PAGE EIGHT THE MIIIAN AID 14, 'I'llUR.SDAY, MAY o, 1930 'I PAGE flOW!' THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ THURSDAY. MAY 8, 1930 DAILY OF FICIAL B ULLE-TINK Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL. XL. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 No. 155 NOTICES University Senate: A meeting of the University Senate will be heldj in Room C Law Building on Monday, May 12, at 4:15 p. in. Order of Business: 1. Annual Report of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 2. Recommendation of the Committee on University Affairs that{ all Senate Committees should report at least annually. 3. Definition of the status of the Committee on Accredited High Schools. 4. Election of Secretary. John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate CVas!.ification for First Semester of next year, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, and School of Music: The 1930-1931 announcement for the College of L., S., and A., and abridgedt time schedules for the School of Education and the ,School of Music are now ready for distribution. Students in the e shools. who e<:p^.et to return next September,c may now classify for the first svme -ter's work. The procedure is as follows : 1.Call first at the Rogistrar's Offie Room 4, U. H., for the necessary cards, and an announcement of course-. Students who expect to1 transfer at the end of this :emestcr, as for example from the College 1 of L., S., and A. to the School of Education, should use the electionI cards of the school or college into which they expect to enter. 2. Make your elections and have them approved. School of Edu- cation students must have their elections approve: by a representativel of that School; School of Music stu