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May 09, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-09

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FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1930

1 l l T F M va1 L1}1 VL"'CA l lf AI.Y FJRaDAYxM4n.9,-1-





Stve Farrell to Coach Lst
Home Meet Before Going
Into retirement.
Tomorrow afternoon will -see the
Michigan track squad going into
action along with three other Var-
sity teams, with the cinderpath men
representing the Illini scheduled to
meet the Wolverines on Ferry field.
In past years the Suckers have
come through and defeated the
Maize and lu tracksters when the
dope was against them, and it is
expected that the con mg encoun-
ter will be a battle to the last event.
In order to afford spectators an
opportunity of seeing the meet be-
fore the baseball game, it has been
scheduled to begin at 1:30 o'clock.
Farrell to Retire.
Saturday's dual track meet will
mark the final appearance of Steve
Farrell as head coach on the Wol-
verines' home field. Farrell has long
been coaching the Maize and Blue
tracksters and with his retirement
Michigan will be deprived of one
of the best known and most re-
spected track coaches in the coun-
In his early days Farrell was a
runner of note, being considered
the best middle distance man in
America. After a period of seven
years as track coach and football
trainer at the University of Maine,
Farrell went to Ohio State where he
coached the Buckeye track team
Sand helped with the gridiron squal.
Coming to Michigan in 1912 he
took up his duties as track coach j
and football trainer. He retained
the trainer's position for four years
after which he began devoting all
of his time to track activities. Last
winter Farrell announced his inten-
tion of retiring from active service.
Team Goes to Minnesota.
With the season drawing to a
close, Farrell is concentrating his.
efforts on developing a team that
will be able to perform satisfactor-
ily against Illinois Sturday, and
in the remaining meets as well. On
the following Saturday the Michi-
gan coach Will take his team to
Minnesota for the final dual meet.
On May 23 and 24 he will enter the
Wolverine thinclads in the Confer-
ence meet at Evanston, and on
June 13, the final curtain of his
Michigan coaching career will be
rung down at the National Col-
legiate meet to be held at Chica-
Illinois' fighting squad of track-
sters will invade Ann Arbor this
week end in an effort to down Far-
rell's team in one of the outstand-
ing dual meets on the 1930 Con-
ference schedule. After competing
in several spring relas, the In-
dians encountered Noti Pie the
early part of this week ai4 suc-
ceeded in gaining a victory by ga-
thering a total of 68 points to t I~
Irish' 58.
PRINCETON-It was left to Stan-
ley Purnell, a player on the Prince-
ton freshman baseball team, to per-
foam a feat which had never before
been done in organized baseball.
Purnell made the unique record of
hitting two pome runs in one in-
ning with the bases full each time.

Fields and Thompson are sch
Olympia Arena, Detroit, with the
balance. Fields is the championh
Joe Dundee last year in Detroit, w
in fistic circles lately and is one o
field. There is very little betting
that is going on has established Fi
While Bill Shores was twirling a
four hit win over the St. Louis
Browns, Cleveland's Indians were
rained out of their American
League game with New York, en-
abling Philadelphia to go into un-
disputed first place in the junior
circuit pennant race. The final
score of the Athletics' game was 7
to 3, Foxx and Dykes aiding the
Mackmen's cause with home run
In spite of a circuit smash by
Alexander, Washington's Senators
took another game from the Detroit
Tigers yesterday, winning by an 8
to 5 count. Sam Jones held the
Bengals at bay with eight hits
while the Nationals were hitting
the offerings of Carroll, Page, and
Herring for a total of 14 safe blows
New York and Pittsburgh staged
another slugfest, their third in a
row, the Giants finally emerging on
the long end of a 13 to 10 count
after scoring three times in the
tenth inning. Jones, Stoner, and
W L T Pst.
Wiu.onsii . 4 0 0 1.000
' ' ' 'i' . ' '...3 1 0 .750
Minnesota.......2 1 0 .667
Michigan . .. . . . . . 2 1 1 .667
Ohio St ate .......211 .667
Northwestern .....3 2 0 .600
Indiana.........2 2 0 .50
Chicago ... .05 0 .000
Purdue .. . . . . . . . ..0 5 0 .000

