PAM TWO~ 11HE.MICHIGAN DAICLY. WEDNESDAY, MAY '7, 1930 TOMIGKTAT UkNIN Chicag a Drainage Canal Question! Will be Subject Discussed 1-by Organization. CLUB SPONSORS EVENT DEBATING TEAM WHICH WILL FACE DETROIT INS TITUJTEAOF TECHNOL(Gy fShortening, of Time Necessitates than e in Name; Orientation E per id'is New Tifle. Freshman week will bc known FACUL TY EXHIBITI iILM II~ L~1 TO CLOSE TODAY';I6tIIIVI IINkt Filid *,an fal an 'ucr, aining Manycuef OiL a gW Dipanyg A _~ E I Held by Women's Club.. Theannalcxhbitonof he rtMichigan Graduate Takes Prize section of the Faculty Women's I f$5i iea no club, which opened Sunday ineliiouhEvnt west gallery of Alumni Memorial lrheJ ahGa, wsys hall1 will clos;e today, ac 'rciig 'to terday awarded the first, prize 9lI :Mrs. Frederick Hi. Aldrich, who is $15.00 in the -c~ntest conducted by' in cli ge of this yea's shoW', the Liberal Students' Union of the Included in the exhibit arQ i Unitarian, church. for the Michigan number of oils .and water coloirs, i student submitting the best state- addition to many examples 01; ment of principles, making up a hook rugs, needle. point, woveni reigious creed or plan of life. See- rugs, and batiks. There are 37 ex-' ond prize was won by Merle M. hibitors. Ellsworth, '30, and the third award went to Grace F. Anderson, '30.. State Board Authorizes? Judges for the contest were Prof. -;!Robert C. Angell, of the socioloigy County B id Plant"s department, Prof. Ay . elrof , Uth i.. jJ i JjJJ.hv Ltr mjJC4.J. ~ nt n~hd1 i .y Detroit Theatrees I C ASS THEATER, "THE NEW MOON" The Season's Greatest Cast with 100 Golden Voices. CHARLOTTE LANSING GEORGE HUSTON ROSCOE3 AILS When debating teams rep)resenit-E stated Prof. Philip E. Bursl~ey, of ing the Stump Speakers' Society th~e romance la.Paage department,I of V1he engixneering college and the who is in charge of the orientation ! Slie Rule S.peakers' Club of tie progz'am ifor next fall.j Detoto nsgt inte noat 7:3.0c,,"Wte -i., made this change for me oighinteUina7:0o'clock, they will deb~ate the ,ques- two reasons," Prof-ssoi' Bursley de- tion:. "Resolved that the U~nited Idcared, "first, because the period Staes should prohibit the diver- w ill be shortenied. this fall to five Sion of water through tlxe Chicago !'days, lasting from. Tuesday., Sep- drainage canal." Both of the socie- te=-2;toS't~ay etme tie represent chapters. of Sigma ___27. Rho Tau, a 'national engineering IDbtr rm teegneigI 5 s T h debating fraternity. IDbtr rmteegneiglaso n Arbcr wil ,as Inte second place," Professor Th oa emwihwl p- college who will meet a team from aati dz .Pr# usledy. otifiued,, "inasmnuch as hold the negative side of the gues- the Detroit institute of Tech- ~so the period this fall will comprehend tiong ae HagS.siyn'3Enogytighti heUin ct~oegt Brackett of the engineering students. who transfer with ad- DaleaW. Andeson,1'3in tEwardnionlat coached the 1ocal team. vancedstanding as well as fresh- Nael W.Aro,30E, anEdwmt ard 3V17:30 o'clock> are shown above. Left ;________m__ien, i 1 would be false terminology The Detroit team consists of Alfred torghtthy are Hauge S. Iskiyan,i UNIVERSITY O; oWcntnuecalinSitbyitsol B. Gold, Ralph G. Gillespie, Louis Edward R. Nell, and Dale W. An- Prpsltioe' ae H. Lorrimie, and "George D. Cool- Berson. The two teams will rep! etn r vr5. ecn fteetrn idgp reentSiga Ro Tu, atinalcu~rfew hour, fom 10":30 to 11 p.. m. students, in the School of Educa- ig.rsnSim Rh Ta nainli radA new form of routine is being engineering debating fraternity. 'and. to aboliha 4:3;.0 visiting rule tion. and the literary college, an ~dateveloped by the Stump Society in The debate is being sponsored by Wf istonsino un~ve sityo has. arous- average of 800 during, the last five that each team may have three to the Stump Speakers' Society which d ,srnofpoitofo o-y.rhvetrdwt aacd five men who may speak at any I has held a series of debates among I rority women and blouse mothers. 