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May 07, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-07

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wmmDAY, MAY 7, mo

, .

Published every morning beept Moaday
Contwl of Student Publication
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
tothe use for republication of all news di.
w atches credited to it or not otherwise credited
this paper and the local news published
.P erein.,
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post.-
mas~ter ,eneral.j
Sdubsription by carrier, $4.e; by smal,
OfficestAnn Arbor Press Building, May
lard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley{
City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg]
News Editor. .......Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor.......Edwar I. Warner, Jr.
Nomen's Editor..... Marjorie Folmerj
Tlegaph- Editor....... Cassam A. Wilson
Musc and Drama......Wiliam J. Gorn i
Literary 'Editor.....Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank 9. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. yos
Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilde
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley t
Bertram Askwiti _ Lester May
Helen Hare Margaret Mix
- 31awel Bauer David M. Nichol
Mary L. Behymer William Page
Allan 8. Berkmna Howard H. Peckham
ArthurJ. Bernstein Hugh Pierce-
S. Beach Conger Victor Rabinowits
S. Bee~h Cnger John D. Reindel
Thomas M. cooley eannie Roberts
Helen Domine oseph A. Russel
Margaret Eckels oseph Ruwitch
Catherine Ferri alph R. Sachs,
Carl F. Forsythe CeceliaRShriver
Sheldon 'C.yFullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Rth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swanso
GMmvra Ginane Thayer
'ak Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
G Grimes Richard L. Tobin
MOrris Covema Robert Townsend
Mararet Harris Elizabeth Valentine
Cull en Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr.
earl Levy G. Lionel Wilsens
ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright
florothy Magee Vivian Ziris
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising............T. lollister Mabley
Advertising ........Kaser H. Halverson
Service ....,.George A. Spater
Circulation.................. J. Vernor Davis
Accounts....................John R. Rose
Publications............. George R. Hamilton
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
James E Cartwright Thomas Muir
obert Crawford George R. Patterson
Thomas M. DaviseCharles Sanford
Norman rEliezer 1Lee -Slayton
orris 'Johnson Joseph Van Riper
ares Kline Robert Williamson
Marvin Koacker William 1.. Worboy
Women Assistants on the Business
Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan
Dorothy Jloomgarden. Virginia MConb
Laura Codling lice McCully
Ethel onstas pSylvia Miller
Josephiie Convisser Ann Verner
Bernice Glaser Dorothea Waterman
Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese
Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY
Last fall when the announce-
ment was made that a thorough
'overhauling of the president's
mansion was imminent before
President Ruthven took possession,
it was expected that at least the
front of the house could, and would
be, made a bit more presentable
than it was at that time. However,
to date, our hopes have not been
justified, and alumni visitors last
week-end commented upon the
fact. idn
Certainly, with the large building
and grounds department the Uni-
versity employs, isome manner of
improvement could be made, over
present conditions. Light spots of
cement give an air of an ill-plas-

tered ghetto, weather-stained win-
dow sills resemble those of an an-
cient farmhouse, and the streaks
left after the removal of the blinds
furnish, to be sure, a symmetrical
black pattern which some may ad-
mire, but which adds nothing to
the attractiop of the residence.
Aside from the planting of
shrubs, and Me performing of
rather dubious experiments upon
the Romance Languages building,
it would not seem highly improb-
able that some of the University
workmen could take a few days off
to make the home of the institu-
tion's president a bit more pleas-
ing in appearance to both visitors
and students.
Anent the plea made for the in-
stitution of higher entrance re-
quirements for the University in
these columns recently, it may be
apropos to notice a comparison of
the number of dismissals becausel
of academic deficiencies from the
University of Illinois and from
In Illinois, one of the larger
state universities and not unlike
Michigan in prestige, entrance re-
ouiiremnts. a nd scholastfic stand1-

Princeton show that in that in-
stitution only 32 men out of a total
undergraduate enrollment of 2,235'
students were dropped because of'
scholastic deficiencies. This am-
ounts to approximately 1.4 per
cent as contrasted with 6 per cent
in the case of the large state uni-
Princeton entrance requirements
consist of college board examina-
tions as well as testimonials as to
the character, habits, and morals
of the applicant. Something more
thaneacademic knowledge is want-
We do not advocate the adopt-
ing of system of entrance examin-
ations for this University that will
correspond with the college board
examinations used in many col-
leges throughout the country. But
a somewhat finer system of selec-
tion must be adopted by Michigan
as well as other state universities.
The policy of state universities
(which has been adopted with a
view to "tolerance in obligations to
the state") should be changed suf-
ficiently to eliminate the majority
of cases in which the individual is
discouraged and sometimes disil-
lusioned by his dismissal from theI
University, and to do away with
many of the heartaches at home
because of the apparent temporary
failure of the progeny.
Some system of weeding out the
applicants before they ever start
in this business of."getting culture
in the University" must be adopt-
ed. It is evident that in large state
universities many individual s
should never be allowed to enter.
Those individuals who have no
business in a university should be
turned away before they ever start
their careers in the institution.




