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May 03, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-03

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Published every morning except Monday
wurig the University year by tha Board in
Contl of Student Publications.
Member of Western Confereo Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
Aatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard "Street.
Phones: Editorial, 492; Business, 2t2t4.
Telephone 4925
itorial Chairman.........George C. Tiley
City. Editor ............. Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor................Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor...........Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor.....Cassam A. Wilson
' Musicand Drama......William J. Goran
Literary Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
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Bertram Askwit Lester May
Helen Bare Mrgaret Mix
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Emily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
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arCull en Kennedy Harold . Warren, Jr.
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usell E. McCracken Barbara Wright
DPorthy Magee Vivian Zimixr
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Departnaet Managers
Advertising . T Hollister Mabley
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" osephine Convisser Ann Verner
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Anna Goldbergr Joan Wiese
Hortense Gooding
SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1930 '
Night Editor-ROBERT L. SLOSS
The abblitlo this year of the
Architects' May Party, regrettable
though the *ulrence is from the
standpoint t it deprives the
campus of what has been perhaps
the best snow of its kind annually
staged here, nevertheless is signi-
ficant in that it marks a mile post
on the downhill road which of late
years has been followed by many
class parties,
Plans f r n11 May Party were
vetoed by, a fculty committee
since it was feared that the ela-
borate decorations specified would
entail so great an expense that the

ball would be fore-doomed to fin-
ancial failure. The committee, un-
willing to play the game if it
couldn't make its own rules, resign-
ed. Because it was impossible to
stage a thousand-dollar party on
hundred - dollar appropriations,
there will be no May party this
In the case of many other part-
ies, committees in charge have
proceeded with little supervision,
and great financial loss has result-
ed. As a result, a tendency has
been growing on the campus to-
ward permanent abolition of saine
of the class parties.
Why committees feel that hun-
dreds of dollars have to be expend-
ed on each single item of party ex-
pense in order to have a party that
will be a success remains an inex-
plicable mystery. Apparently one
committee follows the lead of an-
other, and there is .a fear that
tickets cannot be sold for a party
unless it can be promised that all
the settings will present a Croesan
elaborateness which has not been
equalled at any other social event.
The fallacy of such sentiment is
too obvious to require exposition.
College students cannot be expect-
ed to pay $5 per - ticket for the
privilege of sitting under banked
palms as willingly as they will pay

The national problem of traffic
control is one that can be solved
only by local regulation, but Pres-
ident Hoover has good reason to,
believe that the Federal govern-
me'ht can perform a useful service
by offering its facilities to Gover-
nors of States and Mayors of cities
for mutual conference and co-op--I
eration in the matter.
With this in mind the President'
has called a third national confer-
ence on the subject of traffic con-'
trol, and on May 27, 28, 29 the pub-
officials of the country will meet
to talk over their problems withE
the representatives of all the great
interests concerned.I
Motor manufacturers and users
of motor cars all have an interest
in the solution of this vital prob-
lem. Great progress has been made
in the enactment of local regula-
tions but the density of traffic is
increasing by leaps and bounds in
every city and town in the country,
and. national consideration of thej
tangle will undoubtedly tend; toJ
standardize the solution.
Ann Arbor's problem is quite
commensurate with the size of the
community and could derive bene-
fit from a careful analysis of the
situation, plus a more conscien-
tious enforcement of existing reg-
ulations. The flurry of enforcement
reported ' in these columns last
week has blown itself out for the
time being, leading one to believe
that the local police consider the
example furnished by one object
lesson to be all-powerful in effect,
and sufficient to cow the public in-
to a permanent observance of the

r. 111 1r r a r:.




