' ;, . DAY. MAY,- 1930 THE _".MTIC AN °DAILY 'PAGE FIVE yr 2Rw'1':a" b,'ap."4!5;*;*>. #TWk Nr.ga. +VIVV s a a.ate --a a w v. w a. a. " ... ., .. .... C =::&f 'TA *A= ikA *i v er-> ' ,. r ----- -- -- - -- HED-0GER' TO SPEAK FOODPROGRAM Member of Chicago Memorial Fund Will Discuss Adult Education' at League. WAS WORLD WAR NURSE Dr. Caroline -edger, of the Eliza- beth McCormick Memorial fund, Chicago, will be the principal speaker at the Nutrition Achieve- ' ment program which will be held at the League building, Saturday, May 10. At 11:00 o'clock, Dr. Hedger will deliver an address on "Adult Edu- cation" in the Lydia Mendelssohn 'theatre. In the afternoon she will Speak in the ball room of the League building on "What the Community Owes a Child." Dr. Hedger. was formerly school physician in the Chicago depart- ment of health. She was a member of the board of the Infant Welfare society, and was instrumental in beginning the baby saying cam- paign in that city some years ago. During the' World War she was sent to Belgium'to assist in the fight against, the typhoid epidemic which was ravaging that country at that time. During recent years Dr. Hedger has spent.a great deal of time in lecturing aId training health work- ers, having appeared in a large number of programs in this state. Other speakers will include R. J. Baldwin, director of extension serv- ice, Michigan State college, and Roberta Hershey, extension spec- ialist in nutrition, Michigan state college. -r rr r r rr r r r I BOY VIRTUOSO Joint Concert to be TO APPEAR IN Given by Glee Clubs MAY FESTIVAL GIrls' Glee club from the Univer-, sity of Cincinnati and the Univer-, sity of Michigan will combine to-! night to give a concert at 8:15 at! the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, un- der the direction of Burnet C. Tut-' I hill; director of the Cincinnati club, and Miss Nora Crane Hunt, who directs the Michigan Girls' Glee club. The Glee clubs will be assisted by Miss Thelma Newell, violinist, of the School of Music, and Miss Retta r:McKnight, accompanist. At the intermission, the SouthernI Sisters Quartet, composed of Ermaf Kropp, '31SM., Andrea Haver, '31SM,I Mildred Brinkhaus, '31, and Elaine I I Frost, '30, will entertain with negroI spirituals in the corridor of the the- atre. Another specialty will be given by a trio composed of Mildred Drinkhaus, '31, Kathryn Evans, '30,t and Damarius Cornell, '30. Ruggiero Ricci, the outstanding- diminutive violinist who will make arit s ig for the daily press were enuhusiastic in their praise of thell his debut in Ann Arbor at the May 1 boy's gifts. Olin Downes, writingI Festival, on the afternoon of Fri- for the New York Times, said, "It day, May 6, has attracted much at- was immediately apparent that the tenti'on in the musical world. Nine boy had something to say, that he years old, andlooking no more than was playing with a native fire, seven, he plays with the tone, musical sensitiveness and taste, musicianship and virtuosity of an which are much more phenomenal adult. and rare than the mere physical Ricci's childhood has been spent dexterity which permits a very in a musical atmosphere. All his young person to fiddle his way brothers and sisters are musicians, I through the difficulties of the Men- and his father was once a music in- delssohn -concerto." structor. When five years old, he The audience at the Mecca au- headed the family orchestra, play- clitorium, which was an uncom- ing on a tiny violin. Later he stud- monly large one, left no doubt of ied under the San Franciscan viol- its conviction that it was present inist, Louis Persinger, who also at nothing less than a sensation. trained Yehudi Menuhin. There was wildest applause after After little Ricci's appearance at the first and second movements, the Mecca auditorium, the boy's and at the end came a demonstra- first performance with an orches- tion of many minutes, during tra, many of the most distinguish- which the juvenile maestro re- ed of New York's musical critics turned for countless bows. SATURDAY SALE of HOSIERY 48 Gauge, 3 and 4 Thread Chiffon Double Picot Top Formerly Priced at $2.25 SPECIAL 1.95 DRAMATIC LIFE REP ONE PUTS INTO] [ While Mrs. Fiske was at the Whitney theater, I recognized a Fchance to glimpse at last the per- sonality behind the characters Mrs. Myra Jordan Gives History that this actress has made live on of Junior Honor the stage over a period of half a S o century. A fifty minute wait is Society. nothing when one is to meet Mrs. DEANS ARE HOSTESSES Members of Wyvern, junior honor society, were entertained at a din- ner Thursday night in the League building. Miss Grace Richards, Ad- visor of Womer, and Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, Dean Emeritus, were hostess. After dinner Mrs. Jordan talked informally about the beginnings of Wyvern. A group of juniors used to participate in Freshman week ac- tivities, and they did not want to be called "big sisters," which means, "protecting dragon." Fol- lowing this Miss Ethel McCormick, of the physical education depart- ment, explained what the society's activities will be for next year's Freshman