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VOL. XL. NO. 153
TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930
One of the most valuable func baseball game on Saturday after-I
I' ~~~~~ons sponsored by the Union will no ilg oalftespr
P A I F IR agin be held an thisweek nd: nu1onb1 S go to all fathers pur-MA
when the Union will provide the chasing banquet tickets. In addi-
eighth annual Fathers and Sons tion, passes to the Saturday night'
ivHIrGl t FF Bprogram which is intended to bring performance at the Majestic thea-1j B -SSECRETARY
the fathers of men students in the tre, furnished by the theatre
University to Ann Arbor enablnmgemn n reus ftesi-
Drive to Aid Needy Boys Closes them to come to better understan agement, and free use of the swim- Lowman Envisions Confiscation
Tomorrow; Tags to be Sold ing of University life, and clarify- ming pool at the Union will also of Paraphenalia Used for
Gents. ing the common problems which be incudd awthtacktioso
for Fifty Cents. the fathers and sons have. Additional with ticets.on Satur- Brew Manufacture.
A program of unusual interest day are the Illinois track meet and .
RUTHVEN LAUDS WORK has been arranged by the reception' state high school interscholastic FOLLOWS!COURT DECREE
---committee of the Union which is in track meet in the afternoon and _
Prominent Students toECanvass charge of the program. The ban- Play Production's presentation of Officials of Treasury Indicate
Thar rwsi fot quet, to be held Saturday night in "h hthae o, directed ' t
the Union ballroom, will culminate by the author, Lennox Robinson, Widespread Sale of Bottles,4
to Sell Remaining Tags. a two-day period of activity for the director of the Irish National the- Corks and Containers.
visiting fathers. Cap Night, on Fri- atre, who is here as guest director ;
Endorsements received from lead- day, at which time all classes in the for several weeks. (!y Assoiatcd Press)
ing memlers of the faculty as -well University advance one year in Judge Guy A. Miller, 'OOL, of De-'WASHING TONMay'--' 1ion
as from student leaders, commend- their ranking and when two-letter; troit; Dean John R. Effinger, of the ;I TO May 5A nain
div athletes will be awarded M-ban- literary college; and Prof. John L. Idedietosieprahnla
ing the work of the Fresh Air drive ts will be clded e- trm coftee juali depart- used in the manufacture of home-
and the benefits of the camp to gram ment, will be the speakrs at the brew was envisioned by Assistant
underprivileged boys, havve been Through the courtesy of the Ath- banquet. Secretary Lowman of the Treasury
received by Stanton W. Todd, '30, letic association, complimentary Tickets are now on sale at the Department after the Supreme
director of the drive. The drive will tickets to the Illinois-Michigan main desk in the Union lobby or Court had held that containers, Prof. Gertrude E. Johnson
be brought to a close tomorrow may be obtained from Union com- barrels, bottles, corks, etc., might
with prominent students selling mittee members. be seized when offered for sale in Speech professor at the Universi-
tags for 50 cents and a dollar at Inasmuch as many fraternities such a manner as purposely to at- ty of Wisconsin, who will appear to-
strategic points on the campus. WI U U 0 L liii j I I LII I [~ are planning supplementary pro- tract purchasers who want them night in the Lydia Mendelssohn
President Alexander G. Ruthven M- grams for the visiting fathers, for the unlawful manufacture of theatre to read A. A. Milne's "The
in commenting on the camp stated, !l ! blocks of seats at the banquet may liquor. Ivory Door," under the auspices of
"It is difficult to commend too flIIII j Jibe reserved by phoning the Union. Lowman said before any actionr the speech department.
highly the sort of work which is 1Location of tables will be assigned was taken, however, a careful
being done at the camp." according to the order in which re- study would be taken to the de-
IDean Joseph A. Bursley charac- f f Universit Selected servations are received. cision the court handed down. TheN
terizing the drive "as one ,of thePrfsoofUieitSlced Tickets may be obtained by in- ruling was made in the test case ;
most worthwhile projects on the by Board to Prepare Middle dividual students even though their which resulted from the seizure of
campus." English Lexicon. fathers are not attending. such materialfrom Ike Danovitz, MINE DRAMA
Dean John R. Effinger of the lit- Liourviving!prne ft F i
erary college said that the drive LL WORK WITH FRIES Bottle Company of Pittsburgh,
"has established itself as one of WTf
the notable traditions at Mich- iH I IIbi fo the MLddNe Treasury officials said the sale of Professor of Speech and Noted
igan." Prof. E. R. Sunderland of Responsibility for the Middlebottles, corks and other containers Dramatic Reader to Appear
the Law school stated that "no one !English dictionary has been accept- 'Ii Ibn used in making liquor was wide- Here Tonight.
