THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATULDAY, MAY 3, 1930 DAILY 0FI CIAL BULLET IN STITON DCL AES Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- IIU ARNOiii1 dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) I VOL. XL. SATURDAY, MAY 3, 150 No. 151 Lobbyist, Chairman of Anti-Dry Board, Believes President NOTICES R to be 'Wet' Follower. Black Oratorical Contest: The final preliminaries in the Blackr Oratorical Contest will be held in Room 302 Mason Hall on Monday IS QUIZZED BY BLAINE4 evening, May 5, at 7:00 o'clock. Speeches are limited to fifteen minutes ' and must be related to the New Testanent. Contestants must be eligi- Iy Associated Prss) bNe to take part in student activities. Those who wish to enter thisI WASHINGTON, May 2.-A letter i contest and were not in the forimnr preliminaries should notify R. D. T written by William H. Stayton, Hollister, Phone 8885, not lat:r than Monday noon. The public is chairman of the board of the Asso- cordially invited to attend these presi ninari.. ciation Against the Prohibition -- --Amendment, placed in the record Students Interested in insuran'e: Mr. G. Poweil Hamilton, Director of the Senate lobby committee to- of Annuities and Resca::ch of th! Equ=u nble Lifc Assurance Society, will day, said he knew that President speak on Group Annuitics, Monday, May 5. a 1 o'clock in Room 3201 Hoover "is not at heart a dry." A. H. All students in actuarial sic ,e arldl any others interested are The letter was read after the urged to be presont. James W. Giovcr witness had denied, in response to si:Sniorwa i arecandt s for the Certifi- ja question by Senator Blaine, e- Seniors in Journalism: rpublican, Wisconsin, that the as-; cate in Journalism are reqursoed to p-. o thQ University Treasurer, sociation had brought any liquor to immediately, the two-dollar ccrtificate foe and to fi e a transcript ofsbe served at a celebration for a GUP N TURRET MODELS FOR NAVAL Hyde Advocates Body S HEARINGS ARE STUDIED BY HALE for Power Regulation ([IV y Associod Pres~s) ' WASHINGTON, May 2-Secretary Arthur M. Hyde advocated a new independent organization to reg- ulate the nation's power resources ol 1 today before the House Interstate Ar E Commerce Committee.=Mi The agency would supplant the' Federal Power Commission, now w composed ex-officio of the secretar- an ies of agriculture, interior and war., Hyde said, "we have had one p grand and glorious fuss" in the ~power commission, the affairs of his which have recently been under the fa scrutiny of the S ate Interstate fr 1 Commerce Committee.r ~' J The secretary said it was "vitally necessary" for Congress to provide U for an independent commission that could deal with the power prob..ta lem. It was impossible, he added, for the present commission to give fr detailed attention to the work. six .- SELFRIDGE FLYER KILLED AS PLANE FAILS IN LANDING (1 B ss:,, ?'ress) MEXICO, Mo., May 2-Lieut. Har- d ("Bear") Brown, United States my flier from Selfridge Field., ich., was killed near here today hen his airplane crashed during attempted landing. Lieut. Brown tried to bring the ane down at the farm home of s father, R. M. Brown, prominent rmer and stockman, when it went om control. The flier was graduated from the united States Military Academy at lest Point in 1928. He was cap- in of the polo team at West Point. Liout. Harbld Brown went to Sel- idge Field from Kelly Field, Tex,, x months agg. - - RE N i t credits wia the journaim1m ofice not -,itrtanI viay II. y) L, Brumm University Bureau of Appointmn:s and Ocupational Information: A representative of th1e Mandel Brouth-rs department store in Chicago will be in this office next we:k to interview seniors interested in retail- ing. Please come to the office this week to make appointments. Rhetoric 2: Mr. Rowe's 11 o'clock section will meet in Room 3213 A. 1. until further notice. EVENTS TODAY Make-up Examination in mit3s c1 vill b given at 9:00 a. m.,I in Room 2023 Angell HaIl. Visitors' Night-Angell Hall Laborvatoy: lThe public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall to observe the moon from 7:30 to 10:?0 n. in. Reservations must be made by calling the Observatory ofiice, University G57, between 9 a. m., and 12 noon, today. Rufus M. Jones, Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College, will lecture on "Some Quaker Ideals," at 4:15 in Natural Science Audi- torium. The public is invited. Wonien Fanning to enter Law 'School in September are invited to a reception today at 3 p. m. at the Women's League Building. The func- tion honors the delegates of the national province convention of Kappa Beta Pi, legal sorority, and affords an opportunity to meet the women of the law school and prominent women attorneys of the north central states. Craftsmen : Meet at Masonic Temple at 2:30 p. m. for Lansing trip. Any members not on the team who wish to go please call 8154 and leave your nai, The group pictures are ready for those who ordered them. Sigma Delta Psi tests will not be given this morning on account of Spring ggnes. Catholic Students and their friends are invited to the last dance of the year at tile Women's League, from 2:30 to 5:00 p. m. COMING EVENTS. Geology 2: There will be a make-up examination on Tuesday, May 6, at '4 o'clock, in