OHIO TRACK SODADRIn an attempt to annex its 20th
straight Conference dual meet win,
Freshman Thinclads Win Firsti Michigan's golf team will play host Hesto, astman a Wi s
Telegraphic Encounterkto Chicago on the Barton Hills as Bovards Team ins wo
by Lonc Point. Country Club course tomorrow, the Scrimmage Tilts.
Loe -tat singles matches being scheduled
ti v s, ie 0 te ty 5oe thretL A Ed ;SE GE S1W0EL
HURDLERS SHOW FORM for the mornuin rounds.whh h AENlS OS WL
Participating in their first tle- (a.foursomeon.epae ffi h ne h boln eto h
graphic meet of the current season ;Atenoon. I:4~ o'clock Saturday u htiiiae rpt h l
against Ohio State, Coach Chuck /morning, the sinrgles matches will swimming hole rather than foot-
oyt's freshmen track squad emerg- tee off from the, first hole, with ball, Coach Kipke's squad three
ed victorious by the slim margin Mc s y srg h of r teams strong gave an exhibition of
f(Hicks, Lenfesty, and Royston bei ggv n xiiino
of one point. Final tabulations re- p dagainst the best that the the best type of pppin toting
jveldthat Michigan had scored Maroons have to otfer. Coach True- yesterday afternoon. After a light
70 1-2 points to 69 1-2 fcr the Ohio k blood has indicated that if the workout the teams alternated for
<>.State freshmen. lAlthough Coach' Wolverines make a Walkaway of three quarters of fast play filled
?'tHoy cosrsh isme ao onl the morning rounds he will start with' punch that is unexpected on
of fair calibre, he predicts that scv- some of the other men in the aft- warmest of days.
eras of his squad possesses enoutas ernoon session, thereby giving some First to take the field was Al
talent to develop into Varsity con- of the lesser ligits a chance to Bovard's number 1 team which
tenders. Outstanding ari othe demonstrate their ability. meted out to Jpe Gembis' number
yearling tracksters are Hitt in the Chicago's linksmen will arrive in 2 tribe a fast 7-0 beating in the
Iesprint events, aet Rth, town today fpr the encounter with first five minutes of play. This
Haefele, and D&Baker in the hurdles, I i the Trueblood aggregation. The score was hardly sufficient revenge
Turner in the half-mile run, and early arrival will give the Maroons for the grand total of 19 that
Goddell in the javelin. The strength a chance to get in a littTe practice Joe's squad rolled up the first time
of the freshmen in the two hurdles and become acquainted with the that these two machines clashed.
Uevents was clearly displayed when ( course this afternoon. If the Ann Heston, Eastman; Wills, and La-
CKthey scored slams in the meet. Arborites are successful in repuls- Jeunesse supplied the thrills of the
pS.rJ(- Simmary of the Michigan-Ohio ing the invaders' attack it will be grand march down the field by
State telegraphic track meet. their third conference win this lng shifty runs and close inter-
wl wlwg cw n100 yard dash: Won by Bennett spring. ference that was the best disply-
eduled to go to the post tonight at (Q) Singer (O), second, Sternbach vMichigan's teamis fresh froma ed this season. O'Neil playing the
wrd wlrwgh rn nthe (0), and Hitt (M), tied for third. 117-1 victory scored over Michigan left end was the only man that
having won the title on a foul from Time- i(.d State on the Barton Hills course on showed well on the defence, when
