FADE FOUlt THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y TUESDAY,-MAY 6, 1930 Published every morning except Monday during toe TUniversitmy year by ths Bard I Contol of Student Publications. Mecmber of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled tq the use for republication of all news di atches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and the local news published entered; at the postotfice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- Mtaster General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by 6al, $4 so Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildiag, Mayr sard Street. .Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business, ar4. EDITORIAL STAFF r: EDTelephone 4925 F MANAGING EDITOR ELLIS B. MERRY Editorial Chairman........George C. Tilley City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg News Editor.............Donald J. Kline Sports Editor.......Edward. MI. Warner, Jr. Women's :Editor ....... ...Marjorie Follmet Telegraph Editor.........Cassam A. Wilson Music and Drama......William J. Gorman Literary Editor........Lawrence R. Klein Assistant City Editor. ... Robert J Feldman Night Editors-Editorial Board Members Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds. Gurney Williams Reporters Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley Bertram Askwith Lester May Helen Bard Margaret Mix Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol Mary L. Behymer William Page Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham Arthur .J. Bernstein Ilugh 1irce S. Beach Conger onD.Reindeit Thomas M. Cooley JeanniDRoberts Helen Doiine .Joseph A. Russell Margaret Eckels Joseph Ruwitch Catherine Ferrin alph R. Sachs Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shiver Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart Huth Geddes S. Cad well Swansog Ginevrha Ginn Jane Thayer ack Goldsmith MargaretLThompson Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin Morris Giove'maa Robert Townsend Margaret Harris Elizabeth Valentine Cullen Kennedy Harold 0. Warren, Jr. can Levy G. Lionel Willeas ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright Dorothy Magee Vivian Zimir the interpreters and representa- . tives of the University. But the most important excuse OA$TE ROLL for such meetings lies without this ken. The large advisory commit-;IT'S TOO tee is to be sub-divided into smaller HOT TO WRITE groups for purposes of making de- A COLUMN. tailed studies of various assigned But nevertheless the column will University problems. The judg- Bh Untvand findings. theceivd- be written. I'm still getting dirty ment and findings thus received losfo h he o osig will be expert and thorough; fur- looks from the Chief for foisting ther, they will invoke wide alumni that lazy April Fool column on. attention and result in a tighter trusting public. bond than has previously been ex- f perienced. What's more the old managing In the light of President Ruth- editor has instructed the new man- yen's program to alleviate the tolaging editor to keep me under con- rather enervating circumstances trol, so the fun I had planned to which had beset the University's have under a new administration esprit de corps before his adminis- has all fallen through. tration, the program for alumni ET T participation in active capacities P stands commendably high. To Lark: Lark, the cleaners! wouldn't have anything to fight I Music And Drama TONIGHT: In the Mendelssohn Theatre Miss Gertrude Johnson, of the University of Wisconsin, in a dramatic reading of "The Ivory Door" by A. A. Milne. In the School of Music Auditor- ium , Hilda. Kahan, a student of Prof. Albert Lockwood, in gradua- tion piano recital. NOTES ON THE "ANTIGONE" My Miss Margaret Anglin. (ED. ) o T 0'!! The kfoltwmg note (0n M, I dletails of thle fortheoning prodtlitonl of sophioces Anigooe are textracted from a titri Ss(nt to MTl. Ilfl~cndrf ' who X~is(1 ' (Irc( ing the Festival). The present production will be the first time I have ever played f Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry High Grade Repair Service 1 6.1 Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying BUSINESS STAFF t . Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER A. J. JORDAN, JR. Assistant Manager ALEX K. SCHERER Department Managers Adertising .. ......T. Hollister Mabley Advertising...........Kasper H. Halverson Service.................George A. Spater Circulation................ Veror Davis Accounts....... .....John R. Rose Publications.. . George f. IHamiton Business Secretary-Mary Chase Assstants James E. Cartwright Thomas Muir obert Crawford ~eorge R. Patterson Thomas M. Davis CharlesRSanford Norman Eliezer Lee Slayron Norris Johnson Joseph Van Riper Charles Kline Robert Williamson.. Marvrin .Kobacker -william R. Worboy Women Assistants on the Business Staff. Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia MComb Laura Codling Alice McCully lVhel Consts Sylvia Miller Josephine C onisser AnlVerne r ernice .laer , lDorothea Waterman Anna *oldhergr Jan Wiese Hortense Goodig TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930 Night. Editor- WAITER WILDS THE ALUMNI ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Last Saturday's alumni meetings contributed several. noteworthy in- crements toward furthering 'the policy of eliciting better informed and more productive support of University projects .by Michigan graduates, which President Ruth- ven, in support of the Alumni as- sociation, has resurrected from Dr. Burton's administration. At the time of the latter's death, there was a project on his desk involving the selection of a large nationa] alumni advisory committee, with its own organization, which should serve the twin functions of keep- ing the graduate body informed o the University's policies, problems and actions and of further defin- ing and impregnating points of contact between alumni and in- stitution. The first of these purposes, thus derived, after a period of quiet ma- turation during the Little regime reached fruition as a consequence of the meetings held last week end In the neighborhood of 125 mem- bers of the elite in Michigan's alumni body participated in discus- sions centering around the them of the conference, "Know Michigar Better." Deans and members o: the teaching staffs of many Uni- versity departments addressed the alumni; inspection tours made graphic these descriptions, and half-forgotten impressions of the institution were retouched. The effects of such a procedure are multifarious. In virtually ever recent indictment against the pre- tentions to commercialism anc bigotry prevalent in intercollegiate affairs, the alumni figure as causa- tive factors even more than for- merly. It is a highly meritorious undertaking, therefore, to divert alumni attentions from such de- vices to the serious business of im- Droving academic excellence. about if we were to lay aside our the "Antigone" in an intimate in- o Edi tr. C omcoats. While we have a chance at door theatre. . . . The supporting: Ed1toriI Comment such bargains we should make use cast sounds most interesting. I o _ o of them. Besides, a slight odor of WIT VERSUS FACT IN COLLEGES naptha relieves the morning at-k (Christian Science Monitor) mosphere of home brew that has! you have cast for Creon, and I been noticed on some of the boys.; think he will be splendid. He At a time when polls of collegesi on pohibition are rife in the Unit- No, Lark, the plan won't work. worked with me in "The Woman! ed States, the statement of Ernest And that silly slogan, "A Whitein Bronze" and has an exception- W.'Butterfield, commissioner of ed-1Shirt Never Offends!" After doing . the janitor's morning dusting with ally beautiful voice. ucatino of New Hampshire, that the sleeves, and after a lunch in such polls are not to be taken ser- a Quick & Dirty you would be cry- iously, since the students are in a ing to have the old dark suit on "mild intellectual rebellion against again. If Coatless Shirt week ever all accepted conventions," is a begins it will end the same day. penetra.ting comment that sums up Seth Johns. in a nutshell a phase of college * * thought brought into play by polls Your letter is logical in spots,I and questionnaires. tHrrSeth, but your prophesy is all wet. Results of the polls at Harvard CotesSitwk(bgny- and other eastern universities bear C s.(- - terday is a tremendous success out Mr. Butterfield's analysis of Y tegy) s atremous success ou iuto.TeHradCi-and telegrams are pouring in fromI the situation. The Harvard Crim- all over the country. If you don't son, ih reporting answers made to aliover th ou don't e Wsten- the poll which resulted in a wet believe it, go down to the Western- majority; headed one article as fol- Uc a l lows: "Sopping Souses Support WHAT'S THE USE? Wringing Wet Win in Cryptic Crim- Dear Mr. Tinker: I should ad- son Comments-'I'd Rather Be. vise you to abandon your Library Tight Than Be President.' Fumes seal campaign. It appears to me Furious Froth-Blower - 'No More that we're having too much diffi- Good Clean Fun in Law.'" Under retavingtoul di- this heading answers were listed culty in retaining our old tradi- I thtion withonutansneostingenewsoeds. which correspond fairly closely in tions without concocting new ones. Your suggestion o a production I have always walked on the seal,; Yu4ugsin fapouto general to the spirit of the cap- t gives one the impreso of rug in the classic "spirit," but not in tion.itgvsoeteipesoofr- hile it would be unfair to take gedness, solidity, and permanence' the classic "tradition" (what you the above attitude of a student of the University as one scrapes call the "formal ritual, Edith- publication and the answers of over its contours.lf the Wynne-Matheson type of produc- some students, as typical of college . . , tion") is quite right. So manyI thought, it is none the less true artists and authors forget that the thatthetenenc tofactiosnes jWell, I may take your advice at that the tendency to facetiousness that, Olaf. For one thing I can't Greek plays are primarily plays of is widespread enough on collegee yrp throw stones at anybody because the heale. They are regarded as campu'ses to make polls on any sub- ject open to question as indications yesterday I walked into the library examples of the perfect