'standing, Professor Bu'rsley said.1 time and for' any length of time,! its members and with other schools provided~ the time does not exceed during the yeai, Gardner S.mntsfrheaimtvend. Wil- 29 minutes for the .negative. There-Ma ILi is no rebuttal,. and the entire de- Un, j; ySunday, bate moves faster and is more in- 82PcadSre p. ~:cket, ofthe nginerin teresting, according to Prof. Robert D ay English department who is coach' SPECIAL TiODAY M/t e''Y, rLsID.ay of the local group. 1 1:30 to 1rP M.Is -VEAL SALAD caExress your love for' hrb I1G MAY SALE SLCE 5TOATESgivin~g her A b 20% DISCOUNT ON25 F RATERNITY JE'WELRtY DINNE2R SPECIAL { h. O Burr, Patterson &Auld 53 3t50CP .Deu u O Lnt 603 Chundi~ _______________ 7, L ac,. a, r J fl ,fca. 1_ i i I i i I SIWIERT LAFAYETTE THU*STON The Famous Magician And His Daughter Jane, Singing, Dancing Comediennc. ALL THF M US1CYOIUJWAiNI WHN OUWAN~ (13y As'soiated Press) Prof. John F. Shlepaird, of the, LANSING, May .-Preparatory, psychol-ogy department. construction for the proposed new $ahmn's statement was to tl o state hospital in Washtenaw countyi effect that a man should: "Be was authorized by the state admin-' creediess; that is, be intellige t istrative board Monday when $271,-I enough to make a daptati'ons with- 500 was released. The money will! out dependence upon some for- be expended for sewers, a sewage mula;. Be self-reliant; that is, don't disposal plant, a water supply sys- I be dependent upon supernatural tem and a spur track. The institu- agency for intellectual support or tion is to cost several million dol- moral guidance; Be critical, that is, lars. According to Gov. Fred W. I question assumptions and seek cer-j Green work is to. be pushed . itude scientifically. Ia i n .. Wv _.__ _... U Ai ,L Sophisticated e n t e r - tainment 'for discrim- inating audiences only. An artist-a genius _ l I rjjFI we Da~ve aLpecia t LJLJ ar ners1~.Iy Pass, johnstoi's, anda Gilberts. T HE BETSY ROSS, 13-15 Nickels Area e r r At PAF NOW PLAYING BY ARRANGEMENT WITH FLOIRENZ ZIEGFELD ; XAN4TTE MacD)ONALD. Warner Oland 0. P. Heggie And Mob Scenes of Thousands. ALS6- %ESOPS FABLE CARTOON RAMOIJNT NEWS I I. Make Ideal MYOther's D ay Gifts We have a .fine sclec-. tion and will mail: them out for you. Schaeberle& Yoiur dealer for thirty-f 110 South main ; Dial 16011 An ears, Music Hou WE DELI VER five ye. street F . 1 .1 ww TODAY!! The picture for which you've 4.4 . *..ofthetee t'r. ISTANIE k'Ilil TELD i ainenct to the eternal emotions! Lilt- ing, soft as down, sweet and sure... here's a dance tune that gives the girls a chance... Every one of this list of Victor Records has that uiquec personal pull that only Victor arrangeentn .. and, Victor artists, ctcai of the world ,front jazxz to synp iy ... can give! Get this consolation and joy... at your Victor: dealer's-N.tOW. Other features SONG CARTOON P'ATHE REVIEW METRO NEWS STAN LAUREL and OLIVER HARDY "They Go Bom" 's CORNWELL GOAL,-COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia toal Solvay and Gas Coke Thisv business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do busittess in a friendly way. If you thine son too. lt's idet toiether. r i 1 . t t i i i .9*in a cgarette it's P1t0MISES FILL nlo sack',,®ait is not words, but taste, that makes you enjoy a cigarette. But you're. entitled to all the f agraigce and laor that fine tobaccos can 8ive; don't be Content with less. You cai expect better taste, richer 'aroma, from Chesterfields - because in~ making them, we prut taste first - , { , t.; ...>< s AST-E -w 17 , ' i S i '1 22.334--A ILONE W ITH XIY OtIE MS*-,at. S~ild ktreetandtlc ictor (Orch. aand I.AZY LOU'MIANA MOON -Iililawai. ian Orchestra 22322-1i%' MV LITTLE ]ROPE CH EST and sIN G YOU SINNE:RS- The High hlatucra 2232-.TI:ONE IAt C EED 'WITH MEIip Sda n andhis 0r h. andRLs I URNING GREY 0%VER1 YOU-- Nat. Shilkrct und the Victor Orch. 223,-6-,SW EEPIN_' THE CLOTDS AWAY~- Conn .5aui~ers Orch. and ANY TIME'S TIE TIME TO FAIL IN LOVE --1hidip SpitaLny and his Orch. 224331-TiL E WOMANl. IN THiE SOE-Nat. Shiikrot and the Victor Ordh. and ONLY LOVE IS REAL-Thze high Batters v X G "TASTE above everything"q MILD- ..and jyet. 2239-WHIsEN I T 'S ISPINlN4~IF IN THE ROCKIES and DOW N THE I SIVV fP(:Lt fiIN Db -, r . V4 . y : ;;rte j 9;7 a 114, T i I In