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May 09, 1930 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-09

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F'RTDAY, IWAY 9, 19:30

- IIII , I Michigan Union Tryouts will meet in the Student offices today with [A nrirr fl ll
u A Flte Reichenbach. All men who have tickets out for the Father I~II
DA L O F U A U L LETINIUHarold, . Warren ~ Pl111 DIK
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all m em bersS O I Jof t e ni rs y. C p r c iv d b th A ss a t to he P s - Shop 18-M aterials of A ircraft Construction: The Linde Air Products I.d I V
ofNdetheuntlv3:30ty. mCopy3 a m. Saturday) ;Cmpany will show a number of moving picture films in room 1042 of ___
dent~unt122~p._m.(11:30 a.MAY 9, 130 No.the East Engineering Building at 2 o'clock. After the pictures a derv- leDtco, hcg nvr
VOL XL FRDAY -. onstration in gas welding wil be given in the laboratory. Anyone{
______________ -inteested in the subject of oxy-acetylene welding is welcome to attnd ity Development, Uncovers
NOTICES E this demonstration.SouinfHteMrdr
Henry Russel Award and Henry Russel Lectureship: In consequenceSouinfHteMrd.
of° action by'the committee of the University Senate appointed to make Sophomore Engineers: This afternoon will be your last chance to be NTU NT S UC S
the selection, the Henry Russel Award has been assigned for the yearINTU ET S measured for the official 1932 class jackets. You can be fitedCnEooS____
1929-1930 to Dr. Carl Leavitt Hubbs, Curator of Fishes in the Museum24W.EgneigBd.bten1ad3occ. , PM)
of Zoology and Assistant Profess r of Zoology. _______o,,~aYrr,
The Henry Russel Lectureship for the year 1929-1930, as was an-I CHICAGO, May 8. - A single
nounced earlier in the year, was assi nec, before his death, to the late! Tryuts for "The Road to Rome". Anyone wishing to try out for! victory for one of science's newest
Prof essor Claude Hastead Van Tyne, Profe ssor and Head of the Depart-. this play report at the Mimes Theatre between 2 and 5 p. m. Idvcsfrsligciews
mnent of History. Alexander G. Ruthvendeisfo slvn crm wa
tickets for the instlatio~i banquet far the new (officers of te caieodyi teanone
Notice to Seniors Planningf to do fircctc Teaching.- Seniors expect-1"Woen's League will be on sale today, in the lobby of the League build- ment that the "lie detector" de-:
ing to do directed teaching in the firs semoster of the school year Iig tedne.ttebnqet is open~ to evey womian on teamus. e loped at University of Chicago
1930-1931, are' urged to interview ir. Schoning on Monjday, May 12, in i Chiniese Stdets' Cu et t73 .i.iaehalt lc had solved the murder of M. A.
Room 1022, UnivecIty High Sc:hoo, according; to the following schedule; et t73 .inLn -alt lc
English, rhetoric, and speech, 1 to 2; scd d lstudies, 2 to 3; mathematicsi o Estrtecmn sho er oga,3, fMln ihsrn
3 to 4; French and fine arts, 4 to 5; science and Latin, 5 to 6. It is of I O oG ~ led in a hotel room Monday.
the utmost importance that members of the next year's senior class l OMN Leonard Keeler, who perfected
come to this conference for, everything ele being equal, the opporluni- An Lxamination on First Aid for the 1IIetI Cross Certificate for those
ties for directed teaching will be assigned in order of application. Those ,mmbers who have taken Course F 16 tis year will be held on Satur- thle eetr"ivnedb ju
coming late may need to do their directed teaching under coditions! day, May 10, from 8 to 10 a. in., at the class room in the Athletic gust Volmer, University of ChicagoI
that represent considerable inconvenience. Any student who has a Administration Building, criminologist, said the instrument
definite appointment at the hour suggested should report for a confer- --- - ha enue.nanme of sail- c
ence at one of the other periods. Every effort will be nade to meet his'hdbe sd nanme
needs. In general it is desirable to elect the course in directed teaching Freshman Girl's Glee Club: Important social meeting in the Leguej ors at the Great Lakes naval train-I
during the first smester. Cave Monday at 4 o'clock. It is imperative that all members be there Ii ng school and that two sailors had
C.0.Dais Scrtay,8eiol t ~c~i~iii iindustance Student Club: The club invites the Arabian Student ofesedate fslaying.an
I Club to a social to be held in Lane Mall on Sunday at 7:30 1'l. inMTv-i Dogacmefm Mla an
Combined It.. 0. T. C. Exerciss: All members of the R. 0. T. C., in- ers of both the clubs andlthelr frieds are wlcontl. reistered at a West Madisol St.
eluding the "Varsity-H. 0. 'T. C. Band, will attend exercises of the R. . I_________ hotel with two sailors the night I
TC. from 3 to 5 p. m.; on Thursday, May 15, and Tuesday, May 27. TheseI Presbyterian and Reformed Students: The annual May Party of1grad disappeared when Douglas'
periods are substituted for the itglar drili periods of the two weeks' these organizations will be held at Angell School, May 10. There wil body was found.
includingMay 15 an I~lay 21 The cea ssal Colleges rigandeid Schools be dancing and bridge. Tickets are on sale at the Bookstores and at Maysiostthtrnigt-
involved hav auhorzedabsnceorsm oherclahesdurngahenerids he oor
indicated. Students in the Law School and the School of Business! the_ door___i tion submitted to the "lie detec-=
Administration are required to report ini advra.,ce to the offices of their Cnrgtoa tdn elwhp enW .Hmheswl tor" test Wednesday night, Keeler
respective Deans: Absence fromn dither lperiojd of the R. 0TC. exercises CngrteatinayStuenn Felowghi:tDencWur.hpr sillIsad
will be excused only upon application to ic 11. M. S. & T. at least two peako a:3tohe 0,Sunayeveng:meting:30ind thelchrch parl ors:5 . SocIhecaeosaid. he,
days in advance. pro :0t :0 ucen60 o(:0adtl rm63 o7i cording to Keeler, the "lie detector"
Basil D.EdwardsAnn Arbor Stamp Club: Regular meeting will be held on Saturday,shwda ireurlnente
IMay 10, in room 408 of the Romance Languages building. The mteetingl graph when they denied knowledge
University of Michigan Official Publication: The Editorial Office will be of special interest, and collectors are invited to attend. ( of the crime. An irregular line
announces the issue of the Announcement of the College of Literature, ;_______ indicates the person under exam- I
Science, and the Arts for 1930-193 1, which is No. 68 of Vol. XXXI of theI A Free Lecture on Christian Science' is to be given by Rev. Andrew; ination is not telling the truth.
University Official Publication.I J. Graham, C. S. B., of Boston, Mass., on Sunday evening, May 11, at !Further questioning brought con-
8:15 p. m. in Hill auditorium. fessions, Keeler said.
University of M ichigan Official Publication: The Editorial Office I____ ______________-__ _ __ - - --- - "
announces the issue of the Announcement of the University HospitalI UNIVERSITY OF WASHING TON m
f * y lIA-101 iX' i i a. - r, ~i of IM IZSZ tT o ... ._ a.1 r ,.. ... .ILt k..

