TAY8, 193 THE MICH IGAN) -DAILY-c FIVE ILTA :/ Vw ,% = FA'wA S s A I MN.0 EMiLY BATES, '30; I BY SOPHOMORE L ~JUNIOR G Jane Inch Is Assistant Chairman; Dorothy Birdzell Has Charge of Finance. HEADED BY FELLOWS Properties and Programs to be Managed by Ivalita Glascock and Katherine Koch. Emily Bates, '32, was. elected c1airrman of next year's Junior Girl's Play at a gen'eral meeting of sophomore women held Wednesday in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Jane Inch was named to the position of assistant chairman, and Dorothy Birdzell was made chairman of the finance committee. Ivalita Glascock was choses as chairman of the properties, while the program committee will be Beaded by Katherine Kock. Preceeding the elections, Mildred tBerkeley Square', Uique English Play, Read by Fleischman Having for its theme the singu- lar subject of the spirit world, the play, "Berkeley Square," by John Balderston proved to its audience ,to be more than interesting; it was unusual. A reading of this play was given May 4, by Earl Fleisch- man, as the second in a series of- fered each Sunday at the League building. 'Berkeley Square" is an English play, having been first produced in Lopdon two years ago. Since the war, playwrights of that country have been intensely interested in ideas concerning the spirit world, and our relations to it, according to Fleischman. This is especially in the liiking of present time with the 'past and' future: "Berkeley Square" presents this idea by the experience of a man,, who, living in 1928, is suddenly transferred into the year 1784. This change in period naturally confronted its author with the problem of eombining past and present in one character and still keeping a natural sequence. As Fleischman suggested, there was a period of 140 years to gap, and the playwright does not always satisfy his audience with the bridging of this gap. The au*ior seemingly has not made up his mind from what point he wants his audience to take the play. If Barrie had written it, it would have been a fantasy. As it is, there is a mixture of comedy, melodrama, satire, and even ro- mance, which fails to be complete- ly convincing. The charm of the old house that has come down through the cen- turies, with its clock that has tick- ed five generations and its paint- ings by Joshua Reynolds, is appeal- ing. Smart Cottons Are EEHospital Children Have Combined Schedule Favorably Received of Academic Work, Study of Arts and Crafts N TO H E bY Fashion's Rulers Correlation of school and art "s children grow older adjust wr f- younger children in the ment and learning is increasingly LS'P1 E zE mUniversity of Wisconsin Speech University hospital has been em- difficult. In many cases, too, when 111"Where -are you gong my pretty PrfssrRedPaa phasized there this year. Miss Doacidhsbe u fsho o maid? c said the young man. To Professor Reas Play at irothy Ketcham, director of social a child has been out of school for buy a cool dress," said she em-' Local Theatre..some time, he fails to return at all. Todd secretary of the s J onphatically. Summer can e and c Trvicc, said concernng this mno- These considerations were in the soho eevh esticolSumerlokn came and Te-cid nscol a class, introduced Helen Jones, '3 sleeveless, cool, fresh-looking Sports AFFAIR HELD TUESDAY "The child in school has a minds of officials in the children's general chairman of this year's frocks made bows to the feminine much heavier academic program department of the hospital when Junior Girl's Play. She told the as- world. Gertrude E. Jof h than he can undertake here. Pre they institutd the practice of com- senld sophomores aboutth Prof.GrdE. Johnson, o h viously little stress has been laid b hini t theugpactiet'scpurely "duilds o e n ah Fabric workmanship and proces- sec eateto h nvr iuyIcdsesriibe bining the young patient's purely duties and requirements of each Fbricnoasi n poe-Isec department of the Univer- on his academic training, which eraonlwk wih nug ofc;Miss Jones stressed porticu- sing animates prevailing fashion, srcheol work otkeepnimonuan office for one's attention is immediatelysity of Wisconsin, who appeared he could continue after leaving thescho l workeep hm an an larly the need of high standards caught by the predominance of the Tuesday night at the Lydia Men- hospital. But this year inquiries of scholastic ability in the elected cotton note this season. However, delssohn theatre to read A. A. have been made as to just what ren of his age. was Miss etchem s candidates. work it was necessary for the child Helen Fellows, '30, chairman of Milne's "The