E~STABLISHED 1890 G. Zr 4tUfl Iai1y MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. N. 155 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS --_-r P ARKER R6JECTED BY VOTE O 41-39. ENDING[LONGI6HT Senators Borah, Norris Lead Opposition; Labor Bodies Protest'Nomination. NOT TO BE REAPPOINTED First Supreme Court Nominee to be Rejected by Senate in 36 Years. SENATE REJECTS HOOVER NOMINEE s' '::"::'.. :. . .::...... .......................... ........................... _..... .. (fay Assoialted P r's.0) WASHINGTON, May 7,-For the first time in 36 years, the Senate today refused to confirm a nominee to the Supreme Court, rejecting Judge John J. Parker of North Carolina, by a vote of 41 to 39. The decision forces President Hoover to look elsewhere for a man to take the seat made vacant by the death of Associate Judge Ed-j ward T. Sanford of Tennessee, but there was no indication tonight that he had a nominee in mind.j There were intimations from the White House that Mr. Hoover would' have something to say about the Senate's action and that he would not go to the South again for aj nominee. It was believed also, that he would not reappoint Parker byI Associated Preas Photo Judge John J. Parker, Of North Carolina, whose ap- I pointment to the United States Supreme Court was not confirmed in the senate by a vote of 41 to 39, 1 (3 } I _ i . > f. j after a hotly contested tight. This is the first time in 36 years that a presidential nominee to the high- est judicialhbench has been re- jected by the senate.# M'CLAIN TO SPEAKJ ON FINALPROGRAM RECES'Tailor Shop Owners 'COOPER APOI H[CESRECOVER' ay Lose PropertyTD BODIE , IN W9K1 as Raid Consequence F' 86 BODIES IN A E Following a police raid on theD ITYTORJ t j tailor shop at 124 East Huron street ; RIj OF TEXASTORNAt erdNEWSTAFF NA MED Krug and Michael Bezeriums, a More Than Hundred Injured bill f complaint wa lorhe yostr Williams to be News Editor, Are Removed to Hospitals by Prosecutor Carl H. StuhYberg Mary Louise Behymer, and Homes. against the owners of the store, Women's Editor. and Theodore Dames and Angeloj DAMAGE OVER $500,000 Poulos, owners of the building. NIGHT EDITORS CHOSENI In the raid Saturday police ob- I tained a quantity of alleged liquor. ' Series of Storms Spread Havoc ! The bill of complaint states that it Wilds Selected as Editorial' Over Central, Southern f is the belief of the authorities that Director; Gorman Is Parts of State. liquor has been kept in the buildinge r o n Pand the injunction asks that the Reappointed., (IBy, Associated Pesj s) defendants be restrained from the DALLAS, Texas, May .-Digging using the building for any purpose Appointments to the senior and whatever. IJunior editorial staff of The Daily through debris of tornado swept Judge George W. Sample has for next year were announced last areas of central and south Texas, signed an order directing the de- night by Henry J. Merry, '31, newly rescue workers tonight had recov- fendants to appear in court Satur- selected managing editor. ered 66 bodies and had removed day morning to show cause why Frank E. Cooper, '31, will be the ered 66bodies anddhdorkmovd! gd ycity editor. Cooper has been a i more than 100 injured to hospitals the padlock injunction should not miymer o pe r has be mad member of the staff for the past and homes for medical treatment. prmanent, two and one half years and was a! No estimate of the number made night editor this year. He will di- homeesswas vaiable no hadanyrect the news gathering activities ; h esa vaUoh aof the staff. official estimate of the property AY ES LTthiGurney W it1-te damage been made, but those in lams, '31, was touch with the situation predicted named news ed-. the loss would easily exceed $500,- itor for the com-{ 000. ing year. He also Large Area Damaged. Senior Class President Praises has been a staff The series of tornado disturb- Attitude of Students in member for two ances spread their havoc at widely and a half years separated places over an area of Successful Campaign. and was a night approximately 281,250 square miles,; editor, and edi- from Abilene on the west to Mar- TOTAL EXCEEDS $2000 tor of "Toasted shall, about 450 linear miles, and !