age, as of college conditions. Actually the and almost broke my neck sliding: forms- of philosophic thought, as tim of Dr Alfred Worcester on the seal. (Cries of "Why do moral essays.a p seven as il te ymorallfe Wrese csas 1 >joemrs, of the Harvard Medical School, thing by halves?" etc. lustration of dramatic laws, and that drinking at Harvard is much! 1they are, of course, all of these less than thirty years ago, carries/ft things. B't they are primarily far greater weight than the ans- / , plays-intended to pass the time wers to a college questionnaire. and exhilarate the emotions. They ol came into being as plays, and their form and:make-up can best be un- I derstood' by -the actual dramatic m sOplonlon Action photo, taken by the Pher- business in them. They became Contributors are asked "to be brief, ret, shows the event clearly. poems and literature incidentally: confining themselves to less than oo Crutches were touched in by staff they were written as plays. A play- worAs of possible. Anonymous -co.a'-te munications will be *disregarded. The artist to evoke pity, but a lot Illwight is always an entertainer, names of communicants wil, however, get fromwigtisawasanetetinr be regarded as confidential, upon re g rm you). and unless his desire to hold his quest. Letters tublished should notrbe audience-"overpoweringly predom- con strued a exp~ressing the editorial opinion of The rY ily. THOUGHTS WHILE imates he will never be successful. ATTENDING CLASS. This, I believe, has been the chief Somewhere the right pipe and the right tobacco are waiting JUST for YOU CARRY ON, man; never say die, don't give up the ship, and all that sort of thing. Somewhere the right pipe and the right tobacco are waiting-just for you. Carry on! Find 'em! The trick is to find both-to find, for instance, the pipe with just the shape and weight, just the balance and size and "grip" that suit you. No easy job-but it's your job, and the world is full of pipes. The tobacco problem is easier, for we can help you there, not only with the suggestion that Edgeworth very prob- ably is the tobacco you are looking for, but also with some Edgeworth. The Edgeworth will smoke most benignly in your tentative pipe, and it will smoke there several times. We mean every word: several good heaping pipefuls of Edgeworth, a generous packet of abso- lutely genuine Edgeworth, all free and for nothing if you'd like to try it. Done? Then the coupon, please. Lowest Prices: TERMS To Suit. Play While You Pay. GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE For Everything Musical Radios:- Majestic, Victor, Crosley Pianos:- Baldwin, Kohier & Campbell Orchestral Instruments Victor, Columbia, Brunswick Records ASK THOMAS HINSH AW. Mgr. 601 East William Street Phone 7515 14 For Sale 1507 Wells Street, beauti- l ADYRlJBB __- P cDG wRry CD ,E~ ; ii Edgeworth is a careful blend of good tobaccos -selected especially for pipe-smoking. its quality and flavorneverchange. Buy Edgeworth any- where in two forms- "Ready-Rubbed" and "Plug Slice"-15r pock- et package to pound hu- midor tin. Larus & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va. ful 8 room home on large lot, consisting of a large newly carpeted living room, beautiful dining room and splendid light kitchen and sun parlor, four large bed- rooms on second floor, with tile bath, equipped with oil burner, water softner, elec- t r i c refrigerator, electric dishwater, every conven- ience that makes a comfort- able home. !!s bw is ao For Sale 1319 Granger . Owner must sell Fine English type house. Four rooms first floor, three rooms and tile bath second floor, fine furnace, water softener, gas hot water heater. Size of lot 50x132, - pavement, shade,. double garage. This house must be sold immediately and is being offered at a big re- duction. I ,; a1 EDGEWORT H SMOKING TOBACCO ------------------------t !LARUS & BRO. CO.I 100S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. t I'll try your Edgeworth. And I'll try ! it in a good pipe. ! 1 Name - I t I t Street I 1 ! Town and State_ Now let the Edgeworth corne!V2 1..+..--------------------------.1 Office open evenings from 7:00 until 9:00 Dial 22571 BRROKSNUEWTONGInc BROOKS BUILDING I fR r':, °., r.. 4 LI _S S f- To the Editor: How much longer must-the Mich- igan student--body put up with the Shylock proclivities of the local, book stores? For years we havej been forced to buy text books from{ dealers whose standards of value areas variable as the wind velocity.1 For years we have been forced to pay from five to -twenty or more! dollars a semester for books whose turn-in value averages half or less the new value, even if the book is as good as new. Not long ago I decided to try an experiment to test my theory that local dealers base their stan- dards of value on the weather and the current condition of the diges- tive tract of the salesman, and I found out that my suspicions were justified. I purchased a. new four dollar book in one store and took. it over to a neighboring store where I asked the cash value of the book. The salesman glanced at the title, flipped through the pages, viewed the colume from three different angles, and decided it