can help endorsing such an admir- ed by the University and Prof. , ITT IULUII u dnspread and if it was found theyH
able social service." Samuel Moore, of the English de- __could be seized, the prohibition bu- RECOGNIZED AS WRITER
Eres C ei, 3, reien o irctrofReerc o i reau would have an effective in- _
the student coucil, voiced his ap- partment, has been chosen as the seaf
proval of the project by stating, editor-in-chief 6f the project, ac- i sron e rct TaL strument to fight bootleggers who "The Ivory Door," by A. A. Milnr
"Highly commendable from every cording to an announcement from Isunes ScietTks eNo brre will be read by Prof. Gertrude E.
point of view." George E. Leonard, the president's office yesterday. t nN ts be. Johnson, of the speech department
'30, editor of the Michiganensian, This work is under the direction of prohibition bureau to interfere of the University of Wisconsin, at
pointed out that the drive "deserves the Modern Language association EXPLAINS PENSION PLAN with the manufacture of home- 8:15 o'clock tonight in the Lydia
the support of the entire student and the editor was selected by the' _brew in private homes, but efforts Mendelssohn theatre as a presen-
i Pointing out the significantu ave been directed to stopping its tation of the speech department.
body," ~~~~advisory board of that organiza-imauatrbyproswoel!PfsorJhonscmngo
A. James Joran, '30, busness I tion.service which life insurance cr-mnfcueb esn h el PoesrJhsni comint
manager of the Daily, termed the Thie preparation of the Middle panies are now rendering industryit Ann Arbor as the second of four
cami "a mighity nine uirdertaking English dictionary will-be carri di in this country in the setting up of The decision of the Supreme dramatic readers scheduled to ap-
o nyor the kids themselves, ton in full co-operation with th eftectual annuity plans, G. Powell court was unaimL.. I held that pear on the spring -schedule o
but also for the University." work on the Dictionary of Early Hamilton, director of annuities and the purpose of the prohibition act speech department recitals.
While the drive does not officially Modern English which is being research of the Equitable Life In- iwas to "supress the entire traffic" As an author, lecturer, and teach-
begin until tomorrow, an effort will edited at the University by Prof. surance society, addressed business and that dthe Act should be iber- er Miss Johnson has had many
be made to obtain contributionssCharles C. Fries of the English de- finance students yesterday on "The ally construed to the end'of its years of experienee, and besides
from theatre-goers tonight. Prom- partment. Both dictionaries are ! Annity and Its Uses." s this end, itumain- having been a member of the
inent members of the "M" club will projecsts that have grown out of' After tracing the evolution of tamed that such articles would be ech faculty at Wisconsin since
be stationed in front of the Mich- the Oxford dictionary and are annuities from royal grants as re- seized when displayed in such a 110 she is a member of the Na-
igan and Majestic theatres from !plementary to it. The Oxford dic- wards for service to the guaranteed mode as to attract persons who tional Committee on Plays of the
g lmntr oit l Ofr ie-feNational Council of Teachers of
9:15 to solicit donations from the tionary, -which was seriously begun life incomes sold by life insurance vx ant them for illegal manufacture English, and Vice-president of Na
theatre crowds. Special canvas of in 1858, published its first volume companes, Mr. Hamilton stated, o quor. tional Collegiate Players, as well as
offices in University buildings will in 1888, and was completed in 1928, "The volume of such business in JThe decision was handed down advisory editor of The Players mag-
be made tomorrow in an eAfort to Iwas intended to furnish a general~ this country has jumped in 25 j by Jstice Homes who explained azine.
obtain contributi'ons from mem- historical survey of the English years to $70,367,000, this represent- that the controversy turned on a Miss Johnson is considered an
bers of the faculty. Local merchants language from the seventh cen- ing the actual amounts being paid proper interpretation to be given authority in the field of interpre-
will be asked to buy posters, that tury to the twentieth. It did noti out as annuities by some 23 com- prohibition against the man- tation and dramatics and is the
will be distributed by the Fresh Air and could not aim at treating the panies." ufacturer of illicit , liquor." He author of three text books in oral
committee, showing that they have language of any period with the "For a century or more, European stated the statute made it "un- interpretation, published by the
aided in the drive for funds. detail that is needed by special governments, financial institutions, lawful to have or possess any liquor Century company of New York.