_Rolls" d u r i n g from Childress on the north, to The 1930 appeal for funds for the the present year. Runge, about 624 miles to the University Fresh Air Camp has been Williams is to be south.s t a f f manager Cooper south. I~~~ the most successful in the history safmngr Coe The tornadoes struck without ot rve s u announc and will instruct the lower staff much warning and a large number'yesterday by Stanton W. Todd, '30 members in their writing and other of those killed were caught in the director of this year's campaign. duties. destruction of their modest farm "The entire campus co-operated in Walter Wilds, '31 two years homes. a splendid manner," Todd said, "in- member of the st and a night In one case, a relief party found dicating that the student attitude editor this year, ill be editorial; the bodies of nine miembers of one is one of understanding the work director, in which capacity he will family in the wreckage of their 'of the camp, and assuring its per- diwork with the home near Runge, where 26 persons manence." Tditorian oar, lost their lives and approximately The total collected this year is The senior staff 60 were injured. $2,056.47, as compared with lastp: men will cor- Frost, a village of 1,000 in central year's total of $1,828.45. Of the pose this boardt Texas, was the hardest hit of the amount contributed in the 1930' fr the next few towns struck. Its business district campaign, $1,284.72 came from do- weeks until jun- was practically destroyed and 25 t nations of fraternities, sororities, ioibe Of, iksresmhts wee'killed and a d<, i cloz! es"'~a6 r Thag'6 ~ 10r h6 f. ot senior ed- large number were injured. Campus Tag Day, collections at the itors were Se- Relief Fund Raised. theatres, and donations of local lected by the A relief fund of $900 was raised merchants yielded an additional men who havel at Corsicana, near Frost, and a do- $771.75. served on the! nation of $500 was announced by Todd, who was also in charge of senior staff this a Dallas newspaper. 'the drive last year, said that 1923 Governor Dan Moody ordered had been the banner year up until year.amsuring thare the Adjutant General to sendras the appeal just concluded. In that Williams coming year em many troops as needed to patrol ! year $2027 was contributed, this phasis will be laid upon increasing1 the streets and to aid in the work sum including $500 of surplus from the efficiency of the news gatheringl at Frost. The Governor was inform- the J-Hop of that year and the department of The Daily and upont ed that Albert Evans, assistant na- amount collected in the summer effecting a more thorough direc- tional director of disaster relief of tag day. tion of the various staff members in hw"We expect theo fund to be swell- o IRISH DRAMATIST TO GIVE LECTUREI Lennox Robinson. Director of the Irish National theatre, Dublin, who will speak at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre on the subject, "Irish Plays, Playwrights, and Producers." Mr. Robinson is directing his own play "The White- headed Boy" for Play Production. It will be produced tomorrow night and Saturday, Monday and Tues- day nights in the Lydia Mendels- sohn theatre. FROSH TO CO"LLECT WOOD FOHRBONFIRE whom he stood firmly in the Senate Prison Authority Will Conclude controversy.SenSeries of Campus Forums Opposed By Groups. I With Talk on Crime. Opposition to Parker in the Sen- ate was led by Senators Borah and TO EXPLAIN OUTBREAKS' Norris of Nebraska, both Repub- | licans, and their plea for his rejec- "The Psyschology of the Crimin- tion was based entirely upon his al" will be the subject discussed by decision upholding an injunction R. W. McClain, noted prison auth- restraining the United Mine Work- ority, at the last meeting of the ers from soliciting membership series of All-Campus forums at 4 among miners who had signed con- o'clock this afternoon in Room D,J tracts with their employers not to 'Alumni Memorial hall. join a union. i Although the meeting was sched-, The American Federation of i uled as the second forum of the Labor vigorously protested the series, a postponement was neces- nomination. The. atio-al, Associa- sary at theastritpte1duW4 ttion for the Advancement of Col- sudden illness of McClain. Becausej ored People also protested a speech 'of his intimate knowledge of prison made by Parker as Republican conditions obtained- through many gubernatorial candidate in 1920 in years