Ivory Door," has been to do in order to maintain his _concusion. the judiciary 'council of the Wom- initiated as an honorary membez redit in the particular school from 7 TeI TDT en's League, was in charge of the of Portia Lambda chapter of Zets which he came, and he is given MUSJ~IC. STUDENT elections. Before starting the nom- Phi Eta, according to Helen Barc that amount of work here. P inations, Miss Fellows gave a short "While school work is of value GIVES RECITAL explanation of the existing point 30, archon of the local chapter. n one hand, art and handicraft system for outside campus activity, ' As an author, lecturer, and work develops children along an- ilda Kahan, '3OSM, a piano stu- p ainting out the conditions under teacher, Miss Johnson has many other line," continued Miss Ketch- dent of Prof. Albert Lockwood of be ineligible. d uyears of experience. Besides hav--m. "Though the hospital has no the University School of Music, ing been a member of the speech funds for purely vocational train- gave a graduation recital Tuesday faculty at Wisconsin since 1910, she Igthe child is taught art work, night in the School of Music udi- hNational Co- the use of various tools, and some- torium. MILDRED TODO1 '327Cni l mmbof tahersatof nglsTeehl dvlop the ndivi uthmercnCnevaoyo u mittee on Plays, of the National thing of materials in woodwork. Miss Kahan was graduated from ? ;Council of Teachers of English, These help to develop the individu- the American Conservatory of Muig and Vice-President of National al child, give him some art sense, sic in Chicago and has had con- TO PLAYI T C sifTePlyrca iduten ote ru.Gou wr ndhigndaching.o Collegiate Players. She is also ad- and are of value to him in makig siderable experience in concert visory editor of The Players Maga- adjustment to the group. Group work and in teaching. zine. adj ustment is also emphasized in The following program was pre- Sandusky Company Signs Sum-.Prof. Johnson is considered an the recreation where the children se d: m C t t t C d.authority in the field of interpreta- are encouraged to play in groups. S) - mer Contract With Comedy tion and dramatics and is the au- "However, even though academic Sonata op. 5 (threeBramovements Club, Play Productiori Star. thor of several books in oral inter- work has proven to be relatively Allegro maestosoB pretation. unimportant to the child while he Andante. SMITH, '30 IS MANAGER IfInitiation of Prof. Johnson into is in the hospital," observed Miss Scherza ---!honorary membership of Zeta Phi Ketcham, "it does prevent him Prelude and Fuguc F sharp major Miss Mildred Todd, '32, who re- Eta, national professional speech from being retarded when he re- fach Misldred Td "32mwo re- arts sorority, took place Tuesday turns to the public school. It is Etude op. 10 No. 12.......Chopin cet apee nevening. Mary Kent-Miller, '27, 28, much more difficult for a child to Intermezzo op. 116, No. 6 ..Brahr: Juliet" at the Lydia Mendelssohn patroness and associate member of begin school late or to continue The Little White Mule......Ibert theatre, is under contract to play Porta Lambda Chapter, officiated from where he left off if he has Hungarian Rhapsody No. 10 ..Liszt with a stock company this summer. , at the ceremony. missed several years of work, than I Concerto A major ...........Liszt (-- Iif he keeps up with his own class. ThA rmaJv will nlav in wJ aUUine it 'Liu uiljly w~i play inoarnaus ky, Ohio, under the supervision of Joe Bates Smith, '30. Miss Todd has appeared frequent- ly in campus dramatics this year,' both with Play Production, and Comedy Club. Mr. Smith, who is sponsoring the company, is a mem- ber of Play Production classes, al- so, and has done work with Mimes. Fredda MacMillan, who has usu- ally been seen in character roles at. the University, will do the same type of work this summer. Library Commemorates Birth of Famous Poet' Commemorating the bimillennium of Vergil's birth, the University li- brary is displaying some facsimiles of original editions of his works, as well as many rare editions printed soon after the invention of print-i ing. In the display in the lobby of the library are books dating from as early as 1525. The edition of this date was edited by Erasmus, fa- mous writer of the 16th century, and printed by Johann. The most important printers of the time were John Baskerville, and Jacob Tonson, of England. Many of the books were printed by the Aldine family, of Italy.. Of Virgil's works, there are phototype plates from the original manuscripts, which are now in the Vatican library, a copy of the Aeneid, printed in 