Prominent students includingi students of that period, and railways, have provided pen- or property designed for the manu- Interest in the betterment of the
members of the different honorary The Middle English dictionary sions for old employees in the facture of liquor intending for use drama and dramatic activity gen-
societies, and "M" 'club men, will and the dictionary of Early Modern form of life annuities." Mr. Ham- in violating this chapter" and that erally is now practically nationwide,
sell the tags that will enable more English will supplement the Ox- ilton, however, characterized the there was no property right in such and it is with this fact in mind
than 400 poor and undernourished ford dictionary by furnishing de- pension plans originally introduc-- liquor or property. that the speech department,
youngsters to enjoy the benefits of tailed information as to the historyo ed in this country as generally through Henry Moser, is sponsor-
a twelve day outing at the Univer- of the English vocabulary fromh haphazard, founded by guess! Famous Astronomer ing the current readings.
sity Fresh Air camp at Lake Patter- othe0English7v.ocabular rom!work and doomed to collapse. i.-.
son. a 100 to 1700. Sir Wila About 80 per cent of the plans an-iVsts Observator
_________Craigie, one of the editors of the!Vsis bsrvtoy Date Set for Annual
Oxford, ispreparing at the Uni- nounced to employees in the first
M'LAIN TO SPEAK veri opreparing t the up- 20 years of this century fall into Paul W. Merrill, nationally known Case Club's Banquet
I the p this category," he said. astronomer, of the Mt. Wilson ob-
AT LAST MEETING plementary dictionaries, the Early "As it takes about 20 years for Announcement of the annual
and His- weaknesses of the plans to reveal yd dinner given complimentary to
OF CAMPUS GROUP torical dictionary of American Eng- themselves, employers are just now rived in Ann Arbor this morning members of the Case clubs of the
lish. taking alarm, and mathematical to spend a few days. A luncheon is Law school was made yesterday by
R. W. McLaip, noted prison auth-I . experts are being employed to set to be given in his honor at the Prof. E. Blythe Stason, faculty ad-
irity, de Students Named up correct annuities." I visor for the clubs. The banquet
wilus la the finaloeet-o CehurdamIn conclusion, Mr. Hamilton ' will be held in the Lawyers' club on
pus Forums, at 4 o'clock Thursday for Black Contest pointed out the simplicity of the ger of the literary college. He is to Thursday night.
afternoon in Room D, Alumn Me- deferred annuity plans set up by confer with President Alexander At that time announcement of
l H ll1I HL. Will k~1 0th1±
morim man . e wi spear on tn!I";
s e To e Finsurance companies, and conclud- G. Ruthven this afternoon. While the senior advisors for the clubs
subject "The Psychology of the Five students were named last ed by declaring that the "possi- staying in town, Mr. Herrill will will be made, and the finalists in
Criminalnight to take part in the finals of bilities of this new field of service visit the University's astronomical the junior class division of the
Although the forum was sched- the Thomas E. H. Black oratorical, industry are limitless." department. clubs will be awarded medals.
uled to have been held on March 13, contest, to be held in the Metho- toindustryarelimitless."_department._clubswillbeawardedmedals.
a postponement of date was nec- dist Church, Sunday night, May 18,
essary at the last minute due to the Iat 7 o'clock. These five were se- MRS R. M ANSFIELD AND KATHERINE WICK KELLEY
dd WIC f 1 LLhI
Merry, Mabley Head
Name Other Editors
\pl)ointmuents to th' poitions of ianaiigg editor and business
1manager o I he Daily. G argoyl', and the \1ichiganensia H or trhe year
S3o-3 I \1(r ca1fn1nnced yvesterday by the Boarl in Control of Student
I bhic)ationlS.