Leader of Opposition FAULY.EMER
!to Parker Nomination FCUI M OD
Acoustical Society Will Hear
.. , Firestone and Whitman of
Phy'sics Deprmet
} Choosing as their topics subjects
of scientific interest, Professors
Floyd Firestone and Elmer L. Whit-
man of the physics department will
# speak at meetings of several tech-
nical societies this week..
1Both men will deliver addresses
before the meeting of the Acous-
tical Society of America, today and
tor.--vow. Professor Firestone will.
' speak to the Symposium of Noise,
on the subject "Machinery Noises".
E Together with Professor Whitman,
he will present a paper on "The
Binaural Localization of Pure
t Tone." This topic refers to the
A s-,; gin" J . ,Q r,. ye~ability of a person to locate sound
Senator W E. Borah, r by the use of his two ears. Both
Of Idaho, who led in refusing to men have done considerable ex-
confirm Judge Parker's appointment ' perimenting in this field.
Twenty-nine days abroad: Hamburg, Copenhagen,
- Stockholm, Helsingfors, Leningrad, Moscow. Two
j weeks in Russia-Sailing from ,New York-S. S.
Furopa, June 18. Price from New YFork--$756.
From Hamaburg on June 26th-"-$521. Parties of
_ 98 University of MichiganiiiBrsieRa


n i

School 01fpNursinig for 1±'j.i., wuwu is 'ii of vou41.221 0tJL
University Official Publication.
To Students of Sociology Interested in Social Work: If you have
any interest in social work as a profession, you should take the proper
background courses. Whether you are a senior, sophomore or freshmen
the time to plan your courses is now. I shall be in my office, room 210
Economics Bldg., Monday, May 12, from 3 to 4 and Tuesday and Wednes-.
day, May. 13 and 14 from 4 to 6. Come in to ask questions.
Alice W. Reiner, Supervisor of Field Work
Political Science: Students taking American Government in the
autumn as sophomores must elect Course I. Students who will be juniors
or seniors must elect Course 107. J. S. Reeves I
Varsity Band.: Formations over-.
the week end are as follows:
Morris Hall at 3:15 p. in., Friday,I
in full uniform for baseball game.'
Morris Hall at 7:00 p. in., Friday, I Tonight
in full uniform for Cap Night.
Morris Hall at 6:00 a. mn., Satur- Tmorrow !Nighlt
day,.. in frill uniform for Benton
Harbor. I Monday
Psychology 31: A make-up blue- I T edY
book for my sections will be given
at 3 o'clock in Room 1121 N. S. 44
Walter B. Pillsbury

---Revival o01the dateless openhnouse
wins favor here. Hosts and host-
esses are appointed to hold forth at
the various fraternity houses who
sponsor the get-together. Tickets'
are sold to both sexes and apply at
any house.


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n h- -f f±Michigan Leagi


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