work as chaplain of the which he was charged with saying Michigan State prison at Jackson, the Negroes were not ready to as- McLain will be in position to ans-I sume the burdens and responsibil- wer any question that may be ad- ities of government. dressed him by the audience onI The combined opposition of the subject. During the past few these two groups split the admin- Imonths he has been touring Michi- istratioht abReutbh defe nksand1gan and delivering a series of lec-1 broughtwabout t debdefeat. tures on the conditions and prob-I Parker was supported by 29 Re-! lems of the American prisons. publicans and 10 Democrats, while Following an introductory pre- 1 17 Republicans, 23 Democrats and sentation of the subject duringr 1 the lone Farmer-Labor Senator 0p- which he will explain the under- posed him. lying causes leading to the many I" Vote Hotly Contested. prison outbreaks during the lastl The vote was one of the closest few years, he will call for response 1 and the fight was one of the most I in the form of questions from the hotly contested o any in recent audience. He will also comment Senate historiy. con the mental attitude of the crim-i Not until the final roll call was inals in the large penitentiaries il- I ended was either side sureof the lustrating with an analysis of a outcome The vote came a the typical convict. Itis expected that I stipulated hour' and the gallerics I he will discuss the recent disaster I and the floor were crowded. at the Ohio State prison in' which I Members of the House crotwded more. than 320 convicts lost their into the chambe r and stood a.bout y lives.j the walls a.s the decision ap-______I___ proached. -. A change of a vote would have Engineering Society 3 put the issue up to Vice President Curtis and he was in the presiding Wins Debating Meet officers chair ready to cast it if necessary. In a calm, low voice, Mr. m Curtis announced the result. There Members of the Stump Speakers'I was a murmur and the long battle Society of the engineering college1 was ended. I defeated a team from the Detroit! __ - ,. . f r Y-y w 1 l= r it go 1 a ,t fj l I r 3 a i First Year Men to Pots During Tomorrow Throw Away Exercises Night. OFFERED FREE MOVIES reshmen from all sections of the cmpus will unite tonight and tomorrow to gather wood for the huge bonfire into which they will throw their "pots" tomorrow eve- ning as part of the traditional Cap Night exerciv^s at Sleepy Hol-- low. - The ceremony will mark the ad- vancement of every student to the next highest class. It will culminate with the student body attending free movies at the Majestic and Michigan theatres, through the courtesy of ,the management. An Evelyn Brent film will be shown at both houses, it was announced yes- terday.. The cs will form in a pro- cession at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow Sevening' atWaterman gymnasium, TO CAST BALLOTS ON HONOR SYSTEIM Student #Council Outlines Plan for Conducting Straw Vote at Time of Elections. SEEK STUDENT OPINION Nominating Committee to Name Candidates for Positions on Council Sunday. In an effort to determine the amount of sentiment regarding the adoption of an honor system in the literary college, a straw vote on the subject will be taken in con- junction with registration for the spring elections, it was decided at a meeting -of the Student Council last night. A special committee was appointed to take charge of the voting. Although increased interest is being shown on the subject of the honor system, the student govern- ing body felt that it should get an expression of the opinion of the students enrolled in the literary school before taking any definite steps in this direction. Council to Choose Nominees. Candidates for positions on the council for next year will be nam- ed at the meeting of the nominat- ing committee Sunday afternoon. In accordance with the amend- ment passed recently, whereby the membership of the council would be increased to the extent that five juniors including one from the engineering college be selected to the council, 10 sophomores and six juniors will be selected by the com- mittee since at least as many can- didates are required as the number of positions to be filled. The annual spring campus elec- tions will be on Tuesday, May 20, while registration for the