hile his negro rival has risen rapidly 440 yard run: Won by Bloor (O),-Y oWednesday afternoon. In this meet (Contined on Page 7)
f the outstanding contenders of the B rd rn sWondb Til m Veteran shortfielder, whp will be Royston proved .to be the big star,
bein doe, ut he mal amuntBrown (0), second, r1'ietlebaum Veteran
being ton, 1 ut te sm m O (), third. Time-:5.7. in the lineup against Purdue to- playing both morning and after- L. G. BALFOUR CO.
beigd one, bt rte sla u Mile run: Won by Ostrander day. He has apparently struck his noon rounds with a score of 72 for 1121 Soth University
(M), Howell (M), second, Littler stride again after his enforced ab- each time. Other members of the 11ATESouTY Ersity
FIRST PLACE (O), third. Time 4.42 6-10. sence from the squad and will un- Wolverine team also played good adges-Favors-rograms
20 yard hurdles. Won by Egles- 1oubtedly play a big part in the golf, Hicks scoring two 74s to mae CorkeyStanard,Mg
IS RAINED OUTJton (M), Roth (M), second, Haefele Boilermaker contesV 'the second best record of the day.
(M), third. Time-155 -10.
Shot put: Won by Johnson (O),
{French gave up 19 hits to the NOWFried (O), second, Goldsmith (M)'I
York sluggers. third. Distance-41 feet 1-2 inch. "So -
AMERICANLEAGUE ishusslWon by ammr(n)
MERICAN LEAGUE Goldsmith (M), second, Fried, (0),rSal Orinr
R H E third. Distance-118 feet 5 inches,
Detroit......200 200 001-5- 8-0 High jump: Won by Walker (O), !
Washington .121 130 00*-8-14-1 Clark (M), second, Loetz (M),
Carroll, Page, Herring & Rensa; third. Height-5 feet, 9 inches.
1 Jones & Tate. Pole vault: Won by Lindborg
R H E (O), Villen (O), second, Williams
aSt. Louis .....002 100 000-3-4- (O), third. Height-11 feet 6 inches. of-°\Sale o
Philadelphia .001 320 10*-7-9-1 220 yard dash: Won by Bennett
Coffman & Manion; Shores & (0), Hitt (M) second, Lamb (M),
Schang. third. Time-21.6.A
R H Ej 8Q yard run: drown (0) and
I Chicago.....000 001 000-1- 6-i Tur'ner (M), tied for first, Bloor
Boston......000 201 00*-3-13-0!(O), third. Time 1:58 2-10.
I Thomas & Riddle; Russell & Ber- I Two mile run: Won by Howell i Sr
, ry. I(M), Hill (M) second, Fallen (0)
Cleveland-New York-Rain. third. Time-10.05 5-10.
220 yard hurdles: Won by Egles- I a
. NATIONAL LEAGUE ton (M, De~aker (M), second, Roth
oso ...R H E (M), third. Time-24 6-10.
Boston ....... 010 000 000-1--6-0 Hammer throw: Won by John-
Cincinnati ...000 000 02*-2-5-1 'son (O), Cox (M )second, 'Dibble
, Cunningham & S~pohrer, Cronin; (M) third. Distance-117 feet.
Rixey, Kolp & Sukeforth. Javelin: Won by Goddell (M), Nd rhst*
Lindborg (O) second, Goldstein Notyr
P a ph100 R H E (o) third. Distanc-173 feet 6i ordinily sell 4at prices up to $3.90 A iC. d
.200001110-5-4-1 inches.ar wilko nbadsc as r'''ad
St. Louis.....330 000 000-6-4-n-2 Broad jump: Won by Hitt (M),a wnn ssn
Sweetland, Collins & Davis; Hal- Singer (O) second, Jackson (M) Eag1e. Broadcloths, oxford clgth andpRaj h
lahan & Wilson.e third.:
R H E Relay: Won by Ohio. Timc--3.24 cloths in al sizes.
New York 210 304 000 3-13-19-1 1-10.
Pittsburgh 102 020 212 0-10-14-1--
Fitzsimmons & Hogan; Jones,
Stoner, French & Hemsley. BIG MAY SALE -
Brooklyn ...101 002 000-4-11-1 FRATERNITY JEWELRY
Chicago .....100 001 14*-7-12-0 Burr, Patterson & Auld
Phelps, Morris & Lopez; Osborn, 603 Church
Nelson & Hartnett. ____




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