Editorial CommentI


(From the N. Y. Herald Tribune)
It is with regret that a large
number of American college men,
both graduates and students, will
see in the abolition of Freshman
cap-burning ceremonies at the Uni-
versity of New Hampshire a symbol
of the academic times. The decision
of the New Hampshire authorities
was, to be sure, reached only after
the students at the institution had
participated in what appears to'
have been an unusually enthusias-
tic uproar in celebration of their
tradition, but similar time-honored
ceremonies are being abolished at
other colleges and unive sitiesfor
less valid reasons, and with them
are vanishing much of the pic-
turesqueness of American student.
Fence rushes, cap burnings, may-
poles, class dinners and other pleas-
antries and exchanges between
Freshmen and Sophomores have
long constituted an integral part
of the campus scene at practically
every college in the land, with the
possible indifferent exception ofF
Harvard, where such juvenile
foolishness has never obtained, but
where private enterprises on the
part of undergraduates has an-
nually inaugurated minor breaches
of the academic peace. Up to four
years ago the Freshman-oph-
omore fence rush at Yale was as
much of an institution as Derby
Day or the inevitable midnight1
whitewashing of the lions of Lamp-
son, and the only blot on the other-,j
wise fair record of the class of '26
was its pathetic gesture toward dig-
nity in abolishing it. A few black
eyes and a half dozen' fist fights
usually resulted on these happy oc-
casions, but these could hardly
justify the doing away With an
event at once picturesque and tra-
Even urban universities like
Columbia have long boasted a fierce
rivalry 'between members of the
two lower classes, but the growing
sophistication of students tends to
make such intramural antagon-
isms ridiculous in their eyes.

In spite of the Big Shot's threat
Rolls will continue to appear. The
insidious campaign of treason has
dissolved and the Big Shot admits
defeat. Here's a letter he wrote'
To the Editor: You think you're
pretty good, don't you ? Well, list-
en here. Were you on State street
last night? No, I didn't think so.
You were too scared, that's what
you were. In case you haven't
heard the news, the Rolls Union
held a mass meeting. We marched
down State street to the Presi-
dent's house. Enormous crowds
lined the curbs, cheering madly
and laughing heartily at the big
caricature of you.- (It was a photo-
graph-the cartoonist was unable
to improve it). Here it is:
After the parade the disgruntled
contributors built a big bonfire
on the President's lavn and 'mid
the wildest carnival hurled you and
your waste-basket into the fire. A
few moments later President Ruth-
ven came out and asked what the
noise was about. After we told
him he laughed and said, "You two
guys go somewhere else and raise
a rumpus. I'm tired and I want to
'go to sleep."
So, Joe, I know when I'm licked.
Like Al Smith said when the votes
were counted, "Well, I made a
noise anyway.".
The Big' Shot.
( * * *
And that is that.
The Beachcomber is the first to
come through with a full column
in the competition for this job. It
will be run tomorrow. Let's have
others--there must be more than
one tryout if we're going to call it
a competition.
The Student council has decided
to abolish its religious convoca-
tions, according to yesterday's
Daily, because of a lack of student
interest. I think the paucity of in-
terest was not due to a lack of in-
terest in religion but rather to an
unwillingness to get up Sunday
mornings. The Student council
might find it profitable to have
their convocations Sunday even-
ing at 9 o'clock to take care of all
those who are unable to get into
the second shows . . . But anyway,
with convocations off its mind why
doesn't the Student council turn
its attention to the Library seal
business that I've been yelling my-
self hoarse over for going on a
long time now?
* * *
Lark started his Shirtsleeves for
I Men campaign yesterday but the
wind blew his shirt off as he was
walking across the diagonal, so to-
day he's pretty depressed about
the whole thing.
* * *

(A Review-believe it or not)
The famous old classic (first pre-
sented in 1858 and - "generously
sprinkled with the best of the pop-
ular songs") is certainly done right
at the Mimes theatre. Space is too
short to here record the individual
performances of the stellar com-
pany, but taken as a whole the
Mimes rendition of Mr. William
Pratt's immortal play is magni-
In the first place the informality
is stupendous. Prior to the rise of
the curtain, peanuts and soft
! drinks are hawked by a leather-
lunged dispenser and the opening