elections will come on Thursday and Friday of the preceding. week . Al will take place in booths t the center of the diagonal, it was de- cided. Students Will Register. Dual and illegal voting will be eliminated by the registering of students each of whom will be re- quired to fill out slips with his sig- nature. A complete file of signa- tures will be kept at the booth for reference on election day. The two signatures will then be compared before the student will be allowed to vote. Students in all the colleges of the University will vote at the one booth although the ballots will be a different color for each school. It was suggested that a person be made to identify himself, prefer- ably with his Union card in the case of men students, during regis- tration, CHAIRMAN PLANS M'CORMICK REPLY (By Associated Pr"SS) CHICAGO, May 7- Thomas F. Donovan, chairman of the Illinois Democratic state central commit- tee, indicated he will answer to- morrow the challenge laid down in "Washington by Representative Ruth Hanna McCormick regarding a statement that $750,000 was spent in her recent primary campaign in addition to the amount she re- ported spent. This statement Is attributed to, the Democratic state central com- mittee which met yesterday'. In a telegram to Mr. Donovan, Mrs. Mc- Cormick demanded that if the committee knew of funds spent aside from those she had reported, the evidence be sent to Chairman Nye of the Senate investigating committee. Mr. Donovan said he had not yet received the telegram and declined to make any state- ment until tomorrow. When the telegram arrives it will be given prompt attention, he said. City Council Will Vote on Financial Aid Offer (By7. 1 criat d Press) DETROIT, May 7-A resolution to a.ccept Gov. Fred W. Green's offer of financial aid for widening trunk lines in Detroit has been prepared for submission to the city council tomorrow by John C. Nagel, presi- dent of the council. route to the stricken areas antted to $2,500 when the J-Hop sur- all Red Cross agencies had been plus and the results of the coming summer tag day are added on," broughtr ipto pyfro the storm dis- Todd declared. "This is several tricts placed the number killed at! hundred dollars more than any more than 70, but a closer check previous campaign has yielded." over crippled communication facili- In the eight years of its existence, more than 400 underprivileged ties lowered these figures. A number youngsters have been enabled to of those irnjuredoewever, were not enjoy the facilities of the Fresh Air expected to recover and it was camp, which is operated by mem- feared that the final report would ber of the University faculty and show a death list exceeinug the students, original figure. STANFORD INVITES Badgers Maintain Lead GLYMPIC TRYOUTS In Championship Battle (By Associated Press) . Sj I their reporting and assisting in and then rw ''hito 1h),,tene of ac- the editing of the newspaper. tivities. The Varsity b nd will lead M a r y Louise the parade. Behymer, '31, is At the end of the cE remonfie at to be women's Sleepy Hollow the c : i l lpa- editor next year. rade to campus for . 'ree shows. For two and a The theatres will be open to only half years Miss those student 'ho r in the l i B e h y mer has of parade and cr'i r will not be been on the wo- permitted previou- to th time the men's staff and was a women's Ipoeso ri7 twsttdb Jennings 'adhcharge of iyear d William C the affair for he si tuent council. yerar, WilliamhC Police protection will b M obtained GMcand '3,rth 'to carry out these regulations and Mui an Dra- io ma editor for I(to prevent any rushing the doors. the past year, will continue in Wilds 1 Committees to Invite this capacity for the coming year. Air Tour Through City' Night editors for the coming year will be Harold 0. Warred, III, '31, Four committees were appointed Beach Conger, Jr., '32, Carl For- yesterday by Dr. Dean W. Myers, ythe,'32,David h,'president of the city council, to syten, '32, David Nichord ', John, consider plans for including Ann Reindel, '32, and Richard L. Tobin, IArbor in the itinerary of the annual '32. Charles R. Sprowl, '32, will be ?state air tour to be held in July. f°. 