was worLh only two dollars, because "the au- thor is considering a revision." The author, I hasten to add, re- cently stated that he hasn't had time to get at the revision. It has often been suggested that the University or the Union main- tain a book store for the conven- ience of students. Why the delay? The live threat of such a plan would raise a squawk from book purveyors, to be sure, but they haven't had anything to squawk about for years. Seemingly they do not appreciate the fact that their' bread and butter money has comeE Golly, it's hot! . . . Wonder how virtue of our Greek productions. the canoeing is these days. . . . Re- The Antigone is a great human minds be of that French sentence document. A play first, and liter- "Pas de lieu Rhone que nous," i ature, poetry and the rest after- which French students will find no wards. Since you are producing difficulty in pronouncing, "Paddle the "Antigone" in an indoor, inti- your own canoe." . . . Anybody else mate theatre, I am sure we will be could pronounce it that way, too, quite justified in humanizing and without trying..... Don't try..... I intensifying the play in terms of It's too hot. . . theatric effect. Your suggestion as to the exter- Seth Johns says that the Rolls i ior setting, using a rude formation Weather bureau, in order that of rocks against a "ski" made with readers will never be disappointed, the plaster dome, sounds very in- should pursue a policy of predict- teresting; but again, it will be a ing only that weather which has I new background for me. I do not already occured. The plan has believe, however, it will be difficult merit, so I will inaugurate the ser- to fit into your scheme. vice by announcing that yesterday I have acted the Antigone twice was warm. before, first under the direction Editor anything to get the facts , i ^** * of Dr. George Riddle at Harvard, K. K. K. or K. A. K. or somebody where he used the Mendelssohn 1 like that (why don't people sign music and the old Plumptre trans- initials legibly?) wants to know lation. Two years ago I again why the girls don't, carry canes played the part at the University too. She says they'd swing them of California, under the direction better than the men do. Mebbe of Mr. Von Nieumeyer. He used so, but why do wimmin continually two levels, keeping his chorus be- try to ape the men? There must low. I do not see why, though, you be something to that theory that should be held down by any such every woman wishes she had been precedent. Certainly I do not be- born a man. (Well, I guess lieve the Plumptre translation THAT'LL bring a rain of corres- would be satisfactory. The White- "Hands up!-and make it quick," shouted the burly mine- guard, holding his gun on a dusty, tired person who had. just emerged from the shaft. "What for?" countered this individual. "You know me... I'm the editor who went down there to get a story." Business men, industrialists and engineers. --oo,ooo of them-regularly read the McGraw-Hill Publications. Mpre than 3,oooooo use McGraw-Hill books and magazines in their business. The Business Week Coat Ag System Engineering and Harvarjd Business Review Mining journal "Yeh-how do Ik guard. "Anyone o take his clothes." know you're the one that went in?" said the of them lifers might knock a guy out and pondence!) ** * PRIZE STORY. Somebody tells me this happened but don't believe thing you hear. It seems really every- that a law translation which you are us- ing is much better and approved, by Gilbert Murray. I also like the idea of, at certain. points in the action, having a cho- rus on a higher level than the principal characters; that is, when the chorus clearly is dominating the scene. This idea was most suc- cessfully used by the Moscow Musi-1 cal Studio.} About the costume: Percy Ander- Aviation. factory and frydustrial Management Power Industrial Engineering oextile World Food Industries E. BM. J. Metal and Mineral Markes. American Machinist Product En~gineering Electrical World UectricolMerchandising Electrical West Radio Retaiing Electrocs There is a lot of adventure in the editor's day's work sometimes. For example, this incident at a Southern coal mine where con- vict labor was then employed ex- clusively. A McGraw-Hill editor had gone down the shaft to get a story, to investigate some new processes that were being used. McGraw-Hill editors are not out seeking thrills. Their job is to cover the field, to know what is annfr n to. beswhesre thinos are changing picture of modern in- dustry and business. That is why McGraw-Hill Publi- cations are so vital to the business and industrial world today. That is why they are playing such an important part in the nation's in- dustrial development. You who are about to step-out into industry should make it your business to learn what industry's present leaders are doing and couple of gents were putting up; the electric letters in the Majestic sign across the street to advertise the new picture. One guy sat on aI scaffolding to put the letters in place: the other stood below him 'Bus Transportation Engineering News-Record Eiettric Railway journal consruction Methods chemical & Metallurgical Engineerig