Room 4054 N. S. I. D. Scott French 32, Section 6, at 9 o'clock: Bring to class on Tuesday, May 6, Colomna, by Merimee, Ginn & Co. edition. H. Ilootkins Rhetoric 32: Mr. Helm's section in rhetoric 32 will meet Monday at the regular hour. Informal Readings by Faculty Members: The second of a series of informal readings by faculty members will be given by Earl Fleischman on Sunday, May 4, at 3 o'clock, in the Grand Rapids room of the League 'b ding. Tea will be served by the House committee in the Concourse. All students are invited to attend. candidate for the presidency in 1928. No name was mentioned by Blaine Senator Hale of Maine, chairman of senate naval affairs committee I in putting the question. which will hold hearings on London naval treaty, studies wooden models The letter discussing President of cruiser gun turrets in his office. Hoover was written in March, 1929, to Herbert L. Clark, of Philadelphia.K Stayton said he knew that Presi- ing~ fdrd-Smith to Span Atlantic in Southern dent Hoover "is not at heart a dry" Cross on Last Lap of Globe-Encircling Voyage in a letter to Herbert L. Clark of Voyage Philadelplria. (J A 1.,b 1 1 H by Dicudonne Costes of a projected "From what I hear, Mr. Hoover WASHRING, May 2--A lone non-non-stot c th has made up his mind that the stop attempt to fllow the death- cean, drys are of that temperamenttleavig as - the only scheduled which impels them to somewhat strewn air trail westward over the flights a number of proposed at-' fanatically regard the wet and dry Atlantic remains on the 1930 cal~ te npts by way of the Azores and issue as being superior to all ques- endar for heavier-than-air craft. the northern island-route tions of government and of morals, Capt. Charles Kingsford-Smith The giant German flying boat, and that, consequently, a dry will proposed to fly his famous South- the DO-X, in charge of Dr. Claude always scratch from the ticket a ern Cross from Ireland in June on IDornier, the designer, and probably man who does not do lip service to j the last leg of a round-the-world piloted by Lieut. C. H. Schildhauer, the dry cause. air journey that began May 31, O92C formra navy flier, is scheduled to "At the same time Mr. Hoover, I I at Oakland, Cal. be brought to New York by way of learn, believes that the wets are of Though the westerly non-stop the Azores. a different temperament and he crossing of the north Atlantic has Two Portuguese flights are pro- thinks that he can get votes from been achieved but once in 15 t -posed, one by way of the Azores the wets without espousing their tempts that cost 10 lives, the Aus- and Halifax, and the other by way cause and that, therefore, as a mat- trI an taxes heart for the van:. of the Azores and Bermudas. er of vote getting, he had better from the east successes of ms ShIP. L. P. Aupick, with a French and take the dry side." The tr-motored monoplane car- Canadian crew, is scheduled to start ____ _ ried him and three companions on August 1 from Paris for Montreal a trans-Pacific journey from Oak- via the northern tip of Scotland, Two Gettysburg college students land, Cal., to Brisbar e, Australia, west over the Faroe Islands to Ice- decorated their rooms with uar-1 with stops at Horjciula adi tue land, Greenland, where a base will antine signs. The authorities ob- I Fiji islands, be established at Scorsby Sound 3ected and placed them under ar-j Opposition of the French govern- and Montreal. rest. ment is credited for abandonment - Tea !Dacing' Saturday afternoon from three 'till six o'clock. You'll find a gay student enjoying crowd properly this week end entertainment. No cover charge. Come down and see us! JOE PARKER'S CAFE HURON AND FOURTH AVES. C. W. KELSEY, MANAGEMENT E -- f® __ ____ __ The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, May 5, at 7:30 in Room 3024 Museums Bldg. Dr. Hsu H. Ting will talk on "Health Work in China.", Alumni, Highland Park High School: The annual alumni dance will be held on Saturday, May 17, in the high school. wish to make reservations please call 7031. dinner- If you THE PEE WEE GOLF COURSE IS NOW IN OPERATION Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 p. m. CLUBS AND BALLS FURNISHED Corner Jefferson and State I Scalp & Blade: Meeting at the Union, Sunday, at 2:30 p. m. Michigan Dames Club regular meeting will be held in the League Building Monday evening, May 5. Election of officers for the coming year will take place at this meeting. BOX OFFICE OPEN TODAY 11 o'clock to 5 o'clock for seats to the directed by the author Lennox Robinson f I I I I I I p I v I I I I I I I 11 11 1 11 . I I I I I I I I I 1 4 , , . , . , , I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I IIIIIII[HIIIIIII HIM TIT, I 17 ( L i, 1111 III= i 1 7M7v I III IIl, I ' i + c 111 + EN( RAVING Bring in your VISITING order for CARDS Let us show you the WEDDING new and exclusive styles of STATIONERY ALL SEATS 75 CENTS PHONE 6300 Special price to University girls on Wedding Invitations and Announcements. STvORE WAHR' EY? I Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre May 9, 10, 12, and 13 ___ _.._._____._.____..._.__._..R _ __________..___..___ _ .. _ _____ ENJ TON I GHJwT AW-W Am uk an BOB CARSON'S ORCHESTRA fOY DANCING IN A COOL BALLR.OOM TICKETS AT LEAGUE DESK i ' k li