Jr., Among the notables attending counted in on the present census, E. C. KEBLER. Steamship Ag of the corporation at the meeting whosesg msity made possibleth m; ; >;;Se here Monday. Lydia Mendelssohn theatre; the o TODAY IS MOTHERS' DAY The new corporation represents performance of "Antigone" will be Send her Ice Cream a large percentage of all the avia-the first production Mr. Mendels- Weare preparing a beautiful Carnation Package lion concerns of the country. sohn will have seen in the theatre for the Occasion tj ncnen ftecuty bearing his sister's name. Leading under the ground and the Detroit river, this new $25,000,0 !d downtown Detroit to the center of sections of the tunnel were constru the river bottom. The tube will ha will be in general use. HIOOVER TO SPEND, LEAVE IN ROCKIES (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 10.-The, nountains where as a youth he min- ed for gold have lured Herbert Ioover back for his summer vaca- ion as president. A believer in the public parks' system, he was moved to accept he invitation of the national parks i service to spend the month of Au- gust in the five Rocky mountainE eservations by a conviction that he trip with its resultant publicity would stimulate an interest there. _:-- Kraus, Glover, Stocking to Attend Convention Dean Edward H. Kraus, Prof. C. C. Glover, and Prof. C. H. Stocking all of the pharmacy college will represent the college at the United States Pharmacopoeial Convention which is to be held in Washington, D. C. Tuesday and Wednesday. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF DALCROZE EURYTHMICS Modern Education in RHYTHM MOVEMENT MRUSIC Bodily Technique, Plastic Movement, Solfege, Improvisation, Piano, Composition. NORMAL TRAINING ! Dalcroze Certificate Provides New Profession for College and Music Students Booklet on Request PAUL BOEPPLE, Director 9 East 59th St., New York VoLinteer 1357f I If f 1 . # 1 i i -®ASUDDEN- V k i a Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry High Grade Repair Service .~ M = illl111ll llll!!lllli1111111111~ 1 ° -=- HMichigammes Special Sunday t D~inner $1.00 Your choice of Roast Young ,Turkey With Nut Dressing Roast Young Duck With Candy Sweets '-i Fried or Roast Chicken Complete from Soup to Dessert. Various side dishes Fresh Strawberry Short Cake or Sundies. i- Special Lunches Salads to your taste Sandwiches Regular Dinners Steaks and Chops i-I ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY DINNER FOR 75c cmans fingRoom 200 CHAIRS ONE BLOCK NORTH OF HILL AUDITORIUM F rm 1III 11 iIJI I i H I-MUii 1111 1)1In11i I 6, Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical 4 Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley rK I _-.,. i I