I ienrJ 1. Iler i. \ , was selected as managing editor of The Daily
and T. HIollister Ni abley. '3 , was chosen as business manager. Paul
C. Showers, '31, was madelle lanaging editor of (argoyle for the cOming
year and1 1. I ulce Palmer. 1, was named l)usiness manager.
(eorge A. )usenbury 31. was named 1nalaging editor of the
N ichiganensian by the Board yesterday avd e(('g'e e . l ofmeister '31
-- was aplxinted lusess manager.
* * * ** * * *** * * * * It is exp'cted that the new exel-
SENIOR BALL TICKET *tives wvil take ofice at once and
SALE HELD AT UNION* that upper staff appointments will
be completed in the next few days.
* No appointments to the positions
~ Seniors may purchase their * of managing editor and business
* bids for the Senior ball which * imanager of The
. will be held May 23, at the * Summer D aily
main desk of the Union from * were made at
3 until 5 o'clock each after- *..the meeting yes-
noon this week. After this * terday morning.
week the preferential sale will Applications for
cease and the tipkets will be * . each of these of-
thrown open to the campus at fices will be re-
large, stated Richard Cole, '30. * ceived by the
* * *secretary of the
Board in the
P r e s s building
up until noon
NMerryall of whom
SCH 19S I eHry0have had previ-
ous experience on one or more of
the publications, were nominated
?' Eta Sigma Initiates Ruthven positions on the Board in Control
a Honorary Member; 20 of Student Pub-
E:ngineers Honored. lications. They
are: G ur n ey
Williams, '31, W.,.s:.:
-31, Frank Coop-
- Forty freshmen were intiated er, '31, James F.'
into Phi Eta Signa," natiopaf hon- Ward, '1E, Geeo
orary freshman scholastic fraterni- Le Baey, '31,
ty, last night as a result of having Egbert H. Davis,
achieved a 2.5 average during their 1 Jr., '31, Kaspar
first semester. President Alexan- H. Halverson,'31,
anand Clay Olin-
der G. Ruthven was initiated as anstead, Jr., '31
honorary member. At the banquet T h e present Mabley
which followed the ceremonies, members of the
Dean Bursley gave the welcoming Board are: Prof. Robert C. Angell,
address, Robert Hayes responded, j chairman; Prof. Edson R Sunder-
and President Ruthven also spoke. land, of the Law school; Joseph A.
Seventeen of the initiates were Bursley, Dean of Students; Herbert
from the literary college. They are C. Sadler, Dean of the Colleges of
Clarence Bosselman Erwin R. Engineering and Architecture; Fred
Boynton, Walter M. Bury, Samual G. Bauschard, '30, George S. Brad-
Diener, George F. Fisk, Jr., Morton ley, '32L, and Joseph E. Howell, '30.
Frank, Bernard W. Freund, William 1
S. Hill, Leonard L. Kimball, Rob-!MARKET PRICES
ert L. Pierce, Ellsworth L. Raymond,
Carl L. Rollinson, Erwin R. Schott- FACE NEW LOW
staedt, Nathan Scott, Herbert V.
Sharlett, Alvin S. Telford, and Ivan AS STOCKS FALL
B. Williamson.
The engineering school initiated
three more men than the literary (y Associated Press)
school. These men were: David L. NEW YORK, May 5.-Bears
Allen, Richard F. Becker, Owen K. watched a fresh bombardment
Brown, Andrew B. Brumbaugh, Jr., which sent prices crashing to new
Richard Cogger, Lawrence M. Dar- low levels for the recent decline in
I row, Lloyd Frankel, Robert E. Hay- today's stock market only to be
es. Gerald Hunt, Jorge J. Jimenez, suddenly and thoroughly repulsed
John Konopinski, John H. Lambert, in the final half hour of trading.