Week. Malaprop. Trunks swirling about one's head are mere trifiles. This is backstage and things like that hap-, pen. The impression that she had given on the stage was of extreme energy and vitality. Her age must be nearing the seventy mark, but she has looked as triumphant on the last curtain call of "The Rivals" as a young girl. I wanted to heap her strong voice say that the the- atre is worth everything one can give it. As a light slanted across the darkness from her dressing room door, she appeared, a diminutive figure hidden under a brown coat. Mrs. Fiske, at last. Her first words were not revealing "I'm delighted to meet you, my dear," and she gave me her hand. It was strange that' the look of triumph was gone com- pletely. Instead she looked very tired and very old. AYS THE EFFORT IT, SAYS MRS. FISKE Her face is little. Underneath her eyes the black pencil lines still showed. She seemed so small and weary looking that I wondered how I ever imagined any other picture of her. Her voice was so soft that I' had to listen attentively to hear her. My first question, it occurred to me must seem quite inane to her. Is a stock company more valuable for theatre training than college? But in a sweetly tolerant manner she only said, "How can I tell you that, my dear? Each one must work out his own salvation. You see, the priceless part about giving advicer is that you know nobody will fol- low it." A know or a hope, I ques- tioned. 'Both, my dear", and the look in her eyes was one of infinite wisdom. The obvious weariness surround- ing Mrs. Fiske led me to say, "It is worth it all, isn't it?" Her answer was characteristic, "Ah, if I were to answer that I should have to write; 'three volumes." Such an interview leaves one confused and perplexed. Where was the forceful voice; where was the aliveness and the laughter? Whore was the success in her eyes? But I forget! She is an actress. Six Six intramural baseball games are scheduled for Monday, May 5. The following contests, Zeta Tau Alpha vs Kappa Kappa Gamma, Clhi Omega vs. Pi Beta Phi, Delta Gamma vs. Alpha Xi' Delta, and Alpha Phi vs Alpha Gamma Delta, are called for four o'clock. Kappa Delta-Theta Phi Alpha and Helen Newberry-Alpha Omi- cron Pi nines will stage a double- header at 5 o'clock. NOTICE. Mr. Earl Fleischman will read parts from' "Berkley Square" at 3 o'clock tomorrow in the Grand Rapids room as the, second of the series of Sunday afternoon faculty readings. Both men and women students are invited to attend. Tea will be served after- ward in the Concourse. INTRAMURAL BALL GAMES, SCHEDULED Contests Will be Played Monday Afternoon at Palmer Field. 2 ) "C 4 TheSpotlight By J. C.X. ;;;il 4. 41 As I write this column, I can't l help thinking of ,the dizzy blonde! I double dated with last night. We! called her the Pathe Review Girl' because she told the News of the Day and had the Eyes of the World. I don't know what the professors think about it. but I think it is a lot of foolishness. I mean this prac- tice of going to classes in hot weather. They. mustthink it's ano endurance contest to see how many minutes out of forty a person can stay awake. Ever since last Sunday, one mightI think that Michigan was a college for disabled veterans, or maybe the campus has suddenly gone Eng- lish. The way these Seniors swing their canes! Well, it just isn't safe to be about. The only use I can see, for the canes, is as an aid in getting up the theatre aisles on Sunday nights. I am fully conyinced that when worse movies are made, Ann Arbors will still show them. Having seen "Dulcy" and her "best of well-ven- tilated families" and Fairbanks at the Maj. a'cting like the college sophomore, it was with great relief that we spent the evening with Mrs. Fiske and heard her, as Mrs. Malaprop, chatter about "pine-1 apples" of good breeding and "alle- gories" of 4he Nile. And now, gentle readers, I will let you stop and think how far you would have been through the Daily if you had not stopped to read this column. I ,) ' t,- AMII t v/f, /i , * : .. t V I 1 I ro f a% I mmummIalmlsevo A COSTUME For Sport and SPECIALf JEWELRY Evening Wear 98 CENTS 50 to $2.00 c Formerly $1. 00Lb4Le 44 twweoJ&iA 404C Ug'- & DRES ~w~jU hkt COAT Cloche of baku, in the Directoire man- ner ...........$7.50 Beige kid tic with heel and toe of Java lizard, punchwork trim ..$9.50 e _ +' .. . " } \ /// . // S Youthful b e r e t of straw and grosgrain ribbon. . $6.50 White I i n e n strip pump, t i n t e d to match any costume . . $8.50 Figured dress of flat silk, with short sleeves $14.75 Off the face hats with, long backs, fancy straws . . $6.50 Classic opera pump in beige chair and black kid ... .$8.50 rwr Capelet dress of light weight wool, lingerie touches ...$14.75 I r Shirtwaist dress of silk 'striped shirting or shantung.. $16.75 aine An Exceptional Hosiery Value For Today All silk full fashioned hose at $1.19 Strictly first quality, reg- ular $1.50 and $1.65 value. Chiffon and semi- chiffon in all good "I" a .,, - Belted oxford gray Cape coat of covert,' Wool boucle sport' , iN R/ElV W.M o mWm. E U' V rF1 Wihelted oxfodgry apCol- wt athoficovart, Woolbouce sprt tl