4 Shuter Picks Play for New Mimes Production "The Road to Rome," by Robert E. Sherwood, has been chosen as the next play to be presented by Mimes, according to an announcement made yesterday by E. Mortimer Shuter, director. Tryouts for this play will be held at the Mimes theatre from 3 to 5 o'clock -this afternoon.M "The Road to Rome" was first made famous by Jane Cowl who played the leading role during its long New York run. rtVeather Xan. . 4 \ ss ,} r"* Institute of Technology last night in the Union on the subject, "Re- solved that the United States should prohibit the diversion of water through the Chicago drain- age canal." The local team was composed of Hauge S. Iskiyan, '30E, Dale W. Anderson, '30E, Edward Nell, '30E,1 and Ray Schmitgall, '30E. Mem- bers of the Detroit team' were Al- fred B. Gold, Ralph G: Gillespie,, Louis H. Lorrimie, and George D. Coolidge. (13v A ssocizatcd PreCs) SAN FRANCISCO, May 7.-Use of Stanford University's stadium for tryouts for the American Olym- pic games team was offered to- day by the Board of Athletic con- trol. The invitation was forward- ed to Frederick Rubien, of NewI York, secretary of the A. A. U. by Harry Maloney, president of theI Pacific Association, local branch of the A. A. U. Stanford officials, in authorizing Maloney to send the invitation, ex- pressed the opinion that it would be more practicable to have the tryouts on the Pacific coast. If they are in the East, the athletes would have to cross the country to com- pete at Los Angeles. EVANSTON, May 7-- Wisconsin clung to its lead in the Big Ten -baseball championship race today by defeating Northwestern, 16 tod12, in a wild game. The Badgers now have won four straight games and are undefeated. Thirty two base hits were made in the game, each team collectinp' ' I: ' PARKER REJECTION SHOWS SENATE WOULD PICK JUDGES, SAYS POLLOCK "It is apparent that several mem- that the opposition to Parker has bers on the United States Supreme satisfied itself that he is not fit- Court bench are likely to retire in ted for the post. It is also quite un- Hoover's administration, and aside uualto find of the sen from the desire to put a crimp ill deserting him in the matter. Hoover, it looks as if they are serv- "I am in sympathy," he averred, ing notice on him as to the type "with the desire to secure a more of man they want for the Supreme liberal minded Supreme Court, and Court." stated Prof. James K. Pal- , v+ Tr nt~hpr nhipae+ +to+he mpthnd + ,v 16 safe blows. an assistant on the news desk, a de- Activities of the groups will con- partment in which he has worked sist of investigating the feasibility Wilcox Announces Sale during the past year. These men of inviting the tour to visit. Ann Wilcx Anouncs Sae lArbor, since the. city would be re- f Stag DinnerTicet were selected by the new senior ed- rmuired to furish gasoline to the _ annitors on recommendation of the visiting planes from Ann Arbor to Tickets for the Senior Stag ban- present upper staff. their next stop. quet to be held Tuesday in the Un-- ion will be placed on sale this mor- RECENT OBSERVATIONS PROVE THAT, ning in the lobby of Angell hall and, in the Union, it is announced by PERHAPS SPRING IS ACTUALLY HERE Jackson A. Wilcox, "30, chairman of I ___ _ _____ the committee in charge. By J. T. shoes, flaming (more so than Inasmuch as, and in view of the j ever) ties, and the corresponding UNION NOMINATIONS Ifact that Ann Arbor has for the feminine wear (if any. past three days experienced a wave Further indications: Two stu- Applications for the nomina- of sweltering heat, it may now be dents, evidei try .unha rrassecd by tion for each of the six offices eroba lyasume toha spArbor has thoughts of approaching finals and of vice-president of the Union pabl Idcoto hAn Aor tother miscellany, were seen Monday last. Indications have pointeto- f~no lyn ~n c lhsV .will be received at the office of ward this phenomenon for some afrnoon playig roqet with sev- the generalmanager of the Un- time past but the extreme tenacity berry and Betsy Barbour dormitor- ion until 12 o'clock noon, Wed- of Old Man Winter has precluded ies, on the adjoining croquet grid- nesday, May 14. Applicants i the advisability of advancing a iron; others, eve p harrassed, must be students in the school positive statement to that effect- decided upon a eeneI arrl-down or college, the vice-presidency I Sprouting tree leaves have now nn dide upeo a genra lt-down