This is the last call for potential
Rolls editors. Ere the week is out
my' name will be laid to rest
among the ashes of former Rolls
editors and a new and younger
man will take my place to carry on
the great work of this department.'
But who will this young man be1
The competition isstill open aral
no decision will be made for a few
days. Send in your column! They
have been pouring in here at the
rate of one a day for the past two
days but I can handle 'em. Send;
'em in!
I see by the paper that Phi Eta
Sigma, national honorary schol-
astic fraternity, recently initiated
40 freshmen including President
Ruthven. I'm awfully glad he
made the grade.
Somebody just handed be two
stories from last Thursday's Daily
which were checked as being prize-
winners. They are. Listen: 'Since
1903 the bureau (of census) has
been collecting financial statistics
of all municipalities with a popula-
tion of 30,000,00 or more." I.think
I'll see if I can't get a job on that
S* * *
Here's the other (from a sports
story): "Rifles, ammunition ,and
officers will be furnished by the
sponsors." Pretty rough on the of-
ficials, don't you think?
* **
Dear Joe: Us proofreaders is
striking for more pay and less
work, We are goin gto form a unon
and make you slave-driving edi-
We mean busienss an dthe proff-
readers are going ho be a blight on
this paper til you, dirty, scound-
rels, give us justis,,,,,'yhatis more
you; have got to qiut making dirty
cracksabout uor work in you're
colum? we are gi veingyou a
chance to keep DETROIT 2, PHILA.
19 your column properly read but
them other editorss had better
"look otu"
Associate Prro fReaders Union.
P.S. we don't want uor pay doub-
led because: that would leaveit
still two times zero is nothing any-
Thanks, men; I'm glad you're
goin gto keep Rolls free frm typo-
gafical error s.

Editorial Comment
(Purdue Exponent)
Among some who consider them-
selves trained in pedagogy there
seems to be a theory that a stu-
dent will study a course harder if
he is made to think that he is con-
tinually just on the line or below.
These instructors repeatedly give
difficult tests and dailies which
few or none are able to pass, and I
than follow up with a sermon to
the effect that evidently the class
is riot working.
Certainly average grades should
indicate what the average student
can or cannot pass, and when an
entire class fails a test making it
necessary to use a multiplying fac-
tor should be no excuse for going
ahead and again giving as difficult
a test. 'When a student knows that
hle is only one among a whole class
that has failed, he invariably as-
sumes the attitude that there is no
use trying any longer if the in-
structor is going to continue giv-
ing such exams, for he feels cer-
tain that had the fault been with
him alone others sho'uld have!
On the other hand, one or two
good grades encourage him. He is
proud of them, he takes an interest
in the course, and feeling that he
has a chance, he wants to keep up
the work and have a little personal
record to crow over.3
Wholesale failure of classes, how-
ever, is bad because it not only has
its particular toll, but it starts
many on the downgoing stream
who would otherwise take great in-
terest in the course, and because
the theory that it induces more
intensive studying is seldom real-
(Christian Science Monitor)
"Would you," asks Dr. Gilbert N.
Lewis of the University of Califor-
nia, "believe that events now trans-
piring are among the factors which
decided Caesar to cross the Rubi-
Don't answer too quickly, and
is no catch in the question, and
those Who reply in the negative
may sometimes find themselves in
the class of the scoffers who pun-
ished Galileo and the doubters who
thought the Wright brothers just a
little bit unballanced. Now, Dr.
Lewis himself is not certain that
he believes entirely in what he has
suggested, but unquestionably he
is touching the outer nebulae of a
big idea. Dr. Lewis speaks not as
a philosopher, but as a distin-
guished physicist, and when he ad-
vances this rather startling deduc-
tion he contends that he is only
applying to human affairs the con-
clusions which are being soundly
established in physics and chemis-

