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May 06, 1930 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-06

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TUSDAY, MAY 6, 1930


ell II


s- :5


Over-capacity Use of Facilities
Characterizes First Year
of League Building.
Public Admitted to Building for
First Time on May 5 at
Open Reception.
One year ago today niarked the
official opening of the University
of Michigan League building. The
first meal was served in the ball-
room on May 6, 1929. Following
this dinner, the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre was-formally opened with
Comedy Club's initial performance
of "Granite."
The public was first admitted to
the building on May 5 for an open
reception sponsored by the officers
of the Alumni council, the League
officers, and the Regents of the
University. The entire building
was open for this occasion. It was
estimated that 4,000 visitors were
entertained in the afternoon, and
4,000 in the evening.
:Tea Dance Held in Ballroom.
During the course of the after-
noon;ttea was served to the public,
a tea dance was held in the ball-
room, and an Orchesis dance recit-
al was presented in the theatre.
The Orchesis program was repeat-
ed in the evening, and a formal
dance given in the ballroom.
Every department of the League
building was set in motion by noon
of May 7, including the cafeteria,
dining room, library, the various
lounges, and all the. rooms on the
third floor.
The League building was organ-
ized and run as an experimental
venture through the first year. The
entire management was under the
control of the Alumni board Sept.
1 to April 1 of this year. At that
time it was turned over to the Reg-
ents, who have appointed a board
a governors.
Addition Planned in Future.
The first experimental year has1
proved that the League building is
and will be a financial success. So-
cially, it has been used to over-ca-
pacity; the manager is frequently
obliged to turn away private par-
ties. With financial independence
already realized, and more than I
capacity use of the building indi-
cated in the first year, plans for an
addition on the north side will be
warranted in the near future. !
Elections for next year's Junior
Girls' Play will be held at 4 o'clock
tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn1
theatre. The elective offices are
general chairman, assistant chair-
man, business manager, and prop-
erty chairman. The other positions
are appointed by the elected mem-
Three sophomore women will
make up the committee which is to
nominate two women for each of
the positions: Katherine Ferrin,
and Elizabeth Louden, sophomore
members of the Board of Directors

of the League, and Betty Healy.'
The nominations made by this
group will be submitted to the
members of the sophomore class
for election at the meeting tomor-
In Chiapas, Mexico a boarding
school has recently been opened
for Chamula Indians. The school
is not only for the promotion of
child education but also for that
of adults. Very fine and complete
equipment is installed in the school.
The United States Office of Educa-
tion is establishing this in order'
to bring the community to a higher
level of living.
A specialty for
twenty years.
Prompt service.. Experienced op-
erators.. Moderate rates.
314 South State St. Phone 6615
Furs and Fur Coats









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Zeta Tau Alpha, Alpha Zi Delta
and Alpha Phi Are Winners
in Yesterday's Games.
Zeta Tau Alpha defeated Kappa
Kappa Gamma in one of the most
closely contested baseball games of
the season by a score of 15 to 14.
Mildred Cassidy, '3Ed, was pitcher
while Marjory Elsworth, '32, was
catcher for the Zeta Tau Alpha
team. Felia Hendricks, '33Ed, scored
a number of runs for the Zeta Tau
Alpha, being in excellent batting
form. The pitcher for Kappa Kappa
Gamma was Annette Cummings,
,'33 and the catcher, Aldean Hunt,
Another close score 13 to 11 was
.- !(thatb hv hich th Ainhn Z73! n lt

The desire of the Japanese Christmas celebration. These doll.
women to cultivate friendly rela- were received by Jane Davis,
tions with the United States is daughter of Secretary of Labor.
seen in the sending of dolls to this who represented the young women
country as envoys of gratitude. of the United States.
In 1927 the doll, Miss America, Lately, the Princess Teru, Prin-
'was the first of a delegation O1 cess Chichibu, and Princess Taka-
nearly 13,000 American dolls that natsu have graciously consented to
went to Japan that year to take receive on Doll Festival day the
part in the doll festival there. Miss specially bound volume, "Dolls of
America was received by Princess Friendship," which tells the story
Teru, the daughter of the Emperor of these dolls and their part in
and Empress of Japan. foreign relations since. 1927. These
Following that, 58 doll ambas- books have been conveyed to Japan
sadors were sent from Japan to the through Consul General S. Sawada
United States to take part in the of New York.