1599, and a print of a mosaic of Virgil which was excavated near Susa in Tunis, in 1886. The display is especially impor- tant because Vergil, who lived from 70 B. C. to 19 B. C., as one of the first writers, exercised a great influence on all his successors in literature. century, which are particularly smart and feminine-looking, to fit the summer vogue. Allover em- broidered nainsook, batiste, dotted Swiss, voile, and dimity are being stylists insist upon a very black line exploited alike in frocks, blouses being drawn between "w a s h and neckwear. These are being done dresses", as such, and "smart cot- in such fascinating floral patterns tons." One leading couturier shows as dogwood and daisies, with more a sleeveless, white, simple-made, than a suggestion of delicacy. afternoon dress with an unusual The illustrated model wears a crushed belt draw nthrough a large white hat to set off her smart cos- buckle in a new fabric-invasion of tume. This millinery mode has fi-j this season called crepetex, a sheer nally emerged on top after so many material akin to silk. seasons. of natural straws, and is Sheer, soft, and dainty, the cot- finding individuality in both large ton fabrics, when embroidered, and small sizes, by means of, wide, have likew-ise penetrated to a for- black grossgrain ribbon, which ties mal use, reminiscent of the some- in pert bows either in back or in what frilly fashions of the 18th 1 front of drooping hats. BANQUET TO BE HELD AT LEAGUE Installation of the new Women's League officers will be held Wed- nesday, May 14,at a banquet given in the League ballroom. Tickets will be on sale Thursday and Friday, May 8 and 9, in the lobby of the League building. Res- ervations may be made by calling Dorothy Flynn at 23203 or Beth McKaig at 23225. This will be the second openj meeting of the Women's League, and at this time the treasurer will1 make her final report. Gie H j'I' ting form. Marguerite stemmer- DUKE UNIVERSITY- President man, "33, was pitcher for Alpha Ep- Few, speaking to the Duke Univer- silon Iota. sity freshmen, defined civilization Delta Delta Delta won its game as a race between the education of through the default of Couzens youth and catastrophe. Hall. LINEN HATS TO MATCH THE = Made to.order McKINSEY HAT SHOP 227 South State Street er Practical Gifts! . .I I KINNEY SHOES Quality-Style Prices Make Two Pairs Possible Hosier Pure Silk Service (full fashion- ed) $1.29 pair Chiffon $1.29 pair Piquot Edge $1.49 pair Fancy Heels .. $1.95 pair NOTICE. "Les Miserables", with a study of the social background of the French tragedy, will be the sub- ject for the reading by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson at 3 o'clock Sunday in the Grand Rapids room of the League building. This will be the third and last of the series of faculty readings sponsored by the League library. Both men and women students are invited to attend. There will be a Women's League party to which all Uni- versity women are invited at 4 o'clock Friday in the ballroom of the League building. Bridge and dancing are on the program of entertainment, and tea will be served. PERMANENTS Enhance one's charm, and you will be de- lighted with our WOMEN'S Patent Pump. Perforation on -Vamp and Quarter. Same Style in Black Calf. We have a complete line of Golf Shoes, Tennis X3.98 i 1w G of e or e, or 95 up Furs and Fur Coats Makeup, Repaired, Re- modelled and Relined Prices Reasonable Shoes, and we Sport Shoes for men WOMEN'S Patent Pump, High Heel. Same omen. Style in lack Kid. '-C / Ii. A summer hand BA shantung, silk moir tapestry . . . envelop pouch styles ..... 2. Sccessories That Are Newly Chic! E. L. Greenbaum 448 Spring Street Phone 9625 114 South Main Street 5w : To Be Well-Dressed You Must Be Well-Shod Every fashionable authority endorses the new orna- mental cuff GLOVES.- Y Black, white and colors...........$2.95, up C it Shoes can "make" or mar any costume. When you wear WALK-OVERS you may be sure you are correctly and stylishly shod-may be proud of the appearance of your feet. You'll enjoy the comfort, too, of your WALK-OVER shoes. They feel so good because they are made right and fit your foot at all points. We'll be pleased Sto show you the new spring styles. C HOOSE from these new Spring Accessories and 'our gift will be fashion cor- ect and acceptable, because t is of practical value. PERFUME in smart new S p r i n g odors, attractive flasks - packed for gift. making ......$1.00 up HOSIERY of sheer silk chiffon with new narrow heel - silk from topto toe ........ $1.95 to $2.95 o a1 I.' I/Y t I III ~IL -~ III III a I II