Music And Drama !1
A Review.
Professor Gertrude Johnson of
the University of Wisconsin, ap-
pearing 'last night in the second of
a series of dramatic readings spon-
sored by the Speech department,
very splendidly introduced a play
by A. A. Milne that he has declar-
ed to be his best. "The Ivory Door,"'
like the others, is pleasant to theI
point of exasperation. It is about
a king and his subjects, "people
wanting to believe certain things
and not wanting to believe others."
The theme is something in the na-
ture of "what a delicate eveanes-
cent thing is truth."
It is the same Milne trick one
got in The Truth About Blayds.j
Very subtly he starts a current of
ideation .that gets you falsely in-
terested in the importance of the
play. He promptly abadons it for
the exploitation of his real tlent-
a nimble, springhtly display of
honest, attractive, and very ordi-
nary sentiment. Here there is con-
siderable facile symbolism and oc-
casional bits of sophisticated writ-
ing to heighten the illusion of im-
portance. But undoubtedly it is
quite as empty as all his other
plays; and of course, quite as pleas-
ant. Perhaps it is more pleasant.
Perhaps that's what Milne meant
by calling it his best play.
Prof. Johnson, in her introduc-
tory remarks, I think, proved her
judgment of the play by saying It
"meant many things, perhaps too
many things." At any rate, she
read it with complete honesty,
striving for and attaining the im-
pression of genuineness in the part
of Kink 1Ierivale, sentimentally and
remorsefully musing over the peo-
ple's idealisation of himself and
worrying about the mystery of the
Ivory Door, through which his an-
cestor Kings have disappeared. Her'
voice has genuineness and in her
reading of the part she takes all
the cadences with a spontaneity
that gives the necessary illusion.
Her voice also las the necessary
flexibility for sharp, accurate
characterization. All the other
parts in the play were completely
clarified by her easy adaptation i
and filpppy. Being a reader, she
is correctly economical about the
use of facial expression and ges-
ture. She employs these, for the
reader, extra modes of communi-
cation only when necessary. Her
efforts in this line were consistent-
ly verystudied and very revealing.
The result of her performance
of a prose play in a new confidence
in the adequacy of a flexible vocal
technique to' protect- all the rami-
fications of a play, indeed here'
rather a simple play. By careful
distribution of pauses and by a
subtle projection of the tone of
the dialogues, she succeeds in com-
municating the moods of the vari-
ous scenes-a task ordinarily done
in production by bits of business.
Free of the task of moving around
among chairs and making one's
body at all times accurate, she can
concentrate on the correct pointing
of each line. The result is that
reverence has been done to the
author that he would hardly be
granted in stage production.

There are many things to be said
in favor of the dramatic reading
as a form of communication. Cer-
tainly it should be more popular-
particularly among students of the
drama and of production-tran iit
seems to be. The final readings
in the present series will be Cyrano
de Bergerac and King Lear-both
of them undoubtedly more impor-
tant than the two plays so far
done. -W. J. G.
- 0
Richard Bennett comes next
week to the Shubert Lafayette in
a play that has seen Chicago and
is on its way to New York. Lawton
Campbell 'has given him a satiric
play that tears the mantle of gentle
tradition enfolding the south. The
aim in the writing has of course,
been to specificially give free play
to Mr. Bennett's particular set of
powers as an actor; and his por-
trayal has been very well received.
From accounts of the part, it
would seem to offer Mr. Bennett as
good a chance for his devastating'
characterisation as did Jarnegan.
This time he rips through a long
array of myths about the dear
southland in the part of a de-
scendant of a noted Civil War offi-
cer, a chap that can't forget that

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I T- l.


Picture shows proofreader with
nose buried in paper searching for
typos. Paper was handed to him
by reporter whose story was ruined
by double-crossing member of
Proofreader's Union.
There's something unjust about
this kind of weather just when
we're trying to brace ourselves for
The beautiful brass nameplates,
formerly fastened to the new cam-
pus lamp posts, have practically all
disappeared, they tell me. Now if
the boys will remove the bulbs for
home use, and uproot the posts to
be used as hatracks the campus
will again resemble its former self.
Dear Joe: I think the Chink is
mistaken about the R. L. building.
Outside of giving the B. and G.
boys something to do, don't you
think they might be preparing to
move it over to Sleepy Hollow for
the Cap Night bonfire?
The Beachcomber.
Today the final drive will be held
for the Fresh Air Camp fund. It's
your last chance to help give some
poor kid a happy ten days this
summer. BUY A TAG!
* * *
(Did you say you wouldn't? Why,
you skunk, you!)
"Do you need any toothpaste?"


.. ..


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