- ~ Li(ULJ Wi~,i ,Lt 1s -i. 1 - -~,- - -- --
1 ;, ^"" ,7 1, -defeated Delti Gamma. Ruth Mar-
shall, '31, was pitcher and Jean ewelr
HE.UN1Vy rYOFMo4 GEA N LM4Ii A -r FrT ATtNII NeatEA r _.. __y Bentley, '33, was catcher on the
wniJg team. Handkerchiefs Hose
We feel that the most far------ - --- - Alpha Phis won their game from
reaching visions we have had in Alpha Gamma Delta by a score of Flowers Gloves
regard to the League biling have M N 1 LStudents May Order I5 to 10. Audra Cook was the out-Flowers Gloves
bayn elaed M srs. anvr a'snp rh ANovelties Purses
sary,' declared Mrs. W. D. Ilender- l Gamma Delta team while Betty
son. "It has been particularly Orders for the photostatted Carpenter played a good game as
gratifying to me that we have been O copies of the music of the Junior catcher on the Alpha Phi team. T he R U B L E Y SH O P
able to prove the usefulness of thepJ Kappa Delta defeated Theta Phi
building in one year, as we did not ----- Girls' Play, "State Street," will be Alpha, with comparatively little dif- NICKELS ARCADE
expect it to be fully appreciated or Interclass Speedball Players to taken from 9 to 4 o'clock Wednes- ficulty, by a score of 11 to 3.
to reach the height of its success See Movies of Sport at day and Thursday at the candy ChiO Omega defaulted thereby
in less than five 'years." booth in Uist , i giving a victory to Pi Beta Phi,
Several tests of the capacity and Coming Affair. Alpha Omicron Pi likewise won its -
efficiency of the League building to an announcement made by Mar- game through the defaulting of
have occurred during the year. On MUST SIGN UP TODAY iorie McClung, chairman of music Helen Newberry House. r;- -
one occasion, the week end of the for the production.
Harvard game, over 3,000 people Informality will be the keynote Four songs, "What Am I Waiting Lillian Copeland, national cham- '
were served at meals alone. This of the first speedball spread, which For?", "Dealer in Futures", "Girl in pion in eight-pound shot, javelin
spring the Schoolmasters' club and w' Pink", and "Sweet and Low Brow", and discus, who represented Amer-
Athletic Conference of American y will be available, at 40 cents each. ica in the 1928 Olympic games is
College Women have held conven- at Palmer Field house. Those Those who wish any or all of the in training for 1930's International E
tions under its roof. The Junior women who are out for interclass copies are asked to bring their I meet to be held in Praha, Czecho-
Girls' Play brought out the utility speedball are invited to attend the money when ordering. Slovakia.
of the building's various facilities. spread, which will be 50 cents. -IllllhllllllIlllliilllllllllllllllilillllllillilll l I
Theatre Presents Student Plays. speedball movies will be shown
The Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
has been able to finance itself and immediately after the spread, but o
has been in constant demand. It aside from these, there will be no ® =-
has accommodated numerous dra-o definite entertainment. The coin-
matic functions of undergraduates,I mittee in charge, headed hy Marian
has presented such artists as'3Ed. manager of peedball,
Kreutzberg and Georgi, Ben Greet Geib Id.mneffrda. - -
players, and several other dramatic wants everyone to follow her own I - ' * *
groups.p inclinations. There will be dancing;. - .
The League chapel has been in or cards for those who do not care I
use extensively for religious ser- for conversation. - -
vices. The Christian Science stu- A'cardwill"betposted in Bar-our I
dents hold services there every A card will be posted in Barbour -.-
week, Jewish groups use the chapel gymnasium and at Palmer Field samHereis easy andat the-
for Sunday evening services, and it house today to be signed by all sm te pracmiwa so gtion -
by I to the problem of what to get -
has been the scene of a number of those who are attending the spread. Mother. Hosiery is always an -.= '
weddings. All women must sign up today. - acceptable and useful gift and >,
Alumnae Enjoy Facilities. "FINER
her, ure to please ,_,,, : '=
An interesting feature of the'her.
League's operation during the past!NOTICE
year has been the capacity use of han Omtce.it s
been most gratifying that there All tennis matches in the sec- o
Sthe ond round of the intramural
hv bendmnsfraltournament must be played off rM. - = = '
League facilities during the week beand ste score po -
when students could not use it,,, by May d h e the scores past- -ZS erc l
Mrs. Hendeson said. "The plan is n fie hue $ OUTSIZES (Service only) .1.95
to turn it over to the exclusive use -.- ,K':'1 W,', ,':*
of the students during week-ends. -_____ _- -._'_"_w
hVTotCX vCSO -- Sports Fashions Lead the Style
i lil l lplll lll lllfllil 11 i I I I I III 1 11 ilI111 11ll llillllilllllll lll ll 1 1 1 {I (
(The casuof Summer sports is all in the comfort of one's
la s e£ f icostume and the greatest comfort is to feel that you are dressed
both becomingly and attractively. It's an easy matter if you
select from the showings of smart sports apparel on display
I . here.
SThe 1930 Cardigan Suit
Its still collarless but its jacket is slightly flared. The blouse
is tuck-in or tuckout deending on your figure.
Y _$19.75 up
All Purpose Sports Coats
What a lot of wear you will get from one of these smart sports
coats. For picknicking, motoring and all out of door wear
f 1 ". . . and they save .your dress-up coat, too. .
j $25.00 p
This Is A Sweater Season
Colorful, charming, so delightfully new and Spring like in their
x f varied styles.
This Extremely Low Price
That add new interest allt heir own with fresh fabrics aid
.l ovely colorings.
KOTEX IS SOFT... New Styles! New Materials! $2.50 up
OU will wonder, once you've 1-Not a deceptive softness, that i
used Kotex, how you ever man- soon packs into chafing hard- ENVELOPES RAJAH SILKS is-
aged to get along without it. For ness. B aUCHEsnWHITE KID IEvery miss will find a skirt more than useful this season and
here is sanitary protection that is softness. -.at this price one can afford several.
designed to fit; designed'to protect 2-Kotexfller isfarligrerand SEMI POUCH CALFSKIN Special $3.95
comfortably for hours. coolerthancotton,yetbTAPESTRY
Kotex is made of a marvelous ab- 5 times as much. Z
sorbent called Cellucotton (not cot- 3-Deodorizes, safely, thor. Delicate Shades of Tan, Beige, Green, Blue, Red, Black.
ton) absorbent wadding oughlybya special process.

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