Music And Drama1
In reviewing the history of the!
Abbey Theatre yesterday after-
noon, Mr. Lennox Robinson un-
hesitatingly characterized the fa-
mous letter issued by Lady Gregory
and William Butler Yeats, which
was really the beginning of the
theatre, as "preposterous and pom-
pous." The history of the theatre
has made that letter a genuinely
prophetic manifesto. Mr. Robinson'
stated as his belief that Yeats dic-
tated the letter and Lady Gregory
wrote it down and sent it around
the country. "For it has always
been that way," he said; "Yeats,
the dreamer, always provided the
inspirations and Lady Gregory,
'the charwoman of the Abbey The-'
atre,' with her energy and initia-
tive, carried them into reality."
In tli 1890's, after sixty years of
political " wrangling that had ab-
sorbed both the intelligence and I
the unintelligence of the country,
Ireland was in a state of spiritual
depression. Yeats and Lady Greg-
ory, aided by Edward Martin, plan-
ned a spiritual, unpolitical renais-
sance that eventually turned to
the theatre as its outlet. The plan
seemed preposterous because, al-
though after Shakespeare all Eng-
land's great dramatists had been
Irishmen, Ireland had never had
either a native drama or a native
acting company.
The first production in 1899 of
Yeat's Countess Cathleen met
strenuous opposition. It was given
"under the shadow of the baton of
the Irish constabulary; and was a
great success." But after three
years of struggle, the movement,
together with the money, seemed
It was at this time that the
movement received native acting
support from a small company,
sponsored by Frank and Willie
Faye, who offered their remark-
ably ,uitable, talents to Yeats and
Irish players, together with the
Lady Gregory. The presence of
Irish players, together with the
fact that the subject matter of the
plays gradually turned towards
Irish history, gave themovement
new impetus. The discovery of the
literary potentialities of Irish dia-
lect was made by Lady Gregory
who for years had been walking
among the people near her home
listening to them and recording
their stories. The employment of
dialect in serious plays by such
artists as Synge has been, Robin
son said, perhaps the most impor-
tant contribution Irish drama has
made to literature.
On one of their first English
tours, the company attracted the
attention of a wealthy English lady,
Miss Horhniman, who gave the
company the use of the Abbey
Theate and a small subsidy.
The' movement then gained
ground rapidly. Yeats was writing
beautiful dramas periodically.
Lady Gregory, recognizing the need
of a comic tradition, set about with
characteristic concern and energy
to fill the need and soon became
a writer of genius. While traveling
in Paris, Yeats met John Milling-
tnn S ng e whnoMhpben strolling

for almost


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Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Min-
ister; Rev. Samuel J. Harrison,
B.D., Associate Minister; Mr.
Ralph R. Johnson, Student Di-
rector; Mrs.- Ellura Winters, Ad-
visor of Women Students.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
CHURCH," Dr. John Edward
GROUPS for Students at Wesley
SERVICE of new officers. Dr.
Stalker, leader and speaker.
8:00 P. M.-Convocation in Hill
Auditorium. Dr. Rufus Jones.
On East Huron, below State
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister for
9:45 A. M.-The Church School.
Mr. Wallace Watt, Supt.
9:45 A. M.-University students at
Guild House. Mr. Chapman.
10:45 A. M.-The Church Worship.
Mr. Sayles will preach. Topic:
5:30 P. M.-The Friendship Hour
for students and young people at
Guild House. Refreshments.
6:30 P. M.-Devotional Service.
Topic: "Marks of an Educated

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor
for University Women.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
"Vocation Day" to be observed by
the Presbyterian Church at large.
Sermon topic: "When the Master
12:00 Noon-Student Class, Prof.
H. Y. McClusky, teacher. "Mental
Hygiene and Religion."
5:30 P. M.-Social hour for young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing. Leader: W. 0. Henderson:
Sunday Morning Service
of the
breades from
The. Detroit Civic Theiaeze
11:30 AM. Easten Shand. Tim
10:30 A.MACntral Stand. TzmĀ«
(Begimia Jan. 9, 1930)
Seeing forth the Principles by which
nan may unfold within his life thai
Healith. Peeve ana Prosperity which.
God has provided.
F1:05 P.M. Eastern Stand. T'ro
10:05 PAL'Centnd Stand. Timm