Bruce H. Maddock, Mathias F. Mat- A long run of important stocks
zek, Carl W. Nelson, Edwin H. Park- closed $1 to nearly $9 a share above
hurst, Jr., Harold G. Seamans, Wal- Saturday's final prices, but these
ter J. Simons, Lloyd A. Staebler, gains were counterbalanced by
and Hozmer B. Wright. losses running to a maximum of
One student in the architectural $20 a share in some of the less ac-
school, Wai P. Lei, and one music tive issues.
school student, Raymond G. Mor- It was a day of enormous ac-
rin, were initiated.-. tivity, total transactions on the
The officers conducting the mi- New York Stock Exchange aggre-
tiation were: Kenneth L. Houck, gating $8,279,260 shares, the larg-
president, Jack Beechler, Beach est for a single day since the dark
Conger, Jr., Marshall Anderson, days of late October. Trading dur-
Sidney Woolner and Lyle Zisler. ing Saturday's two hour session and
during several of the short trading
Indian Pupils Protest, days of last November, however,
Action Against Gandhi was relatively more activity.
__gn__ Saturday's abrupt decline brought
Incensed by the British govern- a large volume of selling into the
ment's recent arrest of Mahatma jmarket but the greater part of the
Gandhi under a charge of spread- distress selling by pools and large
ing sedition, the Indian students professional traders caught in last
of the University met last night to week's dropped appeared to have
protst te acion.been completed on Saturday and
protest the action, prices made irregular and hesitant
The following resolution was progress toward higher levels un-
drawn up: "Indian students at the til early afternoon absorbing heavy
University of Michigan assert their sales on the way us.
rights as citizens of India and The upturn began to - lose . its
strongly condemn the action of the vigor soon after midday and bears
British government in India in ar- seized the opportunity to launch
resting Mahatma Gandhi who is their attack.
suu ern 1n1ess u1 svcianl. 0nce le
has beenthe chaplain of the Mich-
igan State prison at Jackson for the
past several years, he has an inti- I
mate knowledge of the workings of
the average American prison. Dur-
ing the last few months he has been!
touring the State delivering lectures
and discussing the conditions of
some of the penitentiaries in the
Following an introductory pre-
sentation of the subject he will in-
vite questions from the audience.
Pawlowski to Lecture
at Engineers' Meeting
Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski, of the
department of aeronautical engi-
neering, has been invited to deliver
iected after the inail preihinary
last night by a board of judges,
headed by Prof. R. D. T. Hollister,
of the speech department, mana-
ger of the contest.
The five students are: Joseph C.
Callaghan, '31L, Gertrude B. Cook,
'31, Richard A. Deno, '30, Leonard
Kimball, '33, and Carl H. Urist, '30.
The above spoke on topics sug-
gested by or related to the New
Testament. The final contest will
be held at the evening service of
the Methodist church, when the
prizes will be awarded. They are:
first prize, $100, second prize, $50,
and third prize, a fine edition of the
I (A' nCCITiTe C T flA V
Engagement of Mrs. Richard of the company, as Gwen, the stage manager for the dramatic
Mansfield, wife and leading lady of young daughter. festival.
Richard Mansfield, to play the role Mr. Edward Powell, stage man- The complete company for the
of Fanny Cavendish -in the local ager for Mrs. Fiske's production of plaers mentioned in the prduc-
presentation of "The Royal Fam- "The Rivals", has been engaged as tion of "The Royal Family", Miss
ily," was announced yesterday by __-'Margaret Anglin, Lewis McMichael,
Robert Henderson. The production -- -----Ainsworth Arnold, New York char-
will start with a matinee and night ; acter actor, Togo, the original
performance Saturday, June 21, and slide-for-life" acrobat in "Excess
continue through the following'- - . Baggage", Richard Kurvink, and
week with seven performances. Victor Adams. Mr. Adams is a Greek
"The Royal Family", the Broad- '-- actor who will have a prominent
way success by Edna Ferber and i-ole in the production of Soph-
George Kauffman, said to have - - I.ocles' "Antigone" which will open
been written about the Barrymore ; the week of May 26 with Margaret
family, will be the final play in the Anglin in the title role.
71t".mn-infa f~roltoHo1 r en l-rl ii! Ci> it ve STm -1"[]ri AC rt'L -rlir - r
the symbol of peace and love. If
the people of India resort to vio-
lence, the full responsibility will
] .r-e+ lmn" * -1.hpfl'n -rnr r nfl th-, s. yc
Sellars Will Speak
... AJ....L A -L -