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7:30 P. M.-Sunday Services. Rev.
Thomas L. Harris director, of
Harris Hall and assistant Rector
of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
will speak at services in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
8:30 P. M.-Open House at the
State and William
Rev. Allison Ray Heaps. Minister
Sunday, May 4
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
"Religion and the Bread Line."
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship.
6:00 P. M.-Fellowship Supper.
6:30 P. M.-Lecture by Dr. W. B.
Hinsdale on "The Early Chrisitian
Mission Among Michigan Indi.


tLIJ. oJllgu, gW11V .AU ' U=11 JA b_ _ _ _ _ _ _
around Europe earning a meagre
living by playing his violin and BETHLEHEM ST. ANDREW'S
writing imitative poetry. Yeats in- { EVANGELICAL CHURCH EPISCOPAL CHURCH
terested him in the Irish Renais- Division and Cathrine St.
sance and induced him to go back (Ivangelical Synod of N. A.)
to Dublin. And, of course, from Fourth Ave. between Packard and Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
his first play he proved the great- William Rev. T. L. Harris, Assistant
iest genius the theatre has produc- .Rev. Theodore R. Schmale BE CONSISTENT
ed. 8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
Yeats tells the story and now be- IN YOUR RELIGION
lieves, Robinson says, that seeing 9:00 A: M.-Bible School. 9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion.
the back of Mr. Robinson's head 10:00 A M.-Mornin Worsh ATTEND CHURCH (Student Chapel in Harris Hall.)
one day in the theatre, he said to Sermon topic: "Pentecost and the REGULARLY 9:30 A., M.---hrch School.
Lady Gregory next to him: "That Power to Witness." (Kindergarten at ii o'clock.)
man will be our next manager."
Again, a somewhat preposterous 11:00 A. M.-German Service. 11:00 A. M.--Moring Prayer; ser-
Yeatsian statement proved 'a pro- 7:00 P. M.-Young People's mon by Dr. fus Jones o
phecy. Robinson became director . Haverford College
of the theatre in 1909. Lg
He left during the war and re- -.
turning in 1919, he found the the-
atre barely existing with four hun-
dred dollars as capital. Robinson, ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN
spent the money to paint the 'the- ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST CHURCH
atre red and started the laborious s CHRIST, SCIENTIST CHURCH
task of rebuilding all its traditions., Washigton St. at Fifth Ave.
It struggled desperately to live dur- E. C. Stellihorn, Pastor 409 . Division St. hird and Wes Liberty Sts
ing the Anglo-Irish war. At the . C. A. Brauer, Pastor
close of that war it expected a sub- 10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning
sidy from the newly created Irish 10:30 A. M.---The sermon subject Service. 9:00 A. M.-German Service.
Free State. But the too proud will be "The Lordship of Jesus." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
sate somewhat distrusted the Ab- ing the morning service. 10:00 A. M.-Sunday School
bey Theatre because of its shabby 12:00 M.-Student Bible Class. 7:30 P. M.-Wednesday Evening 11:00 A. M.-English Service. Ser-
condition at the time and postpon- testimonial meeting. mon: "The Lord Is My Shepherd."
Civil War broke out. 5:30 P. M.--Student Fellowship and 6:00 P. M.-Student Supper.
During the war it maintained its Supper. The Reading Room, 10 and 11
existence' in spite of diverse com- State Savings Bank Building, is open dar wil speadHsu ola.
mands from both parties to close: 6:30 P. M.-Student Forum, daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, exceptpk H I
and stay open coming at the same Sundays and legal holidays.
time, both with accompanying I _ __------_!1

(From the Cornell Sun)
The great English game of rugby
which has found so much favor at
Harvard and Yale recently might
well serve' to get more people outI
in the open during the spring sea-
son. At the present time a springs

sport with the universal appeal of lines (together with those in the
soccer is not on the roster. middle) are drowned out by a con-
Rugby has so many desirable tinual shower of peanuts - in the
features that its tremendous popu- shell, out of the shell, and by the
larity in England is readily under- bagful. The villain is hissed, the
standable. Given a decent chance, reformed, drunkard applauded, and
the British brand of football has everybody (including the cast) is
easily come to share the spotlight kept in what I should term exceed-
with our own gridiron variety. If ingly high spirits.
we must have over-emphasis on } "Ten Night, etc." is better than

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